Top 25 secrets to get your research going

30  2012-01-04 by [deleted]

Hey I just typed these down from the top of my head, there is no certain order, feel free to expand. Each of these points can be documented, never straight in your face (this would be too easy), but the math adds up well.

biggest secrets of all time

  1. The Appollo moonlandings were produced by Stanley Kubrick. There are remains of an old but extinct civilization on the moon.

  2. Jesus was the last of the Hebrew pharaoh Hyksos kings, son of Cleopatra. He was used to create a new religion.

  3. All boom and bust cycles were instigated by the Rothschild banking empire since the 17th century

  4. Evolution, darwinism and big bang theories are completely fabricated and utterly wrong

  5. Third dimension mastery consists of love and forgiveness. Humans can never die, death is the ultimate illusion. We reincarnate to learn lessons on earth.

  6. Communism and Naziism were intentionally designed as Hegelian thesis and antithesis to drive world history via war conflicts. 

  7. There is about 10x more gold available worldwide than officially stated. Once this becomes known the price will crash hard

  8. oil is not a fossil fuel and reproduced in lower earth layers permanently

  9. global warming is not man made but rather result of sun activity. this fact was used by the Club of Rome to create a global threat in the drive to world taxation and government

  10. George W Bush is the grandson of Aleister Crowley

  11. Obama (saetoro) family is a complete CIA asset

  12. Assange Wikileaks is a  Cass R. Sunstein psy op covering for US/ UK war crimes

  13. The tribe of Dan is behind Zionism and 95% of all jews are Khazarians and not Hebrews or semitic

  14. The titanic was sunk to eliminate FED opponents

  15. The USA has a secret Masonic destiny, going back to visions expressed by Francis bacon

  16. The so-called elite drives drug business and people trafficking (paedophile rings), the two most lucrative businesses on earth

  17. The bible was written by 4 individuals, creating 3 rings out of 1, function is mind control

  18. there are soulless entities amongst us and they are in control of world affairs. They wish to keep as many of our souls in their realm as possible

  19. 911 was planned long before the building of the twin towers (boaz and jachin) 

  20. Thoughts are objects that lead their own life after we let them go. 

  21. Hitler's father was a Rothschild bastard son, thus Adolf was at least a 25% jew. He was an illuminati, just like Stalin and Truman and Churchill

  22. Human beings are the result of DNA experiments

  23. Eyes Wide Shut is a genuine account of Illuminati rituals, thus Kubrick had to die 4 days after first screening

  24. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley were elite insiders and knew the hidden agenda, expressed them in their works

  25. All modern diseases and viruses were designed to reduce populations and make money from human suffering


I urge you to read The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins, the way he portraits and explains evolution... its just so obvious that it is NOT fabricated, as pieces of evidence intertwine and form a homogeneous, consistent picture.

E: wording

This list is mostly utter shit. I remember when I first clicked on YouTube too.

Some of these are true.

Some of these are false.

Otherwise a good collection fitting this subreddit nicely.


do tell how you came about with your conclusion on number 4 because there does seem to be solid evidence on evolution and the big bang.


(Can't tell if serious)

Im sure he is. Im a little new to r/conspiracy so im a little skeptical about a lot of them. Some I completley agree

Did you just find info about this stuff on random sites, or did you have a main one?


I would think that #3,4,5 &7 come as a result of #1 & 2. #6 sounds like a very individual thing.


Amazing, huh?

Schizophrenia ( /ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness.[1] It most commonly manifests itself as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction

Well, I would personally rather be schizophrenic than participate in this carefully crafted mass psychotic delusion called "modern life."


Seems this is what you see behind you when you, when you unchain and turn around, creating the shadows of Plato's cave.

Each of these points can be documented

Okay then were's your references?

Thanks for the giggle.


Do elaborate.

Evolution, darwinism and big bang theories are completely fabricated and utterly wrong

I highly doubt you'll be able to refute all the literature concerning theories on the big bang.


Your view directly contradicts peer reviewed research, and the scientific method. Provide a source for your claims (which, y'know, provides some credible evidence) that isn't just, "Well, aliens told me these theories are wrong so they're wrong." (I'm looking at you, Alex Collier.)

Can you please post links to back this up ?

