Want to see a government-run conspiracy site in action?

14  2012-01-28 by [deleted]

Go to http://www.godlikeproductions.com, and make a post asking people to simply "google godlikeproductions" (to find out the real information about the history of the spook-run site). You could also just use the word Tavistock in a post, and see what happens. This might keep the mods there busy for a bit...good fun! This site should NOT be trusted.


how bout abovetopsecret?

Definitely a compromised site. It's all govt. employees and people who need meds, feeding one another.

what about it?


I agree and moreso, it's an essential part of the process. Information control and shaping.

What I like to imagine is how these people work... is there an office building in San Diego where thirty people arrive at 7AM for the morning brief, Starbucks coffee in hand... some guy at the front of the room talking about the current press and what's going on in the world... what issues are they going to muddle/distract today... is there a section chief dedicated to assessing some of the more popular social sites, such as Reddit? Do they troll over the site and look for information that is harmful? Do they then fire off quirky office emails to each other deciding who will tackle what issue?

This would make for a funny film... and of course this kind of crap really does happen. Lawyers and PR spin are huge industries... of course they've got a budget for this stuff. I'd love to get an AMA from someone who works in one of these agencies...

We could remove your comment, but we chose not to, how controlled is that?

Maybe it is a site made so the crazy loons can flock to it en masse and be studied. It certainly seems full of "crazy types." But at the same time it could very well just be run by crazy weirdos too. Either way I don't see what new information it can provide to psycho analysts, or how they can use it because most people are not like the people on that site. It's like... "ok... yup, that's what crazy people are like.... verrryyy interestingg.... they tend to rant and rave and get all fired up over things and often their thoughts aren't very deep and sporadic at best. They make weird connections, etc...

There is already plenty of psychological literature that already profiles schizos, manic depressives, OCD's, and all of the different forms of "craziness," for lack of a better word. I just don't see what additional information they could figure out by carefully inspecting the rambling.... craziness that these people type out on that forum.

Perhaps it's a study of internet craziness, a different brand of craziness still not yet fully understood in the psychology field that they wish to tap into as a means of thought control. People act differently on the internet than they do in real life, right? IDK.

Either way, there are probably other forums just like this that really aren't secretly studying anyone, why can't a government secret operation just analyze those forums if it wants to track secret data on these people?

My guess is that some of these sites are honeypots, to detect people worth keeping track of, and other purposes may be to have an ear to the ground so as to be able to better deal with issues of criticism of gov't when they come up on wider front. Sort of combat exercises.

In fact, Reddit is read by people at a number of agencies. And a buddy of mine once showed me his website log, and he was being visited by a number of obscure government agencies. Pretty clearly his name was being passed around or was on someone's distribution list. I thus imagine many sites, again like Reddit, are monitored. And it's been mentioned elsewhere that the political parties do keep a lookout on social media, and some guys in Tel Aviv have been doing it for a decade. So, the big boys don't ignore the masses. They monitor, and they both inflitrate and operate from outside to exert control of truths.

Yo dawg jpg

How about r/conspiracy

I'm not controlled chief, r/conspiracy is still fair, otherwise i wouldn't be a moderator :D


It's a conspiracy.

Hey, you can't prove anything, I haven't got a check for planting disinfo for, like, 8 weeks now!

I don't know what's crazier: godlikeproductions, or you saying that godlikeproductions is run by the government.

What's the government going to do, give crazy paranoid people lacking skepticism their own forum? What's the point?

The site is an alleged psychological experiment run by Tavistock and Stanford Research Institute, and the owner, a former malware developer is purportedly the deputy director of the US Air Force's TENA project. See here, here and here for more info.

You're claiming that a conspiracy website full of people who love non sense is actually some psychological experiment, and to prove it you supply me with links of conspiracy websites made by people who love non sense.

If you open a website that attracts conspiracy theorists, and the wildest, craziest ones at that, don't you think it's inevitable that some of them will come up with the theory that the very website they're using is a conspiracy? Lots of people think reddit, facebook and google are government run. For every major wbesite there's someone saying the government runs it. And they all have websites alleging it, and they all link to each other, because for some reason an allegation of proof is considered as proof if it's on some blog that you link to.

Some of the banned words/sites are as follows:

Alien earth, proxywhore refuge, modlikeproductions, juryroll, ghosthunterscry, abovetopsecret, rumor mill news, surfing the apocalypse, buddhas grove, malware, spyware, adware, Jason Lucas, Elaine, Defiler, tavistock, stanford research institute. Also, using a tiny url will get you automatically banned.

So that must mean... buddhas grove is running godlikeproductions! In concert with Elaine! And it's a malware, adware and spyware, and it's a conspiracy to get world rid of short urls. There are no other explanations. And I'm assuming this is a very exhaustive list and it is completely safe to draw conclusions with the assumption that all these words and only these words are banned.

