Fuck Reddit's shadowbanning - I am sick of this censorship...Why can't I see my own comments? Clearly posts and comments on certain political sensitivities are being actively suppressed on a systemic basis.

223  2012-02-17 by [deleted]


Well yeah. That's why we call it a conspiracy. We aren't allowed to speak the truth where and when we want to. And it's not just on Reddit. Our supposed "free" speech is controlled, and sometimes we are punished for what we say (not what we do, but what we say). If that sounds fair to anyone, you are a proud member of the fascist machine, even if you don't realize it.

...and what if the OP is simply a ranting paranoiac.....?

Shadowbanning happens on reddit, it is a proven fact. Not a whole lot to argue about here.

No doubt - I bet it does. But I propose that not every time you cant see a post, it is shadow-banned. Just makes sense.

If anybody read his profile you'd have less downvotes. Here's an upvote for you.

Perhaps he's a conspiracy theorist? OOOOH!

How much are they paying you guys to sit at your computers all day to trash talk people in forums you don't care for, talking about topics you don't like, and people you detest?

....so EVERYONE and ANYONE who is not 100% convinced of your accuracy and credibility (even after having discussed things with you), is a paid member of the government?

Seriously man - take a LONG.hard.look.at.yourself. Maybe get some air. Some sunshine. Plant some food (god knows we will need it). Just stop attacking people.

EDIT: No one is out to get you. No one cares about what you think (mostly because they are too preoccupied with themselves) - and certainly, no one cares enough to send government agents after you, personally. Sure - agencies have a habit of employing people to do just that. But in numbers so small it is insignificant (they just don't have the funding). The chances of you coming across them are tiny. Yet you are seeing them in anyone who questions you. Be careful. The cliff of sanity is steep, high and hard to climb back up once you have fallen.

Don't take this guy too seriously. This kind of attack is juvenile at best. Most of us are actually quite reasonable, but we have our occasional paranoid posters accusing almost everyone of being paid by some organization or another to hold their viewpoints. In reality such organizations do exist and are quite a bit larger than you might expect, but chances are most opposing voices are not those of paid shills but are in fact those of people still invested in the current system. People who would lose big time if the conspiracies were true. These are the most vocal and the most passionate critics we face and sometimes some of the smartest.

We don't all think everyone who opposes us is an agent of the NWO, but that does not eliminate the possibility. Chances are you are just some young guy with little political experience. But Im just guessing here.

respect. But actually, I am a 36yo with TONNES of experience in conspiracy research.

I didn't really read your comments btw so my guess was based mostly upon that guys reactions. Sorry if I misinterpreted what what was said.

all good. enjoy the up-arrow-click.


"chances are most opposing voices are not those of paid shills but are in fact those of people still invested in the current system"

How do you calculate such chances?

I'm not saying you are right or wrong but simply wondering how you come to that conclusion.

The actually facts show it is extremely inexpensive to hire people to manipulate reddit because people have posted the outreaches they see or receive from those trying to recruit, we know the pr organizations now recognize that reddit is the number 1 site referring site on the internet, they know it's daily readership is the highest of any , we know billions - yes billions - of dollars are being spent by pr, lobbyist's, political "institutes", etc to influence public opinion and that they target reddit (they even say so on their websites).

so given the immense amount of money allocated and the cheapness and importance of hiring reddit influencers, isn't it more reasonable to assume that: anytime someone takes a corporate opinion counter to widely known facts that the person is not an innocent ignorant person unaware of the truth but is in fact a paid shill on reddit? For example everyone who paid attention now knows fukishima leaked radiation, is still leaking, it hoit America and is causing helath concerns, there are signs that the reactors are still reacting on their own in an uncontrolled fashion (elements still being released that only happen if that is still the case), and that their are huge risks that it will get far worse and affect AMerica's food supply.

Yet post any factual story discussing that to reddit and you will immediately get many downvotes to bury the story and most of the naysayers will be the same people who have naysayed since the first news of the accident yet their story's and replies won't have changed dispite all evidence revealed since the first news.

Seems to me it is MOST likely MOST of those opposing people are industry shills - not innocent ignorant regular people.

That's my logic. now support your opposite position.

numbers so small it is insignificant This doesn't seem so insignificant

Dude, go back to the psinet and regroup. You need more logic in those attacks.

What attacks? ffs dude. Get a grip

EDIT: Cheers. I coined the word/name myself.

ad hominem

This is an example of an ad hominem:

How much are they paying you guys to sit at your computers all day to trash talk people in forums you don't care for, talking about topics you don't like, and people you detest?

Guess who I'm quoting?