In my opinion what is wrong is to deny ideas, researches or theories without giving your own - as full, experienced and well proved or convincing as the ones you disagree with !

I can't tell if the OP is serious or trolling. Some of these claims are even far our for r/cons.

Go to youtube. There are videos about each of these points that include evidence and source material.





but if the moon landing was faked by stanley kubrick then how can you use the photos from the moon as evidence of ancient cities?


got any links for these pics?


I just finished watching it... just wow.....

That blew my mind.


All of these claims are common knowledge or belief (some are false beliefs). OP is selling a book.


Then you know the secret of true wealth as well as all these other "secrets".

You have to remember some of the insanity that is considered "common knowledge" here though.

A couple of days ago I saw a nationally recognized talking head say that he believes the official 9/11 story because there is no evidence otherwise. That is the "common knowledge".

As do I. I'm open to the idea but till I see verifiable evidence on the same scale as other scandals (Iran-Contra, Pat Tillman....) the "official story" is the most well supported by facts.

Are you denying that? There is ZERO evidence for the "inside job 911" theory. It's all coincidences and "THIS LOOKS FUNNY" amateur engineers.

10. George W is the grandson of Alistair Crowley. Is that because Barbara Bush is Alistair's daughter? What is her maiden name?



"Third dimension mastery consists of love and forgiveness. Humans can never die, death is the ultimate illusion. We reincarnate to learn lessons on earth."


"George W Bush is the grandson of Aleister Crowley"

Please elaborate.



What was the catalyst that set you in this direction..? Did you lay to rest your 'ego' in the process (in depth confrontation with evil)? What was this evil?

Supposedly Aleister Crowley had a torrid affair with Pauline Pierce, which resulted in the birth of Barbara Pierce, who eventually married George H.W. Bush...

I feel like this is the appropriate response to several of these things.

Most or all of them, actually.

[Citation needed]

Seriously, some of this stuff just disregards any sort of logic or reason.

All modern diseases and viruses were designed to reduce populations and make money from human suffering

No? Do you have any idea what science is?

Human beings are the result of DNA experiments

No, they're the result of millions of years of evolution.

The titanic was sunk to eliminate FED opponents

The Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg.

oil is not a fossil fuel and reproduced in lower earth layers permanently

So I guess Newton's laws of thermodynamics were more like suggestions, then?

Eyes Wide Shut is a genuine account of Illuminati rituals, thus Kubrick had to die 4 days after first screening

70-year-olds never have heart attacks, right? If the "Illuminati" was trying to "silence" Kubrick, wouldn't they have done it before he made the movie?


I have done in depth research on these points, believe me.

Then surely you'd be happy to provide evidence for the assertions you made?

could you expand a little on your points about spirituality? thanks.


close your eyes. whatever image you see, see it w/o judgment. don't label it, don't say the object's name. this will take a lot of concentration.

gotta deprogram yourself, completely

Olive juice, man.

Thank you for reminding me for what was, for what is and for what will be.

Can you give some insight in regards to the diet switch?


I've been working hard on changing my diet after doing research in to different foods and all of what I'm doing falls in line with what you've said. It's amazing not only the physical, but the mental improvements you feel when you stop eating these poisons.

Any interesting presentation on sugar, I'll assume that you've already seen this.

Totally agree that the increase in these diseases is directly related to the current state of nutrition, world over. I think it's worth mentioning the damage that food preservatives are also doing especially those used in meats.

My next plan is to buy a 7 stage RO system to get that fluoride and other nasties out of my drinking water.

My next plan is to buy a 7 stage RO system to get that fluoride and other nasties out of my drinking water.

What is this, can you give more details ?

It is a reverse Osmosis system, here is the one I'm looking at getting. Edit: It's also worth looking at adding electrolyte salts back in to your drinking water after you've run it through an R/O system as in intensive as that one.

Just use natural sea salts liberally and eat some seaweed a few times a week.

You get your iodine and all your mineral salts from a proper diet, no need to add them to your water unless it tastes flat.

Thank you

When you write down something like this, you should give sources and explanation, because presented like this has no scientific or at least convincing value!


