Confirm/deny: US presidential elections, including RNC/DNC primaries, have predetermined results.

42  2012-02-06 by [deleted]

Everyone knows that George W. Bush couldn't have made it into the oval office without some rigging. Everyone knows about Diebold.

So what about Romney?

Republicans spent all day hating wall street and politicians, and then they pick a "businessman and politician" as their candidate for president? Seems fishy.

Seems obvious to me, just by looking at Romney, Newt, and Santorum, that the RNC probably knew Romney was going to win all along. (Sidenote: This is similar to the Obama/McCain election, where it was obvious that McCain/Palin was just a big joke and the election seemed to be being thrown by the Republicans (indicating/confirming that the difference between R and D really is only skin-deep)).

So... Does anyone know of any verifiably independent polls/studies that show that the RNC results correlate with independent polling (e.g., does it make sense for 50% of Nevada RNC primary voters to vote for Romney)?


My favorite theory about the 2008 election: the only reason McCain lost is the Republicans got cocky and mismanaged the vote rigging in Ohio.

It's not who casts the votes, it's all about who counts the votes.

upvoted because i'd really like to see if anyone can provide the independent results asked for here.

Here you go.

Primaries aren't proper elections and rigging them would be a piece of piss. The political parties are private clubs and they can fix these primaries if they want to, I am guessing, without even breaking any laws.

It is much harder to fix national elections. Well, unless electronic voting machines are used, of course. Genuine democracies don't allow these, because of the risks involved.

this is a test.

It is showing up. Can you see this post?

Votes do not matter. Just something to keep us occupied and feeling important.

Yes, it makes perfect sense for Romney to do as well as he did. He's a Mormon --Clark County has tons in, ie. North Vegas -- he's the frontrunner, he spent an assload, he just won big in Florida ("momentum") and the other candidates aren't exactly lighting the world on fire as regards to inspiring enthusiasm.

And yes, Paul can easily outperform the polls without the polling representing some conspiracy. As Silver points out, turnout was quite low. Answering the phone and saying you'd vote for so-and-so isn't the same as getting off your ass and actually doing it, and given everyone knew Romney was going to win and Paul supporters are the only ones who're trying to talk themselves into the viability of a delegate strategy, a lot of Newt and Frothy Mixture fans just stayed home.

How about speculate/postulate. Ain't nobody got proof and if they do, they should be doing something with it other than posting on r/conspiracy

I usually flame this sub-reddit as you guys are little too far out there but this is actually true to some degree. I know from personal experience. I was at a meeting where both the Democrat and Republican candidate was chosen from the group of people in the room and yes, one of them won. I won't give anymore info on it but it DOES happen.

A little too far out there? Where? Truthsville?

Just because you find a few bad beans doesn't mean you throw out the whole bucket of beans. It's about making up your own damned mind about what you see and hear. If you don't want to know shit outside your own bubble, better just stay away altogether. Otherwise, get out of the bubble and jump into this head first.

Also, bullshit called on your "personal experience".

This is a test. Message me if you can see this comment in the thread. All of mine have been censored today.

Rely on what questionable sources?

People have this odd notion that Alex Jones and Ron Paul and David Icke are our gods. I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that you have no fucking clue as to who or what any of us are. And to throw everyone who is a regular here into the same bunch is a damned tragedy as I'm sure most of us could easily get along. Instead, go ahead and continue with the belittlement and denial.

This subreddit is NOTHING like those rambling, ignorance regurgitating, tweenage twats you see on YOOSTOOBS.

If you want some sources you need but ask. Hell, half the people that spam /r/conspiracy are trolls.

See, what I don't understand is how someone can throw out an entire documentary or lecture or article because of something considered "crazy".

The earth doesn't really revolve around the sun.

Now you have to ignore and bash and belittle me and call anyone who agrees with what I say a retarded conspiracy theorist who still lives in their parents basement and eats hot-pockets and has unlicked cheeto fingers

Get real.

the new bollywood version of diehard. jk. Diebold is a voting systems company among other things. They (and the other voting machine companies Premier/ESS/Sequoia/Dominion) have about 80% of the US 'market' aka elections. Be careful researching this stuff.