Is there anybody in active military duty that's aware of how much of a pawn you are in the eyes of the 1%?

84  2012-02-21 by no1113

No wars will happen if those in the military wake up and realize just how contrived and constructed are most/all wars.

One would think that at least a FEW people in the military have browsed through here with an idea in their minds - however vague - that they're not really protecting their country from "enemies". They are for the most part killing and bombing other men, women, and children just like them to put more money and power in the coffers of people who will then turn around and start killing and doing away them too.

EDIT: Damn! Some of you guys suggested that I go over to r/military and post this link over there, and I did, and BAM!, I got banned from it like almost immediately! Ha! lol. Damn. Oh well. I guess that didn't go over too well over there.


Reserve officer in training here.

I have deeply come to that realization and it was incredibly painful to say the least. I used to believe in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and was all gung-ho about "kicking ass and taking names."

That was until I truly started doing my own research, talking with veterans, etc. Then there was a true breaking point for me where I had a firsthand encounter that made me think "this is not what I signed up to defend. These are the faces of fear, not freedom."

I also read "War is a Racket" and "Truth, lies and Afghanistan" among other similar works.

In addition, I deeply thought about my international travels, the foreign people I met and spoke with, and all the ethnic girls I've dated.

I'm seriously considering filing for a Conscientious Objector discharge.

What's this?

Hope in r/conspiracy?

A conscience is such a rare and precious thing in this world. Even moreso among the enlisted. I sincerely hope you take that final step and file.

If the Constitution were all you had to defend, serving in the United States military would be an honorable charge wherever the front. If a Federal Government chosen by free and fair elections to represent the weighted will of the American population were all you were asked to defend, serving in the military would not place such a burden upon you.

But rather than defend the Constitution, the United States, and her people, you are ordered to attack other sovereign nations to secure favorable construction, arms and oil contracts for your commander's friends. Instead of protecting the pursuit of happiness of all your countrymen, you are subsidizing the pursuit of property of only a small minority.

And how?

Through committed acts of organized mass costumes.

Concientious objection is not only the most human thing you can do, it's the most rational, too.

At least until the scenery in Washington changes...

Pretty much. It is indeed a sad state of affairs. I mean, how would I be "protecting America's freedoms!" by fighting some poor bearded men wearing robes and sandals who live in caves? FFS. That's part of the reason I chose my redacted moniker "Dulce bellum inexpertis." It means "war is sweet to those who have never experienced it."

There is always hope, my friend, as long as our hearts yet beat and we yet draw breath.

You, sir, are a true patriot.

Cannot upvote this enough.

More power to you. Good luck.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Dammit I wish more of our soldiers were as willing and able to see what is going on as you, sir.

As do I...then again, the military is the strong-arm of the political branch which is (supposedly) the representatives of the civilian populace. Real change must come from the ground up; from the regular Joe six-pack pausing and really thinking about the current state of affairs and how something just feels...wrong

Yeah. We need a lot more Joe six-packs to start realizing that something just feels wrong.

We need our militaries to be comprised solely of people like you. At least you can influence a small aspect of the war. If all the personnel in the military had a similar depth of understanding you posses, the world would be in a better place.

I've met some of the best and some of the worst our society has to offer for the military. Some of these guys are little more than thugs and others are great people.

Unfortunately most of them do follow orders without question. A big thing they tried to install in us is that it is not our place to question orders. In my case, I will not be a tool of force in this corrupt and decadent system.

It's not your place to question orders ... yet if you are ordered to kill a family in their beds, and you get called on it later, suddenly it's your place to take the blame for it.

Yep. As they say, "shit rolls downhill"


I've met some of the best and some of the worst our society has to offer for the military.

Upvote for ABSOLUTE truth

Any other buddies you have in the ranks that you talk with about things like this?

Nope. Wish I did though. I know I'm not the only person in my "circle" who thinks and feels this way

If only there could be some way to break the ice so to speak, so as to finally let the cat out of the bag and out into the open so that certain people in the ranks could talk about it.


You stated what I did - only much better.

And who the fuck would downvote what you said? Man . . . just plain stupid.

I listened to Bob Chapman on the Alex Jones show last Friday, He said that 70% of police and military are awake to what is going on and there is no way the elite will be able to carry out their plan. In one respect this is encouraging and on the other hand it is scarey; being that if one corners a wild animal, one can get very hurt.....blessings bro.

Well, I certainly hope that's true, but I don't place much stock in Alex Jones.

If 70% of the police were awake to this, why were there so many atrocities committed against people in the Occupy movement with little or no repercussions for the offending officer?

If 70% of the military is awake, then why haven't there been more and louder voices of dissent among the ranks? Once one is awake, one does not have the luxury of silence.

Thanks for the well wishes though, I appreciate that.

Do you have any inkling about what the going ons are in the upper ranks? I am finding it hard to believe that there isnt a hidden war going on, there are just too many good people out there for there not to be......or maybe im just being naive.

Can't say I do. Sorry.

Serious question, how did you ever come to believe this: "kicking ass and taking names." bullshit?

From an early age as an 80's kid I've never understood this mentality, and I grew up with parents in the military. They never really said anything either way but I remember thinking what a joke it was having all these bases around the world (I myself lived in Japan because if it for some time), and how it was probably half the reason "they hate us".

Because I was but a child when I first signed up.

Fair enough.

Go to /r/military

Ask this question

Get banned

No Freedom of Speech allowed. You might sway someone away from being a Zionist Mercenary.

Zionism is but one face of the whole shitshow at the top.

Good point, but I think it's one of the more prevalent faces.

For the time being, I think yes. The torch (of supreme world leader) is being passed from the US to Israel, as it did from Britain to US years ago. In order to facilitate this, you know what must happen.

It should be fought against, resisted, and, ultimately, defeated - not because the U.S. should be the one on top - heck, the U.S. needs a major revamping and revolutionizing as well - but because the power change that is being attempted will NOT be for the better.

"Maybe a stupid question...but I personally think it's a better one. When can all the troops just come home? Are they really doing anything to "save lives"? Or have the last 10 years worth of war been a complete waste? Just wondering because I haven't seen a change in life from our wars. The only thing that's changed is police officers are more militarized and jumpy...killing people at the drop of hats, literally. Oh and heroin/meth are up, gas prices are up, and more people are committing suicide from the military then ever before." - just posted this to a major comment in r/guns...should be an interesting array of responses.

"Maybe a stupid question...but I personally think it's a better one. When can all the troops just come home? Are they really doing anything to "save lives"?

That is by no means a stupid question. That is a great one. However, it seems an even deeper, more pertinent question has to do with making sure and preventing the cycle of war from continuously repeating itself as it does. What is the use of bringing the troops back to the U.S. if they're going to go right back out again and repeat the same cycle?

have the last 10 years worth of war been a complete waste?

They absolutely have been if you measure the result next to what the public is TOLD the purpose of the military is supposed to be. We're told the purpose of the military is to defend ourselves - not instigate, attack, and take over other countries, which is exactly what we've done throughout our history.

I agree with pretty much everything you said.

That might seem to be a cause worth the effort then if that alone is the result.

Hmmm. I might try that.

Asking the question on r/military, that is - not getting banned (although that might happen anyway).

try it I am on /r/military the issue is actually getting an answer out of people. Anyhow my answer to you're question is "yes" and I have at least 3 friends who are awakened too.

Will go there shortly then. Thanks.

Damn, mother. Read my "EDIT" up there in my OP. lol

To be fair it probably wouldn't get banned if the title was re-worded.

My comments amounting to "illegal wars are bad for everyone, especially soldiers" got me banned.

Calling the wars illegal is, evidently, "political" and not a form of advocacy for soldiers.

The focus of the /r/military is for non political discussion of the military, when people refuse to follow the rules the banning is appropriate.

If I came in to this subreddit and started breaking all the rules of the subreddit I would expect to be banned as well.

I can see that mothereffingteresa learned that lesson the hard way.

"non political discussion of the military"

That's almost impossible. Politics are a part of the military. What that really means is it is for discussion of matter pertaining to below 0-4 or so.

It would be like having a subreddit about maps, but not allowing the discussion of colors.

They just don't want to hear what people have to say.

I know you guys are on your conspiracy crusade which is fine, I will continue to remove all political posts in the military subreddit.

Maybe I'm a secret govt agent paid to moderate a subreddit and lock all of the Ron Paul fanclub out, now wouldn't that be some shit ....

Conspiracy crusade? Dude, seriously. Don't be such a sheep. Understand that the very word "conspiracy" is a joke. The b.s. reasons the U.S. has cited for going to war are NOT a conspiracy. It's called truth. Here. Let's try this:

  • 1898 Spanish American War The USS Main - a US ship anchored near Cuba - was sunk and blamed by the US on the Spanish, who denied it. US went to war w/Spain in order to control the Carribean area. A century later, America acknowledged that the Spanish never sunk the USS Main.

  • 1915 WWI The USS Lusitania was sunk by a German sub as a result of the US covertly leaking information to the Germans that the USS Lusitania was carrying war time weapons and was a threat to them. Wash and repeat the problem, reaction, solution cycle.