P.S. You are delusional if you think every single individual on the planet that disagrees with you is a paid government agent, its logistically impossible for a start.

That was a genuine question, not a slander attack.

You are delusional if you think every single individual on the planet that disagrees with you is a paid government agent, its logistically impossible for a start.

I didn't say that, and you're delusional in thinking it.

Yeah, there's nowhere on reddit that conspiracies and anti-government sentiments can be discussed. Nowhere at all.

Yeah. Except..like..everywhere. Especially /conspiracy...for example.

/conspiracy? surely going by what tttt0tttt said such a place would've been shut down instantly?

r/Askreddit is having a fit right now about the posting of the Christ Brown beatings. It's pretty stupid to be censoring the truth of a guy who practically killed his girlfriend while driving a car.


Holy shit. I just read through some of that. That was one violent attack. Why wasn't Brown charged with attempted murder?

Plus the censorship. Reddit may be going the way of Digg.

Who is the Mod referenced in Edit 4?

Because famous.

I don't know and nobody is talking.

If Reddit goes the way of Digg where would everyone flock to?

Hopefully some enterprising young individuals will develop something new that rewards both users, managers, admins and owners. A real community that does not succumb to ownership and manipulation by a few or serve any diabolical political agenda or fall under the control of a financial monopoly.

And I hope they don't name it Red Dig.

id probably just give up...

Because she struck him first. XD

The question is, which mod is doing it, and how did the you-know-who crew get him installed?

Probably because of this post, though it was not my intention. I think OP is just misled though he has good intentions. His tone and absence of logic in a debate probably didn't help either. And I am not part of whatever you-know-who crew you're talking about.

Agreed. Alex Jones...gawd..my favorite part was where he claimed the "elite" were consuming DMT to communicate with the "clockwork elves" to receive evil instructions on how to enact a NWO. If you believe in demons etc - and consume DMT - your mind will destroy itself. You will have no rational way to interpret the new information regarding the universe you have unveiled to yourself. You will simply see personal demons- exclusively - and they will leave you bed ridden in shock. Luckily - I don't believe in them - so I have had more pleasant and enlightening experiences. 'Sif Alex Jones didn't take DMT - saw only personal demons - which led him to make such ludicrous statements.

EDIT: oh yeah - how do you block someone?


rofl - completely incorrect. Alex Jones DID say it. Get your facts straight before gobbing off.


pfft - "conspiracy" people. The weirdest thing about you, is that only a handful of you actually know what is going on - even in relation to conspiracies.

EDIT: lol @ delete.

You are so correct. But those of us who do know what's going on, are much nicer and logical than this guy. I unfortunately spent a good bit of time attempting to show him the error of his deleted ways, but in his mind I must be a government shill attempting to silence his free speech.

How would you know that you aren't?

Because I am part of no "crew."

I will give you credit that you don't evidence the attitude and morals of known crews, thank goodness.

lol thank you.

A manchurian candidate?

As far as mods go, that is a plausible possibility.

lol problem is he is not shadow banned

I think his nickname should be Alex Jones Jr. since he likes to sensationalize stuff too!

not the traditional shadow-banning per se

I'm always amazed at peoples naive sense of the world. Reddit fits into the media pyramid quite nicely, and plays the game just like any other media outlet. When a message comes down from above to filter some views, it will happen as quickly as fox news. Occasionally people have a peek behind the curtain and realize the game is rigged - hence this topic.

Yeah, this place started out with a lot more freedom, but then something happened - it became big. Being big costs money, and with money comes a responsibility - just not to us, to the owners, and their owners.

Reddit fits into the media pyramid quite nicely, and plays the game just like any other media outlet.

Exactly. It amazes me that so many people fail to realize this.

Maybe if you didn't link every single infowars article...


I don't, but if I see a good article from that site I generally post it. It's the #2 alternative news site and has a lot of good info.

Linking to Infowars/PrisonPlanet is fine if it's quality original content - but often their content is just someone elses content but with their ads on it.

That's what irks me about most of the RevolutionaryPolitics.tv links - often its just something from YouTube but in their player with their ads.

So if the NYT steals an Infowars article's content, that's okay, but if Infowars reposts their content, that's not cool.

Got it.

No need for that.

Most social news sites, Digg, Reddit, whatever else is out there - prefer users to link to the original source of content. Linking to a blog which then links to the content is called blogspam and is pretty widely frowned upon.

If we want to read your article, we want to click on your submission and go to the article. We don't want to click on your submission, go to someones blog where we can read a couple paragraphs, then click on a link there to read the full article.

If Infowars or any other blog is adding commentary to the piece, then it's a different story.

