Israelis Caught Pretending to Be CIA Agents

50  2012-01-13 by [deleted]


Couple of quotes:

According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives -- what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" operation.

"It's amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with," the intelligence officer said. "Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn't give a damn what we thought."

Information to take out of these quotes, and the article as a whole:

  • Israel has complete contempt for the United States
  • Isreal uses and abuses the US for its own purposes
  • Israel finances its operations with US tax dollars
  • Israel seeks to blame the US for its own crimes

The new 'Bureau of Counterterrorism' has a mission guideline of 'providing positive alternatives to extremist groups in areas where they might have sway' (paraphrase). As far as we know, they could be involved in operations like these.


Dude, you really need to learn how to use Google. Here you go though, first results on the page for 'Bureau of Counterterrorism'.

I like

I was going to, but that's a dick move. Even used towards trolls that claim to be the 'devil's advocate'.

Israel: the ultimate high-maintenance girlfriend.

toting U.S. passports

Forged or secretly provided by CIA?

posed as CIA officers

One would think that would require CIA identification too. There again, forged or provided by the CIA?

Remember when they used fake British passports for the sloppy Dubai hit? Ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky also discusses how they fake passports in his book By Way of Deception.

This doesn't sound like 9/11 at all. This shouldn't shock anyone.

Mossad: "Haha. Fuck you. Don't forget to keep sending us money, suckers."

Congress: removes thumb from ass and sucks on it.

And Israel will continuing doing whatever they want until we're in WWIII.

*CIA officers. Agents are contracted or recruited by officers but are not officially part of the CIA. It's a common mistake.

New information to me. A small detail but details are important. Thanks

Anyone employed by the CIA would LOL at you. Members of the DO who recruit foreign spies are called case officers. "Agent" is something you picked up in hollywood or on TV.

I think you must've misread because that's exactly what i said and meant. And I know, it's really annoying how the news and movies always call them 'agents.' I've been researching the intelligence world for twelve years of my life now and was taught Arabic/MES classes by ex-spooks in college so I think I know the difference. lol

edit- In this case Katsas (Mossad case officers) were posing as CIA officers

edit- On second though the Katsas were probably posing as CIA paramilitary officers. They use less finesse and more commando direct action than case officers and would likely be the ones to liaise with these types and carry out this kind of operation.

I don't know how others feel, but this article is a fairly important one. I can now show others that Mossad agents posing as fictitious characters is not only a real possibility but does indeed happen.

Too bad I don't have many friends that can get past 3 paragraphs, let alone 3 pages.

No you're definitely right, it's huge. Let's see if it gets any traction in the MSM though. My guess is it won't.

Why would it? How many average Americans do you know give a flying fuck about intelligence. If "the news" was forced to only air really important shit then the bulk of the country would simply turn the channel. Most Americans can't find Iran on a map, why would they care about an issue like this?

I don't share your worldview.

I don't think he's saying it is his view. He's just stating that's generally how Americans think. And i agree. Most of us (not me) would rather watch some stupid, pointless shit than learn about corrupt, fucked up things we should want changed or fixed.

Top websites that the average American visits...

  • facebook
  • google
  • twitter
  • amazon
  • blogspot
  • msn
  • youtube
  • yahoo
  • wikipedia
  • ebay
  • linkin
  • craigslist
  • cnn

Source -

Note: They're not in the same order. I just started typing the ones I thought guess and then I went and got a source and added more.

It's passed time to cut the cord with these fuckers.

Sounds like the old American spies pretending to be Canadians trick.

I wonder why America allows the continued application of Zion's leash?

A redditor on r/conspiracy claims that the USA has been so indoctrinated by christianity that it has become second nature for the population to accept "the Jew" as a superior being. I am no fan of organized religion ... at first, I thought it was nonsense. When I see articles like this, I cant help but wonder if there is some truth to that redditor's theory ...

I am not racist ... I believe that hate is hate. I believe that not all muslims are terrorists and not all jews are zionists. I cannot seem to find another reason for this supplicant behaviour to this tiny, vocal and increasingly powerful group by the world's only super power. WTF?

It's threads like this that make me wanna read this sub reddit and then I see all the comments hating on the Jews and I remember why I don't.

There isn't one comment about hating Jews in this thread. That little trick is so tired.


Remember when they used fake British passports for the sloppy Dubai hit? Ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky also discusses how they fake passports in his book By Way of Deception.