The second episode of End the Lie Radio will begin in just over three hours. Any redditors from /r/conspiracy want to share some information on the air and get an opportunity to plug your own website/book/podcast/radio show/whatever?

17  2012-01-30 by MRuppert

I'm having Bob Tuskin on for the second half of the first hour but other than that I have an hour and a half in which I would love to have one of you guys (or girls) come on to talk about whatever you'd like.

Obviously I can fill up the time (and a few thousand more hours) but I was hoping I could engage my favorite internet community and get you guys involved in the show.

Seriously you guys kick so much ass. I now get at least one story idea from here per day and a significant bit of readership. I couldn't be more grateful.

Therefore if you want to come on and talk about your favorite (or least favorite) issue and plug your own website or radio show or podcast or whatever I would be more than happy to give you the platform!

Or if you just want to rant about something that's cool too.

So what do you think? I'll be checking this throughout the next few hours while I get some writing done.


Well, whatever you do, don't mention any of the following:

  •, reddit's conspiracy subreddit

  • that we have new moderators

  • that we discuss a wide range of conspiracy topics in both historical and contemporary perspectives


  • that we are just finishing our first weekly installment of a community documentary viewing (see the Movie Of The Week blurb in the sidebar for more information that you shouldn't mention).

Thanks for not mentioning any of that.


Thank you so much!


I feel like there is way too much negativity here most of the time. I feel a strong sense of community with r/conspiracy so I feel like I should give a real thank you to the people who make it great. You are a top contributor here in ways no other redditor can match. Well done and please keep up the good work.

Nice plug. Thanks!

Good luck with the show. As a fellow podcaster, I know what a task it can be.

I hope to check it out!



For future reference, what's your podcast? Throw a link in here if you can, I'd like to check it out.

Obviously im not ChrisLAS, but I do love his podcasts and figured I would share the link.


Yeah, The Linux Action Show is their longest running podcast. They have several others though, that are obviously not as long. LAS is the star of the network though. Lots of stuff for you to taste and enjoy :-D


Yes, quite easily. Its very educational and entertaining at the same time. If you like geek culture, technology, computers or programming... youll love LAS.

You might also want to check out the shows 2 subreddits...

/r/LinuxActionShow and /r/techsnap

btw techsnap is their systems admin/technology/networking... all around computer show. Its got a Canadian on it too.... who loves BSD. So its win win.

edit: Also, I just wanted to say they aren't "those kinds" of Linux users, you know... the kind that thinks people who use windows are dumb and Microsoft is the antichrist. So, no need to worry. You wont get judged or shat on. Unless you use Fedora.


You want Ubuntu if you want an ultra friendly GUI. You don't need to know a single thing about Linux to install or operate Ubuntu. Just remember that the "Ubuntu Software Center" is your friend.

You can download it and give it a test run. Just DL it, burn it, boot up with it and click "Try Ubuntu". You can give it a test run with out giving it the full installation.

Absolutely....I've been following your insight for sometime and it was the spark that lead me to everything else, including reddit. Good luck with the podcast. Where exactly can I listen?


Great, thanks a lot! I appreciate it.

Your friend said 'nukular'. ;)

Anyway, this is the first time I've tuned in, but is your show generally about current events in regards to America? Because a lot more people are getting the wool pulled over their eyes, and I think that's important to talk about too.


Haha. I haven't listened to a whole show through, I'll have to look through the archive soon. But I'd like to hear as many sides/interpretations to international stories as you can offer. Not enough journalists are providing unbiased coverage of what's happening in Syria, for example.

As I said, I haven't checked out your show yet, so I don't want to be too specific if you've already covered the topic.


I will be continuing to read! (And listen, soon :D)

The work of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann on the science of public opinion is has been an integral part of American life for several decades, but most Americans know nothing about them. I think a show outlining their ideas and providing examples of each from our media history would be enlightening.