Submissions from the last 8 months or so collecting documentaries.

39  2012-01-21 by [deleted]

This is intended as a "beginning point" for starting a collection to link to in the sidebar. Hopefully, given time, we'll get a cleaner, more robust list (e.g., with descriptions, like the last one listed).

Here's a good list, but no links. Maybe someone will take the time to do that legwork? It's got summaries and stuff ... would be very useful.

Many thanks to highlady420 for doing this legwork!

I was unable to find a free streaming copy for everything on that documentary list. I used YouTube for most of it. I think I got the right videos for everything but some of it will be trial and error to be sure. I tried to check the times where possible. Anyway here you go:

September 11

  • Core of Corruption- In the Shadows- Youtube

  • Loose Change: 2nd Edition- Youtube

  • Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth- Experts Speak Out- Youtube

Stewart Documentaries

College Conspiracy


  • Food, Inc.- PBS Video

  • King Corn- Hulu


Global Warming

  • Global Warming or Global Governance- Youtube

  • The Great Global Warming Swindle- Youtube

  • What in the World are They Spraying?- Youtube


  • Murder by Injection- Youtube

  • Psychiatry, An Industry of Death- Youtube

  • The Drugging of our Children- Youtube

  • Making A Killing, The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging- Youtube

  • Nutricide: Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs- Youtube

  • We Become Silent, The Last Days of Health Freedom- Youtube

  • Big Bucks, Big Pharma- Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs- Youtube

  • Monopoly Medicine- Youtube


  • Codex Alimentarius- Lecutre by Ian R. Crane- Youtube



How Money Works

Jordan Maxwell

  • AstroTheology (Jordan Maxwell)- Youtube

  • Basic Slide Presentation (Jordan Maxwell)- Youtube


Mainstream Media

  • Spin- Youtube

  • Independent Media in a Time of War- Youtube

  • Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism- Youtube

  • Control Room- Al Jazeera and the Iraq War- Youtube

  • Militainment, Inc.- Youtube

  • Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood- Youtube

  • Orwell Rolls in his Grave- Youtube

  • Human Resources- Youtube

  • Lifting the Veil-

  • Psywars- Youtube

Modern Warfare




  • American Iran Verterans Speak Out Against The War- NOT SURE ON THIS ONE

  • Joe Rogan- The American War Machine- Youtube

  • Our System, Our Structure, Our Illusion- Vimeo

  • Wake Up Call- Youtube

  • John Harris (Lecture) It's An Illusion- Youtube

Peak Oil


  • A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash- Youtube

  • The End of Suburbia- Youtube


  • Dan Aykroyd: Unplugged on UFOs- Youtube

  • Fastwalkers Files Disclosure- Youtube

  • The Secret UFO NASA Transmissions- The Smoking Gun- Youtube

  • Contact: Extraterrestrial Experiences of Billy Meier- Youtube

William Cooper

  • Beyond A Pale Horse- Lecture William (Bill) Cooper- Youtube

  • William "Bill" Cooper's Life & Death- Youtube

Ruby Ridge & Waco

Zeitgeist Trilogy

Last Minute Addons

  • Blue Gold: World Water Wars- Youtube



  • The Corporation- Youtube



Cirrow made an interesting suggestion here, for adding robust community critique for documentaries.

Video of the Week Archive


Not sure how these fit in, but I think they would be strong additions:

"Lightbulb Conspiracy" (economics)

"The Diamond Empire"(economics)

"Water Wars"(food)

"Big Bucks, Big Pharma"(food and pharmaceuticals)

"The Coca-Cola Case"(golobalization, food, and politics)

"Hacking Democracy"(politics)

"Reel Bad Arabs"(msm and politics)

"Hollywood and the Pentagon; a Dangerous Liaison" (msm and politics)

"Dark Side of Chocolate"(food and globalization)

As long as you are adding them by creator, you may as well get all of the Adam Curtis work on there: I'll save you the work on a few of the more insidious ones...

