Are the Illuminati really in control?

4  2012-01-05 by plannpony

I've read that the Illuminati has only been in control twice. During WW1 and during Napoleon. If they aren't in control now... what is keeping them from being in control?


They aren't in control, they just want you to think they are.

Well, it is all about mind control... so, yes, if everybody actually had accurate thought models for how money/media/politics are being used to control their minds, then the top class would quickly lose their power. Problem is, all sources of information are, in fact, very sanitized to prevent this type of enlightenment.

If they really were in control us us they would need to:

1: control the media 2:control the food supply 3: control the US military 4: control world monetary supply

Beyond this there are a few more specifics, but I wont go into anything deeper to keep this short. Beyond that let me say that hypnotism is very real and about 95% of people are susceptible to this and television and movies are perfect vehicles for putting your mind into an alpha state and download you with messages. Sounds pretty out there unless you actually do the research. Alan watt did a really good video about this called "Enslavement of the mind".

Control of the human mind is how world power has been implemented for thousands of years. The techniques have merely advanced, that's all.

I like how "control the schooling system" is absent from this list.

i forgot to add that one. nice catch.

who is in control of the monetary system? thats who.

They wish to be in control. Hence all of what we see.

Does that mean they actually ARE in control?

That's more up to us than them.

But how do we keep them from being in control? Don't they have power over us?

They only have as much power as we agree that they have.

They cannot control everything. So they choose the largest blocks they can find: 1.) money, 2.) government and 3.) information. Those are levels of control that seem overwhelming, but once you see through them the control begins to degrade - almost evaporate. The man behind the curtain loses power when you see him for what he is (The Wizard of Oz [novel] was about central banking by the way).

1.) Their money system is failing, but that was likely planned. Not that it matters. We, by way of 9th and 10th amendment can charter our own banks and coin our own money (no kidding). Money is little more than a medium of exchange. We allow them control of a medium that ought to be public. This is an injustice and I expect people to take it back as they properly should sooner or later (propbably not within my lifetime).

2.) Their government organization is so corrupt that it is falling apart before our very eyes. Look at these presidential 'candidates.' They must conceal their corruption and side-step all real questions. What will their slogans be? "I only stripped away three rights relative to my opponent." or "I'll only rob you if you're poor." This is what our 'democracy' has devolved into. I can't imagine it limping along for much longer.

3.) Information. Knowledge truly is power. They know this. Which is why the clamp down on media. This is a centuries old technique and the only bone in their works is the internet. People are catching on like never before. I woke up by accident. Many others are doing the same right now. So long as we think and discuss on ur own terms - not their terms - we are playing by our game. The illuminati have defined the game as such: A.) If we play by their rules they win. B.) If we do not play by their rules they lose. C.) They will do anything necessary to keep us well within their rule set.

So, if we decide to not play their game we win.

They are a few. We are many. I think we have a shot.

for a long time.

No, its mostly just billionaires. They don't care what old group you belong to, as long as you have more money that 99.99999% of the world.

Can anyone explain why if you type illuminati backwards into google, the national security agency comes up?

yes. because someone bought the domain name and redirected it.

corruption is world wide and at a small scale and large scale... local and federal for us in the USA. Illuminati is for dumb bastards, but if you want to learn about real corruption that plagues civilization... you'd have to understand the Octopus.


No, they are not in control. You're safe. Now ignore this rumor and go play Skyrim, or see the latest movies and TV, and believe in Mitt Romney. Remember, you're safe and there's little to worry about, we're making sure you're okay. Relax. Sit back. Do your eyes feel tired? Just rest for a little while. Good. Now, remember, Reddit is evil. There's nothing to worry about. Don't worry about Illuminati. Iran is evil. Ron Paul is evil. Vote for Mitt. Have some pizza. Sleep now.

You've solved everyone's problems. Thank you.

You're welcome. Make sure you don't go anywhere for the next 20 minutes, and ignore any odd noises at the door.

There is a much less powerful, but just-as-clever light masonry which opposes them; not always or directly, but at key astrological junctures which disrupt their plans for absolute control; this is why they are now delayed, and in such a hurry to get back on schedule; but their antics have been so slapdash and ham handed of late, it really does look like the wheels are starting to come off (again).

Please elaborate

I generally agree with this.

Why would "astrological junctures" have any effect on matters?

A lot of 'their' plans occur at key astrological moments, so in some ways one can map out their activities. So much of what 'they' do is rooted in esoteric ritual... You can see it all over in city planning, monuments, etc. It makes sense that an opposing force would meet them on an esoteric level.

I guess the weight of astrology and its effects holds little bearing on reddit, but it has a powerful effect within the collective conscious and subconscious. Pretty much everyone knows their zodiac sign, yet only a handful in comparison know their blood type. Some people believe in it and others don't, though I'm pretty confident that 'they' believe in it and use it where they can.

I've been exploring the teachings of the Emerald Tablet and Hermetic teachings for this purpose. Are you referring to the Great White Brotherhood?

As above, so below, so yes, I suppose so; but I was more specifically referring to the earthly hermetic brotherhoods that weren't corrupted (much) by the Bavarian Illuminati, and continued to be optimistic in their work for the development of mankind; "Light Masonry" simply being an umbrella term.

It was made up by Zionist Israel to make people believe in Illuminati, lizard human hybrids. When in reality all that has happened is they have manipulated and found out all the sub conscious tweeks that will play with pure thought. They did human experiments for decades, and during ww2 you cant imagine what they did. They have technology that would change the world but look at what happened to Tesla and his buddy JP Morgan.


It will be interesting to see if Ben Fulford and all on that front are able to effect the change they have been claiming. I certainly support the effort.


Having read about some of his weird claims, I think he lives in a different universe to everyone else.

(Note - not literally!)

No one is in control. That's why everything is rubbish.

i forgot to add that one. nice catch.

They only have as much power as we agree that they have.

They cannot control everything. So they choose the largest blocks they can find: 1.) money, 2.) government and 3.) information. Those are levels of control that seem overwhelming, but once you see through them the control begins to degrade - almost evaporate. The man behind the curtain loses power when you see him for what he is (The Wizard of Oz [novel] was about central banking by the way).

1.) Their money system is failing, but that was likely planned. Not that it matters. We, by way of 9th and 10th amendment can charter our own banks and coin our own money (no kidding). Money is little more than a medium of exchange. We allow them control of a medium that ought to be public. This is an injustice and I expect people to take it back as they properly should sooner or later (propbably not within my lifetime).

2.) Their government organization is so corrupt that it is falling apart before our very eyes. Look at these presidential 'candidates.' They must conceal their corruption and side-step all real questions. What will their slogans be? "I only stripped away three rights relative to my opponent." or "I'll only rob you if you're poor." This is what our 'democracy' has devolved into. I can't imagine it limping along for much longer.

3.) Information. Knowledge truly is power. They know this. Which is why the clamp down on media. This is a centuries old technique and the only bone in their works is the internet. People are catching on like never before. I woke up by accident. Many others are doing the same right now. So long as we think and discuss on ur own terms - not their terms - we are playing by our game. The illuminati have defined the game as such: A.) If we play by their rules they win. B.) If we do not play by their rules they lose. C.) They will do anything necessary to keep us well within their rule set.

So, if we decide to not play their game we win.

They are a few. We are many. I think we have a shot.