I have a bone to pick with r/conspiracy.

214  2012-01-29 by [deleted]

kgkgu lkuyh; lij


That and the constant battle between anti-Zionist agenda and anti-semitism.

Frankly I'm often embarrassed.

I usually write those off as bots meant to make us look bad.

An anti-conspiracy conspiracy?

Sounds like a post for r/metaconspiracy, of which I just became the 5th subscriber.

Indeed. Paid shills that use multiple accounts to sway public opinion is not controversial. And this subreddit being what it is would be the ground floor for information control.

That's what it feels like when I put my info out there. Gets shouted down by people who have done 'less-than-zero' research themselves... Fuckin' shills.

We aren't bots, we are people who don't like seeing groups of people thrown into a category of accusation because of where their ancestors come from.

being a zionist is a choice. being anti-zionist is common sense. those people are pieces of shit, especially christian zionists.

bomb the mideast! start a war! look, it's the end times!

fucking idiots

note: i'm not antisemitic

I'm Jewish, at least nominally so, and I fucking hate the way this country is halfway up Israel's ass. Jewish ! = Zionism. Anti-Israel != anti-semitic. And vice-versa.

I actually meant I assumed the comments blaming everything on Jews were from bots. I should have clarified.

great point. It wouldn't take much to manipulate the overall tone of this subreddit, and I could see someone with an agenda doing so. sounds like.. a conspiracy. ;)

Is there a way to rid of the bots in this subreddit only?

This is one of the things I find most humorous on this subreddit. Anytime someone makes a comment or submits a link thats opaquely antisemitic people will always chime in and try to excuse it by claiming; 'You must have meant to say Zionists, not Jews'. Or that person will be dismissed altogether as being a Zionist posing as an antisemite to make conspiracy theorists look bad. Basically its impossible for anyone who browses this subreddit to be legitimately dislike Jews.

I refuse to tiptoe around one ethnic group because of something that happened during WWII. No one has to walk on eggshells around the Armenians, no one sheds any tears for the victims of the Dresden Massacre(women,children and seniors) and no one remembers the victims of Bataan or the Philippines. Israel is a monster, the atrocities in Palestine are a page right out of Hitler's playbook. The USS Liberty attack is fact, the bribery and treachery in of Israeli dual citizens in DC is fact. Fuck those guys and anyone who supports them.

There's good reason to believe the Holocaust has been blown out of proportion as well. The 6 million propaganda campaign blew my mind, and it made me really angry, because I spent a lifetime trying to be nice to these people only to find out I've been taken for a fool.

The jews are lucky they have (or had?) guys like David Cole among them. The poor guy might be dead by the hands of the JDL for all we know.

David Cole is the Jewish guy who did a video documentary on Auschwitz that was critical of the Holocaust dogma, and then was so viciously attacked by Zionists that he publicly renounced revisionism and turned away from Holocaust research, right? I remember reading about him a year or two ago, if I've got the same person.

That's the one.

People who come to this subreddit bring a lot of baggage with them. It's a shock to hear something openly discussed that never gets so much as a mention in the carefully-controlled mainstream media. After they get over their initial shock, some of them start to think about what was said.

i second this.

I didn't realize how much it bothered me until I mentioned to a Jewish friend/coworker that I'm a moderator here, and he's a redditor. I imagine him coming by on one of the "bad days" where the front page here is plastered with story after story about "Jewish bankers and their Zionist agenda" or some such.

I LOVE conspiracy and conspiracy theories, and agree that all governments are likely involved in many. Also, I agree that there are certainly secret societies pulling strings, including Zionists and many many more. Some days, it feels like disproportionate attention and negativity are directed at Zionist conspiracies, some of which I can imagine could be viewed as thinly veiled racism or anti-antisemitism. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive.

I don't have any suggestions at the moment for how we (as mods) could better manage this issue. Anyone have any suggestions? Is it just me picking up on this? Maybe we need to open a discussion with the community, if for no other reason to get our thumb on the pulse and know what the broader opinions are.