Just because there's one conspiracy somewhere doesn't mean everything can be explained by conspiracies. Most things don't make sense, it's a fundamental quality of the universe that the universe just doesn't care about you and life is chaotic and devoid of inherent meaning. Most things don't make sense, and they don't have to make sense; the government doesn't even enter into it.

Provide me actual evidence that GLP is run by the government and I'll believe you. Allegations are worthless, sorry.

"whats the point''? to shape the thoughts and opinions of the public

Read some Bernays....

Every single thing ever shapes the thoughts and opinions of the public. My question is: in which way would godlikeproductions shape the mind of the public that would help the government?

You could argue that it gives people some forum to be crazy together and while they worry about black holes and magnetic polar shifts they don't start a revolution against the government, but those people are perfectly able to be crazy without government approval; just look at /r/conspiracy... most people there furiously believe in a global conspiracy while you can explain most if not all of the world's problem by saying we're stuck in a shitty systemic patterns where people are greedy idiots and profit from each other in such a way that has been made official, legal, and seemingly permanent.

Im Serious, have you read Bernays?

know anything about PR? Disinformation?

I know about propaganda, PR, manufacturing of consent and all that. But to know that propaganda exists also entails being able to recognize what is propaganda and what is just people expressing their opinion.

The US has propaganda to lead people into war and accept it.

Israel has propaganda to keep people from noticing they're an apartheid state with nukes.

Apple has propaganda to tell people how buying a slightly better phone will change their lives.

There's a purpose in these motives.

Tell me what purpose godlikeproductions has? To spread terrible conspiracy theories around? Not everything is state propaganda, some websites just exist without purposely trying to misinform people.

I think the topic was started because of the shills that operate and post on godlike, not so much about the site as a whole.

OP's title: "Want to see a government-run conspiracy site in action?"

And: "This site should NOT be trusted."

Implying the whole thing is a setup. Otherwise OP would have posted something like "Some people on GLP are shills and spammers and idiots, so be careful", but from what I've seen of GLP, that should be painfully obvious to everyone.

What is the point of Godlike Productions? It isn't as if it's ran by people who don't know what they're doing. Even though it looks like a shitty site, it is well maintained. The open discussion of conspiracy isn't the point, as many topics of interest are off limits. Discussing the ever increasing fascist nature of the US government is not allowed. Encouraging protests, or even discussing them seems to be against the wishes of the admins.

So the government creates a website in which it doesn't allow the criticism of a government? How is that any better than not having any website at all?

I'm not sure it is any better. In fact, zero website would be as useful as one godlikeproductions, as far as I can see. That is my point though, it serves a purpose for someone, I am just not able to discern what that purpose is. This is why I brought up the quality of the site architecture. Granted, it isn't next level, but it is maintained by skilled people who must be getting something out of it. It can't generate much revenue... I just don't know, man.

So you don't really know who runs the website, what they're getting out of it, or what their goal or purpose might be, and you have no way to know any of these things very clearly, but something "is up".

Sorry, but that's unsubstantiated paranoia. And don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people who say "the government would never kill people for profit!" But I try to keep some healthy level of skepticism.

I mean, you could make the same argument about reddit or 4chan... 4chan can't make that much profit, and it's full of suspicious people, but so what?

We're talking about a conspiracy forum, and not the kind of conspiracy forum where its users require a high level of proof to say anything wild. I just looked it up, one of the post is just saying "on Dec 21, 2012 we'll be on the other side of a black hole at the center of the universe and our brain will behave differently etc.", and the comments are either jokes, questions, or agreements, but no one's asking what black hole they're talking about, what 'side' of it we're on, and how come we've suddenly found the center of the Universe. And that's just one topic I read. Most of it is pure bullshit, but it's entertaining and people like to go on there, feel like prophets, or spam people.

Oh and the people working for the government are idiots. Powerful, but still idiots. Most 'conspiracies' they're involved in are pretty obvious, like pushing bad laws onto people, the two party system, etc. They're not everywhere, that would require too much competence.

I'm not speaking from the point of view of someone who glanced at their site because of this post. I routinely stop by and have done so for years. My perspective is that of an observer who see's what is banned, what is encouraged.

The biggest problem with you comparing godlike to 4chan or reddit, is 4chan and reddit both have profit models. There are no ads on godlike, and they only recently began offering paid subscriptions, though I don't know what such a thing gives in way of value.

My point is that serious discussions on relevant topics are hushed and removed, while idiots are encouraged to discuss Niberu or whatever. Is it purely disinformation, is it a honey-pot, or is Trinity just bored and wealthy from some other means?

So, no. I don't know who truly runs it, what they're goals are, and while you've found reason to ridicule me for that, you've not provided any new or noteworthy perspective on the matter.

