People have been asking me about Alex Jones and InfoWars/PrisonPlanet so I thought I'd offer some clarification...

130  2012-01-24 by MRuppert

Jones and his websites used to carry my articles on a regular basis, but they would always put their website in the byline as if I had given them permission to do so and as if I was part of their team or something. Both of these are untrue. The copyright statement on my site says you're free to repost my work so long as you give me and my site proper attribution. Not too much to ask for what I think is pretty high quality free content.

However, apparently it was too much for them. I sent them several emails over a period of months talking about it, I even called them several times. Of course they just ignored all attempts at contact.

So, I filed a DMCA complaint and made it clear that they could continue to post them so long as they properly attributed the work as per my copyright statement.

Guess what they did? Removed every single posting from all of their databases. Yep. Oh and what's more they responded in a matter of hours. Oh and to make matters even worse, I sent the DMCA notice to the same exact email address I had sent all the other requests to! Clearly they were just ignoring it.

Now what they do is have one of their writers re-write my articles. I've had some readers send me links to articles which were blatant re-writes of my work with no attribution. Same structure, same sources, everything.

Now keep in mind literally all I'm asking for is credit for my work.

Was I asking for money? Nope. Something ludicrous and time consuming? Nope.

Every single other site that posts my articles (and there are many) has no problem with adding a link to my site or back to the original article. In fact I never even have to mention it most of the time.

But apparently that was far too much to ask from Alex Jones and his business enterprise.

That interaction made it very clear to me he is not in this to spread information and wake people up like he so often claims but instead he is in it for the money.

Oh all of this also "coincidentally" happened when I posted an article pointing out he lied about the origins of a document and how he obtained it. That is when all of the posts just happened to be removed.

Another related anecdote: I began writing under M. Ruppert instead of Madison Ruppert and I got a cease and desist order from Michael C. Ruppert. Yep. No joke. I had to chew out his lawyer on the phone who, suffice it to say, was quite embarrassed he actually sent a C&D to someone for using their legal birth name. Whoops!

I would just advise people to be weary of the major figures out there like Alex Jones who seem to be in it for the money for than anything because guess what? They are.

There are plenty of better websites, radio shows, etc. you can use to get the information out without supporting someone like him who has been accused of some pretty atrocious things by the likes of Rense, Jack Blood, etc.

If he was really in it for the reasons he claims to be, I see no reason why he wouldn't continue to post my articles but instead of putting:

By Madison Ruppert

They could just put:

By Madison Ruppert and

Or something to that effect.

I even allow people to say:

By Madison Ruppert

Contributing writer for

[article text]

This article originally appeared on

Okay, I'm done venting now. I hope this is useful to some of the people who have been emailing me about why my articles aren't showing up on their sites anymore. It was 100% their decision, I was more than lenient and accommodating it just seems that they have a problem with giving people credit for their hard work. Interesting, no?


Well deserved vent.

Alex Jones makes money off of sensationalism. He mixes facts with bullshit to trick people. I noticed this during the Y2K incident and he was trying to scare people into thinking it was the end of the world...

What the fuck?? Seriously??? I've been following him since around 2005 or so. I had no idea. So did he really make his way in and film the politicians conducting those satanic rituals in the Bohemian Grove, or was that just a stunt? I don't really know how credible he is any more. My brain is full of fuck.

I believe Bohemian Grove was real but he focused solely on the Moloch statue and the cremation of care or whatever ceremony involving Moloch. In reality I think they have other rituals and services to other symbols and not just Moloch. I think Jones did this, and constantly does this kind of stuff, to take away from the bigger picture of what goes on and who is involved. Not sure if I believe it, but I've read that Jones is just a shill for the Vatican, so maybe at Bohemian Grove he was making everyone look like crazy satanists, while hiding their other rituals that go along with Catholics and the Vatican maybe?

Couldn't have said it better myself. In his show He gets angry every time a caller brings up the Vatican and hangs up on them. So, he might be ignorant to the bigger picture or is a gatekeeper. Those are the options surrounding Jones.

Here's the video and Bill Cooper was probably the last guy I trusted before he was gunned down.

Lately he's saying that an attack on Iran is imminent. Ha. I remember (what was it, nine or ten months ago?) when he was saying, "Mark it on your calendar, folks, an attack against Iran has got a green light and will positively, definitely take place within two weeks." Hey, Alex, whatever happened to that attack? Your two weeks have been up for a lot of months now. But he just sort of slithered away from his "rock solid" prediction, when it became obvious that it wouldn't happen. Most of his predictions are like that. He reshapes what he said to match what actually happens, then claims that he predicted it.

Through enough darts at the board and eventually you get a bulls-eye.

OMG Hyperinflation! WTF?

