Question about the new rules and anti semitism?

20  2012-01-22 by [deleted]

Q: "I see a lot of talk about Zionism here. Do you guys just hate Jews or something?"

A: No. Being anti Zionism does not mean antisemetic. Not all Jews are zionists. Actually very few of them are. Most zionists are the Christian politicians and their political backers here in the United States. This is a complicated and sensitive subject and we realize this may be offensive to some people. I assure you, the moderators here are very concerned about about rooting out hate speech and defamation while leaving legitimate users the freedom of speech they deserve. If anyone breaks these rules, just click the report link under the post or comment and we can deal with it. For more on this subject, please check our sidebar links (coming soon.).

Regarding this, are you saying that it would be wrong to post comments and articles suggesting a conspiracy around jewish ethnic identity such as khazarian conspiracy theories or say for instance kevin macdonalds work on ethnocentric jewish behaviour?


Regarding this, are you saying that it would be wrong to post comments and articles suggesting a conspiracy around jewish ethnic identity such as khazarian conspiracy theories or say for instance kevin macdonalds work on ethnocentric jewish behaviour?

We're pretty tolerant of anything this side of outright hate speech. Since he seems to have fallen off the face of reddit, I'll throw user Johnny_Cash up as an example. It's quite obvious he isn't fond of Jews (or blacks, or... probably any non-WASP culture). But...

Being prejudiced/ignorant isn't illegal, and it isn't against the rules here. However, posting/writing things which are threatening is a whole different ball of wax.

One of Johnny_Cash's favorite comments used to be "A Jew from every lamppost." which pretty much inevitably got deleted. (Johnny_Cash earned a spot in EncyclopediaDramatica's entry for reddit.)

We get videos of Dr. David Duke (former KKK Grand Master) all the time, and they survive the tide of voting for better/worse. Dr. Duke's message is one of opposition to international Jewry, not necessarily the wholesale slaughter of anyone affiliated with Judaism.

Similarly, we get David Icke videos posted with some frequency, and Icke has been openly anti-Zionism for a long time. But, like Dr. Duke, he's not advocating harm to anyone... just awareness of what's going on in the world.

EDIT: tl;dr: We welcome discussion of issues. We frown on abusive intent.

The thing about the people you mention -- all public figures, for whom it is much more difficult to be honest about racial and religious topics -- is that they are not preaching hatred of any individual, or telling anyone to bomb a church or office ... they are merely speaking the truth as they understand it about the power Jews have amassed to themselves in America. Jews are 2% of the population, but their wealth and power is far, far, FAR above what that percentage would suggest. Jews are the elite, ruling class of the United States. They can be proud of their achievements ... but as for the rest of us, we need to look at the position of power they hold over us and ask ourselves, is this good for the people as a whole? Is this what we, the people, want?

they are not preaching hatred of any individual, or telling anyone to bomb a church or office

thus why their submissions are not filtered/banned.

but as for the rest of us, we need to

discussion of the issues is welcomed.

Ok , this seems like a sensible and fair policy.

I was the one who drafted these rules and I agree with token's interpretation fully. We are very tolerant, some may say too tolerant of people discussing Zionism/the Jewish conspiracies. This isn't a problem with people hating Jews, this is discussion of real issues that are happening right now. The problem here is that a bunch of the main figures in this conspiracy just happen to be Jewish/zionists. This is where people get the impression that we are just picking on jewish people or that we think that all Jewish people are involved in this conspiracy. One example of such rubbish is the assertion that most if not all Jewish people avoided the wtc on 9/11 because of a warning sent to all Jews in the area via odigo messenger that an attack was imminent. That is totally unfounded and no one has ever produced evidence or a screenshot of this, and even then it could be faked. So it is unprovable, and the idea itself is particularly vile that they believe all Jews are "in on it".