Actually they do add something by editorializing the headlines now and then. And the occasional picture or written commentary.

I think what it comes down to is this - do I really want to send some unwitting person to mainstream media news site controlled by George Soros and his boys? Not likely...

You're implying he likes NYT.

Alright, please list which establishment whore websites are suitably politically correct for the Reddit content mafia.

My point is, you can't make up what others trust. Just because he calls prison planet unoriginal does not mean you must go on the off base offensive by criticizing something you don't even know he trusts.

I'm assuming he likes mainstream media rather than "batshit crazy" (aka logical) "nutso" (i mean honest) "bullshit" (independent news) "horse manure" (free market media).

My entire bookmark bar is filled with news sites and I consider prison planet horseshit. That doesn't allow you do infer I watch or read form the mass media for news or information.

So which news sites do you consider superior to my favorites?

I'm not going to get into that as you would go out of you way to find a case study and then I spend hours attempting to claim no site is 100% and on and on.

Ah, so big complainer but can't come up with one alternative? Shucks...

Stop replying to me. You read sentences but you refuse to gather meaning.


No, but I might as well be. I could probably do a fairly accurate AMA for him, although I don't know much about him personally. I've just been listening to him ever since Al-CIA-da hit the towers.


No, absolutely nothing. And although I constantly find new sources every day for conspiracies, it isn't your Alex Jones hate porn.


Disinfo. Let's face it, if you are at the tip of the spear and on the ADL, SPLC and White House enemies/hit lists, you're gonna get some flack. Makes for good entertainment, though.

Alex Jones does enough kooky-looking stuff that he admits to that you don't need to resort to attacking him with these pathetic lies that you're pushing. But the real reason is for media attention. Like the Obama Joker, or Cobra Commander, or the most recent addition in Amerika: Land of the Snitch. You propagandists are weak. Why aren't you capitalizing on this Achilles' heel...


These kind of attacks happen against Alex Jones on a daily basis now.

One voice in the comment saw it for what it was:

"This is ludicrous. What exactly did he do wrong? NOTHING! He did not "get perverted" with a female listener whatsoever. Just because someone makes a comment, they are suddenly "getting perverted"? You make it out like the guy rubbed her breasts or something! What a joke this. Just another video in an attempt to distract from the truth that Alex Jones portrays, speaks out on, and displays in his broadcasts."


Look genius, why don't you call his show since you seem to be absolutely obsessed about Alex Jones to the point of constantly talking about him all day long. I'm sure he can give you a better answer than I could.


...between EmitReeb's ears.


lol, so you quit conversations because people hurt your feelers in this crazy, tin-foil-hat subreddit too eh? Not surprised.

Good one! I suppose that whenever a herd of trolls attacks you and asks you to defend someone, if you manage to successfully do it, you will be accused of being said person!

Wow, I just wanted to say that you strike me as a very grounded and rational human being. All these guys are getting mired in factual information and the like, but you're able to disregard logic and come to conclusions without having to form a single coherent thought. Bravo.

Thanks, troll.

It's the #2 alternative news site

Who's #1?



I'm taking my free speech elsewhere.

definitely noticed comments of mine of totally unpolitical nature not showing up in threads in spite of the comment count going up. i think there's a glitch going on but i dont think you are being suppressed.

Because yea, those with world-bending supreme power need to make sure you don't get to rant on a glorified message bored that has long since jumped the intellectual shark.

Yeah it must be a glitch.

I've had posts that where not political at all and I couldn't see them, but other people where responding too them

May I ask what means you posted with? I.e via pc on the full site using a reliable browser, via an app on iphone, mobile site etc.?

PC with Chrome

Hmm that is weird then. Reason I asked is because I've had that happen not only on reddit, but other sites, using mobile internet... due to break in coverage or whatever.

You probably have, but in case you haven't, check for the comment permalinks after posting and/or see if you find them when loading the page with a different device. Sorry to be captain obvious, and im not trying to imply youre paranoid, just saying.... maybe your cat, uh, walked over the backspace key while submitting. Or something.

I'm not being paranoid, I think it's just a glitch, or something.

Ah. He's an agent. Get him

Edit: sorry, I honestly thought I was starting a new thread above, responding to OP. No hard feelings? But we'll be watchin you, mr bongpig

It could be a glitch, but I've seen a lot of freaky stuff on Reddit lately that makes me think it might not be merely buggy programming.

i posted a few links in regards to Ron Paul and they would not show up on the forum even after i had pm'd a mod.

Thank God.

Initially, I defended him (I don't know him). Then he turned on me as a government agent. He is a fucking looney. Is there a way to block people? (I wonder how he would justify a "government agent" blocking him. I am sure he would find a way).