I feel as though Zionists are using America to the point of our own destruction for Israels ill gotten gains, and I have a passion for our constitutional freedoms which Jews often threaten. I believe they are the perpetrators of many false flag events, as they are just too small to wage the type of large scale war they want. If money truly runs the world, then so do the Zionists. IMHO, there isn't a greater threat to the peace and prosperity of the entire world.

Just look at how they're trying to get us into a war with Iran. The Zionists are practically foaming at the mouths with Iranian blood lust. They could care less if they drove the US/CHINA/RUSSIA/IRAN/EUROPE into a third world war. So long as the Jews survived, they'd just move in after we all incinerated one another...

Historically, Zionists haven't really cared if the Jews survive ... they have only been concerned with expanding Zionism. Non-Zionist Jews have been left twisting in the wind by the Zionists.

funny, historically Zionists are Jews. I think it's too confusing to separate the two, and frankly, I could care less that there's a difference.

Couldn't care less

as he walked over the cliff

Touchy, aren't we?

passionate if you're asking me.

I think the difference people don't realize is Anti-Zionism =/= Antisemitism. It's like saying if you're against radicals like the Taliban, you are against all Muslims, which is a false assumption. Much of the perceived Antisemitism is due to the preconceived notion that any attack on any Jewish person that involves their belief (even Zionism) is then redirected and called an Antisemite attack.

I don't have any suggestions at the moment for how we (as mods) could better manage this issue. Anyone have any suggestions?

Yeah, explain the "disproportionate" in your

disproportionate attention and negativity are directed at Zionist conspiracies,

If you can't then this is not the subreddit for you, and you definitely should not be a mod here.

The last thing we need is mods "managing" the issue -- i.e., censoring this subreddit.

I did not suggest censorship, but understand how you'd jump to that conclusion.

right.. because the only way to "manage" a reoccurring theme that you don't like is to censor it.

I've repeatedly said that this is not at all what I meant.

That is why it hits the front page every day. Because we don't censor it.

There is a reason for this "disproportionate attention" here. It is the same reason for the disproportionate influence zionists have in the media, banking and politics relative to their population numbers. It is the same reason for the disproportionate lack (or downright absence) of any media attention to these issues. And now even the mods here on reddit conspiracy begin toying with the notion of "managing this issue." Don't be ashamed of the subreddit. Be ashamed of yourself.

Hear hear.

Here's a quote about jews disproportionate influence in society:

What soon gave me cause for very serious consideration were the activities of the Jews in certain branches of life, into the mystery of which I penetrated little by little. Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light. In my eyes the charge against Judaism became a grave one the moment I discovered the Jewish activities in the Press, in art, in literature and the theatre. All unctuous protests were now more or less futile. One needed only to look at the posters announcing the hideous productions of the cinema and theatre, and study the names of the authors who were highly lauded there in order to become permanently adamant on Jewish questions.

Sounds familiar? It does, doesn't it. It's from Adolf Hitler in "Mein kampf". Spare me any godwins law you're already thinking of typing out. This is not "like hitler would've said" - this IS what hitler said. He had the same conspiracy theories about jewish influence in the media and culture as many in this subreddit has.

I hope at least some of you care about this. I know many of you don't and deep down think that hitler was right about the jews.

Has anyone read "The Synagogue of Satan"???

You may learn a lot, and think about the star of David, I mean HEXAGRAM differently

Oh please. Spare me the holocaust method of stifling free thought and speech.

Oh I do believe in free thought and speech. If a person wants to be an antisemite it's his choice and he should be free to have those opinions. I simply want people to know that he is and understand how antisemitic propaganda works.

Hitler didn't invent anti-semitism, he just stoked the bigotry already present in the German population to boost his popularity and influence. In much the same way current western politicians use anti-islamic bigotry to boost their popularity.