He was also dead sure about "October Surprise" in 2008. There was going to be a false flag on American soil, Bush was going to suspend the election and take on emergency powers, and make himself a dictator, and we were all going to be marched into FEMA camps. He was so positive it was going to happen, and talked about it pretty consistently for a the whole year leading up to what turned out to be... nothing.

Yet he is always trying to convince his followers that "this shit is so obvious, if you don't see it your retarded!" and yet none of it happens.

SENSATIONALIST is the best word to describe Mr Jones

Your case is clearly justified and you certainly deserve proper credit for your writings. I feel your work is very good quality, and it should not be exploited by others.

Jones rants about how money doesn't matter to him and how his ego doesn't exist literally daily like he's gotta convince people it's true.

He's trying to convince himself, and failing.

the thing about Alex Jones that people forget, is how horrifying it was to be in a position critical of the government for the last 30 years - most of that time before the internet came along. watching Bush Sr., Reagan, etc., was like staring into the face of death - and what's more, with virtually no ability to get people to vett your conclusions, since speaking out carried the risk of assassination.

it explains a lot about his character. even the "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" approach. to date, while i've seen him say lots of dubious things, i've never really seen anything to make me doubt his intentions. seriously, after spending so much time researching the U.S. government myself, i understand that trying to decipher what's going on involves basically using very difficult logical deductions to perform a psychological analysis of the "conspirators." with the huge range of bizarre crap they're actually guilty of, it's easy to understand how people can go off the deep end, in trying to figure out their actual intentions (which is a big help in vetting evidence of some specific program).

so Alex Jones, as far as i can tell, has just put himself in this position where he's cataloging all the information that comes his way, making predictions with a high rate of error, and those things, together with his appearance, and demeanor, make a lot of people doubt his credibility.

but comparing Alex Jones and, say, FOX News - where they've done things like openly call for Julian Assange to be assassinated - they rate much higher on the "sensationalist" aspect, and WAY higher on the "disinformation" aspect.

i'd need a higher standard of proof to doubt his character than the stuff i'm seeing in this thread.

LOLOLOL fantastic comment LOL

Never trust, or listen, to anyone who whines without ever providing a desired solution. He will call the elite every name in the book, he will invoke satan, describe the evil with which these people operate, be he will never do, or suggest that anyone else do a goddamn thing. All he wants is for you to be scared, and to turn to him for guidance, but then he will only guide you to a Berky water purifier, or gold trading site.

Do you notice that he never actually names this mysterious elite? He calls them the "banksters" but he never gets around to saying who they are. I mean, he's right, there is a ruling elite, but why doesn't he name names? I think it's because the majority of them are Zionist Jews, and Alex won't criticize Israel or Zionism, beyond a few token references when Israel commits yet another blatant crime that can't be ignored.

That's because Alex Jones' paychecks are signed by an Ashkenazi (Zionist) Jew. His lawyer, his wife and his little 9/11 truth offshoots are all secular Jews. That's why he (and the We Are Change) movement does everything to discredit anyone who points out the Mossad ties to 9/11.

I've gotta go off on a tangent here - sponsors aside, do Berkey + PF2 filters actually suck? Is there a better way to get rid of fluoride? Does Alex actually work for the CIA and Berkeys are actually designed to poison people?

I actually own a Berkey, tbh. I like it a great deal, didn't find it through AJ though. It isn't that he sells shit products, but all he does is sell products. is probably the best for a deal

He encourages listeners to start there own shows regularly.

Alex jones is a dummy trap. He's an op or a serendipitous distraction. He's such a blow hard. Brags all the time about being right, kinda like William cooper but at least cooper had the intelligence. It's almost as If is alex is a dummy replacement. Didn't cooper suspect jones of being a shill?

By the way love your site.

Only time I've heard Cooper rage was when he was talking about Alex Jones. He said that he lied constantly and was a complete fearmonger. Look it up on YouTube all the clips are on there.

Alex Jones = 100% Project Mockingbird

you just won yourself a loyal reader. thank you.

Keep posting you are an awesome contributor to r/conspiracy! - as for jones - fuckem! here is a video of aj saying he supports Israel! <-- this should be in the side bar!

Alex Jones is a rabble rousing profiteer. I don't believe a word out of his mouth and I know he only cares about profit. This is a perfect example of the type of business Alex Jones runs.

What you did seems perfectly reasonable to me. You have every right to ask for full and clear credit for your copyrighted material.

I've sent Jones and his team two suggestions for guests over the past few months, because I do listen to his radio show quite often. Both were completely ignored -- not even a robotic response. That's fine, if he wants to ignore those who write to him, OK, it's his right ... but it did show me something about how he runs his operation.

As for him being only out for the money ... all I need to listen to is him flogging his "silver lungs generator" to know he's selling snake oil.