Is there a way to block people?

Why yes, there is. Reddit Enhancement Suite

Scholar, gentle(wo)man and probably a dashingly handsome individual. Likely to be regularly seen scaling walls and crushing ice with bare hands, no doubt.

I'm not sure if you are thanking me or mocking me. (But then, we are in /r/conspiracy...)

hehehehe. That is why I generally avoid /conspiracy. I generally have too many good intentions, and do too much straight shooting to be surrounded by paranoiacs.

EDIT: I love a good conspiracy, but other than the specifically targeted individuals, I usually debate the significance of people with bad intentions. Politicians, CEO's or not. They always fail.

You believe in God?

That would depend on your definition of God.

Congratulations on being the first redditor to ever ask for a definition of God before going on a hate-fueled rant about all those bigot Christians.

That was far from my intention.

Which is...?

you're asking me for your definition of God?


Sigh... No, dumdum, I'm asking you for yours.

Does it matter? One shouldn't be judged on their personal position of the supernatural. Are young to judge Martin Luther King?

Well, he brought it up.

No. He expressed sarcastic gratitude and you made it about god.

No, he thanked God.

As an expression. Kind like "for fucks sake. No one means for intercourse's sake of event.

Seems like it would benefit us. You are a strikingly aggressive individual.

ad hominem




Good riddance.

Keep your left hand of doom out of your pants, Moloch-boy. I'm gonna stick around a little longer.

Coming from someone who has about the same understanding of comparative mythology/religion as an evangelical housewife I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

I'll take that as a compliment as well.


Sayonara. You're an idiot with nothing to contribute. You're a liability. Good riddance.

Autocoprophage, the plant living on dung and fecal material. Karma = 1.


Man, that was a complement coming from you.


Somebody peed in your Corn Flakes...

So what you're saying is that you're full of shit and you eat your shit too. gotcha


No, Mr. Waste Ingester, the only people here who dislike me are the people who hate the message of truth and liberty.

But you'd rather kill the messenger.

noluciferians - 1,212 Link Karma - 23 Comment Karma - Total Karma = 1235

Autocoprophage - 1 Link Karma - 1,829 Comment Karma - Total Karma = 1830

You're losing by 595 karma. So why would you even try to use that as an argument?

You like standing up for people who eat their own dung?

I'm referring to link karma, the original "karma". Comment karma was a more recent addition to Reddit.

Reddit was made in 2005, comment karma was added in early 2008. I'd hardly say that was recent considering it's been four years since they've added it and it took less than three years for them to implement it. I've used reddit before you could comment as well. That doesn't make my opinions or arguments automatically more substantial than a person who's been here a few months.

I'd hardly say that was recent considering it's been four years since they've added it and it took less than three years for them to implement it.

I didn't say that, though, did I? I said "Comment karma was a more recent addition to Reddit."

If you trolls actually read what your target enemies said, you might be somewhat successful. Then again, I doubt you'd know what to do with it after reading it properly.


do those dashes be silent?

It's more of an operating character. You just pause for 0.5 a second instead of pronouncing it.

Thank you, Heinrich.

Just out of interest , can you highlight a few for us, so we can check.

I heard of a partial shadow ban and was wondering if that were thing.

Whoa...that was a fast response...one hour later they have made my comments visible again.

Guess they didn't like the negative attention.

Bro, if you were shadowbanned then we wouldn't see your post here or comments at all. I know because Ive been shadowbanned a few times already.

I assumed noluciferians could not see them from a different account. That is what seen some people describe in the past.

Yeah, I know. Well I think he just needs to stay away from the Alex Jones stuff for awhile and he'll be okay.

Isn't that operant conditioning though?

No. Isn't Jones apart of Operation Mockingbird?

No, but claiming Jones is is.

Why? I'm not that famous and Jones has a following like you. Bill Cooper already exposed this guy and I find it funny that you still think he's in it for you guys. He's just in it for the MONEY.

LOL...if you actually believe that, I've got a space station to sell you on the dark side of the moon...

Bro, I use to watch Alex Jones when he first started and his shit is mostly about selling you something like a used car salesman. I don't care if you don't believe me but, it's true if you ask anyone else here. :)

Attack the messenger, not the message, right?

Ask him about the Y2K incident and how much money he made off of that.

It was a free broadcast. He wasn't selling Y2K t-shirts like everyone else.

Jones preys on people by drumming up fear leading him to make more money. If he didn't instill that fear, he wouldn't have a show and/or following.

I thought was what Homeland Security was doing to get grants?

Everyone wins except for us!

Nah, the Bury Brigade gets paid for downvotes.