I'm not speaking from the point of view of someone who glanced at their site because of this post. I routinely stop by and have done so for years. My perspective is that of an observer who see's what is banned, what is encouraged.

Have you run an exhaustive tally of which terms are banned and how often they were banned, or do you just notice that once in a while someone posts something saying "I was banned for saying X and Y!"? Are any terms ban that don't fit the conspiracy? Is anyone banned for just being an idiot? Does the government ban idiots, and for what purpose?

The biggest problem with you comparing godlike to 4chan or reddit, is 4chan and reddit both have profit models. There are no ads on godlike, and they only recently began offering paid subscriptions, though I don't know what such a thing gives in way of value.

Lots of software are free, lots of services are free, and in fact it's a popular business model to offer something for free at first and then offer subscriptions to pay for hosting costs. Running a website is not expensive, $100 to $500 per year to host, and it's not like they hired a designer or skilled programmer to for GLP. A few subscriptions can easily pay for hosting costs, and if someone likes conspiracy theories and already has a few website businesses on the side, what's another hobby website? Subscriptions must add some value, even just a badge, lots of people will be willing to pay money for a badge. There's also a donation button.

My point, is that serious discussions on relevant topics are hushed and removed, while idiots are encouraged to discuss Niberu or whatever. Is it purely disinformation, is it a honey-pot, or is Trinity just bored and wealthy from some other means?

What happens when you post a serious discussion? Is it systematically deleted, or are some of them deleted? You're saying this is a kind of forum that encourages conspiracy theorists to only talk about certain conspiracies? And knowing conspiracy theorists, they suspect everything, including the forum they use all the time, so they would consult other websites and have discussions on those websites about how GLP may be government-run, but maybe reddit is too. After all, lots of my politically oriented posts are not upvoted much, and the most popular stuff on here is cat pictures, but does that mean it's government run?

So, no. I don't know who truly runs it, what they're goals are, and while you've found reason to ridicule me for that, you've not provided any new or noteworthy perspective on the matter.

I'm not ridiculing you, I'm pointing out your faulty reasoning, and your broken skeptic compass. Notice the lack of insults and condescending manners in my comments.

I think I've provided lots of valid points. And the burden of proof is on you; you can't claim that a website is government run, and then blame me for not being able to disprove your arguments... you don't have any argument. You have wild speculation. I question the wisdom and validity of your wild speculation.

For someone that doesn't frequent godlike you sure are fired up about it. Care to comment on that?

Care to address any of my rebuttal, or are you just giving up any pretense of rational debate and instead accuse me of... what are you accusing me of, exactly? That I pretend not to know GLP but I'm actually a closet-user? That I work for the government?

That's one of the reasons why I visit /r/conspiracy... trying to talk some sense into people who, when they can't rationally defend their position, resort to accusing the other of something insane like "you're one of them", or "you look suspicious", or "you seem mighty interested in the topic for someone who says he's not interested".

You are just very fired up about a subject you claim to have nothing vested in. That's all.

The difference between you and I is I am suspicious of the site, and my suspicions are based on observed behaviors and actions taken on said site. You are defending..what, exactly? You claim to have just glanced at it on this one occasion. Why even have a discussion with you on a subject you yourself claim ignorance of?

So to you, having an interest in a particular discussion requires one to be 'fired up' about it? As in 'concerned', 'worried', 'defensive' or 'angry'?

You claim the site is some government-run psychological or misinformation operation. You have provided absolutely no actual evidence or proof to support this, other than speculation and vague feelings of something fishy going on. I am not defending GLP, since you have not attacked it in any meaningful way. I am not attacking your arguments, since you do not have any substantial arguments to begin with.

What I do claim is that you are making wild allegations based on speculation, and that your suspicions are not grounded in reality or substantial evidence. In other words, you give absolutely no valid reason for anyone to believe what you say, unless they want to believe you because they feel like it.

As for why I even bother to reply to any of these comments about a website I don't really care about, it's partly because I like to sharpen my debating skills, to test my patience, and partly because I think it's unfortunate that people who are ready and willing to question their reality, their assumptions, and the social structure they live in, often fall victim of their own paranoia and go from a healthy skepticism of "maybe the government and its power structure is not legitimate" to "holy shit I think the government might control almost everything".

Questioning authority and assumptions is great, but wild speculation will lead people to waste a lot of energy into wild theories like covert government websites or mayan cosmic polarity shifts, and will totally miss the point. I don't like insanity and I think it's worth a few seconds commenting about on the internet.

"Are you retarded" is not a great argument. Also the fact that a video is on YouTube doesn't prove it's not retarded. And even if you had destroyed another one of my argument wouldn't make you win all our future arguments. You're grasping at straws my friend.

Says the guy I just destroyed with facts.

'Destroyed his argument' with a fucking youtube video about Ron Paul? "Destroyed". Hah.