Yep that's true. I was surprised reading a part of mein kampf were hitler actually talks about being a cosmopolitan and feeling unease about the antisemitism he sees around him. He even writes protectively about jews at one point, before he goes down the path of antisemitism.

You probably believe the SIX MILLION MYTH.

Do you see how the Jewish media worked decade after decade to push a terrible lie? Think about how dishonest a people have to be to work together to promote that kind of lie. Maybe Hitler knew a thing or two.

Yeah either hitler was right or you're a racist asshole. It's definitely one of the two.

Did you look? The jews are lying about the Holocaust. Think about what that allowed them to do, and think about how much money they extorted from Germany because of that.

That's not right, and at this point, I don't care if it's politically incorrect to speak out against the jews. They need to apologize and tell the truth.

"the jews" are not one big amorphous group with a single ideology or agenda. "they" don't need to apologise for anything.

re "managing the issue": Regardless of the validity of any single issue, mods need maintain a balance on this subreddit so it doesn't become monopolized by any single topic. Additionally, in this specific case, I've seen many posts that seem to direct negative attention at Jewish people, rather than stay on-point and direct the criticisms at Zionism.

Speaking only for myself, I don't say "zionism", because the jews have been causing problems for humanity long before zionism ever existed. It might not be all jews, but it is A LOT of them.

If there are good ones who want to join the rest of humanity, all they had to do was tell the fucking truth. They've had plenty of time to do it, but so few of them did.

I know how you feel. I have lots of Jewish friends and lots of Arab friends. I feel pretty embarrassed myself sometimes and sometimes I feel that I have to defend all of us as a group for something nasty that one person here says about Jews or Israel. The real problem here is that we have the zionists commuting international crimes on a massive scale in order to bankrupt all nations and begin a world currency. Im sure you know this already, but this is the only reason it hits the front page every day. When people see things in this light it can become easier to distinguish between the two. Most americans cant tell the difference between a Chinese man and a Japanese man, so to expect people to be able to distinguish between the two without education on the subject is nearly impossible.

and somehow while talking about the anti-zionist agenda sneaking in an oh I'm also atheist.

You mean the Anti-Zionists and the Anti-Semites are always at each other's throats?

I'm actually surprised!

....it just occurred to me.

I'm not an old user here by any stretch of the imagination, however, many people WERE drawn to Reddit.com by the Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

Now...follow me here.

Steven Colbert, Roman Catholic

John Stewart, Jew

Reddit before the attention? Apparently much "better" than than after.

I think this website may have been getting a bit scary for some people in high places, and they wanted to shine a light into this corner.

Since then, every Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane and Lord Bumberchute has come here, muddying the waters, and generally adding noise to the signal.

Chew on THAT one /r/conspiracy . And it seems to have worked.

kill your television, sir.

I haven't watched a television in over a decade now.

Kill yours, sir.

Televisions. We should put em in camps.

Fuckin' televisions.

Really? It seems to me that there are real conspiracies going on in the world. We don't need to make them up when there are perfectly valid reasons for the things we observe. Reddit became more popular because it's awesome. Reddit attracted attention from those celebrities because it's awesome. And you know what? It's still awesome.

We don't need to make them up

Stop that.

You're being silly.

There's always been a dark corner of the Internet, they were on reddit even before it was so popular. Interesting point, though, and I'd certainly say reddit's popularity was a large factor in its distillation and the rise of a meme-driven user base.

Good points.

Thank you very much.

I made them all by myself!

No a good thing never stays secret. The same thing happened to 4chan.

Yeah. I wish i knew where a new Reddit was. Another secret to keep for myself.

You know?

Last time I checked?

There weren't cable television personalities providing free advertising and promotion to them. Hell, when the public event in D.C. happened, it was even in newspapers, so there are now 90 year old ladies who know about reddit.com!

You think they know what the hell a 4chan is?

