how i feel about the world now as an arab citizen.

50  2012-01-26 by [deleted]

i am an iraqi citizen, currently living abroad ( not going to say where, but its an arabic country too ).

Watching the world now and whats happening really suck, watching our rights getting taken away from us slowly, and us arabs can only watch, since our presidents are america's bitch.

the only thing i can do is watch these new laws get implemented that can change our lives, and most of the people here are ignorant and dont know whats going on, and some know and dont even care.

and if you stand up and talk against the government you will get deported because you are not a citizen and you have no opinion at all

being an arab sucks, not because im in arab, but because we have no rights at all. we just sit and watch things get done to us by our governments or the west.


just thought id share with you guys.




ya i know thats true. but at least you can get your voice heard a little more.


The people in America really have absolutely no say. Moneyed interests control the government. As much as I'd like to pretend that our voices are heard, its all just lipservice and rhetoric that we get from our politicians that are supposed to be representative of the wants and needs of their constituents.

Unfortunately, most of them feel they only constituents they have are GE, Time Warner, Monsanto, war profiteers... erm contractors, etc.

The whole world is fucked.


You're tellin me.

My thing I've been saying to people lately is this: Remember when they said Iraq had WMDs? Remember when they said Iran had Nukes?


No friend, over where you are, they deport people who disagree. Over here, they simply make them feel warm inside by pretending to listen. Two different mechanisms, same outcome.

The don't pay attention to what we say. It's an illusion

That's the thing, pal - we can "have our voices heard" just fine, but only so long as it doesn't change anything. The moment it starts catching on, the brigades of riot-geared cops and military get sent in to send us home, take us to jail, or kill us.

The same thing happening to you is happening to everyone else to some degree or another, the elite don't see the peasantry of the US as being any different or intrinsically higher than the peasantry of the middle east or China.

We're all just building materials to them - human resources. Never really living, existing in a state of constant movement, but never really going anywhere or changing the anything, like rats in running wheels. We're just cattle to the ruling class, as we have always been. Human nature didn't change with the invention of the lightbulb, the same forms of rule/serfdom are in place as have ever been, simply more sophisticated; better for the serfs, yes, but also better for the lords.

I came here to say the same. People everywhere, or so it seems, are subjugated by the American elite and corporate entities. Not even America's own citizens are exempt.


You see, this is why I hate it when people use the term arab and terrorist interchangeably. Too many people have been brainwashed into fearing people who haven't done anything to hurt them.

Nobody should be labeled as a criminal based on race.

The hardcore Jewish Zionists who favor Likud run the USA now. This entire War On Terror and police surveillance state is their doing.

Many of us realize what is going on. We know that Arabs, Muslims, Islam, Palestinians, Iraqis and Persians are no real threat and just want to live their lives.

About the only good thing is people are turning away from the Zionist controlled Main Stream Media in large numbers.

We too here in the USA and west are feeling our rights threatened. We also feel the very real threat of having our lives destroyed by this financial system and the debt it creates.


Don't worry about this guy.

You sure worry a lot about me crackiswhackexcept. That is mighty AshkeNazi White of you.

It isn't the KKK, BNP or Neo Nazis that are responsible for all this death and misery in the Middle East. It is uber wealthy Jewish Zionists of PNAC and AIPAC.

Haha, thanks for confirming everything. Honest question: what do you mean by "crackiswhackexcept?" Am I missing something?


No, seriously. Explain it. Crackiswhackexcept. What do you mean by that?

I can't explain it. You would have to ask the Mods.

I Googled "crackiswhackexcept." I came across a dead Reddit user:

Are you comparing me to him? Do you think I am him?

He used to stalk bumblingmumbling and spam almost the exact same comment until he was banned by the mods here then eventually ip banned by the admins for abusing multiple accounts. That is pretty easy to get around though with the right workarounds. I can see where the comparison can be made. It's okay that you pointed this out, and I'm sure he would be willing to discuss his point of view in a logical and respectful manner, but please don't stalk users here. We consider that an abuse of our rules. This rule had to be put into effect specifically for the user you were compared to. Please dont go the same route.