Did you perchance study at COW Tech?

Why are you preaching to the choir again?

So what would you call it when you can't see your own comments/posts?

Lag from so many posts and comments coming in at once in reddit. Ive had it happen before and it takes time for it to adjust from the huge number of redditors this site keeps getting...


Weird...because I could see them on my replies, but when I go to the post, it's not there. To me that's not lag, that's censorship.


If you work with websites and other stuff then you would understand where I'm coming from. This is what happens when you have an excessive amount of people accessing a website like reddit. It's LAG dude.

I have experienced this myself, across multiple reddits. Lag indeed.

Ah well, I'll keep you posted if I see anymore discrepancies that don't appear to be lag-related.

Okay good. Another thing I wanted to mention is that I see you have a fondness of Alex Jones and his work. I just wanna let you know that he does have some good stuff but, some of his other works is complete sensationalism. Take for instance the [Y2K incident](www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFEaam2cojY) where he said the world was over and he scared the shit out of people. So, with that being said just take everything he says with a grain of salt and double check him. :)

Dude, that Y2K stuff has been reposted a billion times, it's getting old...nobody is perfect. Give the guy a break. FTR, he was quoting ABC news.

I'm just saying that people with the real truth are always constantly being watched and sometimes end up dead like Bill Cooper. Alex Jones just sells sensationalism and marks everything as true. I remember last year he tried to say that we were going to war with Iran within two weeks and it never happened. He's a fearmonger at the end....even if he does say some truths, I will only listen with one ear.

Alex Jones just sells sensationalism and marks everything as true.

Not true.

I remember last year he tried to say that we were going to war with Iran within two weeks and it never happened.

He probably said it with a disclaimer, like "unless..." Post the precise quote.

He's a fearmonger at the end....even if he does say some truths, I will only listen with one ear.

Don't listen at all. If you don't trust him, you shouldn't give him any ear. Here's why - those who tell you the truth 98% of the time but lie 2% of the time are VERY, VERY DANGEROUS. So if you distrust him, don't EVER watch his show.

Not true.

How is he not a senationalist? I suggest you look up his connectioons with Jesuits. He gets very flustered whenever anyone asks him about it.

He probably said it with a disclaimer, like "unless..." Post the precise quote.

Um, just like they Y2K incident? I don't think so.

Don't listen at all. If you don't trust him, you shouldn't give him any ear. Here's why - those who tell you the truth 98% of the time but lie 2% of the time are VERY, VERY DANGEROUS. So if you distrust him, don't EVER watch his show.

Which is why I said only listen with a grain of salt. Why else do you think you have real truthers like Bill Cooper get killed off?

Yeah, I was gonna throw in Bill Cooper too because that is the other main thing disinfo agents use to try and discredit Alex Jones.

Listen, just because Alex has a personal disagreement with somebody, doesn't make him a shill. Bill Cooper, much like Alex Jones, had a very important message. They mostly said the same things. Where they disagreed was tangential and not really significant in the big picture. I pretty much agree with all of what Cooper said minus the personal rant on Alex Jones.

I see you also brought up Jesuits. That is another target on the disinfo playlist. But you missed how Alex Jones is a Jew, his wife is a Jew, and Alex Jones is really an alien reptoid. Yeah he gets that, too.

By the way, don't trust reptoids.

How are Jesuits another disinfo on the playlist? Do you even know the history behind them ? I suggest you watch rings of power empire of the city and see for yourself:


Dude, I have studied the Jesuits plenty, and the link between them and Alex Jones doesn't exist beyond a CENTCOM propaganda stratagem.

Did you forget about his fake break down which made Glenn Beck look legit? ;/

Not fake.

Fake-looking, perhaps.

I'm going to leave you with this:


And I'll leave you with this:



That's nothing new and I deal with that almost everyday. Look dude, my point is stop following people and make your own path. You don't need people like Jones to spoon feed you information because you can search for stuff yourself as you just showed me. :)

Why do you even talk about him if you distrust him? Move on, soldier.

Just trying to talk some sense into you but, apparently even after Jones exposed himself as a sensationalist with the Y2K and Iran incident you still believe him. :/

Just trying to talk some sense into you but,

"Just trying to brainwash you or make you look bad, but,"

apparently even after Jones exposed himself as a sensationalist with the Y2K and Iran incident...


You're gonna have to do better than that, Cow.

Nah. I don't have to say anything else. The eveidence speaks for itself and eventually Alex will dicredit himself even more. You can keep listening to his crap but, I won't anymore.

Thank God!

Why are you thanking god? I thought you were an atheist...

