Avoid World War III -- The U.S., Not Israel, Should Attack Iran (WHAT?!)

47  2012-02-06 by idunnorightorwrong

I had to add the text here so you didn't have to waste time opening another tab - bolded for emphasis

Avoid World War III -- The U.S., Not Israel, Should Attack Iran

COMMENTARY | According to the Christian Science Monitor, it is likely Israel with launch a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities this spring.

While the strike might well be justified, Israel should not be the one to administer the blow. An Israeli-Iranian conflict could easily lead to the decimation of tiny Israel, either through a large-scale Arab retaliation or a massive surge in terrorism encouraged by Iran's ayatollahs. Additionally, Iran could successfully claim victim status, uniting its citizens in a struggle against its attacker and garnering many supporters who have, so far, been ambiguous or ambivalent about supporting the Islamic Republic.

Iran will gain support at home and abroad and, given the fact many of its suspected nuclear facilities are hardened targets with underground bunkers, maintain much of its current WMD capabilities despite textbook-perfect airstrikes. Israel could hit hard and accomplish little but bringing on a wave of retaliation, perhaps even full-scale war, forcing it to decide whether to use its own suspected nuclear arsenal. The irony would be Israel, in an attempt to prevent itself from being nuked in the future, provokes a war that forces it to become the nuclear aggressor.

If Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed, it is far safer for the world for the U.S. to use its Navy and Air Force to administer the strikes. Iran would have a more difficult time retaliating against an opponent separated by thousands of miles of ocean than it would against a nearby foe like Israel. Similarly, a mass uprising of Iran's new allies would cause much less harm to the U.S. than it would to Israel.

Iran's nuclear program is wrecked and World War III, complete with potential nuclear warfare, is prevented. Instead of being able to retaliate against a next-door aggressor, Iran is forced to contend with a larger, more powerful foe on the other side of the globe. It has no justification for trying to annihilate Israel, as it has oft threatened. While crisis might not be averted, it is nevertheless much less likely.

If Iran must be struck to cripple its nuclear ambitions, it should be struck by a foe against that it cannot easily retaliate and thereby begin a wide-ranging war.


The U.S. should attack Israel, not Iran.



So, Israel, in order to avoid a nuclear war with Iran... starts a nuclear war with Iran?? Because, Iran might someday, maybe have a nuclear bomb and might possibly use it against the nuclear armed Israel... insuring both countries are both blown off the map... So the best plan is to attack Iran to stop them from having a nuclear weapon and maybe Iran might have to be nuked...

I like this logic.

I am going over next door and going to shoot my neighbors just in case someday they might shoot at me. Righto.

Just kidding... about the neighbors... :)

Exactly, but to add to the matter they are saying that, as the way you equated it with your neighbor, it would be like the HoA or the only multimillion dollar house on the lake in the same neighborhood being the one to shoot your neighbor even though you assaulted his children.

I don't like this logic. :/

I am going over next door and going to shoot my neighbors just in case someday they might shoot at me. Righto.

Dude...you have a bright future with the Thought Police.

Just kidding... about the neighbors...

Which you just blew.

This whole issue is strange. Firstly they have really shown their intentions of bombing Iran in the near future, second that it is making it look like America is Israel's bitch. I personally think Iran is doing what they should. I mean America and Israel have been the bully's of this world and Iran is just keeping the fight even Keeled. I really hope we don't attack them or have a false flag attack.

In my opinion any action Iran might take, covert or overt, would at this point probably be well justified. They have been provoked by Israel and the US beyond all reason.


Even if we're not in Iran, there's been a war waged against humanity for some time now. In the west, it's mostly been a soft war, but it's still a war. We need to do everything we can to undermine Jewish power around the world so that they can't wage war anymore.

Their main control points are money and the media. Those control points need to be neutralized if humanity is to be free.

The attention played on the start of WWIII is beyond circumstantial at this point. It's only a matter of time before it happens.

Honestly I already know its gonna happen. I went over there on 3 tours of duty in the gulf and never did we have three carriers at once being sent there. I guess I really just feel for the Iranian people at this point.

Man, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I had a my ducks in a row to go in (as some rank, I can't remember, officers training) before the war started (9/11), fortunately I didn't do it. Not sure if it's been a blessing in disguise or hell since then, but I wouldn't replace what I know now for the chance to die pointlessly and at someone else whim to make them a quick buck.

I feel sorry for anyone caught in the way by their measures of "progress" and "democracy".

Its all good, probably for the better that you did not go honestly. Especially the way its looking now a day's

This article is from a Yahoo contributor, not a legitimate news agency. It's just an idiot with an opinion.

As someone else has stated - it doesn't have to be an established news agency to be legitimate. The opinion, while like an asshole, is a relevant voice that gives insight to an opposing view, or alternate way of thinking;

the way some people think, "they" think; the way people can justify, obediently and on queue, what is going on - the complete destruction of another middle eastern nation. Wonder where they will go when that chapter is over? Only china left to "democratize". ಠ_ಠ

good point

only in america

This is like one of those movies where the psychopath forces an innocent person to commit crimes, or the psycho will kill his whole family.