  • 1941 WWII Pearl Harbor - the US instigated Japan for two years and did nothing when the US received information that Japan was finally going to attack in retaliation.

  • 1965 Vietnam War Started because of the Gulf of Tonken incident: North Vietnamese boats were accused of attacking the US boat Maddox. Secretary of Defense Robert Macnamara later openly confessed that the attack on the Maddox itself actually NEVER took place. "Events afterward showed that our judgement that we had been attacked that day was wrong. It didn't happen."

  • 1990 1st Gulf War US secretly tells Sadaam that they have no problem with him attacking Kuwait. Sadaam (Iraq) therefore invades Kuwait. US (Dick Chaney) tells Saudi Arabia (Kuwait) that 200,000 Iraqi soldiers are amassing behind their border. Saudi Arabia, in fear, grants the US permission to establish military bases in Kuwait to defend them against attack. America covertly sells Saadam chemical weapons and allows him to use them against his own people. His atrocities get shown in the US news, the public buys it, and now allows US to go to war w/Iraq. Later American intel reveals that there were, in fact, no Iraqi troops at the Kuwaiti border.

Conspiracy crusades right? Seriously man. Educate yourself, brother. You're only doing yourself and your country a major disservice.

He was just making a point about the rules of r/military and you went off on one. Relax guy.

I don't see what's so complicated about the rules of r/military to cause you to react so much.

It's for discussion on military not political issues, why is that so hard to understand? Why is he being downvoted for saying what the rules are?

He was just making a point about the rules of r/military

Really? You think so? You really think so? You think that stating "you guys are on your conspiracy crusade..." and "Maybe I'm a secret govt agent paid to moderate a subreddit and lock all of the Ron Paul fanclub out, now wouldn't that be some shit .... " is, as you put it, "just making a point about the rules of r/military"

Really? Is that what you think that was?

Wow. Hmmm. Maybe we weren't looking at the same thing then.

Relax guy.

I'm relaxed. Nothing you or he/she has said is sufficient to get me up and about. If you say something stupid, I just respond to it. Simple as that.

I don't see what's so complicated about the rules of r/military to cause you to react so much.

Then your reading and interpreting skills need to get a serious revamp.

It's for discussion on military not political issues, why is that so hard to understand?

Because you don't understand that they're often so one and the same as to be indistinguishable.

Why is he being downvoted for saying what the rules are?

Because he's not only doing that.

Not what I'm saying at all. I can have a discussion about military politics without getting into conspiracies. Your response says more than is needed in regards to your mindset.

If you say so. We have our set of rules and you guys have yours, so please don't be surprised when people get warned/banned for not following them.

Maybe I'm a politician that decides national budgets for the military and next election I decide to cut all funding for the military. Given that you wouldn't technically allow me to discuss this in your precious fairy vagina subreddit, now wouldn't that be some shit ....

As did no1113, I guess.


Blind acceptance of illegal wars is a political stance.

All those service men and women who donate money to Ron Paul are aware that the occupations and wars against various countries in the Middle East are politically contrived.

Well, apparently R. Paul supporters in the military are an extremely small percentage because the U.S. presumably has a strong enough military force to go to war in the middle east right now.


Sorry. Excuse my ignorance please, but what is /s/?


Or it may be a board on 4chan, I'm not really sure /s/.

So you're wondering if my initial response to t0t here was sarcasm?

It wasn't.

First of all, Ron Paul seems to be the best of the lot . . . but the lot is absolutely putrid to its core, so it says pretty much nothing that RP is the best of it. The system that he's working in is putrid and will continue to putrefy the country around it regardless of whether RP is president or not.

Secondly, it would not seem that those in the military who support RP are sufficient to make any significant anti war change. I support anyone who is against war, but I think that the point t0t makes is an unfortunate drop in the bucket.

He/she was wondering if you were sarcastic.

I just wanted to clarify /s/ for you.

Very well. Apologies for the confusion.

RP ain't going nowhere if elected. He will be there like anyone else.

It would seem "The U.S. War Machine" would make sure of that.

Either that, or they would simply kill him.

What makes the military possible is your tax dollars and your willingness to use federal reserve notes. You too are a pawn in the hands of the special interests.

So much this. The vast majority of us conspiracy types still tacitly accept things because we pay our taxes with minimal resistance.

I support and have marched with OWS.

This, of course, is not enough, and am not unwilling to do more.

We pay our taxes because the alternative is to get locked up like Westley Snipes.

That doesn't make my statement any less true. Your response is exactly what the IRS wants popular opinion to be, failing us actually being happy to give our money to a corrupt and broken government. The option still exists to refuse to pay, or work under the table or something even if those options appear pretty distant or bleak. Just sayin.

Or Willie Nelson.

Or James Brown.

Absolutely. I cannot disagree, unfortunately.

I'm aware of just how contrived so much in this country is, however, and I am willing to stand up and fight against those moneyed powers that have gotten control and taken over this land.


Sincere question.

If people stop cooperating and engage in civil disobedience, the system will starve to death eventually. The question is if we can hold for long enough. They know that and they have been trying to weaken our ability to function independently. The powers that be have been preparing for the collapse for years by pushing for the centralization of food production through companies like Monsanto. The collapse of the dollar system is a mathematical certainty at this point, and I think they have been planning on using food as a weapon to impose their will on the people. What is needed is for people to be able to survive without their paper currency. Many are already using alternative commodities that can act as currencies such as silver, bitcoin, or distributed credit systems like ripple to trade separately from the dollar economy. If people can sustain ourselves using those tools through the collapse, we will have the upper hand. But if we cannot, they will decide our future. We need to be prepared. The more people start preparing by transferring their wealth away from their sinking ship, the better off we will be.

I like the way you think. Even though plenty of people are unsure about 9/11 and know monsanto is evil, not too many seem to understand how dangerous monsanto really is.

Aside from marching with and supporting OWS, and simply speaking my mind and spreading information about what I happen to know about the b.s. that's going on in this country, I wonder about the very question you asked as well.

speaking my mind and spreading information

That's admirable, but you've got stiff competition. Unless you can collectively divert attention or captivate as well as the raging media machine, you are fighting a tough battle. They're running a huge campaign of public mindfuck, backed by many a dollar, yours and mine both.

you've got stiff competition.

And then some.

Unless you can collectively divert attention or captivate as well as the raging media machine, you are fighting a tough battle.

Agreed, but what else would one in my shoes do with the information I have? Give up and do nothing? Na.

They're running a huge campaign of public mindfuck, backed by many a dollar, yours and mine both.

Yep. All I can do is make an honest effort and, if they attempt to make a public example out of me, simply stick to my guns, and keep it simple. Best case scenario is that I'd walk as an example for others to follow.

You are right about using the dollar but not so much about taxes. Even if everyone stopped paying taxes, the government would go on by simply making up for the lost revenue by 'borrowing' from the Federal Reserve.

While local and even state taxes serve a function, the ONLY function that federal taxation has to is to keep an economic thumb pressed down on the people.

But you are dead on about the dollar. Moving away from that is the best (and possibly only) solution.

That said, it would help if there was a mass movement to stop paying taxes. But you cannot shift the blame onto the victim in this case.

Even if everyone stopped paying taxes, the government would go on by simply making up for the lost revenue by 'borrowing' from the Federal Reserve.

I agree but that is only going to accelerate their downfall. If the Fed keeps devaluing the dollar, why would China and the rest of the countries keep their treasuries. At some point they are just going to sell their treasuries, and crash the dollar.

I'm in the Air Force, but only an E-3. Are you stating that I have the power to control who we go to war with?

Yes. You have the power as far as your being representative of all those other individuals like you goes.

If you were to become aware that the reasons the U.S. is citing for going to war with another country are either manipulated or simply false, and those other people aren't as interested in fighting as you're told, would you still be willing to go and kill them?

Let's suppose your answer is "No. I wouldn't be willing to kill people who don't want to go to war with us." Now, just for the sake of argument, lets also suppose that all your other E-3 compatriots new the same information you did and felt the same way.

How effective would you think a war would be if you and those other E-3's banded together and agreed not to kill people in another country? agreed not to fight and go to war with a people not interested in war? if those few manipulators at the top of the 1% didn't have you guys doing the fighting for them?

We are obligated to comply with lawful orders. Punishable by UCMJ.

Our current wars are wars of aggression, and unlawful in that very fundamental way.

I'm not sure that this country has ever had a war in the entirety of its history that wasn't fundamentally unlawful.

  • 1898 Spanish American War The USS Main - a US ship anchored near Cuba - was sunk and blamed by the US on the Spanish, who denied it. US went to war w/Spain in order to control the Carribean area. A century later, America acknowledged that the Spanish never sunk the USS Main.

  • 1915 WWI The USS Lusitania was sunk by a German sub as a result of the US covertly leaking information to the Germans that the USS Lusitania was carrying war time weapons and was a threat to them. Wash and repeat the problem, reaction, solution cycle.

