Why did Hunter S. Thompson claim that the world would end - (as we know it), in the summer of 2012?

51  2012-02-27 by [deleted]

In his last book - Kingdom of Fear, Hunter S. Thompson stated:

"Didn't i tell you that the end of the world (as we know it) will happen in the summer of 2012. This it what my people tell me to believe, and i have no reason to doubt it."

Was Hunter privy to insider knowledge of some kind? He was a little crazy at the best of times but also highly intelligent with many good journalistic sources. When i first read this in his last book, several years ago it knocked me off my (imaginary) stool.

Can anyone shed light into why he made this statement?


I don't know for certain, no one does. I can say that researching some of his alleged connections to the illuminati and bohemian grove turns up some pretty disturbing material.

I couldn't work it out either. I have read all of his books, yet this statement came completely out of the blue, almost matter of factly. I'm not suggesting this is why he died BTW. He was supposedly working on new material surrounding the gay prostitution ring in the Whitehouse, as i'm sure you are aware.

But his statement about summer 2012 always stayed with me, it bothered me.

You don't really need to look farther than the war drums re Iran.

Iran is about 5X larger than Iraq. If we go to war, it will be the end of America, for sure, and maybe the start of WWIII.

But he never mentioned WWIII. Although i do understand your point.

Hunter S Thompson was one of the very early dissenters for 9/11. I sometimes wonder if he took that shotgun to himself because he saw what was really going on in the world and was powerless to do anything about it.

With all that being said, he was on a lot of drugs throughout his life. Long term hallucinogenic use can cause permanent instability in your brain, especially as much as he did.

I personally don't care for any of these "world is going to end" predictions.

He was an alcoholic too, which is much worse for mental health after 20+ years of abuse.

This comment needs a shit load more upvotes. There's a reason alcohol is legal and LSD isn't.

I dont know man...I never tore my shirt off and trampled through a fire while on lsd...

Long term psychedelic use is not harmful when done responsibly. Certainly helped me in waking up.

Possibly it was the man's own personal cocktail of guns, alcohol, drugs (the whole lot - and then some), violence and insanity that did it.

The problem with hallucinogenic use is once you've begun to experiment with these compounds it becomes harder and harder for your brain to except fabrications as truth. 2 plus 2 will always equal 4 on LSD.

Not to mention the long term effects of LSD use on spelling.

If you had nothing to add why even bother to comment?

I know some epic acid heads. They all have a pretty strong will to live.

Euthanasia is not a sign of mental instability.

He was dying, he knew what he was facing, and had planned it long in advance. So it goes...

Take yourself out before they get to you, or probly suffer a very disturbing death by "them"

with cancer "them" is you...

A common thread with "entity encounters" is the 2012 message of either apocalypse and/or ascension. No matter what you believe about the quality of these experiences themselves, we DO know that hallucinogens and substances like DMT are proven to bring on these encounters. Just saying...

I see this got downvoted which is fine. I just wanted to clarify that I am not saying he is nuts, or having encounters, it's just an interesting coincidence and another angle to look at when wondering. Hell, his enjoyment of such things may even just give him a better ability to look and interpret the big picture and make fairly accurate or interesting predictions. I am also aware that he in fact did have some pretty interesting contacts and could be in the know on something from a more mundane but no less interesting and/or scary standpoint.

we DO know that hallucinogens and substances like DMT

Nope. You don't know. LSD doesn't make you have "entity encounters." You should try some and find out what it does.

I have... quite a lot in my younger years actually. Environment is a major factor in a hallucinogenic trip. That being said, there have also been studies surrounding these things.

A lot of "studies" are funded by ONDCP. The people who take ONDCP money are bought, and deserve to have their academic careers destroyed.

Not everything is a conspiracy. For example, I don't think Dr Rick Strassman is evil.

It's not a conspiracy, it's scientific fraud.

Well then, not everything is a fraud. /shrug

Everything funded by ONDCP is fraud.

But not everything is funded by them so.... ;)

The same Iran that couldn't finish Iraq? The US military will roll through Iran in a similar fashion as Iraq. The real damage to the US will be economic and psychological.

Of course the US will destroy the Iraninan conventional military quickly. And then there will be a 5X as big clusterfuck of an occupation, with 5X as many IEDs, that is 5X as costly as Iraq.That will comprehensively break America financially.