This guy is king of the conspiracy trolls. Redditor for 6 months, -163 comment karma and counting.

He's just a misguided Alex Jones fan that has been brainwashed by his fear mongering.

Thought that at first too. But it takes practice to be that dense.

Anyone who thinks Reddit is manipulated by trolls is a moron...and maybe a terrorist!

Then you're not very smart.

Ah right, so I will disregard all the high scores I got in high school and college and just write it off all as being a lucky guy. :)

School means you're good at regurgitation.

How about stopping the direct and personal attacks, genius?

And damn those high IQ scores. Pure bollocks, correct?

Yes. Take the GMAT or LSATs.

Ah, okay. So if I have a PhD., then by your standards perhaps I am not a complete moron.

Not by standards for the sake that they are mine. It's a complicated discussion on education and education. But generally yes. Law, math, hard science, esoteric liberal sciences, philosophy tend to produce the higher ups based on the GMAT and LSATs which test argumentative skills. Argumentative skills which researchers(Vytgotsky, Kuhn, Dewey) correlate to intelligence.

But yes, my standards, because my standards are conclusions based on evaluation.

You sound like an educated idiot. Or perhaps a wanna-be educated idiot?

No one is educated(which implies one is done with the education process.) The minute you are "done" you are either stupid or dead. I'm not calling you stupid, we have different definitions on education.

Then you're not very smart.

Education is a life-long process. Anyone who doesn't know that is clearly uneducated.

In the stock market where investors buy low and sell high, who is on the other side buying high?



Check the post.

That is funny, but seriously you guise. Anyone can make mistakes , what is obvious to one person is not to another.

When I said "you" I didn't mean him personally, but "you" as in "us" and not "them." Ie...those of us who trade stock legitimately and are not on the inside doing backroom deals with Bernie Madoff and Kenneth Lay

Sounds like a legitimate point.

That's how the game works. So unless you're investing in hard currency like gold and silver, or other commodities, you're not likely to succeed. Even then, Gerald Celente still got screwed.

The casino is rigged for sure, but it probably is not as black and white as you might think. You can lose out trading anything.

sometimes comments don't show up right away. how long were yours missing? or where they there, and then missing?

It was about an hour, just a couple on a particular subject, but I have never had selective censorship like that. Unless their site is going buggy...which is entirely possible, but it didn't seem that way.


Even if that were the case, and it's not, why would posting edgy comments on Reddit make them invisible?


Sorry, that doesn't work that way. It would still say something like "this comment isn't visible." And for the record, I'm not being downvoted that much.


-173 and counting!!

The reason my comment karma is low is because I generally don't comment (until more recently) and when I do comment it is anti-establishment and controversial, two things Reddit has a hard time dealing with.

But I'll tell you one observation of mine - I don't think the average Redditor has a problem with the controversy of my submissions (compare comment karma to karma), but there is a large coterie of trolls that work together in tandem duping accounts 24/7 to ensure that, on average, nothing serious in Reddit challenges the political status quo.

but there is a large coterie of trolls that work together in tandem duping accounts 24/7 to ensure that, on average, nothing serious in Reddit challenges the political status quo.

You are doing a bang up job.


I'm just wondering who has this ability to selectively shadowban certain things.

Only the admins can shadowban. Mods cannot do this, but mods do have the ability to delete comments or submissions on threads they moderate. As for shadow banning comments I didn't even know that was a thing.


Yeah, except the control is pretty damn high, IMHO.

Along with the rent!

That's only if you pay Reddit gold or whatever.

You are not shadow banned. Did one of your old accounts get shadow banned? As a mod I can tell you all the shadow ban posts hit the spam filter first, and clearly yours did not. I hope this helps.

Understood, I didn't know what to call it...it's not quite the same as shadow banning, but it involved me being unable to see selective posts. See here.

Yeah and that's why this post is currently the top post on /r/conspiracy

Get a life.

How dare I expose the trolls! Why, I should let just shit all over Reddit day in and out like so many moderators do. :)

To quote "freedom of speech is great, so long as no one is listening" -Lex Luthor. Dark knight strikes back

I dont know anything about the OP - but the responses to him - and his responses in this thread - completely vindicate him as a reasonable person (as I said - in this thread). Some of you people are aggressive and tough-internet-guy a little too much.

If he is right - then fuck - thats shit. If he is wrong - meh. Whatever. But ffs Reddit - stop being so "hatey". I have noticed a significant change in the tone of comments over the past 6 months (new shadow-account here). Daily, it seems, more and more people are becoming aggressive wankers.

You can thank CENTCOM for hiring nerds to troll the Internet to suppress speech.