"The Power of Nightmares"(politics and msm)

"The Trap"(politics and msm)

"The Living Dead"(politics and msm)

"Century of the Self" (psychology and msm)

"Pandora's Box"(politics and msm)


"Secrets of the CIA"

"The Menna Connection; Cocaine Importers of America"

"In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism"

"The Shadow Circus: the CIA in Tibet"

"Cointelpro: the FBI's War on Black America"

"The Iron Triangle: the Carlyle Group"

"Evidence of Revision"(politics)

how about an additional "flase flag operations" category?

"Assassination of Franz Ferdinand"

"Gulf Of Tonkin (Short from Evidence of Revision)"

I'll post some more later, but that took several hours so it may be a couple of days before I get back to it.

Many thanks. For now, they fit right where you put them (the sidebar links to this thread, so anything contributed here is included). When I have time, I'll work them into the post, above.

Thanks again.

E: speling


Don't fret. Do this...

Click on the link to "Movies/Documentaries" on the sidebar... it links directly to this post. Nothing will be omitted unless you choose to delete your comment.


Those were sent to me in PM.

I don't think you've misunderstood the point. Maybe you've misunderstood my energy/activity level for tweaking and polishing?

NOTICE: I haven't gone through those last 4 or 5 discussions to dig out their recommendations. I just posted links to 'em. And, like magic, they're included.

Eventually, this list will need to be culled, tweaked, and reformatted. And I'll do all of it together for an update at that time.

Excellent list.


It's all about the information anyways; the rest is just aesthetics as far as i'm concerned. I'm doing a similar post up top of docus of a similar vein.

looking forward to it!

Revelation of the Pyramids

ancient civilization / sites

Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair

The Panama Deception

Bill Moyers: The Secret Government (Iran-Contra and history of black ops since WWII)

War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) - a whodunnit

9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions (evidence for controlled demolitions)

Bill Moyers: Buying the War (covering media collusion in the propaganda campaign that led us into the Iraq War)

Sexy Inc: Our Children Under the Influence (media turning kids into hyper-sexualized consumerist humanoids) I view this as a companion piece to the must watch documentary: Consuming Kids


Updated. Thanks!

Wow, just wow. I came across this post and got very paranoid seeing my list of documentaries I passed out for Christmas this year to my family. Luckily I looked above it and saw a link to my original post! Thank you very much highlady420 for the links. Since my post I've added more documentaries. Here is a link to the google document if anyone is interested. I added quite a few, and I'm already in the process of finding more for another DVD in December.

You approve, then?

Yes. Looking back at some of the ones I included I wish now I would have omitted them and concentrated the information to maybe just 1 DVD. My original intention was to get people interested enough to actually watch all of it and dive deeper into the esoteric realm of reality. My project ended up turning into 20 dvds (per set) with each one containing on average 6-12 hours of information.

Very impressive.... and daunting (since we intend to watch many of these as a community activity).

You're welcome! Thanks for putting that list together and sharing it with us.

AmazingDiscoveries - Most especially the works of Walter Veith. I have yet to see anything he says to be unverifiable, lays it all out so precisely without the bunk and bullshit. From a Christian perspective. He has several series out, far too expansive to put into a single category. The latest ones uploaded are about food. If you are seeking real history, the "Illuminati", and the NWO type information watch the series called "Rekindling the Reformation" and "Total Onslaught"

Dean Clifford - Freeman/Sovereign movement - Want to know the game? What the matrix is? Look no further.

Family of Secrets - Playlist - The Bush Dynasty - Hidden history of the last 50 years - 8 part radio series (1 hours each)

The Greatest Truth Never Told - Title says it.

