Last Year FBI translator/Whistleblower Shamai Leibowitz Revealed That Israel Has a Concentrated Intelligence Campaign to Influence America to go to War with Iran. His Intel Came From FBI Wiretaps on the Israeli Embassy in DC

211  2012-01-26 by 0w1Farm


Let this serve as a shining example that not all Jews are a part of the Zionist war machine. Some are American patriots who care just as much about this country as you and me. The dual-citizen Zionist/Neocon brigade on the other hand is a different story. They are nothing but a 5th column eroding us from the inside.

Whole heartedly agree.

There are indeed Jews who go against the perceived collective self-interest of the tribe, because they feel the need to champion truth and justice. I applaud their courage and their personal values. Unfortunately, their numbers are small.

thank you for making this important point.


I don't agree with any of your statement whatsoever. Quit trying to frame what I said as something different and spread lies about the nature of the conflict. The Palestinians are the ones fighting for their existence as they are the ones enduring a brutal occupation in the West Bank and blockade around Gaza. But yes, not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. Zionism is a political ideology not a religion. I'll keep talking about it until the US government gets on the right side of history and stops sending our tax dollars/weapons to support war crimes and military occupation against Palestinians and Israel's neighbors. Time to cut the cord or at the very least put conditions on our overly-generous aid to the Jewish State.

He said it wasn't related to judaism, good try with the straw man though, but no one here is stupid enough to buy it

Breaking news: Shamai Leibowitz dies in random plane crash.

Commits suicide with 3 gunshot wounds to the head.

Then throws own body off battleship into the ocean.

And the plane crash is blamed on Iranian terrorists. Two birds, one stone.

Unfortunately his work will be ignored at the highest levels.

I assume that the wiretaps were on calls out to news media personnel. For everything critically covert they use encrypted phones or they communicate with their teams around the US through means outside the embassy. If they do their tradecraft properly that means pay as you go cellphones so that the numbers are not easily trackable. And the phones are thrown away regularly.

Israel: our good friends who murdered the sailors of the US Liberty and had it covered up by LBJ. Now sponsoring Newt through Sheldon Adelson.

If they do their tradecraft properly that means pay as you go cellphones so that the numbers are not easily trackable.

All they have to do is correlate the locations of the pre-pay with the location logs of other phones and they now know who has the prepay.

Not on cash prepays which use a card like you buy in a drugstore. I've seen $100 fillups on the rack. By this I means there is therefore no credit card to trace. I know drug dealers do this all the time.

I am not talking about tracing the purchase location. I am saying that cell phones are designed to stay in constant contact with their network. The network has a good idea where each phone is based upon triangulation. iphones location service relies on this.

It is trivial to search location database and compare it to other phones. If you carry two phones, they will be able to see who you are. If you only carry one phone, they will still see associations with other phone's locations.

I guess you could keep your second phone in some sort of shielded box to foil this. And only take it out after you have changed locations from where you cut contact with your drop phone.

I'm aware of the location tracking, but my key point has always been that if the FBI and NSA are not aware of who is using a phone, they have no ability to use any location data.

Why can't they access it? Do you think the cell companies wouldn't share?

I conclude you're trolling me. You are clearly and deliberately ignoring what I said and twisting off onto your own path.

If an agent makes a call to another agent on a prepaid and disposable phone, the FBI would not know this is going on at that time nor be able to trace the caller later.

If a random stranger buys a prepaid phone and calls you, Moarbrains, and tells you to fuck off, then throws the phone away. neither you nor the FBI would know who did it nor trace the call back to them.

Yet the cell carrier will still have records of where the call was placed from and records of where the phone has been. Take that list and run and compare it to other local phone location lists. If you see correlations, then you have a connection.

If you go buy a phone and you are not carrying another and don't travel with anyone who does thenyou should be fine. But if the location data show the phone repeatedly spending time in your home, you anomnity is now blown.

This is pretty trivial to program if you have access to the data and the carriers openly admit to keeping records of the data. So the only question seems to be whether the gov has access to this.

The fact that the NSA has fiber optic taps onthe Internet backbones leads me to believe they have any data they feel is useful.

I apologize for the sloppiness of the post. Editing on a phone is a pita.

Okay, now I'm sure you're a troll. Fuck off and die.

Your pretty mad about this and I honestly have no idea why. If you think the NSA has different abilities than what i say let me know. All I am doing is putting together publicly available information and its connotations.

I'm not angry, but you're clearly either trolling or very stupid. NO agent would be so dumb as to carry a powered prepaid phone used for covert operations into his home, it violates tradecraft. The phone is not kept on and trackable. it is used for prearranged time contacts. It's not like two teenagers on the phone all day every day. As I said, if the FBI does not know an agent needs to be tracked, they will not track them and certainly will not have their phone number. If they belatedly discover after many months that someone is a spy, they still don't have data for the phone because they haven't been tracing a prepaid they didn't know existed previously. Phones can be traced, but if you don't know someone is a spy, you won't have their phone number to trace. Which is what I've said over and over, so you are certainly a troll. Piss off.

So we agree on everything, except you don't believe that there is a database tracking every phone that the gov can access at will. You should have just said that. Btw nice e-rage, very impressive, did you hit you keyboard hard when you typed it?

Now I am trolling.

You are a fucking idiot. I did not say I "don't believe that there is a database tracking every phone that the gov can access at will."

Fucking troll gets no more consideration because he is fucking troll. And on the list now.

I only trolled you once in the entire exchange. If you message is not getting out perhaps it is because you communications are lacking clarity. Then you run around throwing insults because everyone else is an idiot for not understanding.

I find it really fucking interesting that the FBI was eavesdropping on Israel. The FBI is part of the executive branch. It is no secret that the inner circle of Israeli extremists have decided that Obama has turned on them.

What exactly is Obama doing?

The US is eavesdropping on everyone wholesale. I am not sure how the information is processed or disbursed, but I am sure the FBI can access almost any information they ask for.

absolutely, and i love all these threads that pop up on reddit about "the government is trying to pass so and so bill and it will take away our privacy". so incredibly naive to think they need to follow any law whatsoever.

I'm sick and tired of people thinking that Israel = Jews. It's fundamentally not true.

I'm sick and tired of people comparing Jews to Blacks. Judaism is a religion not a race or ethnicity.

I'm sick and tired of people thinking that Arabs = Muslims. An Arab can be a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu. In fact Arabs are not more than 20% of Muslims.

I'm sick and tired of people thinking that Israel = Jews

Except no one's saying that.

Judaism is a religion not a race or ethnicity

Tell that to Orthodox parents who forbid their children to marry gentiles.