  • 1941 WWII Pearl Harbor - the US instigated Japan for two years and did nothing when the US received information that Japan was finally going to attack in retaliation.

  • 1965 Vietnam War Started because of the Gulf of Tonken incident: North Vietnamese boats were accused of attacking the US boat Maddox. Secretary of Defense Robert Macnamara later openly confessed that the attack on the Maddox itself actually NEVER took place. "Events afterward showed that our judgement that we had been attacked that day was wrong. It didn't happen."

  • 1990 1st Gulf War US secretly tells Sadaam that they have no problem with him attacking Kuwait. Sadaam (Iraq) therefore invades Kuwait. US (Dick Chaney) tells Saudi Arabia (Kuwait) that 200,000 Iraqi soldiers are amassing behind their border. Saudi Arabia, in fear, grants the US permission to establish military bases in Kuwait to defend them against attack. America covertly sells Saadam chemical weapons and allows him to use them against his own people. His atrocities get shown in the US news, the public buys it, and now allows US to go to war w/Iraq. Later American intel reveals that there were, in fact, no Iraqi troops at the Kuwaiti border.

Up until WWII we at least had to have a manufactured reason compelling enough to generate an actual declaration of war, that then resulted in an actual capitulation by a sovereign government.

Since then we have lowered our standards.

I think the standards have at once gotten lowered and more sophisticated, however, since the lies the establishment tells its citizens in order to agree with the wars it wages seem to have gotten more and more clandestine in nature, no?

I mean look at the lie which is 911 after all.

That's a good point. 9/11 was worth dancing and high-fiving about, for some people.


Na. It just means he's going to have to man the fuck up a lot more than he thought he'd have to if he wants to get out. It's not the end of the world though - much as it might seem to him initially if he decided to try to get out. If he prepared himself adequately (psychologically and emotionally) and was very ready, it might be the best thing that could happen in his life.

With great power comes great responsibility.


I was just being an ass and assuming that he was already a pussy for joining the armed forces and taking orders in the first place.

Na. Joining the armed forces in and of itself doesn't necessarily happen because one is a pussy or a mindless drone. There are some who do go in with honorable intentions. Not all, but definitely some.

I have always said, and always will say, that if everyone refused to join the military we would be taking steps in the right direction towards peace.

I agree.

Obviously it's not exactly that simple, but in some ways it is.


Even if those orders are unlawful?

Should have thought of that before you signed up to fight for the corporate empire you drone.

Maybe he/she didn't know he was fighting for the corporate empire when he/she signed up.

Just giving the benefit of the doubt here is all.

I think a lot of people are still in the dark as to what's really going on in this planet and in this country.

I know you are right. It's just hard to accept that.

Which is ironic because that I embrace "what is going on," is what I think of as my saving grace, my armor and my weapons. However this fact you state is another that I must accept. It is the hardest one of them all.

Always remember that there was a time when you too were more in the dark than you are presently. Teach those that know less. Learn from those that know more.

Always be the light you wish others to follow. Always be the light you wish others themselves to be.

I think I'd rather just shoot myself or everyone else and get it over with. I aint cut out to be anybodies light. I wasn't made for mercy or guidance.

I aint cut out to be anybodies light.

You don't have to be. All you have to be is your OWN light. You'll illuminate everybody else around you by proxy when you simply concentrate and make sure and be the best light that you can be - not for others, but for yourself.

I wasn't made for mercy or guidance.

No one said you have to be.

Just be the best you you can be. Simple as that. Don't walk around trying to be anybody's messiah. That's stupid if you're not meant to be that or if you don't feel that.

You can and will be a shining beacon of light if you simply work at being a cool person and not being an asshole to others; if you simply work at lending a hand to some stranger that needs it if you're around - help him/her up if they fall on the ground while you're walking to the store for example. Smile at a kid who just accidentally kicked his soccer ball in your direction as you kick it back to him. Help an old lady cross the street if you happen to be there.

You see, a shining beacon illuminates everything that's around it by virtue of its simply being on.

You don't have to go out and try to help others.

Just be a cool person and try not to be an asshole to anybody. Help someone if it seems they might need a quick hand, and move on w/your day.

That's it. :)

My mind just got wisdom-raped


I'm not arguing with you at all. I'm just making the point that, in my current position, there isn't anything I can do.

You could file for a Conscientious Objector discharge if your resolve is steadfast.

Does that lead to a Dishonorable Discharge in all cases?

From what I've read, no. Dishonorable Discharges are mostly (and I mean 99% of the time) given when a service member commits a crime and prosecuted under the UCMJ.

However I could be wrong. I'm too weary atm to go to Google.

No. There's still a lot you can do.

Conscientious Objector discharge

False. You've only demonstrated is that disobeying lawful orders carries consequences. That doesn't preclude you from acting according to your conscience. It just means you could face charges for doing the right thing.

So I'm obligated to throw any sort of career away because I don't believe in what the military is doing? What you are asking me to do will give me at LEAST a dishonorable discharge. Which means I can't even get a job at McDonalds. I graduated from Purdue in 2009 with a Bachelor's in Computer Technology too...

So I'm obligated to throw any sort of career away because I don't believe in what the military is doing?

First of all don't think that you're throwing "any sort of career away" because you don't agree with the military and don't end up going into a career with them. There are a lot of things you can do with your life that don't involve the military.

Secondly, realize that what the military is doing isn't something as simple and benign as slapping some kid in a schoolyard on the wrist.

They are literally decimating entire countries in the name of a policy that has shown itself to be very, very spotty and leaky at best. That's quite a different thing altogether.

What you are asking me to do will give me at LEAST a dishonorable discharge.

Nothing wrong with that if you intelligently inform whoever wants to know that it's because you became aware that the life of people is more important than the money, and political advantage that a small group of greedy men wished to acquire.

Which means I can't even get a job at McDonalds.

What? McDonalds won't hire you if you've been dishonorably discharged?

I graduated from Purdue in 2009 with a Bachelor's in Computer Technology too...

Jesus Christ then, donkey! There's SO much more shit you can do with your life now that I know that! lol. Damn. It's one thing if you're a flunky with barely a highschool education and no other means of supporting yourself.

You're a fucking computer tech. You can almost work and make great money ANYWHERE, man.


Now, all this is not saying that you should bail out of your military post now . . . but, believe me, man . . . you've got a LOT of options in your future whether you stay in the military or not.

Know this.

Nobody's obligated to do anything. But if you freely admit you object, it's a small leap to act on that objection, no?

Sure, there are with all decisions. That's life. But simply fearing them isn't reason to insist that inaction is justified.

Why would you as a Computer Technology graduate with military training have to depend on McDonalds (or anyone for that matter) for a job?

You sound more than qualified to work for yourself. Surely you have ideas...

Jesus Christ then, donkey! There's SO much more shit you can do with your life now that I know that! lol. Damn. It's one thing if you're a flunky with barely a highschool education and no other means of supporting yourself. You're a fucking computer tech. You can almost work and make great money ANYWHERE, man.

I'm too much of an adrenaline junkie to do programming anymore. I love computers as a hobby. I found that out about 90% of the way through school. That's why I decided to join. My initial contract was for EOD but I failed out and they stuck me in Intelligence where I spend 12 hrs a day on computers. -_-

Why would you as a Computer Technology graduate with military training have to depend on McDonalds (or anyone for that matter) for a job?

"Civilians" (using the term only as people that are ignorant of the military) see the dishonorable discharge as someone that requires constant supervision and doesn't follow rules.

I have heard numerous cases of McDonald's not hiring due to policy on dishonorable discharges. But they are all hearsay stories and I can't confirm/deny anything.

The people running the East German Stasi asked themselves the same thing. The Stasi archives are now open, and everyone knows who was an informant. SUX2BTHEM.

EDIT: I would hire you no matter how you got out of the military. LOTS of companies would pay zero attention to your military status.

Hrm well you got a good point about that. I can't fault somebody for having to facing up to an ugly reality.

Wtf we gonna do man?

Wtf we gonna do man?

Well I have a wife and my first kid on the way, so I have to stay in unless I would be able to find something that I could do then try to get out of the military.

what about unlawful orders?

As long as humans value material wealth there will always be wars.

I disagree. One can arrive at a great level of material wealth without war. There are absolutely better ways in which all members are materially sought after without having to engage in such levels of conflict.


This. A thousand times this. Blame the wars themselves and the politicians who start them.

they have to take orders

No, they can defy them and face consequences. Resistance is still possible.

That said...voters should make serious demands of their officials and candidates. Realize the power in the keys we are handing them in Federal leadership and insist on more sound and representative results.

maybe because the current voting system doesn't work. there's only the illusion of choice because the candidates are all incompetent puppets.

since they have to take orders

You were born with freewill. Have some courage and stand up for your morals. And this goes for both those who vote and those in the military.

Why is it never mentioned that the 99% continues to allow the members of congress to stay in office that declare these 'phony' wars.


Why indeed. I wonder about this continuously.

They vote and allow the president to stay in office that uses his powers to initially send troops into places.

This again.