"Hey man, let's rob a bank. You buy the gun(s). And the masks. And we'll use your car. And we'll hide back at your place for awhile."


Additionally, Iran could successfully claim victim status,

lol just like israel

Just a blogger blowhard. Ignore.

If and when ISRAEL attacks Iran I for one hope it is the nail in their coffin. As the most violent and dangerous country in the mid-east Israel is also the most heavily armed. They are going to face karma for attacking yet another arab country without cause.

Iran is not Arab, they are Persian.

You, my friend, are delusional.

Go on.

First of all, let me just state I don't believe violence is a solution to any problem.

Imagine if your small country was assailed by 2 superpowers, under false pretenses. Ok, the nuclear thing ... yeah. Pakistan and India have videos where you see the crowd chanting and dancing around the nukes ... yet U.S.A never raised a complaint about this. Iran has no nukes, this has been stated many times by many regulators. But, let's say they did, so we can get down to the heart of the matter. Do you truly believe Iran having a nuke is a good reason to invade? I mean, every hip country has nukes nowadays!

U.S.A should attack Iran? I am saddened to see that the propaganda we have been subject to for all our lives has in fact made it natural for many of us to accept as a fact of life: wars, invasions, economic sanctions, killing women and civilians, torture and many other horrible things.

Most soldiers come back from those crusades disgusted at being pawns in a game that is rigged. I guess the only way you could truly see and feel what I am expressing is if you went to war yourself, I would love for you to be on the field in Iran and have the occasion to actually live out your dream. I wonder if you would still feel the pressing need for this. I wonder if you still will feel the same the day conscription is enacted in your country. Since education is pretty much a joke in U.S.A, I feel compelled to give you the definition of conscription: Conscription is the compulsory enlistment of people in some sort of national service, most often military service.

Another way that would make you understand my point of view, is if all the countries in the world united against U.S.A, made it clear in your newspapers and t.v shows that your country is the target of massive military scenario. Imagine living day to day knowing the rest of the world will be pouring their military arsenal on your head. I remember the school bully getting a beat-down at my school, and I remember how everyone in the school was happy and joyful that finally, this kid has finally had a taste of his own medicine.

Seriously, war is only good for those at the very top of our social hierarchy. Many, many soldiers went to war, came back. Are these guys treated as 'heroes'? Do you know of any soldier who went to Irak, Afghanistan, Libya that is considered a true 'hero'? No. They are forgotten pawns in the big game of the super-powers. The soldiers go to war, full intent on doing the best for their country, and they come back to be forgotten by their governemnt, forgotten by their people. I dare you to promote your views to a group of veterans: I doubt very much these people (who probably had similar opinions as you years ago), would share your opinion today.

The propaganda we have had shoved down our throats all of our lives has conditionned us to not only disregard the obvious wrongdoings of our governments, we actually embrace it all and want more. I see this Patriotic / Nationalistic bullshit all around me and it makes me sick. 4 Billion people live on less than 2 dollars a day, and here we are spending trillions to bomb the fuck out of countries that have the shit (oil) we need to keep our SUV`s running at low price.

I guess now that Iraq is 'cleared', we need to find some new footage of military supremacy for FOX / CNN to keep the public entertained. Do you think it is normal for us to be able to sit down with popcorn and beer in front of the tv to watch poor, defenseless human beings being decimated? Sadly, this is actually a pretty common form of entertainment in our culture, if one considers the rating of those shows, and posts such as yours, there is a huge demand for this.

On paper, I am a Canadian, sure. But in my heart, friend, I am an earthling, a human being and as such will never understand the reasoning politicians use to justify the killing of others.

I would hate for you, or my own children to die in a war somewhere far-off. I would also just as much hate for you, or my own kids to have to go and kill people, in a war somewhere.

Cheers to you and your loved ones, may you live a happy life never having to engage in the atrocities you are hoping for.

Update: Re-reading, I noticed the (WHAT?!) at the end of the title. I had initially mistaken your post as pro-war.
Please excuse my patronising if this is not the case. English not being my first language, I often fail to pick-up sarcasm. But my point of view is still the same, I am one of those crazy people that dream of world peace.

Cheers, my friend.

You are not alone, friend.

I had initially mistaken your post as pro-war. Please excuse my patronising if this is not the case.

It's quite alright. I am one of those crazies as well and understand your sentiment completely.

I only wish people would take responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their actions, wake up to the fact that everything placed in front of them was a ruse, and stop promulgating the common held belief that there is no other way to live except through the fallacy of war and the promotion of "democracy" by the very deception that keeps everyone in such a stupor. Not acting or refuting a point of view held as fact is the same as consenting and condoning it.