Reddit's not a "good thing." Reddit is a website that "benefited" from some awesome free advertising and overt endorsements.

I guess people think it's just a coincidence that celebrities keep answering long ass questionnaires on this website.

You're way in the deep end of the crazy pool. Not even going to bother with this one.

Now...I resemble that remark!

I agree, we should be working together

Working together is a good idea. If we had some projects that multiple users contributed to over a period of time, it would help to develop a stronger sense of community, I think.

Agreed, actually I though I noticed this habit months ago.

I think the issue of the cynicism stems from the disillusionment some feel.

Absolutely. I am a big believer in the idea that pressure is used by the rulers of the world, so that when things reach a boiling point a small release is seen as a windfall victory or the like. I think back to how the country reacted to ObL's death and look at what has happened since we killed the mastermind who essentially put us on lockdown. These small victories are used to further the 'agenda' some groups want instead of settling us back. You either stick with it and try to stay positive, or get tired and start nitpicking people. Disagreeing and informing the uninformed isn't difficult to do without being an ass.

There's not going to be any "settling us back." The United States is beyond the pale.

I think back to how the country reacted to ObL's death

Indeed, indeed. and

look at what has happened since


You mean his supposed death conveniently timed to happen on May Day?

May Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. May Day falls exactly half a year from November 1, another cross-quarter day which is also associated with various northern European pagan and neopagan festivals such as Samhain. May Day marks the end of the unfarmable winter half of the year in the Northern hemisphere, and it has traditionally been an occasion for popular and often raucous celebrations.


...and the Penny Black, the first official adhesive postage stamp, is issued in the United Kingdom in 1840...

I knew about these comments hurting this community before the OP did.

sorry if i ever raged at anyone in this sub and they actually had good intentions.

keep up the good fight, ignore the haters and the shills.

keep postin', everyone's input is valuable in some way.

i try to be critical of facts and don't set out to attack people personally, but sometimes i get excited .. or drunk.

overall, despite all the bullshit in this sub, i still find it interesting after all this time.

At least you can admit when you make a mistake, that takes character. Have an upvote!

Great comment! We ask for people to wake up, but when they do, we tell them how stupid they are.

Nothing convinces someone more effectively in an argument to move to your position than by calling the other person stupid!

PEOPLE - please, please, please keep in mind that there is a high probability that the trolls and antagonists in this subreddit are fucking PLANTS/STOOGES from organizations that are counter to the /r/conspiracy purpose.

Ignore them.

I think this should be a highly visible PSA all on its own. Maybe less italics, and a bit of rational explanation, and a suggestion of caution to be aware of that possibility, but not to simply assume that everybody who disagrees with you is a shill. That is, after all, a pretty effective way to induce chaos - by spreading paranoia within the group about the group's own members.

I'm on the of the guilty ones here. I have been deeply critical of threads I read here about faking the Moon landing (all of them?) and commercial airliners spraying chemicals from 30,000 feet to control us and/or give us diseases.

You see, I believe that the whole issue of conspiracy investigation is clouded by deliberate disinformation and giving time to ridiculous theories makes it that much easier to dismiss ALL theories by association.

Do you remember the scene in Close Encounters where there is a town meeting being held. The Richard Dreyfuss character is pressing the government for real information about what he really saw and experienced. He almost seems to be winning the argument, almost gets some real answers, and then this jackass stands up and starts talking about how he saw the alien ships and he also saw BIGFOOT, too. And the whole meeting dissolves and the truth remains hidden.

There are a lot of real legitimate questions to ask about climate change, the food supply, false flag actions that lead us into war, increased government surveillance in the wake of 9-11 and much more. But then there's this other shit: the fake Moon landing and how Kubrick actually shot the footage (I guess Spielberg faked the pictures from the Mars rover too). And chem trails from commercial airliners. So fucking ridiculous to me - it's like Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster and the Face on Mars. It makes us all look like tinfoil hat loonies.

