My Morgellons: New discovery I just made. I DO have strange fibers in my scabs.

7  2012-02-05 by [deleted]

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Keep in mind many scabs have a few fibers from the environment and these will be short. Colors will vary. Here, the fiber looks environmental and not from you.

On a rash that won't go away, there are so many possible causes it's hard to speculate. Sometime one can get mild fungal infections on the skin. A simple thing to try is to buy a small tube of one of the generic fungal remedies used to treat athlete's foot and other forms. Apply a little daily to the afflicted area and cover with a bandaid to keep it from rubbing off. It takes more than one day, perhaps a week, to wipe out the fungus. If you do this it may help end the rash.

The CDC study was a whitewash and that says to me Morgellon's is real and related to something governmental or Monsanto. That it is reported for the United States but apparently not other places says it could be related to something peculiar to US environment or food system. I'll lay odds on something in some chemtrails. Who is waging biowar on us and why?

Amended: I just found there are many cases reported in England, so I'm wrong about it being purely here. Do they have chemtrails over Britain? If this is global I see three main possible causes: GMOs, chemtrails, or parasitic disease of new type. One website claimed that someone who had worked on Morgellons as a bioweapon had contacted them and said he was shamed of what he'd done. Is it an attempted weapon for brain function influence, gone wrong?

like i said, this is the first i have found. i'll keep everyone updated as it progresses.

Look, you need to call the OSU medical center in Tulsa, Oklahoma if this is a legitimate concern. They specialize in skin diseases and have teams who are willing to talk about morgellans.

If you work in a machine shop, weld, or a foundry, or something of the like- this is not morgellons. It is most likely a build up of microscopic metallic particles that get in under skin, they cause nodules of metal and puss. Sometime they can appear as stands. You just need to shower after work and wear long sleeve and a hat, also talk to a dermatologist.

If you're bullshitting, go fuck yourself. If not, get some medical attention. The college I talked about will give you affordable care because morgellans studies are a part of a research department.

Harsh post man. I have no reason to lie. I have never worked in a foundry or any industrial setting. I have done mostly auditing, computer repair and customer service. I am suffering a lot. I live in Ohio near Ohio State University (also ironically named the OSU medical center). I have been seen by specialists at osu internal medicine with inconclusive test results. I couldn't afford continued treatment to discover the real cause and i can't get health insurance. I will attempt to contact them and see if I can get an all expenses paid trip to get studied. If not, i can't afford to do it on my own, and there are no doctors here willing to study this disease, that i know of. So i just deal with it.

I didn't mean to be rude. I take everything with a grain of salt. I honestly and truly wish you the best and hope you can get better.

I worked in a machine shop during the same time as my brother worked as a welder. His son got little sores similar to one of the pictures. We ended up figuring out it was that, and now he's all better.

I doubt they will pay for the trip but they do often off set the cost of treatment in their study cases.

The bitch about emergent diseases is that its hard to get treatment, and if it is industrial or governmentally caused you wont see help or compensation for the next fifty years.

I really do wish you the best and sorry I wasn't much of a help. Have you tried any morgellans forums? Maybe a fellow suffer might have some clue as how to live easier with it.

I haven't found anything yet. I just found this. sad. it also says in the article that there was a bad outbreak along the southern coast of the USA a few years back. I have worked in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas in the last 5-10 years. o_O

HOLY SHIT. Look at this pic. Guess what else is in those 3 states? NASA.

I did a little bit of a search. I assume you are caucasian...? I haven't seen any non-caucasian sufferers. Do you know if any of your family or coworkers have similar symptoms? It would be important to find out whether its primarily environmental or genetic.

I do suffer from minor bouts of eczema, but nothing like this. As far as I know I have never given it to anyone else, but who really knows? I dont know anyone else with this. Yes I am a white devil. Lol.

No you don't. Stop being insane. STOP IT. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW.

I think that to myself all the time. I was really really skeptical until I looked at my snot under the magnifying glass. I tried to take a picture, but it's too small for my camera to see.

Heard of this before but I've never seen it. Just looks like a piece of thread from your iPhone picture but interesting none the less.

i have had all of the other symptoms for years, but this is the first fiber i've found.

How did you get your scab?

it was from a pimple on my face. the fiber is not a facial hair.

test the fibers.

How is structure made, what material... and then find out where is material with same characteristics. That fibers has to come from somewhere..find out what is a source of fibers ;)

Any idea how you may have hypothetically acquired Morgellon's?


I still have no comment, but am following with interest.

Morgellens may be a mutation. Those fibers could be made of keratine or they could be your bodies way of getting rid of toxins from shampoos, soaps we ingest so much poison.

It has been more than three generations since the toxin dousing started. Thinking along the lines of epigenetics think about what your ancestors did and lived.


how so? mutations don't have to make sense, they just have to survive the environment to exist, be preferred if they want to thrive.

think of all those mutagenic poisons. herbicides, peoples manicured lawns, pesticide residue is everywhere, car exhaust, chemicals dumped in our water, funguses and hormones in our real foods, and more toxins in the processed crap. and this is what we know of. we cannot expect a population to 1. be healthy, 2, not have mutations.


no they don't. go ask a geneticist or a biologist. hell you dont need genetic mutation to have something like this. for all we know a few genes are switched on or off. those results you say disprove need to be verified independently. no the nih and cdc are not independent

edit: let me clarify by saying phenotype mutations. in which which excreting or growing strange fibers would be considered in that classification. also blue eyes

Listen, continue believing as you will. These people are suffering for certain, but not from morgellons.

So no response for what I posted just some condescending bs response.

Nothing I could say would possibly matter to you. Instead of treating the disease you would chose to indulge these poor souls in their delusions.

So you are of the school that mental diseases have no biological source and are purely mental? Or you just think people are being delusional in this case because no one can explain it?

So you are of the school that mental diseases have no biological source and are purely mental? Or you just think people are being delusional in this case because no one can explain it?

Edit: you are correct nothing you say can matter since you have clearly demonstrated your ignorance in genetics and evolution.

Man, you're a card.

man, you are blind good luck with that

I'm just gonna give you some things to google to get an understanding of biology.

Ghost in your genes. Huntingtons disease (a useless and deadly mutation) There is a lizard scientists claim to have forced to evolve a mammalian pregnancy. Don't remember the name. If nothing else genome by Ridley.

I'm just gonna give you some things to google to get an understanding of biology.

Ghost in your genes. Huntingtons disease (a useless and deadly mutation) There is a lizard scientists claim to have forced to evolve a mammalian pregnancy. Don't remember the name. If nothing else genome by Ridley.

Schizophrenia is theorized to be a mutation