It's a very unpopular things to say, but voting in this country (if not the world) has really proven itself to be a real, real joke. It's all fake and contrived. They've had computer programs to tabulate votes for quite some time that can count the final tally in any way that's chosen.

Why most people get angry at the military is beyond me, since they have to take orders.

FYI I'm certainly not angry at them. Just as you said, they're merely following orders. What I'm saying is that it would be good if more of them become more aware so that they understand just how much power they do have. THEY are the ones that can really sway the tide because it is the military that the 1% use to do its bidding.

It seems like most of these people don't feel like blaming themselves for letting the people into office(congress and potus) that would allow this to happen.

I'm almost 40 and have never voted a day in my life.

This, of course, doesn't mean that I'm not "part of the system" as well, but it does mean that the reason I don't partake is because, as I stated earlier, I've understood it's all a joke from the time I was a very, very young person.

Then, members of the military would not have to take the extreme risks of trying to object to something, since we would be doing the right thing in the first place.

Well, I'm not sure it's that easy, however. The government is nothing but the face that is commanded and controlled by the rulers of the land. That is to say, the government itself isn't really the ruler of the land. If we the people are too concerned with 1) voting, and 2) trying to get the government to do this, that, or the other, then we really won't succeed because a) voting doesn't work, and b) the government doesn't run shit.

It's the people BEHIND and in control of the government that need to be exposed.

It's happening, but it feels like we're in a real race against this power to expose it and stop it before it pretty much enslaves the entire population of the world.

I don't know if anyone's seen the recent project camelot interviews, but there are some that are about exactly this...military and special forces people realizing the extent of the lies:

Thanks for including that here.

the answer to your question for me is Yes, and thus i'm thrilled to be distancing myself from the institution. I am at a very small location, maybe 100 folks. In my shop of 20 there are 2 others who are ready to walk at the drop of a hat, and 3 or 4 who are just a step behind them.

What about r/askreddit? Isn't that a large audience?

Hmmm. Might try that one as well. Thanks for that.

Ex Airman here and to anyone who thinks that trying to make change from the inside is a good idea, think again. As soon as you swear in and leave for bmt they own your ass. You become fully subject to the UCMJ. Constitutional rights can be dropped at a superiors whim the second you start making trouble.

Indeed. The scary thing about the UCMJ and how the COs apply it is that they use selective prosecution.

Thanks for bringing this up. It brings to light the very real issues and concerns involved in trying to become aware of ANY of the truth involved in the wars the armed forces are called to wage.

Some just want to be warriors. Some just need the money. They all know who to protect in the end.

Some just want to be warriors.

At the expense of slaughtering people that have never done anything to them? That's not a warrior. That's an ignorant fool, a coward, or both.

Some just need the money.

Get a job. McDonald's is hiring.

They all know who to protect in the end.

No they don't - and that's the point. Who are they protecting? They're protecting the 1 percent.

They all know who they're protecting? They all know they're protecting the interests of greedy, planet-raping multi-billionaires interested in nothing but expanding their oligarchical empire?

Is that who the military knows they're protecting? And if so, then they're not our military. They're THEIR military.

I don't happen to feel this way, however. I happen to feel that the majority of the guys and gals that go in are honorable and should be respected. They go in to protect not so much "America" or "American Interests" . . . but American PEOPLE. They go in to protect the lives of the American people.

Problem with that is that they're being given orders by people that don't have the interest and the benefit and welfare of the American people in mind.

And the orders they're being given? To kill other men and women with children and families of their own in a distant land they've barely thought of before dropping bombs on them.

That's a problem.

I'm all for protecting the U.S., but if the enemy is RIGHT HERE in this land, then we need to fight the right fight, and not worry about going abroad.

Obviously you don't know or are friends with military person's.

Perhaps part of the problem is the incessant, dogmatic, almost religious close-mindedness that exists in the military and that is bred by those in charge of it.

One SHOULD question what is going on . . .

The military isn't the problem. It's the business of war...

Cannot upvote or agree enough with this, sir. Absolutely right.

They all know who to protect in the end.

Sure do.

People that know that either try hard as fuck to get promoted and live in the system, or get their arse outta that shit hole of a place

I have a few friends in the military... about half of them have woken up and have told me that within their units; there is talk about how to get themselves OUT of the military.

The other half (the lesser intelligent) are really not able to comprehend the bigger picture... they just shrug and perhaps even agree with you, but they literally do not have the will nor awareness to try and understand the situation at large. This is the most frustrating part for me. No matter what I say to them, they are the types of people who NEED someone to tell them what to do. It seems that they are incapable of educating themselves and trusting their instincts.

Yeah. That's really frustrating indeed because it makes you feel that there are a lot more people like this than there should be.

If you phrase it as a conflict you'll get shit.

The plus side is that the military has trained these people. These people, if it came to it, could defend their family, friends and neighbors. These people are untapped assets and should not be derided or ridiculed.


Before I had my little apocalypse I was going to go into the Army as an officer - counter intellegence. Ultimately I decided that I had too many issues with authority and so I declined (they called me for years). My point is that I would've been one of those pawns. Those pawns can easily open their minds at any time. They should be helped as much as possible. They shouldn't be attacked. They're still humans and deserve the decency / dignity given to any human.

That said, the self-appointed rulers should be arrested and jailed like the common criminals they are. If they repent, that's fine. If they do not, that's fine. But even the self-appointed rulers are people. The focus, in my opinion, should be on making the world a better place. Or at least not so lame.


Open hands - not closed fists.

If you phrase it as a conflict you'll get shit.

I do not understand what you mean by this. Rephrase it if you wish.

The plus side is that the military has trained these people. These people, if it came to it, could defend their family, friends and neighbors.

Instead, however, they're killing the family, friend, and neighbors of people they don't know because they're being given orders by business tycoons that don't have their best interest in mind. This makes sense how exactly?

These people are untapped assets and should not be derided or ridiculed.

And they're NOT being derided or ridiculed - at least not by me. I honor and respect those in the armed forces. It is because I respect and honor them and what they do and stand for so much that I think it is very important to inform them when they are fighting and killing for something that is a lie. They deserve better than to risk their lives for a cause that is not in the best interest of them, their families, or their country.

They should be helped as much as possible.

Agreed. I made this thread to do my small part toward helping educate some as much as possible.

Those pawns can easily open their minds at any time.

I'm not sure it's that easy, as the military brainwashing and conditioning is deep, and much resistance will occur when one tries to inform some people.

They shouldn't be attacked.

I don't disagree with this. They shouldn't be attacked. Also, however, they should not be allowed to go off aggressively on what they think is right if what they think is, in all actuality, a lie and a fabrication.

They're still humans and deserve the decency / dignity given to any human.

I cannot agree with this more, sir. Yes.

That said, the self-appointed rulers should be arrested and jailed like the common criminals they are.

And I strongly believe it is the military that they are currently using as pawns that stand a strong chance of fighting against them when the time comes to "arrest and jail" these criminals. But that military must be educated as to what's really going on.

Open hands - not closed fists.

Cannot upvote or agree enough with your ultimate message.

Peace, brother.

A.) In a wonderful twist my wording wasn't at all clear. And yet an underlying part of my point had to do with clarity. It's hard not to get into a discussion about linguistics and perceptons of "reality" so I'll try to be as succinct as possible; how you frame a topic - what words you use - will effect the listener. If your phrasing is hostile then they'll likely become, themselves, hostile. We put on hats without even knowing it most of the time. It is more useful, generally, to put on the friendly hat so that others will see a friendly hat. This sounds completely ridiculous, and I know it, however it has served me well.

B.) My cousin is inAfghanistan right now. He's a good bean and doesn't understand much. He's a kid really. I think that he'll figure it out and it'll likely come as a shock. I don't want him to feel bad about it because we've all felt that way. He'll be beating himself up without any help from anyone else. It is in this sense that I think a redirecting of energies would be a good thing for people like my cousin. He should be helped. He was manipulated and when he figures it out I think it'd be best to help him rather than point a finger. I was like him years ago myself.

C.) You can't wake people up or inform them. I'm a great example. I'm an autodydact and if I'm not into something it simply won't penetrate my thick skull. If I am interested in something you'll have to physically take me away from it. No one told me to 'wake up' - I am a self-initiate. I can't even take credit for it really. Someone told me about the Twin Towers falling at freefall speed and I socked it away for years. One day, in 2007, some neuron fired in a somewhat irregular way and I knew that something was up. Someone told me, but it didn't sink in at all until I was ready for it. I will bet this holds for most people. All you can do is talk about things that interest you. And when you see a newly minded person all you can do is try to help them in whatever way you can. I've spotted a few and I'm always happy to tell them whatever I know and reinforce that I'm far from omniscient. What I mean is I have never awoken anyone ever. They have always done it themselves and I've always watched it as a friend / helper.

D.) There will be instinces of violence. I think defending yourself or loved ones is acceptable. But only in defense. Violence begets violence and should be avoided at all cost. This includes emotional violence. Shit will happen regardless of your attempt to do good. There's no reason to promulgate.