The Roman Empire Rules Today Part 1

The Roman Empire Rules Today Part 2

Season of Treason 1

Season of Treason 2

Season of Treason 3

The Royal Red Dragon Bloodlines

Invisible Empire

The Soul Travelers

Bill Cooper - Portervill Presentation - Rare

Still the best 9/11 documentary to date:

The Truth and Lies of 9/11

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have to understand all the problems before you can create working answers

Could it be that most of us allowed ourselves to be misdirected) into blaming someone and/or something else (govt, corp, illuminati, aliens, god etc), as opposed to accepting personal responsibility?

Can you name even one positive thing that ever happened as a result of blaming someone/something else?

that's not really the point of documentaries: they are designed to come to a conclusion about what the issue is, where the problems are related to that issue, and (if possible) offer ideas and opportunities to make future decisions that lead to more positive outcomes.

I'm personally a believer in "the secret", so I know there is a positive, driving force out in the ether of the universe. And I'm not simply looking to place blame, but when you can identify and understand the source of problems that reflect badly on your country, government, or corporations you can make conscious decisions to end your support for the people and entities that lead us to the problems to begin with. Ignoring them, atleast to me, is simply choosing ignorance over a broader, more complete understanding of our position, influence, and impact on the world we live in.

Not sure where to begin...

To be frank, I don't really care what you think the point of documentaries is. I'm asking what is the goal when spreading conspiracy info? Inform everyone that there's a shadowy organization and/or ET behind all the evil in the world so everyone will agree to protest/"occupy"? Say everyone does so, then what?

Why waste time focusing on problems without solutions?

As for "the secret", I think I read this as a quote somewhere: "Action without thought is like shooting without aim!"

Well, if that's the case, could it be that thought without action is like aiming without shooting?

I'm asking what is the goal when spreading conspiracy info?

well, it is a conspiracy's sort of the point...

The solution is to know; then you can act appropriately, through your support and how you invest your thought, time, and money. Sharing information to broaden peoples perspective is all I'm interested in here in r/con. There are solutions to the big problems around us, but they don't come from simple metaphors and bad talk radio shows, so I don't know why you keep dropping those poorly produced links.

There are solutions to the big problems around us, but they don't come from simple metaphors and bad talk radio shows, so I don't know why you keep dropping those poorly produced talk radio links.

why would I want to argue with what you BELIEVE?

I'm just explaining my position; we never had any form of fact-based dialogue here. We were both only expressing what we believe, nothing provable.

You claimed I was misdirecting people here by posting a handful of my own docs to the list, then offered an irrelevant quote in relation to a whole theology and way of looking at the world. We are both talking about what we believe; the docs I link to are, however, backed with loads of factual, provable information about real events. Many of them do offer solutions (all of the food and Adam Curtis ones for sure) but in the other cases it is to make clear where the source of our modern issues are so we can avoid repeating ourselves in the future; I share them in hopes that we can see through the lies as they come down the pipe next time and manage to collectively say "NO" loud enough to make a difference.

You claimed I was misdirecting people

care to quote where I allegedly did such a thing?

Could it be that most of us allowed ourselves to be misdirected) into blaming someone and/or something else (govt, corp, illuminati, aliens, god etc)

immediately after I posted my list, which does contain a lot of gov/corp/illum commentary; But most of it is backable and provable, and I tried to select doc that would be based on documented fact, not simply perception

Looks, to me, like I was asking if it's possible we could've allowed ourselves to be misdirected, not get misdirected by you...

Guilty conscious?

I'm just explaining my position; we never had any form of fact-based dialogue here. We were both only expressing what we believe, nothing provable.

You claimed I was misdirecting people here by posting a handful of my own docs to the list, then offered an irrelevant quote in relation to a whole theology and way of looking at the world. We are both talking about what we believe; the docs I link to are, however, backed with loads of factual, provable information about real events. Many of them do offer solutions (all of the food and Adam Curtis ones for sure) but in the other cases it is to make clear where the source of our modern issues are so we can avoid repeating ourselves in the future; I share them in hopes that we can see through the lies as they come down the pipe next time and manage to collectively say "NO" loud enough to make a difference.