The C.I.A. Deals Coke.

253  2012-01-28 by theCIAdealsCoke

And it's about time America stopped denying this hard truth. Countless ex members of the Intelligence community have admitted this. Gary Webb wrote an expose in the San Jose Mercury News proving it, then later a book. He then "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the back of the head. Twice. Check out statistics of the world's opium supply coming from Afghanistan; first before any invaders, then after the Russians, then the current American occupation. Learn about the Opium wars, it's history continuing down a well-documented path.

Edit: Spelling. Also, here's a link to the articles. There's a Q and A at with Webb at the end.


GOD = Gold, Oil, Drugs.

This changes....some things, slightly.

The only thing it changes is your perspective?

Nah, i already knew who whole gold, oil, drugs thing. I just never connected it with GOD.

This may open a new set of eye to look at the world with, at least for fun anyways.

Both types of GODs exist as control mechanisms.

good question?


We still celebrate the harvest where I live.

So what does Dei stand for? Dieu ? Dios? Gott?

  • Dei = Drugs. Espionage. Intrigue.

  • Deiu = Drugs. Espionage. Intrigue, University. Camp Peary

I've said too much already...


Dig a little deeper, that was a plot (conspiracy if you will) to drive up the price. They banned cultivation for 12 month periods and since their creation had a minister of drugs who approved production for export.


Orthodox? That is not a term used in Islam. You might be thinking about the Sunni Wahabbis and Takfiris that made up the Taliban and in that case you would be right, anyone caught using drugs or alcohol would be punished. On the other hand cultivation of opium for export only was deemed halal by the leadership. Again they had a minister who talked openly about this stuff pre-2001.

Orthodox? That is not a term used in Islam.

Islam doest speak english, (some) muslims do and their vocabulary are just as likely to include this word as a christians vocabulary. Orthodox means adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith and can be applied to any religion. An orthodox muslim would be a muslim that adheres to the traditional and established faith of islam.

Media usually call them radicals and islamists and not familiar words like conservative or orthodox, Repeating the established medias talking points doesn't usually fly in this sub-reddit.

Islam doesn't speak english? Islam is a religion that spans the globe, not a country. The VAST majority of Muslims around the world only know the Arabic associated with the Quran and couldn't hold even the most basic conversation in the language.

The term "Orthodox" is used in reference to Eastern European Christians and Jews. Islamic radicalism comes in many flavors which is why it makes it necessary to break them down a little. For instance, hardline Saudi wahhabis will see a Shia Muslim as no different than any other non-Muslim where as a lot of the Shia population doesn't hold the reverse view. There are also Takifiris who believe that they themselves can decide who is and who isn't really a Muslim (believe it or not most of the people they declare "non muslims" are those civilians killed in their suicide attacks).

I remember verifying this by looking up the UN statistics reporting on opium exports from the region year by year - it was pretty revealing.

Despite the size of the US military, it's not actually possible to achieve anything by acting unilaterally. The US is forced to choose between supporting one of two competing power bases that exist in the country to get anything done (eg. drug lords or the Taliban).

In the 80's the US chose the Taliban, in order to take the Cold War to Russia and give it its own Vietnam. In the last decade, the US switched sides and allied with the existing structures created by the drug lords, because radical Islam is perceived to be a threat and/or can be used to persuade domestic opinion in support of the war.


Well, Brzezinski the architect of the initial Afhan involvement, disregards the nature of the Taliban threat, even going so far as to dismiss them as 'stirred-up Muslims'. Good enough for me.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

B: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war? full interview

the levels of opium production are higher than they ever were since we've been there.

Reddit chooses religious oppression and a male dominated society over a profitable drug trade? You just blew my mind.


pretty sure Afghanistan is male dominated and oppressed either way.

Exactly. Americans: "Let's oppress them further, it can't get worse, amirite?"

Hey, I'm not the one that suggested the taliban was better than the US occupation. I really am surprised at this because you suggested growing poppies was bad, even though so many Redditors suggest growing marijuana in the US would provide a profitable crop that isn't subsidized.

Reddit also is anti-religion and anti-male dominated society. I seriously find much hypocrisy here. Either that or the anti-America crowd is larger then the anti-religion/pro-drug crowd.

