AMA Request: Alex Jones

62  2012-02-17 by Magzy

With all the Alex Jones bashing on here, it's only fair to invite him on to do an AMA.

A chance for all the critics to ask questions on everything from his (alleged) support for Zionism to why he never mentions UFO's.

Along with his unique brand of fear/awakening and what he sees as the solutions to the world's conspiracies he so eloquently portrays in a unique light it will be a chance for him to present to 50,000 awakened readers about what his end game is.


Hopefully he will have his "documents" handy. It will be funny reading his responses in his angry voice. "COWARD SCUM!!!!"

Cool stuff, I hope he does it. Bill Hicks is always hilarious.

Wow. Alex Jones has reminded me of Bill Hicks for a while now. I didn't know anyone else thought this.


I was referreing more to his look and speech patterns..

Couldn't agree more. It's creepy...where's wellaware1 when you actually need him lol

It's one of my favorite conspiracy theories. I don't even care if it's true or not, it's a nice break from staged alien abductions and depopulation schemes.

There is only one question I would ever ask Jones.

What, exactly, was the pledge/oath you took to get into Bohemian Grove that you chose to not share with your audience?

i would ask him if he still supports Israel because "its their land" like here says here -

Today I learned that Alex Jones is married to a Jew.

That explains a lot.

If someone with the demeanor of Ian McKellen spoke about the same thing Alex Jones does, we'd have overthrown the government by now...

< this guy. Doesn't really help. Especially when you get into deeper stuff that really causes people to confront your fears. Then they just attack you personally and it ends. I have been running my mouth for over a year and they are just now finally starting to try and listen. I still get demolished for being too "underground".


agree, but I also think alex jones goes a little overboard sometimes. I think it would generate more success if there was a mass movement that consisted of things that don't take a LOT of dedication to find the truth. I don't think you can slam so much outlandish truth at people and expect to do anything but throw the baby out with the bathwater.

people are asleep and what I'm talking about is kind of like, playing a violin far enough away so that it won't wake someone up, and then walk closer and closer. gently rub their back, and whisper to them. stuff like that.

what I see a lot of times is the "WAKE THE FUCK UPPPP!!!!!!!!" method and that generally has the opposite of its intended effect.

I do think Alex Jones is flat out wrong about a thing or two. It's to be expected though. Nobody can be right about every single thing that they lay eyes on. I just wich the biggest spokesperson for truth was gentle and tactful for the sake of actually achieving the goal of changing people's minds.

In turn, that makes me sometimes wonder if Jones was placed where he is to keep people who find out the actual truth about the global elite a manageable minority by throwing out the frightening truth with conspiracy fiction in order to discredit all of it. When what your pedaling is VERY controversial facts you better make damn sure they are facts and have amazing amounts of evidence to back it up.

EG: "My name is tony, I can fly, I have 25 kids, my hair grows 6 inches per month, and I can blow fire."

basically what that sort of thing does is make me go "no you can't fly, I'm pretty sure you don't have 25 kids... you know what? I don't even care anymore. I'd rather talk to someone who says things that are true instead of who knows what. Is Tony even your real name? bleh bye."

"overthrow the government", why exactly? so you can replace it with your own version?

I was just exaggerating to illustrate the idea that we'd be at a much different place than we are with jones as the forerunner. I more meant "the sky's the limit" in the realm of change and not some desire to actually overthrow the government.

This is a GREAT idea.

He has a radio show. Why don't you just call in, record the segment, post it to YouTube, and then post that to Reddit so we can hear the response.

I got a question for him: does he believe that citizens give consent collectively, or individually?

Honest question, could the answer be both, collectively and individually?

in what way?

Remembering that the term "citizen" is based off of those with birth certificates essentially being chattel (collateral) for debt, I feel as though this understanding of "personhood" derives from forces of cognitive dissonance that are fixated within the individual and the collective consciousness.

If we're referring to natural personhood, I feel that it comes from within the consciousness of the individual. If one is not conscious of their own divinity (IMHO) it becomes very difficult to witness how the reality for mankind could potentially manifest out of individuated-unity.. So, both? - depending on your definitions and syntax

Edit: I overlooked the word "consent"-- I think the Stewart brothers discuss this concept well. (their newer documentary "ungrip" is killer) I feel as though as individuals, we long to give up out autonomy.. This manifests collectively as a system of institutionalized control. Edit: to be honest, I didn't follow your link, I'm mobile..


I'd love to see Alex Jones comment on the news media format which sensationalises content and obscures the facts .

I would absolutely love this. I don't think he would though.

I watched a video clip today by the Young Turks television show. They rebutted Jones's assertion that he was the biggest news outlet on YouTube. By their numbers, Jones isn't even close to the Young Turks. I'm curious to know what Jones's response will be to these numbers the Young Turks posted.

Edit: Jones's response was "Am too."


had the same idea a few times, at least the user is in his staff...

It's probably a staff member, one of those guys scurrying around in the shadows who has to put up with Jones's temper tantrums on a daily basis. Poor bastards.

I would like to see this happen.

I'd like to know why he refuses to mention the Jesuits or the grip of control that the Vatican has. Actually, wait, I already know.

The mans way too busy to do it. The man's a fucking hero and deserves A LOT of credit. Lot of disinfo assfucks on here. The man's a Leader!! I hope when the NWO is defeated and he's not killed, I hope he runs for President. Great man.

Just do the AMA, Alex.



or they disappear into a special prison for the rest of their life.

for the fairness, and if you guys really want this, ok fine. but srsly think about this. aj is a main reason why people are saying this is all bs and fearmongering, moneymaking and so on.

whatever. giving him 'air time' and exposure is a big mistake.