No problem. I don't pay any attention to him. When I'm in the comments of an article that I'm reading and he happens to be there and he happens to spew antisemitic garbage, I will call him out. I'd be surprised if that were an issue. Him blaming Jews for everything sounds a lot worse and a lot closer to trolling than just commenting whenever I happen to come across his antisemitism.

He does have an agenda, I'll give you that. But I issue you this challenge. Prove him wrong. On anything he says. I have talked to lots of people I consider to be antisemetic, but only because of the offensive content of their posts and outright falsehoods presented as fact. Bumblingmumbling always speaks the truth, no matter how slanted or one sided it may sound to some. This may make you think I am an antisemite as well and that we are in cahoots. Let me assure you this isn't the case. I call out anyone on any untruths or racially offensive content posted here. We wouldn't allow him to post here if he were promoting antisemetic lies. We have already banned people for that nonsense. It may be hard to take at first but listen to what he says before getting angry or jumping to conclusions. He doesn't hate Jews, just Zionism. Zionists make up a very small segment of the Jewish population but wield enormous political, financial, and media power both domestically and internationally. A lot of these so called zionists are not actually of jewish blood or semetic decent at all. Most of them are converted Christians and Khazars. You should read up a little bit on the Khazarian empire and how the king adopted Judaism as the state religion. Then you will understand a little more where he is coming from. I leave you now with a quote from the bible of all places.

"I have known thy works, and tribulation, and poverty -- yet thou art rich -- and the evil-speaking of those saying themselves to be Jews, and are not, but are a synagogue of the Adversary."

Sounds pretty antisemetic coming from god, right? Lol. This is just an example, but a good one I think. These are the Jews he is always complaining about.

I disagree. He hates Jews. I am an anti-Zionist, too. Posted that many times before. He has certainly proved that he's an antisemite.

I totally am aware of the fact that many Zionists are fake Jews. I believe the Bible mentions something about fake Jews... (haha, wrote that before reading the quote you made. But I thought it said "synagogue of Satan?")

I also understand plenty of the Khazars. No expert, though.

I'm extremely anti-Zionist and don't think Israel should have ever been created. But destroying them would be the same thing we did to the Palestinians, so we shouldn't destroy it. Also, I'm totally aware of AIPAC and agree with Ron Paul that we should get rid of all foreign "aid" - which is really bribery - including that to Israel. Israel was created by the New World Order/Illuminati, whatever you want to call them, as embodied by the UN. That was the UN's first big move. The Nazis were some of the biggest Zionists, too.

There's plenty where he and I would agree, including Zionism and this idea that we have to side with Israel on everything, etc., but he's an antisemite and would certainly kill Jews if he would be allowed to do it.

where has he ever advocated the abolition of israel or the murder of innocent people, regardless of race? point this out to me please...

I just checked his history. Boy does he post A LOT! And everything is antisemitic. I'm convinced: this is his job. Someone's paying him to do this. Either it's some antisemitic organization or some government agency. I should stop wasting my time on him.

and I'll give you that. He has an agenda. So take his comments however you choose, but what you said about him advocating murder of innocent people based on race is slanderous and untrue. You didn't even acknowledge this after I pointed it out. If you can prove he said this by quoting him in context, I will apologize and set the record straight. Otherwise I believe you owe him an apology for saying outright falsehoods based on personal assumptions of his beliefs.

Don't forget that Auntie Semite now owns Uncle Sam's formerly White House.

are you a troll? what valuable informative comments you leave. what an interesting life you must have.

I haven't caused or contributed to the death and suffering of SIX MILLION brown people in the Middle East.

What are you doing to stop this Zionist led HoloCo$t?

I can't stop 1/3 of americans believing that the second coming depends on it. Suggestions?

Spread the word in the manner that suits you. People are making a difference. Just five years ago much of this dialogue would have been nearly impossible. Many people have placed their trust in the MSM and do not realize they have been deceived and manipulated by a powerful group.

Are you sure you don't mean Christian Zionists? They think revelations is a prediction of the end-times return of their messiah, and must set up the conditions to for it to happen - i.e. israel.

Jewish Zionism already served its function. I imagine pliable christian zionists are being kept a close eye on for good reason.

As somebody who follows a more spiritual path, can you direct me to any links with regards to christian zionism? I'v read a bit about jewish zionists and it would appear they are very apparent in all things USA-related.

Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism

"Guided by a literal reading of the prophetic sections of the Bible, Christian Zionists are convinced that the world is hurtling toward a final Battle of Armageddon. They believe that war in the Middle East is God’s will for the region. In this timely book, Victoria Clark first explores the 400-year history of this powerful political ideology, laying to rest the idea that Christian Zionism is a passing craze or the province of a lunatic fringe. Then Clark surveys the contemporary Christian Zionist scene in Israel and in the United States, where the influence of the religious fundamentalists has never been greater.

Clark engages with Christian Zionism directly, interviewing leaders, attending events, and traveling with Christian Zionists in the Holy Land. She also investigates the Christian Zionist presence in Israel. She finds that the view through the Christian Zionist lens is dangerously simple: President Bush’s War on Terror is a mythic battle between good and evil, and Syria and Iran represent the powers of darkness. Such views are far from rare—an estimated fifteen to twenty million Americans share them. Almost one in three Americans believes Israel was given to the Jews by God as a prelude to the Battle of Armageddon and Jesus’ Second Coming. Clark concludes with an assessment of Christian Zionists’ impact on American foreign policy in the Middle East and on America’s relationships with European allies since the attacks of 9/11"

Are you Hasbara or Sayanim? Oh yeah I see the brainwashing everyday of the so called Judeo Christians aka Christian Zionists who suffer from the effects of the Fox News Jews, CNN aka ZNN, and the NBC Nightly Jews. You all get them frothing to kill Muslims. They even have some Kosher lite stations to watch.

I love how the anti Christ Jews get the so called Christians to fight for and pay for their wars against Muslims.

No wonder Jews mock these gullible, trusting Christian Goyim. The people watching Talmudvison don't know the white people on their TV are actually Israeli agents.

frothing to kill muslims? when was the last time you visited israel, or egypt, or any middle eastern country? IMO you really could use some perspective. Around the world people are people. One on one we are pretty much the same.. same hopes and desires. Peace.

I grew up a devoted Kennedy Democrat. But I never understood the power and influence of Zionism until a few years ago. Actually I have a friend who spent time in Palestine with a Human Rights organization.

You are correct. "They" intend the end of democracy, and it is yet to be decided whether or not "the people" will wake up fast enough to realize this. A lot depends on regular shmoe's like you and me. Make clear to everyone what the end result is.

This may end messy.

We have no voice either, buddy. That's exactly how I feel as an American BUT I got to admit it must suck waaay more in your situation with the threat of deportation a d being black listed. Every day I watch more and more rights being stripped away from us and the rest of the world, just watching power get more and more concentrated in the hands of a sucks. Most people don't care to know either. We are all going down. Some fasted than others. Good luck

I absolutely love the way you put it. I'm an Iraqi/Yemeni As well and i feel the exact same way.

the only thing i can do is watch these new laws get implemented that can change our lives, and most of the people here are ignorant and dont know whats going on, and some know and dont even care.

Yeah, its pretty much that way here in America, too.

The people in America really have absolutely no say. Moneyed interests control the government. As much as I'd like to pretend that our voices are heard, its all just lipservice and rhetoric that we get from our politicians that are supposed to be representative of the wants and needs of their constituents.

Unfortunately, most of them feel they only constituents they have are GE, Time Warner, Monsanto, war profiteers... erm contractors, etc.

The whole world is fucked.

No friend, over where you are, they deport people who disagree. Over here, they simply make them feel warm inside by pretending to listen. Two different mechanisms, same outcome.

The don't pay attention to what we say. It's an illusion

That's the thing, pal - we can "have our voices heard" just fine, but only so long as it doesn't change anything. The moment it starts catching on, the brigades of riot-geared cops and military get sent in to send us home, take us to jail, or kill us.

The same thing happening to you is happening to everyone else to some degree or another, the elite don't see the peasantry of the US as being any different or intrinsically higher than the peasantry of the middle east or China.

We're all just building materials to them - human resources. Never really living, existing in a state of constant movement, but never really going anywhere or changing the anything, like rats in running wheels. We're just cattle to the ruling class, as we have always been. Human nature didn't change with the invention of the lightbulb, the same forms of rule/serfdom are in place as have ever been, simply more sophisticated; better for the serfs, yes, but also better for the lords.