CIA: Cocaine Import Agency

C.rackers I.n A.merikkka

Pigssss Innnnnnnn Spaaaaaaaace

Way back in the 80's i remember Chuck D from PE talk about how all the talk in Queens & Harlem in New York was over CIA goons from outside coming in to NY in the late 70's early 80's to punt coke and crack on to the poor black communities on purpose, to clear areas of residents for some vague agenda.

Maybe thats why there are so many yuppie flats in Queens and Harlem amongst other NY areas now

I have strong doubts that the CIA was selling drugs to promote gentrification. They sell drugs to get a (bigger) black budget to play with.

Look at what Oliver North did with skim from the black budget he created for Iran-Contra: fixed up his house.

Also allegedly there has been a long running organized campaign by outsiders to bring guns into inner cities across the country.

Not surprising at all considering poor communities such as these are necessary to promote the Military Industrial Complex (to get volunteers with no draft) and the Prison Industrial Complex (more prisoners)

Well fuck. That makes a lot more sense now.

Indeed, to hasten gun laws, and eventually outright bans.

its funny that everyone thought all the rappers were lying about this shit

They saw it first hand and the rest of the world treated them like they were retarded.

Rap from the 70's and the 80's were very political and may I say respected (Grand Master Flash, The Message). Nowadays, its about guns and pimps. That is quite retarded, methinks.

Read Politics of Heroin, it's an amazing book. It all started with US intelligence's connections with Lucky Luciano's global drug trafficking network out of South France/Turkey which later shifted to the Golden Triangle in Indochina then shifted the Golden Crescent where we now have Afghanistan growing over 90% of the world's opium. CIA has been there every step of the way.

They move some of the cocaine but their bread and butter has always been heroin.

While a teenager, he started his own gang. Unlike the other street gangs whose business was to pickpocket, mug, and steal, Lucania decided to offer protection to the Jewish youngsters who were picked on by their Italian and Irish counterparts. He would charge each one ten cents per week.

Exploiting the exploited is always the easiest way to get a start-up off the ground.

can't have a war if there's not a problem...

All modern wars America were involved in started with a lie. Spanish/American, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, "War on Terror", I know I'm missing a lot... A false flag is the rule, not the exception.


The sinking of the Lusitania. This passenger ship that was also carrying weapons was intentionally sent into German controlled waters to provoke an attack in order to increase U.S. support for the war. 1,200 people died in the attack. Many Americans signed up for WW1 because of the act. To further prove the attack was warranted, the Germany Embassy took out an ad in the New York Times to warn Americans of the danger of boarding the Lusitania. Here's a link to that ad:

What was the lie?

yeah... and your point is???

War is a racket? Fuck war? I dunno, something along those lines.

sounds unobtainable, but sure...

You're right, people are savage animals who will always fight and wage war, and that will never change. In fact, it's not even worth discussing, because the situation is permanent.

The glass is also half empty and will never be full.

He's trying to say that all of these wars, were given "justifiable" reasons, but really, people are making profit, and that the wars were fabricated in the interest of the government, rather than nationalism.

War is always created by rich, powerful people so that they can further increase their wealth, power and control. They enjoy playing God too much to relax and let democracy take over.

Good shit.


I believe the uploader sets that option

Back in the day China realized the opium England was smuggling in from India was fucking up their people, so they made it illegal. Wrong move bro. Prohibition attracts the worst kind of criminals due to high stakes and high profits (and high people).

England wasn't smuggling the opium before it was illegal, obviously. And why didn't you say anything about the two wars that were fought over this...? I assumed that was what you were going for.

Yep, the Opium Wars were for Albert Sassoon's business.

Furthermore, historical evidence indicates that the Vietnam War was a continuation of the two Opium Wars of the Nineteenth Century in which the Western powers forced China to import opium. As governments learned more about the dangers of opium and heroin, it became unnacceptable—purely for public relations reasons—for the Western powers to overtly export narcotics to China and other countries. Over time, drug trafficking continued but its management shifted to international espionage services and organized crime which were secretly sanctioned by the Western governments. Eventually drug smuggling began to drive the foreign policies of the Western powers, and vice-versa. This entanglement, in my view, became the impetus behind Western involvement in the Vietnam War. It also appears that this situation was exploited by friends of Israel as a means of setting up the assassination of President Kennedy.