Your post is based on quotes. Os course that people convince or not themselves, but in that case your title isn't right. You present everything as truth, using the mysterious "secrets". You can call them like this if you give a source, if not - they are theories! This is what I questioned, don't even want to go to some of the points you wrote.

crazy pills, you've been skipping them for awhile haven't you?

So my question to you you think all of this awful shite will ever end? Manipulation, control etc.

I agree with most of this. I too have spent several years in almost non-stop research. I'm now left in a position of having few people I can talk to. My view of reality is dramatically different than almost everybody else. I understand about the loneliness.

Definitely agree about Julian Assange. If he was on the side of truth and justice we would've never heard his name.

Also: Paul McCartney was killed because he wouldn't advance the drug agenda...replaced by someone who would. Check out these before 1967/after 1967 pics.

Also, alien abduction is real. Check out "The Threat" by David Jacobs. Tenured history professor at Temple University. You can't read that book and not conclude that people are being abducted and that a massive program to create alien-human hybrids is going on. Those hybrids are now adults and being placed in positions of power around the world. Check out the Aussie prime minister. I really wonder about her.

My irrational fear of death evaporated once I researched the 5th. I'm so happy there are others who know this stuff, and do not dismiss it as new-age bullshit.

People who have been in comas or were dead woke up and reported that there was simply nothing.

In addition, there have been reports of blind persons dying in surgery, and seeing for the first time in years as they hover above their bodies. As well as those children who remember intricate details about their past lives. A coworker of mine is one of those people.

Perhaps those who report experiencing nothing are those with no soul. In the end, it doesn't really matter. Fear of death is pointless.

It's not so much dying, but the idea that consciousness is a temporary thing that is terrifying.

How could some people have souls and others have no souls?

If you look around, you'll notice that there's now like 7 billion of us. Earlier, not that much. That gives us with four distinct possibilities; 1) some people are born without a soul, 2) souls splinter up and divide (forming new souls), 3) time doesn't really move in a linear fashion from an eternal point of view and a solipsistic world view is an entirely possible scenario where we're all actually the subjective way for the universe to know itself. And lastly 4) there is no such thing as an eternal soul.

My view of the world leans strongly towards the 3rd option.

While I disagree with you on the idea that "all" modern diseases and viruses were designed to reduce populations and make money from suffering, I would indeed go with "most."

I would like to hear your bible views in more detail. I am aware of the theory of the Roman playwright family writing it.


Supposedly this whole NWO is a Vatican led NWO, with the Vatican being the remnants of the Roman Empire. All roads lead to Rome. The Vatican then created Christianity and Islam as forms of social control.

5 / 22 Genetically engineered beings have souls? What? I'd agree with a good number of your points, but I'm pretty skeptical of all this new age stuff. Dimensions and whatnot. All the other points can be assumed to be real possibilities based on coincidences and connections, but this extradimensional reality stuff does not seem to have anything to back it up.


I guess what I actually disagreed with was your statement that we exist to learn lessons with each reincarnation. That's just a bit too "original sin Biblical" for me. But there is definitely something "far out" about the world that we don't know, but those higher up do know. I get the impression that it's some sort of mind over matter situation (which could be considered spiritual).

The Matrix (an insider film) was a pretty significant movie for me, as that's what it seemed to be about. Mind over matter. The mind (or maybe something inhabiting the body) being completely separate from the body, which leads me to ponder all this stuff about a third eye and such.

I'm with you on pretty much all of these, it's really just #12 I have personal qualms with, and would like to have your suggestions on where or what source would be able to change my mind about that.

Two other things, though:

I thought Ralph Ellis found Jesus to be the grandson of Cleopatra, not direct progeny. Unless you do mean son?

Also what do you mean in #17 about "creating 3 rings out of 1"? Would be interested to hear your elaboration on just that one phrase. Thank you for posting.


The "Jesus is the son of Cleopatra and Mark Antony" thing can only work if you start with the Bible as being historical. The Bible story is allegorical.

Assange blew his cover when he gave the only unedited cables to the media, and only let us proles see the censored versions.

Thankfully somebody released the full, unedited leaks much to Julian's chagrin.

Of course his excuse for releasing the edited version only to the public is that there are innocent lives at risk. One doesn't have to think too hard to realize that any lives involved in the dirty business that has been going on are hardly innocent.