E.) Most of the ex-military people I've come across have known damn well that they were fucked with. I have something like optimism that people are catching on like never before. En masse at that. I remember some study about how military personnel would not fire on their own if 3% of the population fired back. The first line is non-violence. The second line is NRA. Its my hope that we will never have to come to that.

F.) I sound as though I don't advocate public discussion of these things. Really, this kind of stuff is ALL I talk about. I get a lot of rolling eyes and groans, but people can't think about something they don't know exists (Rumsfeld's infamous [unknown unknowns]). I talk about this stuff publicly. However I do everything possible to keep my friendly hat on. People who count themselves as either Democrats or republicans will soon figure out how meaningless those labels are. At which time you gain an friend.

FINALLY: Be the change you want to see.

I want to see a world in which people are nice and help each other.

If your phrasing is hostile then they'll likely become, themselves, hostile.

Yes. This is unfortunately true.

We put on hats without even knowing it most of the time.

I wish I could disagree with this or say it doesn't apply to me, but you are correct here as well.

It is more useful, generally, to put on the friendly hat so that others will see a friendly hat. This sounds completely ridiculous, and I know it, however it has served me well.

It does indeed seem ridiculous. Truth is truth. Facts are facts. It doesn't matter if you say "2 plus 2 is 4, and your mother dresses you funny." or "2+2=4 and you look great today." 2 plus 2 is still four.

People are more likely to argue with you if you state it the first way, however.

My cousin ... I think that he'll figure it out and it'll likely come as a shock.

It's unfortunate. I wish that more soldiers could have folks tell them what they're in store for so they don't go in blind.

He should be helped. He was manipulated and when he figures it out I think it'd be best to help him rather than point a finger.

I entirely and wholeheartedly agree. Who is there to help, however? Perhaps my OP didn't use the best, most kind language, but I think it's important to try to be as truthful as possible about the realities involved in these wars. That's not to say that 1) I know everything there is to know about it (far from it) or that 2) the way I said it is the best way to do so (far from it as well), but I do think that it is important for service men and women to be aware of some of these things almost regardless of how they're told. Just make sure and at least be aware of the info.

You can't wake people up or inform them.

I disagree. You can't wake everybody up or inform everyone, but that's not to say that you can't wake anybody up or inform them. There are some individuals (like myself) that simply won't get some types of information if it's explained in ten different ways. However, there are other people (like myself as well) that you can take other types of info and explain them, and just by understanding your message abstractly they can figure out everything they're supposed to in that manner.

It really just all depends on the subject matter.

I feel that I do see your point, however.

Someone told me, but it didn't sink in at all until I was ready for it.

Just because certain seeds need years to germinate, however, it doesn't mean that you weren't taught by the person who initially planted them in you - even if it may have been ages ago and long forgotten. It just took a while before the seeds and the information flowered.

All you can do is talk about things that interest you. And when you see a newly minded person all you can do is try to help them in whatever way you can.

I agree. Sometimes they understand and agree immediately. Other times they will entirely scoff at you and nothing will ever get through. Others they will scoff initially, but then understand long after you're gone.

Either way, all you can do is simply express what you feel as best as you can, and let the rest handle itself. You teach, you learn, etc.

What I mean is I have never awoken anyone ever.

Correct. You can only awake yourself. However - and this is a big "however" - there are many that can shake you enough to cause you to awake. YOU are the one that does your own awaking. Others, however, can help to shake the sleep out of you.

Just because the person in question is the only one that can wake themselves, that's no reason to let someone soundly and quietly sleep in a sea of complete ignorance without any attempt on your part to clang them awake with the clamor of truth and information. I feel if one has interesting and possibly little-known information, then if they get the opportunity to express their perspective on things - whether popular or not - they should do it.

I think defending yourself or loved ones is acceptable.

I agree.

I have something like optimism that people are catching on like never before. En masse at that.

I feel this quite a bit myself. I wouldn't call it optimism in my case, however. I would call it a type of awareness of sorts that I have experienced growing more and more in me. Perhaps I am only projecting, however, because my own awareness has been expanding significantly in the last few years. I'm not sure it's only projection, however.

I sound as though I don't advocate public discussion of these things.

Hmmm . . . I didn't get that at all, sir. No sarcasm there, by the way.

Really, this kind of stuff is ALL I talk about.

This kind of stuff is much of what I think and talk about as well.

I want to see a world in which people are nice and help each other.

You have made this entire thread well worth the effort.

Thank you, sir.

Are you saying for the armed forces to rebel against civilian authority of the republic? Gee that was thoughtful OP. You do know that Ancient Rome went through several military revolts against the civilian authority of the Roman Senate a few times. Famous of all of the revolts was Julius Caesar. Be careful what your asking.

Are you saying for the armed forces to rebel against civilian authority of the republic?

Not quite sure I even understand that question.

Me after reading the remainder of your sentences.

Is there any way you could rephrase your sentence(s) in a way that I might better understand them? I'm honestly not quite sure I understand what you're asking.

Are you actually wondering if I'm advocating the military...

You know what? I can't even really hazard a guess as to what you're really wondering. Sorry. I'd really like to respond to what you're asking, but I can't quite wrap my head around what exactly it is that's being asked.

It's doubtful all service personnel are the kill-happy drones that the post title suggests. I have many family members serving or who have served, and it doesn't seem that way at all.

I certainly didn't mean to even imply that those in the armed forces are nothing but kill-happy drones. To say that one is a pawn can mean that one does their duty with honor even if you don't know you're are being used as a pawn. To be used as a pawn doesn't necessarily mean that one takes pleasure in causing harm to others.

EDIT: Damn! Some of you guys suggested that I go over to r/military and post this link over there, and I did, and BAM!, I got banned from it like almost immediately! Ha! lol. Damn. Oh well. I guess that didn't go over too well over there.

That appears to be a pretty good dick move, antagonizing the people that protect you. They have nothing to do with the decisions made about where they go, or what they do. Most just wanted to escape their past, or get an education. The military doesn't function well with the ideals they protect, so it bleeds over into their off time. Why would they want the place they go to relax mentally to be another source of conflict? There is no conspiracy here, you're a dick for doing that and they were right to ban you.

They are not protecting me. They are waging illegal wars we will all suffer for.

Do you think that I'm suggesting our military only protects us by waging wars? Is it possible that having a military is, in itself, a defensive posture? Do you think that there are no other forces that wouldn't take our natural resources if we completely stripped all our forces of their weapons? Are you literally suggesting that our military doesn't offer you any protection at all? Really? Is that what you're saying?

There are plenty of Americans with guns that could defend this country. I doubt anyone would invade.

The real threat we face is from our own government.

Are you out of your fucking mind? Who would choose letting their civilian families fight off invaders when we can have an organized, trained, military prevent the invasion from occurring by simply existing? Is this how the people on r/conspiracy really think? I knew there were some crackpots, but I may have overestimated the community as a whole.

Switzerland has never been invaded.

Google it.

WTF does that have to do with us being invaded by foreign powers? Seriously, are you out of your fucking mind? Are you suggesting that we don't need a military because they've never been invaded? How does that work?

There is very little you really understand about how the world works. It is unfortunate, because your antagonism is the exact type of characteristic that the establishment uses to harm you and others in it.

This is very sad.

Thank you for your sympathies.

Who would choose letting their civilian families fight off invaders when we can have an organized, trained, military prevent the invasion from occurring by simply existing?

Iraq and Afghanistan would, and did successfully, to our great cost.

Are you suggesting that Iraq didn't have a military?

I'm saying they understood that US air power meant they would not have a military with anything bigger than a rifle to shoot, and that they planned and executed accordingly.

Is that a yes or no?

Does anyone else have any difficulty understanding what I wrote?

I do, explain it to me like I'm 5 years old. Was that a yes or no?

Do you think that I'm suggesting our military only protects us by waging wars?

By proxy, Smurf, yes. You are. You're suggesting and allowing that because regardless of what the military is supposed to do during "peace" time, 1) they're almost ALWAYS at war, and 2) the wars they are called upon to wage are almost always (if not always) contrived, filled with lies, and about nothing but killing others in the name of conquest.

Is it possible that having a military is, in itself, a defensive posture?

It's certainly possible, but that's not how it's been used in the history of this country - so no.

Do you think that there are no other forces that wouldn't take our natural resources if we completely stripped all our forces of their weapons?

At THIS point, Smurf, there are a LOT of countries that are interested in killing the U.S. It's not because those countries are simply assholes though. It's because WE are and have been to them. If the U.S. were more interested in cohabitation and peace rather than conquest and war, then maybe it would be a lot easier to not have all those weapons.

Are you literally suggesting that our military doesn't offer you any protection at all? Is that what you're saying?

Read my above response.

You're criticizing one of the few reasonable people that would defend most of the crazy bullshit you guys post on here as a "take the good from the bad" reason for reading. If I'm the enemy, you have a fight you cannot win, or worst, you don't even understand who or what you're fighting.

You're criticizing one of the few reasonable people that would defend most of the crazy bullshit you guys post on here as a "take the good from the bad" reason for reading.