I know this disinformation and the putting forward of outlandish, ridiculous theories is done very deliberately and with very clear intent by those in power who wish to continue to hide the truth. So use your mind, people, use your head. EVERYTHING is not a conspiracy but some things ARE and they deserve full attention and focus. Be sensible. Use your head. Don't be a loony.

You're critical of 'chemtrails' because you aren't knowledgeable about geoengineering. Maybe instead of denouncing something you have no knowledge of, you should attempt to verify your side of the argument. Weather modification uses up a large portion of the Department of Energy's budget, and is tied with programs like 'cloud seeding' and 'cloud forming'.

It's funny seeing a propagator of chem-trail conspiracies tell someone else they're not knowledgeable about something. Maybe you should learn the basics of condensation and contrails before you tell someone to get more knowledgeable about "geoengineering".

Who said anything anthing about contrails? Maybe you should learn a thing or two, yourself.

What you call chemtrails is a natural phenomenon called contrails. And none of those geoengineering projects have anything to do with commercial airliners.

When did I talk about contrails OR commercial airliners? "Chemtrail" is a term with a wide scope covering all weather modification endeavors, which are very real and cost billions of dollars.

A "contrail" is very similar to the exhaust on a car. I hope you learned something today, but you seem rather thick-skulled.

I didn't question the moon landings until I saw the great lengths NASA went to simulate a photo-realistic moon landing here. Why make a 20'-diameter plaster of paris model of the moon and build a track around it for the camera to ride on? What about the football-field sized crane apparatus complete with fake craters? What about the laughable engineering on the LM modules, which in several photos are nothing but pop-riveted pieces of scrap?

http://apolloreality.bravehost.com/ http://apolloreality2.bravehost.com/

The web design is terrible, but I think that sensible, thoughtful people can come to question the moon landings.

Reading Apollo reality 2, it appears the author is attempting to see holes in the evidence when they simply don't exist or at the very least, letting his prejudices cloud his message.

I see your point, he is biased. But did you read the first link? I was never aware of all the facilities on the ground. Most of the moon landing theories I had read in the past hinge upon oddities in the photographs or about the flag waving or not, but his was the first site to expose the ground facilities and the monumental efforts put forth to simulate everything about the mission on the ground.

Either way, I appreciate you reading the link and offering your thoughts on it, even if we disagree about the conclusion.

I did. To be fair, I have plans to interview my great uncle on the subject this spring.

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that FOX puts out a flimsy straw-man video about the moon landing conspiracies. Here is the Apollo 16 Lunar Module on the moon. Behold the fine engineering.


Just a few major breaches in the hull, seems legit.

Well stated.

I like /r/conspiracy to be a free-for-all.

If people come in with bullshit theories, we should call them on it, but they should never be deleted.

"Don't be a loon" is good advice, to be sure. But the nature of the conspiracy theory is that nothing comes from official channels. This is a very wide road.

Add to that that what does come from official channels is censored and now you've got the added restriction that you can't say that any conspiracy theory is an outright falsehood, because then you're simply part of some disinformation campaign.

It's like the time I did my community service for a DUI at an alcoholics-anonymous place. You can say you're not an alcoholic, but then you're simply in denial, that's all.

I myself prefer people to sound like loons than miss an idea or a concept, and I get MANY of them from r/conspiracy. For which I am grateful.

For example, the idea that some but not all of the moon landings were faked, because the aliens that run the secret base on the far side made it clear that we are not welcome there.

Is it true? It would explain a lot of things! But can it never be said to be "loony"? No, and I'm comfortable with that.

The chemtrails, in my opinion, is a bit "loony" as you say, because there are much easier ways to poison us. Easier in the sense of energy efficiency and in avoiding detection.

Plus, if we're embracing the other conspiracies, there's a lot more air travel. So we have mutual inclusions and exclusions of conspiracy theories.