I really thought when they announced his 'suicide' it was all bullshit, he was privy to some of the most powerful people in the world and I am sure he knew secrets that were too important to leave to a loose end like him.

I agree with you on that one.

what were his connections to the illuminati/bohemian grove?

According to rumors, everything from he was an active participant filming kiddie snuff films to he was just along for the ride somewhat against his will.

Read Ginsburg's published letters between the two of them when Thompson was living in North Africa enjoying smack and young men, that stuff is absolutely true and not very flattering. As for the conspiracy stuff, start with google and dig to your heart's content.

As far as I know, no such letters exist. I think you're confusing Hunter S. Thompson with William S. Burroughs. In fact, I'm sure you are.

Ah, you're right. I think I made the inversion because of Thompson being linked to the Boy's Town Scandal, but again that's rumor and not fact.

There was that kid who retold the story of Thompson filming the kid having sex with the corpse of another kid after they blew that kid's head off with a gun on film.

If Thompson films illuminati Bohemian Grove stuff like that, he might be right.

Paul Bonacci is his name, if anyone wants to research this further.

I've read all that stuff and it just seems so far fetched yet the Bohemian grove is sketchy as fuck. Bob Weir from the grateful dead is also a member there. I wouldn't doubt Hunter S Thompson to get caught up in some sketchy shit just out of curiosity and his never ending search for weirdness. It seems to me that it could be true, but you have to consider the source of the information. I don't know, for me it doesn't change the fact that he was an amazing literary figure and will be a permanent one. His work is unparalleled and though often imitated, never duplicated. I loved his thirst for life and experiences and sometimes, as I know, that can take you into situations you don't want any part of but have no choice so you buckle up and white knuckle through it.

roger, thanks for the info...

I can say that researching some of his alleged connections to the illuminati and bohemian grove turns up some pretty disturbing material.

Such as?

Perhaps it was a JOKE.

Hunter S ran with a certain crowd. He didn't suffer fools easily or take convention seriously. Which is also a working definition of elite types. Put two and two together and you have to understand that while you can't easily picture him mingling with suit-and-tie types from the TV he was probably a very attractive asset to the real elite of the world for his attitude to life and his raw perception. He also said they were going to make it look like a suicide over the phone, the night before he died. I ain't trying to sell you a definite narrative, but this site has some dope brainfood on the matter: http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/03/this-latest-maniac.html

stick this into google: Hunter S Thompson site:rigint.blogspot.com

Thanks for the link.

I guess that's the brilliance of it, making it look like a suicide after he's talked about wanting to commit suicide for years.

Thompson liked to fuck with people. This is just a lick of his dark humor. If he had "inside info" on anything he wouldn't hide it - he was among the last of the real journalists.

As far as his "suicide" goes - it's more properly referred to as euthanasia. He knew he was dying and decided to take the easy(?) way out.


"[He] was an evil man—evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it." - Hunter S. Thompson on Richard Nixon

It's another great point and another reason why this out of place statement continues to baffle me.

Im reading this book again right now. Hunter was a goddamn maverick and had wisdom on par with other great people of history. His writting style and use of language always blows me away.

As for the reference to the end of the world, i think he was just pointing to the fact that the world is getting more and more fucked up in various ways and people want to believe in the end of the world. He saw the madness around him and just admitted that it seems more amd more likely these days. I've never been one for 'prophecies' or 'predictions' cause i subscribe to the philosophy that life and reality isnt written until you've lived it. But i do know that the fragile and finite world we live on is very very susceptible to an unimaginable amount of world destroying dilemmas and scenarios. Thats my rant, im done.

When was it written? Apparently everything post 911 has been planned, im guessing he saw the timeline

2003 i think.

I need to read that book.

Don't get too exited! All of his books were great reading and he was an amazing human being. This question is based on one small excerpt from the book, he states it towards the end of the writing (page 328). it struck me because when i read it, i was already familiar with the long count calendar end date and the works of Terence Mckenna and timewave. I couldn't fathom why Hunter stated this, he never went into detail.

Probably because he was into the sort of stuff that is Mayan calendar and Kali yuga and St Malachi, etc.

the long count calendar end date and the works of Terence Mckenna and timewave.

Can you expand on these concepts? I'm not familiar with them.