You call yourself one of the "few reasonable people" when what you do is come on here and spout sarcasm and vitriol? How is that reasonable? You call that reasonable? I call that confused and ignorant, not reasonable.

You also come on here and call what's on this subreddit "bullshit" - which definitively shows that you really know very, very little about what's actually going on in the world. Please. Seriously. Educate yourself. It does you a great disservice to come on here (or go anywhere) and call people that show they know a great deal more than you about a great many things uneducated.

Ultimately, You're making the mistake of calling yourself and what you've been saying reasonable. You really shouldn't give yourself that much credit.

If I'm the enemy, you have a fight you cannot win, or worst, you don't even understand who or what you're fighting.

Why is it that you would ever think that I (or anyone for that matter) see you as "the enemy"? I personally don't see you as important or knowledgeable enough to stand as any sort of enemy or foe - much less a worthy one that should be worried about if you were an enemy.

The very fact that you look at things from this twisted "enemy" paradigm is a great indication that you're simply a degenerate in terms of your thought process. That's not anything that I look at antagonistically. I look at it with pity.

And you're right, it isn't a fight that I would ever win because I would simply never engage in it.

I'm pretty sure I've never posted sarcasm. Everything I've written is true. I've even given tips on how to look less crazy. There are a lot of bullshit posts on this subreddit. The ones that say reptiles from another planet have agents working here already springs to mind, there are other examples I could give. Most of the posts on this subreddit are nothing more than filler and no killer. Everyone sits around agreeing with each other without providing substance or plans of action. Then they criticize anyone that calls them out on it as cogs in the machine. You are wrong, the military does protect us. Their existence alone prevents attacks and protects you every day. They may be used for evil agendas, but so are you. You pay your taxes, you're another cog in the machine.

I'm pretty sure I've never posted sarcasm. Everything I've written is true.

The very fact that you typed that second sentence is proof positive that you haven't the least idea what you speak of. Additionally, it almost entirely invalidates your first sentence.

I would imagine that you're not aware of either of those things.

I've even given tips on how to look less crazy.

and given that you appear to know not the first thing about what you speak, I would be afraid of anyone who would be ignorant enough to actually listen to you.

There are a lot of bullshit posts on this subreddit.

There very well might be. However, anyone who is ignorant and short sighted enough to disregard the validity in the posts that are not, as you call it, "bullshit", would be very much the worse for wear.

The ones that say reptiles from another planet have agents working here already springs to mind

Again, your type of mentality - the type that unquestioningly accepts the regurgitated dogma of his or her state and is not intelligent enough to critically examine the world around them to realize that much of it is not as you are told - is the exact type of mind set that the 1% want.

You make the leaders of this world very proud indeed.

Most of the posts on this subreddit are nothing more than filler and no killer.

See? Listen to how you even phrase things. It's a feeble (and exceedingly failing) attempt at witticism with no real substance. It falls flat and succeeds at little but making you look like someone who is trying desperately to sound smart and cool, all the while being on a ship that's quickly sinking under the weight of its own ignorant pretense.

Everyone sits around agreeing with each other without providing substance or plans of action.

Not really. I'm disagreeing with you right now, and have been through a good portion of this dialogue w/you. And as far as not providing substance or plans of action? I would differ with that as well, as the process of simply shedding the light of knowledge and awareness upon things that have been shrouded in dogmatic darkness is one of the first, most important steps that leads to the type of action needed to effect change in corrupt societies.

Then they criticize anyone that calls them out on it as cogs in the machine.

Really? Where do you see that? I for one would AGREE if you were to "call me out" and say I'm a cog in the machine.

That's part of what this entire thread is about: Trying to let people know just how we are being used as cogs by a machine that is using us for nefarious purposes - purposes that we likely wouldn't agree with in the least if we actually knew about them.

You are wrong, the military does protect us.

No. The military is here to protect a way of life that rapes, kills, and consumes other people, cultures, and the planet in general. You are taught and conditioned to believe that this is the best way to be - that this is the best society to be in. America is cool in some ways, but has a lot to learn in terms of development and the evolution of the species toward better ways of being.

Their existence alone prevents attacks and protects you every day.

You are wrong, my friend. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. The existence of the military as an instigating weapon on this planet has been responsible for keeping the fires of antagonism and conflict going when nothing of the sort has ever been necessary to live in a world of cohabitation. Right now, the world is far from one of cohabitation, and a large reason for that has to do with how the 1% are directing those honorable but entirely blinded and ignorant people in the military that think they're defending freedom when what they're really doing is defending a quickly materialising dictatorship.

They may be used for evil agendas, but so are you.

Yep. Absolutely. Of course I'm being used as fuel for the 1%'s evil agendas. You're right about that.

The big question, however, is what are you going to DO about it?

I'm choosing to try to educate myself and others about this agenda as much as possible in the hopes that we as a species can evolve and become better - not worse.

You seem to be interested in remaining ignorant and doggedly supporting it. That is unfortunate.

You pay your taxes, you're another cog in the machine.

Does this make you feel better? Does it let you puff your chest out in the air more and go "Hmph! I told him!"? Is that what you were trying to accomplish with that last statement? It certainly didn't shed any new information that wasn't already understood.

This is part of the reason FOR this subreddit.

It's funny if you think about it, because with the very last sentence you posted, you're actually siding with and agreeing with the ultimate message that this subreddit which you try to deride so much is actually about.

We're all cogs in a machine. There's no problem if that machine is a GOOD machine - a machine designed to help us all be better creatures - but that machine is NOT designed to help us become better creatures. That machine works diligently and incessantly at keeping us ignorant.

Wake up, Smurfette. Wake up.

I woke up today and still think that the idea of evil reptiles from other planets plotting against us is still bullshit. Do me a favor, provide examples of everything you listed. Shouldn't be hard, you're much more enlightened than I am, so you should be able to explain to me how everything you're claiming is true. Lets start at the beginning:

The very fact that you typed that second sentence is proof positive that you haven't the least idea what you speak of. Additionally, it almost entirely invalidates your first sentence.

I'm a simpleton who can't understand your logic, please explain it to me.

I woke up today and still think that the idea of evil reptiles from other planets plotting against us is still bullshit.

lol. It's not "sleeping on it" that's going to give you a different perspective. It's looking at and critically examining the relevant information available.

Regardless of whether one objectively examines the data or not, however, the issue of reptilians is really small potatoes. There are so many other issues on this planet that are hidden from people that deciding to fully investigate the issue of reptilians is of little consequence.

Someone who rejects the vast level of manipulation that exists on this planet by the 1% because "the concept of reptilians is bullshit" is missing the point of logical reasoning by at least a mile.

And everything I'm claiming does not have to be true in order for you to still be patently incorrect in thinking that "everything" spoken about in r/conspiracy is false. Don't know if you understand that or not.

Regardless, here's your first homework assignment:

Look up Dr. John Mack from Harvard and the research he's done. If you can't understand the validity of his work, then you might not be able to get much further on things.

You didn't explain the quote I provided. Please do so, I would honestly like to hear your thought process.

Besides the fact that there are credible individuals who directly attest to having witnessed such beings (Credo Mutwa not being the least of which), besides the fact that - independent of Reptilians in and of themselves - there is a literal deluge of humans across the planet who irrespective of one another report the same beings (whether reptillian, nordic, tall white, grey, or otherwise), and besides the fact that there are various individuals infinitely more credentialed than you or I who have done extensive, clinical research on a lot of these witnesses (Harvard's Dr. John Mack not being the least of such investigators), there is the simple matter of numbers which, independent of any such reports previously mentioned here, play largely against the abysmally, blindly short-sighted notion that so many on this planet have which thinks that we are "alone" in the universe.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Regardless of all of this, however, it would be extremely erroneous of you to cite the data on reptilians as being the sole and only bit of information you hang your coat of doubt on. It would truly be ridiculous on your or anyone's part to discard or discredit an entire field of research and variegated phenomena based upon a doubt or level of ignorance you have upon one specific and particular aspect of it. That would be a fallacy of the highest order.

You're getting way off point here. Here is what you said:

The very fact that you typed that second sentence is proof positive that you haven't the least idea what you speak of. Additionally, it almost entirely invalidates your first sentence.

Which, I assume, is a response to this quote from me:

I'm pretty sure I've never posted sarcasm. Everything I've written is true.

So the question I'm asking isn't prove what your saying about evil reptiles plotting against us, it is why did you make that statement in response to what I said. Take a couple of seconds and try to use fresh eyes (should be 2 days old now) and explain why you said that. What is it inside my statement that is proof positive that I don't have the least idea of which I speak? That is the question I'm asking. How does my first sentence invalidate my first sentence?


Yeah. I just checked where the quote of mine you cited came from.

Uh, that was waaayy back when in the threads. Why on earth are you bringing that up NOW? What does that have to do with what we're talking about now? It's like you just decided to throw that out there all the sudden as if I were even responding to anything having to do with that statement on my part. Again, I was responding to something totally and completely different - and much more recent - that you asked and seemed to want an answer to. Then you seemed to switch gears all the sudden and accused me of getting "way off point" when I actually did directly address you question.