Big foot is one that I used to believe was possible, but it's been debunked too many times to remain credible. It now seems to have been a Jungian concept the whole time. A Jungian archetype.

But I don't mind hearing and reading about them. I think the Universe is a lot more interesting.

Did you know that there's a theory that the Loch Ness monster is the ghost of a Stegosaur? It was the first time it had ever crossed my mind that non-humans could leave ghost-like energies. I like that idea. The truth of it is not exactly relevant, even though Truth is what I'm after, I know from experience that Truth is much stranger than fiction.

pay attention in the spring summer and fall, to the brown kudzu (look in poor towns).

as for the moon landing well, there is no way one can verify, we must trust them. people aren't very trusting, especially of the media. For some, it goes further back.

edit: i wish tyo add that since infrasonics can manipulate a human's mind, it is unlikely that a human being can leave earths magnetic filed w/o going insane.

What about people like me who see chemtrails, climate change denialism, bigfoot, JFK, the face on mars, the fake moonlanding and 9/11 truthers in the same light?

I find your line just as ridiculous as bigfoot.

Who gets to decide where the line is?

You sound like everyone else who hasn't looked into chemtrails and the moon-landing.

If you think that the idea of the government spraying diseases on cities from planes is ridiculous, just know that the UK/US have admitted to doing it before.

But not every single day from virtually every commercial flight worldwide. Which is the difference between concealed reality and chemtrail theories.

Semi-realted to the face on Mars.

I dont know whats up with Mars, but i thought the video was interesting. I skipped ahead to the Mars part, feel free to watch from the beginning.

Pareidolia. The human brain is hard-wired to see faces in shapes.


:) <--- this looks nothing like a human face and yet we can interpret it as smiling face, given virtually no cues.

Yea I have noticed quite a bit of negativity on this sub as well. For instance, a few hours ago I posted a video by Jordan Maxwell and everytime it gets upvoted someone comes along and downvotes it so it gets buried and never seen. I don't know about other people but whenever I see a post that is relevant to conspiracy I upvote it even if I don't personaly agree. So much for trying to share the people I enjoy listening to...

EDIT: wow downvoted already

To be honest, I hate videos on reddit.

Why can't people put words together anymore?

I don't downvote them, however.

I love videos on reddit, it gives me something interesting to watch and a lead on other things to check out without spending all day sifting through crap on youtube looking for something good. As for putting words together, I do. Just the other day I was asking r/conspiracy what they thought of the sovereign / freeman movement since it's right down the conspiracy alley but I never see much discussion about it. I recieved a pretty good response.

While I wasn't explicitly attacking your ability to put words together, I do think that video is a very slow way to get ideas across.

It's also difficult to find things in a video, and you can't cut'n'paste into comments for discussion.

I didn't feel you were attacking me, just covering the bases. I like your point on cutting and pasting.

If you come across something that has been posted prior or is older new, do something positive such as adding additional thoughts or information.

Also, considering this is the conspiracy section... most things cannot be proven nor debunked... so if someone posts something that is popularly known as a hoax or debunked, that's just popular opinion and perhaps that opinion is wrong. Encourage skepticism in both directions and focus on sharing knowledge rather than assuming something is hoax or truth. Logic and rationality tend to encourage critical thinking.

But as OP states, being malicious (whether intentional or not) helps no one.

Agreed 100%, it's so sickly sometimes it's untrue. Conspiracy Hipster? yeah, awesome.

It's always a good policy to be polite toward other posters, even though it can be difficult when those posters insult you on a personal level, as many of the shills like to do. Even then, the best road is the high road.

Isn't the biggest conspiracy always about censoring free speech. It sounds to me like what your trying to do here. Do you work for the bad guys?

It was me...wasnt it?

I really think you should give specific examples of badness.

No need to post usernames; just quotes that you dislike.

