Are US Presidential Elections really Rigged?
27 2012-01-11 by tomretterbush
The US Presidential election was first rigged when the United States first became a nation by our Founding Fathers, or do you really think they left the outcome to the votes of colonial settlers?
15 Superconducter 2012-01-11
Clint Curtis wrote the vote rigging software and is seen here testifying in court to that fact.
11 qykslvr 2012-01-11
I worked one summer re-setting voting machines all over Kentucky. There were MANY seals cut that should have only been cut by me. The new electronic machines only make it easier to rig results. So, yeah, vote all you want... your vote hasn't counted for a long time. Oh, and for the record, I vote every time I get a chance!!!
8 tomretterbush 2012-01-11
The entire US voting system is rigged by the elitists to keep their control over their "subjects" in this so-called "democratic" society.
3 Tobar7 2012-01-11
Ohio - 2004.
3 upplyy 2012-01-11
You don't need to rig an election when you can brainwash the voters. I think they use dirty tactics only when they think it is going to be close.
1 ronintetsuro 2012-01-11
Almost. They make the reesults close so they have plausible denial for the vote fraud that will inevitably happen.
2 tttt0tttt 2012-01-11
Effectively, the election is rigged ... but not in the voting booths. It is rigged by the way it is set up. A very small group of wealthy men can buy their agents into office, and once they have their men in place, they can control the laws of the nation, the courts, the military ... everything, for their own advantage. That is what exists in the US today, a plutocracy that is rapidly instituting neo-fascism on the general population as a way of being able to continue to control it.
1 clowncar 2012-01-11
Read about ChoicePoint.
1 TheHadMatter 2012-01-11
1 inkandpaperguy 2012-01-11
Do you actually think the pathway of planned events is dependent on who wins an election? Erosion of social freedom, endless war, SOPA/ NDAA, Guantanamo, etc.
There is significant, documented evidence that Goldman Sachs runs the US government, not the white house. The Rothschilds family (aka Bank for International Settlements) own the world's banking system. Almost every country's national bank terminates their debt with these crooks (except, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba? and only one or two others).