Lovely info here.

  1. Third dimension mastery consists of love and forgiveness. Humans can never die, death is the ultimate illusion. We reincarnate to learn lessons on earth.

I read that the extra dimentional entities control us by having us worship them and by using language - symbolic words called ME's - to deceive us into worshiping them as gods in an unconsious way and this is how they maintain mastery of this dimension.

Interesting, can you tell any more or provide the source? What are "ME's"? I sort of remember coming across some information about words and language shaping the world around us.

I can't recall just now where I first read this.

More than one hundred ME's, those enigmatic objects that, like computer disks, held the knowledge arranged by subject, were kept by him in his center, Eridu, in Sumer; at the southern tip of Africa, a scientific station held "the tablet of wisdom." All that knowledge was in time shared by Enki with his six sons, each of whom became expert in one or more of these scientific secrets.

It's widely regarded that texts and instructions were handed down to men to give them kingship or lordship as referred in Enoch's tales. This is how they control humans and this dimension.

Is it co-incidence that China is so named ? from their first ruler called 'Cain' ? and remembered in other forms like Kan, Kieng and Chien all resembling the name Cain ?

Following up,

These seances summoned demons described in the ancient 'Book of Howling', otherwise known as the 'Goetia' - the demons prescribed a method of controlling the hearts and minds of all peoples on planet Earth - and recommended dividing our planet into a series of regions and states - what we today call 'THE NEW WORLD ORDER.



(QUESTION: IS ROCK MUSIC AN OUTGROWTH OF WITCHCRAFT?)--YOU CAN'T PRACTICE WITCHCRAFT WITHOUT IT! Now when I was in there, I was president of the largest booking agency--they've had to change their name since then because of the publicity I've been giving them--but at the time they were called Zodiac Productions. I knew most of the rock groups in the united States--I still do.

NOW THAT MEANS WHEN YOU GO BUY AN ALBUM & YOU TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU, IT'S LIKE BUYING A BOX OF CRACKER JACKS: YOU GET A FREE SURPRISE--IT'S CALLED A DEMON! It goes along with the record. Now much of the music is written in witch language by witches. Elton John has made the statement that he has never written a song or sung a song that was not written in witch language, example: "Beyond the Yellow Brick Road" is 100% witch language.

thutmosis = moses and the ark of the covenant's container was the sarcophagus of khonsu.

somebody, somewhere fucked with the numbers and that's why our information contradicts.

response to 4: I don't think utterly wrong but not the end all be all scientists make it out to be. response to 5: I have asked myself many times. am I dead? for how long if I am? then I ask, so what if I am, it doesn't make my experience any less real to me. I am real because I exist. 6. I agree 8. first I have heard of that. could you plz elaborate? 9. agree it was fabricated but could you elaborate on club rome. 10. being the son of a nazi sympathizer during ww2 is far worse. 11. sotero = soteria= savior, Ptolemy soter. 12. yes 18. yes 19. interesting 20. yes 21. on the illuminati part. don't know about the rest. 22. most likely 25. and to force genetic mutations.


"The strength of a spirit should be measured according to how much of the truth one can endure." Friedrich Nietzsche.

If you, and the rest of us, are good, then this (right here, right now) will be a happy place.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has an entry saying all a galactic hitchhiker needs to know about Earth.

"Don't panic."


"Don't Panic" is inscribed in large, friendly letters on the cover of the guide.

The entry on Earth, depending on the edition of the guide you read, says either "Harmless" or "Mostly Harmless". The extra word having been added by Ford Prefect after his extended stay on our planet.

Most of it is true. Some of it is conjecture. Some of it is false. Some of it is belief not fact. Your religion can shield you from the truth and help you ignore or incorporate the facts into your world view. However, you can survive without the delusion.

I just finished watching it... just wow.....

That blew my mind.


"Don't Panic" is inscribed in large, friendly letters on the cover of the guide.

The entry on Earth, depending on the edition of the guide you read, says either "Harmless" or "Mostly Harmless". The extra word having been added by Ford Prefect after his extended stay on our planet.

Amazing, huh?

Schizophrenia ( /ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness.[1] It most commonly manifests itself as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction

You have to remember some of the insanity that is considered "common knowledge" here though.