The proper SOPA blackout

39  2012-01-16 by Sarah_Connor

It is beyond silly for Google, youtube, Reddit, Facebook, HN, and all others to go dark to protest SOPA for a day.

Instead - these major drivers of internet traffic should block traffic to all supporters of SOPA including .gov, .com, etc sites -- FOR A WEEK.

They should only allow traffic amongst themselves. Show the SOPA supporters who is really in control of traffic and visibility.

There is no reason legitimate content should be blocked - only oppressive stances should be blocked.

This will really show the internet how things work - you get your content from forward thinking companies, services and technologies. Not from backwards oppressive douchebags that want to limit your knowledge of the world.

Block all these supporters, dont even let a single piece of content from any major media site be indexed, viewed, discussed on any of the majors portal sites.

How quickly will all the MSM shut the fuck up when they realize that EVERYONE will have to explicitly type in their website to see anything they say.

Watch their traffic plummet.

Think they will support SOPA?


Damn, that sounds like a good idea. How do we do it?

I agree, I think you'd just need to get the right eyes to see it.

Considering this is from Sarah Connor herself, I have to concur.

SOPA was shelved today!

Now we ride! On to PIPA - her walls shall fall to my blade and bow!

And possibly OPEN if it turns out to also be a shitty bill.

And possibly OPEN if it turns out to also be a shitty bill.