Despite my sarcastic response, I have actually personally met Apple sponsored people who regularly post on Reddit, and do not disclose it (however they are compelled not to actively HIDE it, and use the same name everywhere ie other sites).

Who gives a shit, they're small beans...I mean apples. Apple doesn't have big agenda like Bill Gates (son of Robert Gates, eugenics group Planned Parenthood founder) and the US military. Or Israel. Don't forget Israel. NEVER forget the Zionists.

OK I concur then. You are slightly mad, showing typical symptoms of someone who smokes too much cannibis in isolation from people with differing perspectives. That used to be my problem too.

EDIT: Not saying you are wrong - as far as I can tell by browsing, all of what you say is true (and I was already aware of them). The problem is interpretation of something's value, and the probable outcomes of such things. The government has a history of wasting money on useless projects.

Sorry, bro, I am neither crazy nor do I smoke the good good. The closest I ever get to hash is hash browns at McDonald's.

Beyond the personal attacks, I don't think we are disagreeing about anything on this thread.

Yes, well - not all lack of perspective results from smoking cannabis. Frankly most people would benefit from weekly joints. I think where we differ in opinion is where the significance of such conspiracies lie. For numerous reasons, I have learned to openly laugh at any conspiracy. Here is just one simple reason why: An industrial collapse will soon be upon us. Noone can tell when this will happen, but the best guess is sometime after fuel costs rise above $US10-12 per gallon ($AUD3 litre) for the average person. At this point, the profit margins for almost any type of entrepreneurship - including farming - become so small that it is no longer feasible. This will occur AFTER a financial collapse. A financial collapse will APPEAR to be the final consequence, but it is really just the beginning of consequences. Signs of a financial collapse are everywhere right now, but may still be quite a while away (noone knows just how robust or resilient our current systems are - its like watching someone die of massive poisoning - you know they WILL die, but it can be surprising just HOW LONG it can take them to die).

Anyway, my point is this: How successful do you think ANY conspiracy can be, in the face of this? True power only lies in controlling people who themselves have some limited power - hegemony over a bunch of body-lice eaters is no real power at all. They cannot work or produce anything. There is nothing to take from them. Having total control and power over every last one of the 1 million or so chimpanzees on earth will get you nowhere. The most you could hope for is managing a million strong barrage of chimp faeces all hurled in the same direction at the same time.

All attempts at control, are doomed to failure. And this is just ONE of the reasons why. There are many more.


TLDR: Stop being so fucking lazy.


yeeeeaaaahhh.....riiiiight.........CENTCOM care what you think, and they have so much money that it is worth them censoring you, due to how much damage you cause, to their cause.

/end sarcasm.

EDIT: I guess that make me CENTCOM.

mmhmm - and paranoia is not truth.

EDIT: Forgive me - I don't visit /conspiracy because there are never any posts of things I am not already aware of. Also, I got over my phase of being so self-indulgent that I could seriously consider that anyone gave a crap what I personally thought. You see, there is this thing loosely called entropy - this physical fact, results in universal conspiracies being doomed to fail. Are there "evil" people in the world? - yeah, sure. Are they selfless enough to be organised appropriately? - no, they are not. Is human nature bad enough to make sure we fall short of Utopia? - absolutely. Do any of the above military/intelligence projects have a chance of making any real, noticeable difference to the course of events in the wider world? Not really.

So you're telling me that CENTCOM does not have paid military bloggers, Reddit/Digg posters/commenters, monitor Facebook and news websites, and use persona software to fake identities? Read the links, psinet.

Um. No - I did not say that. In fact I acknowledged them.


FFS bro - grow up. Read what I have posted to you. It was a gift you should learn from. Also, learn to recognise sources of good information (eg NOT Alex Jones). The first rule to understanding the universe and human nature: Acquire the skills to identify credibility and a superior perspective.

Otherwise, dont - and continue to be ridiculed by other childish randoms. I came out in support of you. You then proceeded to ridicule me for having a differing opinion. You lose. Enjoy delusion and self-knighthood.

Alright, throw all logic and sound reasoning out the window, you make the rules...in your universe, you are She-Ra, Princess of Power.

Yeah - whatever "Logic Master". As I said - I came out in defence of you. No wonder you have 8 comment karma in 6 months - 8!!!!!!

Have a good look at yourself, and stop - just for a second - believing that the reason the world is not to your liking (and doesn't like you) is because IT is fucked up, but YOU are awesome. Just for a second. You might be surprised what you see and learn. Not all people are idiots and dismissable as simply text on a screen.

Dude, comment karma says one and absolutely only one thing - how much of a smartass you are. People downmod insightful comments all the time. Smarminess is what gets you comment karma, and I'm sure you know all about comment karma whoring.