It's obvious to anyone who listens to him that he is emotionally immature, and an egoist with delusions of grandeur. I listened to him last night, and all he did was rant and rant on about the same set of half a dozen topics, repeating himself endlessly and screaming and pretending to cry into the microphone. He comes across as a total nutjob. He's entertaining, but nobody should ever take what he asserts too seriously. He can't be trusted as a source of information.

I noticed that little Alex Jones trick a while back on some article from former Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich, and I thought: Robert Reich is writing for

I've continued to read Robert Reich. I stopped reading Alex Jones.

This was even better then an Alex Jones rant.


I'm sorry, don't mean to be a noob...what's an MLM?

MLM = Multi-Level Marketing scheme.

It's essentially a legal pyramid scheme.


I believe this is actually an extension of the "Youngevity" MLM scam. The guy Ben Fuchs and "Dr." Wallach he has on his show are both snake oil salesman who make money off of giving people products that in fact make them MORE sick.

Check this out:

Exposes that whole company and what they do, even goes over what is actually in the crap they sell which is literally shale water.

By the way, it's somewhat more reputable than it might be otherwise because it's written by a nutritionist who you might think would support something like this. But obviously this guy cares about health and not cash so he exposes it in painstaking detail.

Incidentally, I was banned from the Prison Planet forum for bringing up this topic. Oddly enough they told a friend of mine who was still on there that I wasn't banned even though they banned my account and my IP(s). Pretty hilarious, IMO.


One of my closest friends is completely brainwashed by Jones. He always claims to have the facts on his side although all of his sources tend to be dubious in nature.

multi level marketing (I think?)

multi-level marketing

Jones will probably work his way out of radio and into marketing before too many more years pass. That's where the big money is. Anyone who thinks he isn't going to sell out is deluded.

Now what they do is have one of their writers re-write my articles. I've had some readers send me links to articles which were blatant re-writes of my work with no attribution. Same structure, same sources, everything.

When I was in college, this was called plagiarism.

You can't copyright ideas, so technically it's only plagiarism if you use the actually content -- the arrangement of the words on the page -- of the source. However, the way an article is presented -- the actual sequence of ideas -- can be copyrighted, but plagiarism is much more difficult to prove in this case.

As far as I'm concerned someone could rewrite it in the most painfully obvious way possible. All I'd ask for is a [H/T] at the end of the article which most sites give people just for covering a topic that they covered in an article.

I've said this before, and i will say this again:

Alex Jones is nothing but a money grubbing piece of shit.

Every time someone ask them something. They reply its in my Book. i want to save the world but you have to buy my book.

I got started down this path of waking up watching alex jones. I have come to relize that he speaks some truth but its wrapped up in a big pile of BS. i have come to r/conspirecy to get more info about the corrupt system we are all enslaved to. I will go and start plowing through you site can someone provide me with some other good sites that provides info and not sensationalism. Thanks

Alex Jones is the Rush Limbaugh of conspiracy theories.

Wow, I'm baffled by this. Why would Alex Jones do such a disreputable thing? Wouldn't you think this would tarnish his reputation and detract from his message?

He is there to drown out the sounds of any other conspiracy site that doesn't conform with the elite.

Apparently. Well, so much for that.

It's a shame people are such cunts sometimes. Sorry to hear about that.

alex jones shouts too much. plus, all the gold and survival gear ads prove he is either just a conspiracy nut, or a money-grubbing fuck. either way, I can't stand listening to his rush limbaugh-like screaming all the time.

Anyone that listens to Jones for an extended period of time is a little off IMO. Much better places out there to get info.

I stopped going to prison planet circa 2006. After listening to his work, he's nothing more than a fear monger. He's no better than Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. And he's laughing at all his sheeple all the way to the bank.



If Alex Jones quit today his millions of listeners would each start their own youtube account and be their own free speech reporter but thats exactly why Alex is there, to drown everyone else out and make the truth movement look stupid.

Michael C. Ruppert is invisible thanks to Fox medicine.

What do you expect from cointelpro?? Pat Buchanan's aide at one point.. tot

Look up the Council for National Policy and the John Birch Society.

I used to follow Alex too but I stopped because no one would respond to my emails and he had a fit about Justin Bieber and Squidbillies. Even Fox News will respond to emails.

My younger brother was watching t.v. when all of a sudden I hear Alex jones voice, I figured it was an episode of "consiparcy theory with jesse ventura" but when i turned around it was some commercial about finances or some shit. Does anyone know what it's about?


Make sure to distance self from Jones to remain credibility before TSHTF and he is taken up in the space ship with the rest of those evil fuckers.

You can cross that of the list now. :)


How do we know what you tell us is true? I am not discrediting...just asking because now days its hard to prove anything without seeing or hearing it from the person..Do you have any pics of c&d or emails sent to or from a.j.

