When r/conspiracy hits 50,000 subscribers i will submit a personal prophecy

12  2012-02-22 by [deleted]

A secret and a hidden truth long since forgotten shall become known.

I will say no more


I, for one, am quite doubtful towards prophecies.

I read Conspiracy because I want to get to know my future FEMA camp mates, all 50,000 of them.

when r/conspiracy reaches 50k readers the FEMA camps will have hit operational capacity.

Top bunk!

No fuckin way, no callsies till we get to the buses.

Oh they have room for a lot more than 50,000.

I meant that was enough to get them started, hence operational capacity vs. maximum capacity.

Why wait?

Am I missing something? Why is this guys made up stories important to us?

Prophecies from a random subreddit mod are as good as gold in my book. My community trades random redditor prophecies for tools, food and building material.

Thanks for the warning. I will add an extra layer of tinfoil to my hat in the meanwhile. ;)

It matters not, all things get reset unless the computer chooses to learn the program.

If you're referring to the collective, then the "computer" will likely not choose to learn "the program" and will treat it like a "virus".

Cannot compute

Our attention spans are too short. That could be weeks away. By then most of us won't even remember this thread.

Impossible to predict, the future is.

stop teasing the redditors, if its about the Incas or pyramids we already know humans didn't do it.

Or that we did do it, but forgot why we did it and that we did it because we found some ancient technology build by a destroyed human civilization some 10 000-20 000 years ago.


It is not about pyramids, although i do think they are important.

This is a personal prophecy created for a time of turmoil, when all around us seems to be failing.

No, wait until it hits 100,000, or better yet, 200,000.



I'm intrigued as well, for I read another prophecy today which by your cryptic description sounds familiar.

New info gets filtered through the delete functions of my mind.

Good luck with everyone else on reddit.



Okay. What changed your mind?

Lingering doubt and fear of ridicule i suppose. I wanted to share something i have believed for a long time, i thought it was time to share it but i was wrong. The post title was badly thought out also, it isn't so much as a prophecy, but a piece of information about us, about our capabilities.

Well this is the place to share it. Try sneaking it into a related thread sometime. And you're right, the whole grandiose nature of the post, especially the word 'prophecy', probably rubbed people the wrong way. It wasn't the 'what' it was the way it was presented.

I would love to hear and discuss your info, just under a different banner and in different context.

You seem to understand this already so that is all. Take care.

Thanks man

The new testament is a how to on human regeneration, providing you have the key.

I don't know the key maybe kabala

There will be no announcement.

I read conspiracy for the things that are actually likely to be conspiracies, not for batshit-insane quasi-religious nonsense.

Examples of reasonably likely (hypothetical) conspiracies:

-Google, Microsoft, LG price-fixing scheme

-USA and media conglomerates use shady tactics to secure economic IP dominance and profits profits profits

-China working with USA firms to discredit whoever through whatever means, or securing technologies they wouldn't otherwise have

-Foreign agents from whatever country provoking unrest in unstable country

These are similar to things that have turned out to be true, and have potential benefits for the conspirators.

Things that are probably the same doomsday/NWO nonsense that is so kooky that it's a must-read throughout the centuries:

-Civilization X predicted end of world in year XXXX, conspiracy to keep it a secret/suppress those who know

-Secret free-energy technology, that is secret, but exists

-Aliens anything

-Clockwork gnomes

-Jesus still alive

-Elvis still alive

Obviously neither list is complete, and not 100% representative of anything.

But just saying, conspiracy just means a sub-rosa accord between several interested parties, not necessarily completely insane things that are going to transform the laws of physics or whatever.

And free-energy is both not scientifically possible, nor would it benefit anyone to keep it a secret. You could use free-energy to make more free-energy machines and just make more people or whatever, you might as well just use the word "magic" in place of it.

Any sufficiently advanced technology (such as free energy) is indistinguishable from magic.


...Except free energy is actually not possible, as opposed to "not invented yet." See "perpetual motion machine."

so I guess NASA is full of shit then... thanks for deciding that for me, I nearly got caught out there.

That's not free.

I know. There is an energy cost of nickel transmuting into copper and releasing gamma radiation to produce excess heat without nuclear waste.

I'm also talking about so called "free energy devices" such as this: are also not possible. Assuming that the conservation of energy has to be preserved here (energy can't be created or destroyed) - which is correct. Where does this machine get the energy from to move around?

I'll give you a clue. They are only labeled "free energy devices/perpetual motion machines" if science can't explain where the extra energy is coming from.

e.g. rocks billions of years old, are made up of atoms and the atoms have electrons that have been spinning around the nucleus for the same amount of time. At which point will scientists agree that the electrons are in perpetual motion? But more importantly, where does the energy come from to support this motion for all this time? you just can't explain that...

where does the energy come from to support this motion for all this time? you just can't explain that...

Some finite amount of time is rather different from perpetuity. Nigh-wondrous efficiency is a great thing, but not something from nothing. So call it nit-picking if you will, but I get pissed when I see people still trying to "square the circle" of perpetual motion, though I do applaud greater efficiency.

if something can run in a self sustaining mode while harnessing the energy from the environment, i.e. windmill, water mill etc then this is conventional free energy and not reliable or efficient.

On the other hand, Exotic free energy refers to the artifacts of physics being utilised to harness energy from the "ether" or the zero point energy field.

Alow me to explain this zero point thing. When you look at an atom and dig deeper than electrons, neutrons and nucleus, you can observe random particles popping in and out of existence. This is known to conventional science as the quantum foam. half of these particles have a positive charge and the other half of them have a negative charge. if you could somehow invent a machine or even identify a way to suppress the pos or neg particles then you have a limitless supply of energy.

This natural energy form can be gathered directly from the environment (mistakenly called "static" electricity) or extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called fractionation. Radiant energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity, at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community's misunderstanding of it.

if you have got this far then you probably want to know more about this energy, so read this

Ok. I can't emphasize this enough, but: 2nd law of thermodynamics.

That's out of the way? Good. Now the rest of this post.

Wind/water power are more "conventionally" efficient than other power sources, in some situations. You still have to build them, and maintain them. But even that's a paltry cost, compared to mining etc. There are however, other costs associated with them (I'll focus on hydroelectric, but the principles apply to the others as well). Hydroelectric dams have huge environmental costs, which eventually turn into dollars/rubles/yen/what-have-you. China's larger dams are increasingly convincingly being associated with the increased seismic activity around them. Because of the disbalance of water weight that occurs due to the required reservoir. Then there's the cost of the environmental effects of the diverted/altered water flow, and the downstream ecological effects. NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH.

Conventional, sound science critique done? Check.

Paragraphs 3-5: Not science. While I could leave it at this and let other redditors explain or not explain why this is so, I'll go the extra step. Yes, it actually is possible to isolate one to a few particles from this "foam." What kind of energy input does it take to do this? More than makes it economical to *extract** energy from this "source."* Same as with current techniques of hot fusion. Yes it's done, no it's not usable as a source of net energy at the moment.

Please, please at least read an introductory physics-electrical text, or the wikipedia article or something. Because while it is true that "static" electricity is a misnomer of sorts, that doesn't mean it's some magical force that yields energy out of nothing. It's a misnomer - it refers to an accumulation of static charge, as opposed to a flow of that charge, in the form of electrons (usually).

And before you go indicting the "scientific community" in regards to their misunderstanding of bogus dilettante musings on the abundance of usable electrical energy, please do at least familiarize yourself with the actual theories that they expound, as many of them, most I dare say, are quite sound and have yielded just about all useful modern technology.

And I can't emphasize this enough: 2nd law of thermodynamics.