This is not the shortest but it is by far the most awesome. Interview with Terrence by Art Bell about long count and timewave zero.

Thank you so much for pointing me to that!! That was stunningly interesting. Do you know where I can find the rest of the interview, or a complete version?

You're welcome! Ya when i was looking that paticular one up, I stumbled acrossed a few different people posting the full interview in like 10 part segments. Very much worth checking out. Just hit up youtube. What's cool is even without basing his ideas on the long count or the iching, Art Bell had pretty much the same theory that he called the quickening so It's super cool to hear the two of them talk things out.

Could you give a summary of the paragraph that statement is in?

Great book.

That's probably when Hunter figured his supply of ether would run out.

what section of the book?

Page 328

perhaps he meant the world as him and who he was writing to sees it will end. i doubt it's about some apocalyptic event. just that his way of life is dying out. an old breed.

Well perhaps, however if he was planning on committing suicide why would he give such a date?

Am i the only one that feels he is fucking around?

He didn't say why? He's dead now..... so I guess we'll have to wait 3 months to find out.

I read it as the way politics and control via fear was developing in America. Given that we now see a push for total corporate power and control over the internet - In a lot of ways this is an end of a world we become used to.

London (Zion) Olympics. See, Rick Clay

Ye i'm familiar with Rick Clay, he met an untimely end also.

Here is what will happen, mark my words: During the London olympics the powers that be will stage an alien invasion and introduce more security into our lives. The alien invasion was rehearsed during the '84 LA olympics and the public was buying it until told it was an act. It won't be an act this time and the public will again fall for it.

I'll just leave this here: http://tinyurl.com/76hjvbv

It's really quite simple. Ron Paul will become the GOP nominee this Summer. :P

I'm guessing that his belief is based on the same sort of Mayan calendar extrapolation that every other Chicken Little's panic stems from.

A comforting thought there, this is why i asked the question. His statement was surprising, i want to know if there are any clues or articles offering a suggestion why he said this, why he named this year. I never got the impression he was into long count calendars or new age think regarding 2012. (As we know it) is important here i think.

He said why he said it - because someone told him so. Not an uncommon phenomenon. Those someones probably were into the stuff. That's always been hip shit. Unless you're a conquistador. Then you hate natives. Or a rhinoceros. Then you charge.

I didn't downvote you BTW, i don't know what the fuck is going on with Reddit these days, i appreciate you comments.

Doesn't it strike you as odd, that he would bother to mention it in his book if he didn't feel it was important?

Do you think he committed suicide BTW?

IDK much about the guy. I know many consider him a hero and stuff and maybe he is... it does take a certain something to try that many drugs :D

But all the same even if it's important, it doesn't mean that he had some secret knowledge of the end of the world. Add to that the "telephone game" factor and you've got "cuils" aplenty.

Even the giants make mistakes sometimes.

Oh he loved his drugs, maybe he was just fooling around when he said it. I always respected Hunter's opinion, he was sharp as a knife and when i read his statement on 2012 it surprised me and got the better of my curiosity. Anyway only a few more months to wait!

I'm going to suggest this: he was involved with the media. The medium is the message. Whoever the powers that be are are packing up their shit and heading on out. Our illusions of what transpired the last century or beyond is pretty much a fabrication.

My two cents


Your name, Sir/madam, strikes me as fantasticly correct to this moronic statement.

A comforting thought there, this is why i asked the question. His statement was surprising, i want to know if there are any clues or articles offering a suggestion why he said this, why he named this year. I never got the impression he was into long count calendars or new age think regarding 2012. (As we know it) is important here i think.

Long term psychedelic use is not harmful when done responsibly. Certainly helped me in waking up.

Possibly it was the man's own personal cocktail of guns, alcohol, drugs (the whole lot - and then some), violence and insanity that did it.

I know some epic acid heads. They all have a pretty strong will to live.

He was an alcoholic too, which is much worse for mental health after 20+ years of abuse.

Euthanasia is not a sign of mental instability.

He was dying, he knew what he was facing, and had planned it long in advance. So it goes...

A common thread with "entity encounters" is the 2012 message of either apocalypse and/or ascension. No matter what you believe about the quality of these experiences themselves, we DO know that hallucinogens and substances like DMT are proven to bring on these encounters. Just saying...

Well then, not everything is a fraud. /shrug