I am extremely interested in this and if true you have gained another follower..but in today's day and age I live by Im from the SHOW ME STATE

Alex also has a violent vocabulary he won't talk for more than 5 minutes without saying some gruesome and violent "like your kids are gonna get rapped with screwdrivers!" Just listen and you'll notice quickly.

This breaks my heart to hear! Where can I find your articles, so I can read them? do you have a facebook page or something?

It says your facebook page was not found! :( I'm gonna try again...


OK, I tried again and found it but it's saying I can't connect to the profile!!! :(( Help!

EDIT: Got it! Finally

I honestly thought you would be plotting to blow up alex jones in this thread

better to not use DMCA requests for anything.

Well.... it didnt take long for all the Jones haters and military call centre drones to all chip in and whine.

Also to the OP, allthough you may have a legit concern, its your own fault you didnt handle your own business better. We are only getting one side of the story here, and i would like a fuller picture from both sides of the coin. also the fact you seem to have difficulty with the Ruppert people too suggests that lightning does strike twice here.

Has conspiracy researchers we need to show and develop a united front. The NWO/illuminati would love nothing more for us to all implode. Its important that we stick together and show strength in numbers.

We gain nothing by all fighting with each other. Grow a pair, swallow your pride, and put it down to experience and move on to continue the fight.

Madison Ruppert is not only a responsible, quality journalist. He's also an active redditor who contributes and participates regularly in several subreddits. Ruppert is a member of this community, willing to put his entire reputation on the line every time he posts or comments; and so far, his reputation remains untarnished.

What can you say on AJ's behalf that even begins to compare with this?

Nice try, AJ staffer.

Pride swallowing shouldn't involve having articles you wrote stolen and used without your permission.

If we accuse TPTB of doing things wrong, the first step is for us to show them how things should be done... by being honest, moral creatures.

Its in none of our interests to be bickering amongst each other though.

Then take your own advice, and stop trying to create a shitfight amongst this community. Obviously most of us in /r/conspiracy have a brain and are united in our distrust of Alex Jones.

its your own fault you didnt handle your own business better.

But that's just it ... Madison Ruppert did and continues to handle his business perfectly well. There are copyright notices on the articles and website. There were polite requests sent to Jones by Ruppert for proper attribution. Jones was given ample opportunity to correct his and his staff's mistakes. But rather than do the decent thing, Jones chose to be a douchebag about it.

also the fact you seem to have difficulty with the Ruppert people too suggests that lightning does strike twice here.

But that situation had nothing to do with Madison Ruppert's work. It's just coincidence that Michael and Madison share the same last name. Why would you even use this fact at all when trying to argue your point that Madison Ruppert's is the one with the issues and not your idol, Alex Jones?

Alex Jones used to be okay, but I recognized early on that his schtick was nothing more than an act. Early on, Jones saw an opportunity in the conspiracy world for someone to become a larger-than-life "face" of conspiracy-related media. He was smart enough to jump on that opportunity and he made the most of it. There was a time that he probably did care about the things that /r/conspiracy cares about, but no longer. The only thing Jones cares about now is the bottom line.

couldn't have said it better myself.

You seem to have an idea of how I should have handled this better. Yet you don't provide any information. What is the other side of the coin here? I emailed them several times, there is a copyright statement clearly placed on my site (which everyone else follows without any problems whatsoever) and they ignored all of the above in order to make my writing seem like their own. It has nothing to do with growing a pair or swallowing my pride. If you were a writer who spent all day researching and writing for no money you might understand.

Without knowing who you are, let's be honest here: You're just as much of a snake. You switched to the more vague "M. Ruppert" which would ONLY be done in an effort to harvest Michael C. Ruppert's popularity for yourself.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bit more to this story we aren't getting from you.

I have no idea who Michael C. Ruppert is... why is he popular?

Switched? No. I started writing under M. Ruppert because I wasn't comfortable with putting my full name out there at first. Then someone sent a package to my apartment so I realized it really didn't matter at all. Obviously I wasn't trying to "harvest Michael C. Ruppert's popularity" as I made absolutely no reference to him anywhere on my site nor did I ever imply I had a connection with him, nor did I even cover topics which are similar (peak oil theories, etc.). Your assertion is patently false. Who is the "snake" here?

multi level marketing (I think?)

MLM = Multi-Level Marketing scheme.

multi-level marketing

He's trying to convince himself, and failing.

You can't copyright ideas, so technically it's only plagiarism if you use the actually content -- the arrangement of the words on the page -- of the source. However, the way an article is presented -- the actual sequence of ideas -- can be copyrighted, but plagiarism is much more difficult to prove in this case.

I actually own a Berkey, tbh. I like it a great deal, didn't find it through AJ though. It isn't that he sells shit products, but all he does is sell products.

It's essentially a legal pyramid scheme. is probably the best for a deal