The reason we had to make a few rules here is because we are being flooded with subversive content and personalities. It is a constant battle to keep this sub clean and spam free. We had to clearly state what the rules are here to be able to enforce anything. If we just banned people or removed posts just because we don't like what they are saying that crosses the line. As far as the staus of the cleaning I would say its pretty much done. Most of the spammers and bots have been banned as well as our sub stalker. They keep trying to make several new accounts a day to continue posting their crap here, so we catch these guys a few times every day. Pretty soon our banned users page will grow to more than 50 names! It will reach 100 within 2 or 3 month if they keep it up.

Sub bans are reserved the the most extreme cases. As a matter of fact we have only banned one user for stalking and abuse. We have had to ban him 3 or 4 times already though because he keeps trying to come back. So fear not! We will not ban you unless you are a total dick all the time for no reason. There are a few people that are borderline, but I usually let those users slide out of compassion for the stupid.

Ok, I welcome your efforts. I have to admit that as a long term redditor and visitor to this sub moderation is a sensitive subject and I think in a sub such as this the stakes are high and there exist the possibility of drama and resentment eminating from perceptions of mods with agendas .favorite topics or off limits subjects.

As far as I'm concerned no topic is off limits. There is an old saying that goes " it's not what you say as much as how you say it." that is the real key here.

Never ask for permission to speak what you think.

IMO the Truth Trumps Everything in a Free Society. No Censorship.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

if you want to be free of Jewish PC police censorship, subscribe to r/zog. After all, controlling the discourse is a way a certain group put itself beyond reproach, which has resulted in this strange phenomenon: the most powerful and wealthiest group in America claims the victim title and thus has put itself beyond criticism.

Normally I wouldn't care much but now it is obvious who was pulling the string for the Iraq war and it is even more obvious who is pulling the strings for an Iran war (of course, with American blood) and yet because of our PC society, nobody is willing to even point the finger.

Are you saying there is censorship here?

I am not familiar with r/conspiracy but there is self-imposed censorship, known as PC.

True, sorry , I guess you were clear in your original answer :)

There actually has been censorship here. Just a few months ago, I politely questioned the validity of the holocaust, and that comment was deleted. Fortunately, that kind of stuff doesn't happen here anymore, but other more mainstream subreddits can be pretty bad when criticism of the jews is involved.

Just tell the truth, and you'll be fine.

Exactly. People need to stop worring about who they might offend, and what might be done to them in retaliation for that offense. They need to just tell the truth and left the chips fall where they may. Why are people so gutless these days? We're not even under our own names here -- surely people can tell the truth when they are anonymous. Or is the conditioning so powerful, they behave as though they are on a leash, even when the leash is removed?

Regarding the truth. It can be subjective and much which is posted here contains opinion and that in itself is not a barrier to submission. My question was trying to gain an insight into the rationale and thinking of the new mods as the faq entry seemed a little bit restrictive in its wording and so wanted clarification and perhaps discussion.

Just one point in response. I agree with you, the perception of truth can be subjective ... but if we are afraid to speak the truth as we understand it then where are we? We don't even have a true opinion of our own, only an opinion that has been packaged and vetted for us by the ruling elite. We have to speak the truth, as we know it, even if sometimes we are incorrect.

I agree somewhat. I'll have to admit to being coy about revealing many of my thoughts and observations about the world. Part of this is because I am genuinely unsure of many things and the other follows from your example , fear of my fellows judgement.

I am not sure I know what the truth is though.

Good for you...

Socratic Ignorance.

Socrates concluded that "it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know.

Socrates and Donald think alike venn diagram.

While Socrates was a profound thinker, Rumsfeld is a profound bullshitter.

/r/conspiracy was infiltrated by Stormfront members over a year or two ago. Remember when a screenshot was posted showing somebody on Stormfront asking people to join Reddit in order downvote certain links and spread the word about how bad multiculturalism is? Well, a lot of them set up their own subreddits and have been cross-posting to /r/conspiracy for quiet some time now.