Mossad Mockingbird

I think the US should probably avoid the blunt of the conflict. I understand a possible blockade may work, and of course, giving supplies to Israel. Additionally, Israel doesn't need nukes to fight a war, even though they have some. The Mossad is powerful enough on its own. I don't think that this "War" will be a war fought conventionally. It'll probably be a guerrilla conflict.

Christian Science Monitor

Problem 1.

An Israeli-Iranian conflict could easily lead to the decimation of tiny Israel

Seriously? They have nukes. And the US

If Iran's nuclear facilities must be destroyed, it is far safer for the world for the U.S. to use its Navy and Air Force to administer the strikes. Iran would have a more difficult time retaliating against an opponent separated by thousands of miles of ocean than it would against a nearby foe like Israel.

As far as Iran is concerned, if the US attacked them, Iran would attack Israel. They're close allies, and it's a deterrence policy. The quoted text is pretty short-sighted...

Man, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I had a my ducks in a row to go in (as some rank, I can't remember, officers training) before the war started (9/11), fortunately I didn't do it. Not sure if it's been a blessing in disguise or hell since then, but I wouldn't replace what I know now for the chance to die pointlessly and at someone else whim to make them a quick buck.

I feel sorry for anyone caught in the way by their measures of "progress" and "democracy".

First of all, let me just state I don't believe violence is a solution to any problem.

Imagine if your small country was assailed by 2 superpowers, under false pretenses. Ok, the nuclear thing ... yeah. Pakistan and India have videos where you see the crowd chanting and dancing around the nukes ... yet U.S.A never raised a complaint about this. Iran has no nukes, this has been stated many times by many regulators. But, let's say they did, so we can get down to the heart of the matter. Do you truly believe Iran having a nuke is a good reason to invade? I mean, every hip country has nukes nowadays!

U.S.A should attack Iran? I am saddened to see that the propaganda we have been subject to for all our lives has in fact made it natural for many of us to accept as a fact of life: wars, invasions, economic sanctions, killing women and civilians, torture and many other horrible things.

Most soldiers come back from those crusades disgusted at being pawns in a game that is rigged. I guess the only way you could truly see and feel what I am expressing is if you went to war yourself, I would love for you to be on the field in Iran and have the occasion to actually live out your dream. I wonder if you would still feel the pressing need for this. I wonder if you still will feel the same the day conscription is enacted in your country. Since education is pretty much a joke in U.S.A, I feel compelled to give you the definition of conscription: Conscription is the compulsory enlistment of people in some sort of national service, most often military service.

Another way that would make you understand my point of view, is if all the countries in the world united against U.S.A, made it clear in your newspapers and t.v shows that your country is the target of massive military scenario. Imagine living day to day knowing the rest of the world will be pouring their military arsenal on your head. I remember the school bully getting a beat-down at my school, and I remember how everyone in the school was happy and joyful that finally, this kid has finally had a taste of his own medicine.

Seriously, war is only good for those at the very top of our social hierarchy. Many, many soldiers went to war, came back. Are these guys treated as 'heroes'? Do you know of any soldier who went to Irak, Afghanistan, Libya that is considered a true 'hero'? No. They are forgotten pawns in the big game of the super-powers. The soldiers go to war, full intent on doing the best for their country, and they come back to be forgotten by their governemnt, forgotten by their people. I dare you to promote your views to a group of veterans: I doubt very much these people (who probably had similar opinions as you years ago), would share your opinion today.

The propaganda we have had shoved down our throats all of our lives has conditionned us to not only disregard the obvious wrongdoings of our governments, we actually embrace it all and want more. I see this Patriotic / Nationalistic bullshit all around me and it makes me sick. 4 Billion people live on less than 2 dollars a day, and here we are spending trillions to bomb the fuck out of countries that have the shit (oil) we need to keep our SUV`s running at low price.

I guess now that Iraq is 'cleared', we need to find some new footage of military supremacy for FOX / CNN to keep the public entertained. Do you think it is normal for us to be able to sit down with popcorn and beer in front of the tv to watch poor, defenseless human beings being decimated? Sadly, this is actually a pretty common form of entertainment in our culture, if one considers the rating of those shows, and posts such as yours, there is a huge demand for this.

On paper, I am a Canadian, sure. But in my heart, friend, I am an earthling, a human being and as such will never understand the reasoning politicians use to justify the killing of others.

I would hate for you, or my own children to die in a war somewhere far-off. I would also just as much hate for you, or my own kids to have to go and kill people, in a war somewhere.

Cheers to you and your loved ones, may you live a happy life never having to engage in the atrocities you are hoping for.

Update: Re-reading, I noticed the (WHAT?!) at the end of the title. I had initially mistaken your post as pro-war.
Please excuse my patronising if this is not the case. English not being my first language, I often fail to pick-up sarcasm. But my point of view is still the same, I am one of those crazy people that dream of world peace.

Cheers, my friend.