It's naive to consider this or any other subreddit a community. Anyone with an account can upvote and downvote in any subreddit. They can submit and comment too, and if their account is banned they can just create another one. There are subreddits openly dedicated to mocking and trolling people who are open minded about conspiracies. It would not be too difficult for a group to organize less obvious ways to attack a subreddit.

It's a hopeless cause to implore people to behave better in this or any other subreddit. It would be a better use of your effort to encourage people not to see reddit as a community.

The problem IMO, as with everything is PROFIT, like all aspects of our lives some suits on a computer somewhere punched in some numbers & realised there is a "niche market" to be had, so "conspriacy theorists" become a little slice of the MSM pie (Exhibit A: Glenn Beck, for the crazier "conspiracists", he got ratings, that was his purpose!)

They create shows for the "history channel" and what ever other channels about UFO's, secret bases, etc, etc, etc, all the while making money & making most conspiracy theories, even the most blatant conspracies look ridiculous & laughable in the process.

What this in turn creates is an almost hipster-esq conspiracy movement, the guys do it because "its cool", or that want to be the guy that knows all the secrets, theres no desire to spread to truth or share information, they just want to "collect shit", like Apple fanboys collecting every apple product they can afford, they simply try to collect stuff they can flaunt and then dismiss everything as if its old news. (also covers the fact these people rarely know anything of substance)

Also another part of the marketing machine creates the constant need for "competition", this results in the put downs & the attacks, because everybody wants to be "number one", "the big dog" if you will. This for example in a sports setting would result is increased spending on services to get fitter or equipment to train & practice & the "jock mentality" in the conspiracy world it results in the amassing of info regardless of quality for no other reason than to "put on a gun show" coupled with this our media trained people skills means people attack character & everything else first then look at the facts as very distant second, if they ever even gets that far.

Its genius really, because most people buy into it, the system pretty much protects itself, they just have to sit back & count the dollars.

Anyway I could be wrrong, what do I know, thats just my buck 05.

I think you're on the right track with these lines of thought. It's one reason I tend to only read and watch resources that are intended for free mass distribution, because when it comes to conspiracy theories, it should be about sharing information and discussion of ideas. Not this fear-mongering-pay-me-$40-and-I'll-tell-you-how-to-survive bull.

This is tough, I would always err on the side of free speech, but certainly as a community of many adults we could be more considerate. However there is no way to ensure this. Although I find responding without returning their venom helps.

we are working on rooting out the most abusive of the bunch. it might take a while but we will find them. =)

I would rather not see /r/conspiracy sanitized.

Who's to say if an abusive turd might not have something interesting to say?

Let the downvotes be the guide, and keep an eye out for shills.

There are no shills here.

Drink Coca-Cola tm.

.... Dammit Bobby, get away from my PC. What did you just type? OMG.

That is the usual approach. There were two particularly subversive individuals who needed to be ejected, but the crowd we have now is pretty good. We just need to keep our gaurd up is all I'm saying.


If people are inquiring about JFK then yes, I'd probably call them stupid. We're past that, it happened, the shit totally doesn't seem right, they made a movie or two about it, pick a story you want from it but discussing it at this point is kinda pointless. If you have footage of a guy actually killing JFK or some other amazing evidence then please post and lets discuss.

I would cite instances, but its not worth the effort on my part - Typical conspiracy theory poster.

Just my 2 cents on a trend I'm seeing more and more. - Now you're just coming around.

That is the most concentrated pro-stupidity I have seen for a while.

Every negative comment, all snark, condescension, and mention that you knew something first - it hurts our cause.

On the contrary.

If people were all kind and lovey-dovey with the obviously-concocted conspiracy theories, we really will appear like total chumps.

We have to fight the intellectual dross.

Yes, sometimes we will get things wrong, but really, what harm has been done?

It's not all about you, there are other people new, looking for info as well.

Just got here 5 seconds ago, just about to leave and unsub for this reason. Listen to this man.

Well fuck off then: boy, that will really show us.

Haha, true to your stereotype. Love it.