The only meaningful statistic in Reddit is link karma, which was the original karma, because it is the submissions that matter most in social bookmarking websites.

Looks like you have been downvoted into oblivion. No one can make a difference when no one is listening. Try a different attitude - you might have more success then.

I'm guessing they are all your accounts. Or your cohorts.

...wtf............crazy man.....

ad hominem

....intelligence and insight is all that matters. Posting links can be done by a monkey.

You are a hypocrite. Look at what you are posting to me. After that - seriously - take a haaard look at yourself.

....intelligence and insight is all that matters. Posting links can be done by a monkey.

That's where intelligence and insight are MOST necessary. To post a good link you need intelligence and insight.

Comments can be made by a comment bot or a CENTCOM monkey boy.

wow - you really are fucking looney. Seeing government agents everywhere. Well, good luck. Medication will help if you ever see the light. Somehow. Wow.

ad hominem

Lots of trolls on this thread.

Send email to the Reddit administrators asking for the offending (censoring) mods to be banned. "Are your submissions not showing up? Subreddit marked as spam? Is the spam filter acting up? Send a private message to the admins. (We really do want to help)"


Shadowbanning is among the worst fucking gimmicks, tricks, deceptions ever brought to our lives. Fuck you shadowbanners. And then fuck you again.

reddit is owned by a corporation, i guess if they deem a comment offensive, or that there's a potential of a lawsuit, or legal implications from a comment then it'd be deleted?

I am all for free speech, but i can understand reddit policing comments. Do i think it is right? no, but i understand.

I'm not talking about that kind of censorship. Somehow I don't think a PrisonPlanet article comment is going to put Reddit in legal peril. I haven't said anything that would cause such attention.

I don't know what shadowbanning is but have a good idea, and I just experienced a "Chris Brown(out)" on reddit, as did many others. But, your post in "r conspiracy" is the first I saw, and it resonated with me since I had just posted this.

Good research, and thanks for your input.

Is it not this sort of strike on personal opinion that caused the recent self-demise of a contributer here? seriously, attacking the character doesn't quell the arguement; we can all agree that being shadowbanned is like being tin-hatted by those who have all been accused of the same...

Are you talking about that Julian Assange guy? I thought he was still under house arrest. Makes sense he'd be posting to Reddit...what else can he do all day?

He's talking about redditor ambiversive.

Hrmm...do tell...I don't recall him.

It's a group?

If you read the top post from the redditor who claims to be his girlfriend, it seems he was one person. I only say "claims" because I've learned after being here for 4 years to take every unconfirmed statement with a grain of salt. I mean no offense to his family, friends or anyone else who knew the man. I enjoyed his posts, and he will be missed.

I say we burn Reddit down.

I'll just fiddle while it burns down around me.

Does the comment still exist in under your user page? If I go off the page and then back, the comment won't show, but it shows up later. Maybe your concerns are over the time delay?

I suggest that we all get out there in the world and help make change in a positive way.



Is that why they do this surreptitiously ? Let's see, is that in the 'terms and conditions' ?

Is there a way to block people? Never felt the need to before......

ad hominem

Whoa...that was a fast response...one hour later they have made my comments visible again.

Guess they didn't like the negative attention.

sometimes comments don't show up right away. how long were yours missing? or where they there, and then missing?

Bro, if you were shadowbanned then we wouldn't see your post here or comments at all. I know because Ive been shadowbanned a few times already.

It could be a glitch, but I've seen a lot of freaky stuff on Reddit lately that makes me think it might not be merely buggy programming.

Because famous.

I don't know and nobody is talking.

Somebody peed in your Corn Flakes...

So what you're saying is that you're full of shit and you eat your shit too. gotcha

Ah, so big complainer but can't come up with one alternative? Shucks...

Yeah it must be a glitch.

I've had posts that where not political at all and I couldn't see them, but other people where responding too them

Um. No - I did not say that. In fact I acknowledged them.

Keep your left hand of doom out of your pants, Moloch-boy. I'm gonna stick around a little longer.

....intelligence and insight is all that matters. Posting links can be done by a monkey.

That's where intelligence and insight are MOST necessary. To post a good link you need intelligence and insight.

Comments can be made by a comment bot or a CENTCOM monkey boy.


Is there a way to block people?

Why yes, there is. Reddit Enhancement Suite

Because she struck him first. XD

If Reddit goes the way of Digg where would everyone flock to?

I'm not talking about that kind of censorship. Somehow I don't think a PrisonPlanet article comment is going to put Reddit in legal peril. I haven't said anything that would cause such attention.