Subreddits: * /r/WhiteRights * /r/whitepower * /r/White_Pride

Users include: Occidentalist, BumblingMumbling, Johnny_Cash, Jermiah_Johnson etc

Are Occidentalist and BumblingMumbling banned here then? I seem to recall seeing comments or submissions from them recently.

Sometimes you dont want to ban people outright because it is good to keep a pulse on what the extremes/crazys might be saying.

With respect to bumblingmumbling, I have seen some good contribution from him. He was being estalked for a while being acused of being an anti-semite, while I saw his posts as anti-zionist.

I dont care if he is participating in racist subs so long as he doesnt carry racism over to this sub. If the content of his contributions are interesting and provoking without being racist, hateful, attacking - then it is good for thought and discussion.

I think that most people who visit this sub are at least open to considering most thoughts. It is your personal responsibility to use your own judgement and discernment for what you choose to believe, read and look more deeply into.

It is not the job of this /r/ to censor information, quite the opposite. This lets crap through the door, as well as gold - but its up to you to choose which is which for your personal tastes.

Finally, nobody can deny there is a conspiracy of control on this planet - the nuances, complexity and exact structure of this conspiracy is whats up for debate.

I would like to point out that I did not arrive at Reddit and r/conspiracy from Stormfront. I came from the 9/11 Truth Movement. I started off looking into the truth about what happened on 9/11 the day after on 9/12/2001. I spent countless hours doing research. In early 2008 I finally came to the conclusion that 9/11 was a Zionist conspiracy. The Veterans Today article in early 2008 confirmed to me that I was not alone in thinking this.

Operation Cast Lead and the Mossad Assassination Team incident in Dubai finally made me connect all the dots and break through my denial and realize as Ryan Dawson so aptly put it, "9/11, All Roads Lead to Israel."

Since that time I have completely fallen into the Rothschilds Zionist rabbit hole of conspiracy. It is a bottomless pit IMO.

A little over 3 years ago I was watching Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann, listening to NPR and actually thought the Jews were the good guys in "Inglourious Basterds".

Now my whole world view has changed. 10 years ago I could never could have imagined this.

None of the names in that list are banned here. Not even the infamous Johnny_Cash (notice his comment karma, which is in the thousands, has a minus sign in front of it). They post, the community votes (EDIT: and sometimes they click 'report'). That's pretty much it. The only people in our ban list are spammers (mostly MartinTimothy clones) and one stalker/spammer (and known alts).

Finally, someone else who sees this, "JEWRY! JEWS EVERYWHERE!! IT'S THE JEEEEWWWWWSSSS!!!!!"

it's fucking annoying, because as soon as you say something aobut it, "no we aren't racist! we aren't nazis!"

I am not sure I know what the truth is though.

Exactly. People need to stop worring about who they might offend, and what might be done to them in retaliation for that offense. They need to just tell the truth and left the chips fall where they may. Why are people so gutless these days? We're not even under our own names here -- surely people can tell the truth when they are anonymous. Or is the conditioning so powerful, they behave as though they are on a leash, even when the leash is removed?

they are not preaching hatred of any individual, or telling anyone to bomb a church or office

thus why their submissions are not filtered/banned.

but as for the rest of us, we need to

discussion of the issues is welcomed.

Just one point in response. I agree with you, the perception of truth can be subjective ... but if we are afraid to speak the truth as we understand it then where are we? We don't even have a true opinion of our own, only an opinion that has been packaged and vetted for us by the ruling elite. We have to speak the truth, as we know it, even if sometimes we are incorrect.

I am not familiar with r/conspiracy but there is self-imposed censorship, known as PC.

There actually has been censorship here. Just a few months ago, I politely questioned the validity of the holocaust, and that comment was deleted. Fortunately, that kind of stuff doesn't happen here anymore, but other more mainstream subreddits can be pretty bad when criticism of the jews is involved.