Soooo. Let's try this again:

So the question I'm asking isn't prove what your saying about evil reptiles plotting against us, it is why did you make that statement in response to what I said.

Okay, I'm assuming here that the statement of mine you're wondering about here is the one I, again, made back when regarding your alleging that you've "never posted sarcasm. Everything I've written is true."

First and foremost, your second sentence strongly implies (if not necessarily presumes) omniscience. So you're saying you're omniscient? You're saying you've never told a lie? You're saying you've never fabricated something in your life? You're saying you've never been mistaken about something that you thought was initially true, written whatever you wrote, and then later found out you were mistaken?

If any of this is the case, you're either the world's smartest three year old (because you obviously couldn't have been alive too long if you've never written anything you were mistaken about), or you're written almost NOTHING ever in your entire life.

And honestly? I don't have the slightest interest in going back over the dribble that has predominantly been this dialogue, but I can almost guarantee you that if I did, I'd find enough in what you wrote that was either patently incorrect, logically absurd, or inductively fallacious to further illustrate the point being made here. Either way, the point is that you or anyone stating that "everything you've written is true" reeks of a level of ignorance and hubris hardly worth taking the time to validate or refute.

And as for your never having posted sarcasm, I quickly skimmed through, and although I found more than one post that absolutely could be construed as containing sarcasm ("I'm a simpleton who can't understand your logic, please explain it to me." is, believe it or not, sarcastic by virtue of the implied contradiction involved in your calling yourself something that you clearly believe you're not), I've discovered that even though your posts haven't been replete with it, your ardent assumption that they had none of it indicates a level of, again, hubris that is simply extremely unbecoming of anyone trying to make any type of argument for themselves.

I'm not sure why you're saying its way back, it is only 1 response before when I asked the question. Time wise, it is a couple days, but in the order that this is progressing it isn't that far back.

Thanks for answering. Let us move along to the next one, from the same post as the one about be negating my first sentence with my first sentence:

and given that you appear to know not the first thing about what you speak, I would be afraid of anyone who would be ignorant enough to actually listen to you.

Which you post as a response to this part:

I've even given tips on how to look less crazy.

Please explain why I appear ignorant enough that no one would listen to me.

Please explain why I appear ignorant enough that no one would listen to me.

No one with a proper understanding of objectivity anyway.

I'll make a general statement to this effect, as responding to you is no longer worth a sustained effort on my part.

You came one here aggressively responding to me and others in a manner that protects the military status quo and those that keep in power the blood-thirsty actions of a nation that seems hell bent upon conquest at the expense of anything just, moral, and pious. While it might be understandable that you might be just plain ignorant and simply not know the information that's out pointing in this very direction, the arrogance and hubris with which you simply assume that you have an idea about what is going on is simply ridiculous.

This answer isn't as good as the last. You didn't really explain why I appear ignorant enough that no one would listen to me, you just reiterated that no one of any worth would would listen to me.

Would you expand on it a little more? I would honestly like to hear your thought process.

Na. If you don't get, see, and understand just how lacking the things you've said here are based upon the explanations I gave, then I simply am not interested enough in continuing with the attempt.

If this country continues to move in the direction of the fascist, totalitarian police state that, for all factual intents and purposes, it seems to absolutely be moving toward, then you'll understand soon enough how unfortunately misguided you are in defending some of the things you have on here anyway.

Proving how wrong you are is absolutely nothing for me or anyone to feel good or happy about, however, as I would love for all the signs to not be pointing in the direction that they're pointing.

But - news flash here - they are.

I honestly don't know why I appear i ignorant enough that no one would listen to me. It shouldn't take you more than 2 minutes to list some reasons why I'm so ignorant no one would listen to me. What are some reasons?

Wow. You're still really stuck on that? You're really willing to simply not let that go? even after I already made more than one attempt at explaining it to you? If the only thing that's keeping you in this conversation is wanting some sort of explanation or example of your ignorance, then simply go over the entirety of the conversation we've had on here. I'm personally not interested enough to do that - even if that means you still won't get or understand how and where you've erred here. It's not that important to me.

Lets drag this out a little more. You're saying I'm so ignorant that no one would listen to me. Why don't you let one of your friends (real life friends, not r/conspiracy friends) read this and then ask if what I'm saying appears to be ignorant.

But that isn't even why I'm dragging it out. A couple of weeks ago there was a post asking what the biggest hurdle is in reaching more people with the information on this subreddit. As always, the #1 comment was someone saying the usual bullshit about no one wanting to hear anything and didn't actually give any suggestions or identify any actual hurdles. On it I posted something about how to sound less crazy when trying to communicate with others and the 2 points I made have been repeatedly violated by you. Not just on this thread, a lot of what you post is in the same language and context:

  1. Reads like a 10 year old wrote it, lots of emotion and strong words making accusations.
  2. Not clarifying what you're talking about.

In support of this, just look up your 1st explanation. When I read what you wrote, I had no idea what you meant. It's been long enough now, that I'm willing to bet that if you went back and read it again, you wouldn't know what you're talking about either. And the explanation you gave rambled on about things that didn't directly answer my question. Then I asked you to explain why I'm so ignorant no one would listen to me, and you didn't. Even now, you didn't explain it. You said you made attempts to explain it, where? Don't get me wrong, I like being called Smurfette, it makes me feel pretty, but you've stated that I can't think objectively because I won't consider the possibility of evil reptiles plotting against us is a real threat. I'm not sure how you made that connection. Then you spout more bullshit about the 1% preventing me from thinking clearly. You're so angry when writing things that you forget other people can't read you're mind and don't know what you're talking about. Read the post you made in r/military that started all this, look at how you talked to a large group of people that don't believe in the things you do. Would you listen to you? You have a right to believe whatever you want. But no one will listen to you if this is how you're going to behave. A fucking 10 year old pretending he's smarter than everyone else because he thinks he can see behind the curtain. If you talk to people in real life like you do here, you probably don't have many friends.


You're getting way off point here.

What? I thought I was responding to your following statement:

You didn't explain the quote I provided. Please do so, I would honestly like to hear your thought process.

And I thought what I did was honestly explain things. And now you're telling me that I'm getting "way off point" . . . so . . . I don't know exactly where to go from here.

Additionally, the quote of mine that you're referencing:

"The very fact that you typed that second sentence is proof positive that you haven't the least idea what you speak of. Additionally, it almost entirely invalidates your first sentence." not even from the previous set of responses here. Nothing of the sort is even stated in the statement of mine you're directly responding to right here. So what on Earth are you even talking about?

There is obviously some gross level of misunderstanding on your part, my part, or both parts.

I will have to return and respond to what you're attempting to get at a bit later, as I'm a bit encumbered right now, and won't be able to spend the time trying to figure out what you're actually asking.

Is it possible that having a military is, in itself, a defensive posture?

Of course that's possible, and it is how it should be. We could defend US territory for about 10% of what we spend now. I'm all for it.

Do you think that there are no other forces that wouldn't take our natural resources if we completely stripped all our forces of their weapons?

No. I think it's pretty far-fetched to suggest that China would invade us for our rare earth metals or natural gas or coal, even if we had no standing army at all.

Are you literally suggesting that our military doesn't offer you any protection at all? Really? Is that what you're saying?

On balance, our military makes me less safe by creating enemies. So it's actually worse than what you are suggesting.

Protect us from what exactly?

Do you think that I'm suggesting our military only protects us by waging wars? Is it possible that having a military is, in itself, a defensive posture? Do you think that there are no other forces that wouldn't take our natural resources if we completely stripped all our forces of their weapons? Are you literally suggesting that our military doesn't offer you any protection at all? Really? Is that what you're saying?

I didn't "say" anything, I asked a question. If this country wasn't an ultra-aggressive, imperialist, terroristic state, what would we need protection from?

Russia and China, the same 2 countries that are threatening world war 3 if we attack Iran. What world do you live in where people don't steal and kill other people for whatever reason they want to make up? I know a guy that was killed for less than $500. Do you think that wouldn't happen on a larger scale even if we were the nicest country in the world? Yes, it would, WW2 made us a superpower and we didn't start it, we just finished it, then got really greedy and imperialistic. I'm sure you feel really self-righteous, pretending you don't enjoy the spoils of so many wars, but you do every time you drive to the grocery store.

I know a guy that was killed for less than $500

You're right, this requires a "shoot first ask questions never" type of military policing the world!

Hey buddy, I asked a simple question. Get off your soapbox and redirect your aggression toward something positive.

You're right, this requires a "shoot first ask questions never" type of military policing the world!

So you're saying that other countries wouldn't have people like this that we need to be protected from? What simple question would you like answered? Russia and China would attack us, and will attack us eventually. The only reason I read this subreddit is because of articles about peak oil and its related topics, but all the bullshit is getting too thick to wade through. There is no doubt that we are becoming an evil empire, but there is no other place in the world that will accept, and protect you like this country will. Where are you going to run to? We're in this as a team, we need the military, alienating them because you're pretending the only evil in the world is our government won't prevent the resource wars that will come too soon. You should stop pretending there are no other evil forces and accept the fact that, maybe, you don't know everything about how the world works.