Every negative comment, all snark, condescension, and mention that you knew something first - it hurts our cause.

What is your "cause?" A dispassionate examination of fact or zeal for your belief, regardless of how true it may or may not be?

That would be truth.

And what I wrote would be to the point of not berating people who may be misguided. It's easier to steer someone in a direction than it is to tell them theyre dumb and then hope they find what you see as truth.

You have to expect that the financial elite know about this forum and are doing everything in their power to make us all look like idiots.

Conspiracyhipster was tired of the negativity before there was negativity.

I was a Zionist shill long before it was cool.

Those hipster glasses with the Star of David frames are utterly awesome. It's like a Jewish Elton John, sir.

you guys cry wolf every half hour and feel vindicated when you find a dead squirrel

we should just do away with subreddits completely and dump everything in one place.

I love the amount of crazy in here, please don't stop.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that there are legitimate ones in a crowd of about billions more that are built on assumptions, fallacies, and little evidence.

Call me anti semite all you want, the jews have been disliked for years for a reason, a race of people don't get a consistent bad rap throughout history because they're martyrs, they're a race of magicians, they have power in every entertainment industry including porn and Government because they worship satan, Jesus doesn't care how much power or money you have but satan can prosper you with power and wealth if you worship him,it makes all the sense in the world once you look into it.

The fuck? Jesus was a Jew. The entire old testament is the Torah.

Jesus really wasn't a Jew. He was the first Christian. He was born a Galilean, not a Judean.

Why don't jews worship Jesus then...they abhor any Christian holidays and their flag has the most satanic symbol on the planet that represents saturn/satan, for more proof just read the jewish Talmud.

That requires a belief in both "magic" and "Satan", otherwise these Jews you're talking about would have been wasting their time.

Personally, I can't see how any rational person can defend "magic", etc.

My Bad, it's more like Magick, it's not like pulling rabbits out of a hat or anything, magick is just another word for witchcraft, and witchcraft is the act of summoning spirits for knowledge,wealth or power, the concept of the genie is derived from this, summoning spirits is also considered worshiping them, this practice has been documented throughout history, it's nothing new and it's still being practiced today.

Yep, and it doesn't work. I spent some years researching the occult in depth and found nothing of any substance to it. No one else has ever been able to prove anything either. Thousands of years and not one piece of proof that would hint that there was something going on there should tell you something.

It's no different than religion - a basis for people in the past to explain the world around them. Unfortunately their methods are simply inaccurate, and due to their system of construction they can't improve without disproving itself (much like religion again), so they're stuck in this anachronistic world view.

I could tell you some personal experiences I've had with satanism but they are just that, they're personal. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything nor am I here to save anyone, everyone has their own path. but I will say humans are not stupid and they only do things for a payoff in the end or for a means of survival, so why would humans from the beginning of time up until now still worship satan and demon spirits? and I think if you really did years of research you would see it by now, I think you weren't meant to see it or you don't want to and it's probably the latter.

And as far organized religion, you have a choice,you don't have to subscribe to any religion, your faith could be a personal thing, and I don't buy that line that primitive people came up with religion because their language and understanding couldn't make sense of the world around them, just look at the Ancient Egyptians, they had knowledge of math,architecture,masonry,carpentry,harmonics,alchemy,astrology,astronomy and pharmakia, I often think some of them were smarter than the average teenager or College student today! and let me ask you a question: how would you describe the religion of the Ancient Egyptians? we know it was Polytheistic, but how would you describe it in a few words?


Its difficult to be pro-Israel, to be honest. I have no problem with the Israeli people, but their government is a different story.

Maybe it's because most of everything posted here sounds like it was made up by a total crack pot?

Those hipster glasses with the Star of David frames are utterly awesome. It's like a Jewish Elton John, sir.

Its difficult to be pro-Israel, to be honest. I have no problem with the Israeli people, but their government is a different story.