As previously stated, it was Jewish gangsters—such as "Legs" Diamond, "Dutch" Schultz, and Meyer Lansky—who introduced the heroin business to the American Mafia in the 1920s. In addition, the American Mafia—which was primarily of Sicilian origin in the 1920s—forbade involvement of either narcotics or prostitution. Such activity was left to the Jewish gangsters.11 This is a critical fact that further supports my conclusion that a Jewish conspiracy as the ultimate sponsor of the Kennedy assassination.

Then they moved into Central and South America for cocaine in the 80's. That is where Iran Contra (Israel) got going.

Good thing they have kept drugs illegal all of these years otherwise the CIA wouldn't have had any manner in which to fund their illegal wartime operations, underground bases, technological suppression and help run this country into the f*$king ground...

Also: Fractional reserve banking practices...

The C.I.A. Deals Coke.

You're misrepresenting Gary Webb's writings. He never once claimed that the CIA directly aided drug dealers; only that they were aware of Contra cocaine smuggling. It's definitely possible the same thing is currently occurring in Afghanistan; there's no evidence for it, however, and there's no evidence that the CIA has ever directly aided drug smugglers.

He then "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the back of the head. Twice.

There's quite a bit of evidence that he was planning suicide for a long time, and a multiple gunshot suicide is not unheard of. Additionally, there's the question of motive: Why would the CIA want to silence a journalist 10 years after he published his expose?

There's plenty of hearsay that says otherwise, as well as numerous small cargo planes belonging to the CIA crashing with large loads of cocaine. More than one foreign government has blamed the CIA for smuggling drugs in their countries...

numerous small cargo planes belonging to the CIA crashing with large loads of cocaine

No, it was one small business jet that was once owned by the CIA.

says who? wikipedia?!?! LOL

Well that post sure added to this discussion.

listen to Michael Ruppert and Joe Rogan on Rogan's podcast... good bit there where he talks about the CIA involvement in drug trade.

Michael Ruppert likes to try and convince himself that he used to be James Bond. Look at his background, he was only ever an LAPD detective, he never had access to classified information.

She said that before he died Webb wrote and mailed notes to family members and placed his baby shoes in his mother's shed.

Webb had paid for his own cremation earlier in the year and had named Bell months ago as the beneficiary of his bank account, she said. He had sold his house last week, because he could no longer afford the mortgage, and was upset that his motorcycle had been stolen last week.

Yep... definitely suicide /s

I don't doubt that the US Government has carried out assassinations before. But Gary Webb isn't one of them, he planned out his suicide meticulously, and it was over a decade after the story broke.

take your logic out of /r/conspiracy

You should post this in /r/politics too.

This should be on the front page under /r/ not conspiracy, everyone should know this shit.

It would require some proof for that, not just a blind accusation.

If it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.


The Barry Seal and Mena Airport stuff is interesting. Check out The Mena Connection and this video.

Reminds me of this song

no shit Sherlock

Pleeease don't take away the lovely brown.

that sweet smell...

Although these days a whiff makes me want to yak a bit but it's worth it when I get past the 'woof contractions' as my friend calls it.

Welcome to 1973 Subby :)

lol, why the downvotes?

I thought it was common knowledge that the CIA began shipping heroin during the vietnam era and then moved onto coke when that hole dried up?

The spooks need money to run their illegal crazy ops, and that is where they get it.

am I wrong or is there some new information that I've overlooked?

ok there must be people who just come downvote everything in /r/conspiracy.

and I think I found out which redditor it is

  1. No shit, it's been pretty much common knowledge for do you think they help pay for those drug wars...

  2. Shotting????

In some circles yes, but it's sadly not common enough.

Nice I'm almost out to. Anyone got their number?

File under: old news.

but still very relevent

All modern wars America were involved in started with a lie. Spanish/American, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, "War on Terror", I know I'm missing a lot... A false flag is the rule, not the exception.

While a teenager, he started his own gang. Unlike the other street gangs whose business was to pickpocket, mug, and steal, Lucania decided to offer protection to the Jewish youngsters who were picked on by their Italian and Irish counterparts. He would charge each one ten cents per week.

Exploiting the exploited is always the easiest way to get a start-up off the ground.

says who? wikipedia?!?! LOL

You're right, people are savage animals who will always fight and wage war, and that will never change. In fact, it's not even worth discussing, because the situation is permanent.

The glass is also half empty and will never be full.