Right, right, I will stop pretending that there isn't any evil in the world. As soon as I start pretending that, I will stop.

Maybe you should stop pretending that China and Russia would still be on the brink of WW3 over Iran if we weren't actively making it happen. Just saying.

There is no doubt that we are becoming an evil empire, but there is no other place in the world that will accept, and protect you like this country will.

Protect me? Yeah, this country protects the shit out of us. It protects us from our own free will and human freedoms by sticking it's hands down our pants, needlessly medicating our children, and watching/listening to every single move we make. That's protection!

Did anyone in your family get shot as they drove to work? Do they have jobs? Did you get to eat breakfast? Will you eat lunch? How about dinner? Do you know where you're going to sleep tonight? Do you have electricity in your home? In your home, can you go to the bathroom in one room, and also have running water in another room? Do you have roads where you live? Can you access the internet?

How do you define protection?

How is abusive government needed for ANY of that?

You can't start talking about protection and then switch to abuses, that's not how conversations work.

Did anyone in your family get shot as they drove to work?

And if they did, would martial law be your answer?

Do they have jobs?

Yes, we are all free to donate 1/4 - 1/3 of our pay to the governement. The rest of the time we are free to slave away at meaningless jobs for fiat Federal Reserve notes that have no value. We are all free to work for nothing. Yay!!

Did you get to eat breakfast?

Yes. I ate my GM franken food which is funded by the goverment. If I wanted to eat something that wasn't GM, I would have no real way of knowing if I was succeeding or not because the govt has blocked any labeling. If I choose to grow my own food, I am free to get my home raided by the military...oops, I mean the militarized police.

Will you eat lunch?

Doubtful, because I don't make enough money to feed myself and pay my bills, but it I did, the military has jack shit to do with it.

How about dinner?

See above.

Do you know where you're going to sleep tonight?

Yes, and the military made that

Do you have electricity in your home?

Again, military did what there?

In your home, can you go to the bathroom in one room, and also have running water in another room?

This is just getting funny, see the last two replies for the reply for this one too.

Do you have roads where you live?

Cavemen had walking paths, no military needed!!!

Can you access the internet?

Yes, I am free to have everything I do captured, stored, sent to a fusion center somewhere, and profiled so that I can be arrested by the military if deemed a threat.

Hows that? You seem to think that if we didn't have a biggest, baddest, most kick-ass military in the world that we wouldn't exist. You completely fail to realize that the only reason we need to defend this country from "terrorists" is because the military forces its way into sovereign countries and kills civillians. You must also think that evil muslims attacked us on 9/11 because of our "freedoms". I feel sorry for you.

Well then, you seem to have all the answers, why don't you run for office and fix all these terrible wrongs?

You may not know this, but decent ppl get eaten alive

Ah, yes, that is the non answer I've come to expect from r/conspiracy. When someone makes a post asking how to communicate information better to the masses the #1 comment says they don't want it so it isn't worth trying. When people ask for real information, people make generic references to "the government." So much swagger, so little substance.

Please, you came looking for a fight.

Yes, I read this subreddit for more than 1 year hoping to one day spring on an unsuspecting dick head who went into another subreddit spouting inflammatory statements and then acted surprised when he was banned, as if he didn't deserve it. My plan took longer than I thought, but it was all worth it.

Abuses are sold to us as protection ALL THE TIME! Are you blind?

You don't need to make 2 different replies to the same comment, it makes it more confusing when replying.

Russia and China would attack us, and will attack us eventually.

That is utterly delusional. China has never had imperial ambitions outside of China. Running China is all the challenge any emperor could ever need. Russia will be depopulated before they can build a military with global reach.

Yes, they are both great big teddy bears of misunderstanding the media has painted as possible enemies.

China has one used aircraft carrier. Starting from zero, how long will it take to design and build and train on all the types of planes making up an air wing and support aviation?

Now scale that up to a handful of newly built carriers.

Talk to me then about China as a military threat.

Do you think it is possible that we keep countries from mowing over their neighbors with things like NATO and a standing military?

The Soviet Union went out of business in 1991. What is the purpose of NATO?

Is that a yes or no? Do you think that organizations like NATO combined with a standing military prevent some countries from invading their neighbors?

NATO? No. What does NATO do now that there is no Soviet Union?

So your answer is no, organizations like NATO and a standing military do not deter other nations from invading their neighbors?

Smurfette said to no1113: "I'm pretty sure I've never posted sarcasm."

Yes, they are both great big teddy bears of misunderstanding the media has painted as possible enemies.

Smurfette, you have no idea what sarcasm is or is not okay? Seriously. Get the fuck out. Apologies for even thinking about giving you the benefit of the doubt in any previous statements I made. You're just a plain idiot, sorry to say.

That appears to be a pretty good dick move, antagonizing the people that protect you.

You really, REALLY have to understand, Smurfalot, that these people DON'T protect us. They DON'T. You must understand that they're ruled over and take orders from an elite that are not interested in their protecting US - they're interested in using them to take over countries and acquire land that's not theirs.

They use the honor that these soldiers go in with and trample upon it with false promises and lies. It is not antagonizing anyone if you go in there and let them know that they're being lied to.

Do you understand that?

That is not antagonizing. It is doing your duty as a citizen by informing those that are meant to protect you that what they're doing is NOT protecting you. The orders that they're following from the people that they're taking them from are hurting you as a citizen, and are hurting them.

They have nothing to do with the decisions made about where they go, or what they do.

Exactly. They're ignorant, right? They don't know. They're only supposed to do what they do without questioning. Follow orders with honor - but don't question.

It would be even BETTER if they do question so that they can find out and see that the orders they're being given AREN'T honorable.

Understand that.

Most just wanted to escape their past, or get an education.

This is understood and granted.

The military doesn't function well with the ideals they protect, so it bleeds over into their off time.

Then the world and the citizens need to do some real soul searching and question and wonder if the military and those that run it are the types that you really want to listen to and take orders from.

Why would they want the place they go to relax mentally to be another source of conflict?

Because EVERY place in your life will be a source of conflict if you're called upon to do immoral things involving murdering other people and you don't question whether you should be doing it or not.

There is no conspiracy here

There doesn't need to be a conspiracy, nor am I assuming or saying there is.

you're a dick for doing that and they were right to ban you.

I'm a dick for doing what? For letting the people who are supposed to be sworn to protect us know that they're actually NOT doing what they're supposed to be sworn to do?

That's not a dick move, Smurfette. That's a service to the country.

I disagree. One can arrive at a great level of material wealth without war. There are absolutely better ways in which all members are materially sought after without having to engage in such levels of conflict.

Na. It just means he's going to have to man the fuck up a lot more than he thought he'd have to if he wants to get out. It's not the end of the world though - much as it might seem to him initially if he decided to try to get out. If he prepared himself adequately (psychologically and emotionally) and was very ready, it might be the best thing that could happen in his life.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Does that lead to a Dishonorable Discharge in all cases?

Yeah. We need a lot more Joe six-packs to start realizing that something just feels wrong.

He was just making a point about the rules of r/military and you went off on one. Relax guy.

I don't see what's so complicated about the rules of r/military to cause you to react so much.

It's for discussion on military not political issues, why is that so hard to understand? Why is he being downvoted for saying what the rules are?

Because I was but a child when I first signed up.

You don't need to make 2 different replies to the same comment, it makes it more confusing when replying.

The Soviet Union went out of business in 1991. What is the purpose of NATO?

I woke up today and still think that the idea of evil reptiles from other planets plotting against us is still bullshit.

lol. It's not "sleeping on it" that's going to give you a different perspective. It's looking at and critically examining the relevant information available.

Regardless of whether one objectively examines the data or not, however, the issue of reptilians is really small potatoes. There are so many other issues on this planet that are hidden from people that deciding to fully investigate the issue of reptilians is of little consequence.

Someone who rejects the vast level of manipulation that exists on this planet by the 1% because "the concept of reptilians is bullshit" is missing the point of logical reasoning by at least a mile.

And everything I'm claiming does not have to be true in order for you to still be patently incorrect in thinking that "everything" spoken about in r/conspiracy is false. Don't know if you understand that or not.

Regardless, here's your first homework assignment:

Look up Dr. John Mack from Harvard and the research he's done. If you can't understand the validity of his work, then you might not be able to get much further on things.

Na. If you don't get, see, and understand just how lacking the things you've said here are based upon the explanations I gave, then I simply am not interested enough in continuing with the attempt.

If this country continues to move in the direction of the fascist, totalitarian police state that, for all factual intents and purposes, it seems to absolutely be moving toward, then you'll understand soon enough how unfortunately misguided you are in defending some of the things you have on here anyway.

Proving how wrong you are is absolutely nothing for me or anyone to feel good or happy about, however, as I would love for all the signs to not be pointing in the direction that they're pointing.

But - news flash here - they are.