Ron Paul - My Hero

18  2012-01-04 by [deleted]

Ron Paul is such a great guy, I can't believe he is getting so much shit here on reddit. It is obvious that the media hates him, it is a vast conspiracy from the left, the right and overseas governments. His views on drug legalization are spot on, if I want to buy cocaine in a pharmacy, the government has no right to stop me! Listening to him speak about our Military really opened my eyes. We need to bring every single troop, plane, aircraft carrier and submarine home! I suggest we set up a 'house our troop' drive to provide a place for the troops to stay when they come back. The Hudson Bay is the ideal place to park our aircraft carriers.

Edit: Poe's Law in action, a case study. Thank you all for your participation.



I snorted. Thanks for that.

Ron Paul is my hero too. Doesn't matter if he wins the nomination or not, I will write him in, just like I did for the last election. Peace is what I want. I agree 100% with Seref15: "Not killing innocent children in the Middle East is basically worth every potential economic and social problem his administration could bring." here

You underestimate the power of people who want america as bff to do their dirty work.

90% are controlled opposition, the 10% are just clowns reciting from someone else.

So the Ron Paul supporters are the 0%?

I don't think the media hates Ron Paul, I just think they're aware that, even with his fervent support, he's very, very unlikely to win the GOP nomination. It's the same reason they don't give much coverage to Jon Huntsman or Fred Karger.

Ron Paul's supporters are very vocal, but they're not as far-reaching as they'd hope, and that's not because the media is out to get Ron Paul, it's because most Americans don't agree with most of his policies.

The MSM does hate Ron Paul. If Ron Paul walked on water, the newspaper headline would read "Ron Paul Can't Swim".

Some of y'all think that Ron Paul can walk on water. Unfortunately, many of his positions don't fall in line with how America feels about a variety of issues. If you're wondering why he can't break through, it's not because of the media, it's because of his policies.

If Ron Paul walked on water, the headline would actually read, "Perennial GOP candidate fails to make waves."

Rule number 1: Do not say "Ron Paul"

Paul ran in 1988 as a young man and this is second time running for President as a Republican. This is does not qualify as perennial. You're full of shit.

So Ron Paul hasn't run 11 times for the House as GOP, once for president as a Libertarian (which might as well be GOP in the eyes of the public) and twice for president as a Republican? Sounds like a career Republican to me. He's been in office as a Republican almost as long as I've been alive. If it walks like a duck...

And, if you're trying to convince me that I'm wrong about Ron Paul, resorting to name calling because you can't articulate your point in an argument is not a smart way of going about winning over anyone, including the 75% of Republicans that think Paul is a loon.

Assholes can't be convinced, because they are assholes.

There you go again. What makes me an asshole, the fact that I don't think the media hates Ron Paul?

Seriously, learn what people who disagree with Paul actually think about issues and learn how to convince them otherwise. I'm not saying Paul is a bad guy or even in the same league as the other GOP presidential candidates, but I am saying that I disagree with Ron Paul's foreign policy points, some of his ideas about reducing the size and scope of the federal government, some of his ideas with regard to deregulation and his personal opposition to same-sex marriages (I know, I know, "let the states decide..."). I have philosophical differences of opinion than Paul, but does that really make me an "asshole" or "full of shit"?

If your demeanor is any indication of the kind of people that support Ron Paul, he's in sorry shape.

The fact that you don't think at all.

That makes someone a sheep, not an asshole. And trust me, I do think, I just don't think like you do.

You parrot the words of others.

Whose words do I parrot?

53 is a young man? You're full of shit.

"The MSM does hate Ron Paul. If Ron Paul walked on water, the newspaper headline would read Ron Paul Can't Swim".

This made me lol

We would still have deployed sub's and satellites. The kind that could rain hellfire down on any spot on earth in under 2 hours.

In-fact, for the price of Iraq and Afghanistan we could have 17 International Space Stations all to ourselves.

We need to bring every single troop, plane, aircraft carrier and submarine home

The only part of that I agree with.

one day we'll all know that the worlds elections were a fraud.

Obama was a lot of people's hero a few years ago. I wish you hardcore Ron Paul supporters could see yourselves lately.

Reread my post...