I'd like to bring this to your attention /r/conspiracy: some total nutcase is shitting in the water we all drink. His name is contheory_spiracist.

14  2012-03-07 by [deleted]


TIL r/conspiracy is a straaaange place.

welcome home, morphite.. welcome home.

What if you are 'contheory_spiracist' 'HomegrownTerran' etc ....... I don't know who to trust ಠ_ಠ

thought the same thing

and Ambiversive?!

Am I the only one here who realizes how funny this thread is>? For real this is some comedy gold. I normally just lurk but I just had to say something. Has anyone actualy clicked through these links? So many funny little details, I'm dying cracking up.

I decided I should give a play-by-play

  1. He straight up just tells him "I'm the person who has been following you around and harassing you with many usernames for no reason." No explanation or anything either. http://i.imgur.com/0RVfB.jpg

  2. The way this guy flips his shit when the admin doesnt' care is hysterical. http://i.imgur.com/0Inri.jpg "You might want to consult your attourneys before you respond to me any further" WTF??? And he really does equate Mr. AutoPoo with a rapist and a killer. I imagine Mr. Spiracist pulling out his hair in real life at this juncture.

  3. Spiracist is on the warpath, he starts accusing everyone of being Auto and can't keep his shit together. Looks like that matter-of-fact confession just cut too deep. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/mcdr1/illuminatirothschild_conspiracy_theorists/c2zy8ug?context=10

  4. I'm still laughing at #1

  5. I like the part where Mr. Spiracist says it's impossible for anyone to have any idea about his character http://i.imgur.com/GDSVq.jpg and then 2secs later gets called out for being IMPerfection http://i.imgur.com/3D0sJ.jpg

  6. The last paragraph of the post is just a big and comical "Fuck you" completely shameless,, reminds me of when the antagonist gets his shit torn up at the end of the movie. Can't stop laughing at the words "before he hurts himself" "You hear that asshole?" Sounds like a grade schooler giving a beat down.

  7. All in all I can't tell if this posts ia troll or not or what it means. But damn is it funny.

I LOL'd at this:

Obviously your only goal here is to "temporarily control my mind" by wasting my energy,

Refers to this comment by HomeGrownTerran. Look at the URL.

If you really want the humor, you have to understand this...

That whole thing ^ all of it ^ happened in about 36 hours. The account "IamDavidIcke" (the one linked in the imgur captures, which you refer to as "Mr. Spiracist") only existed for three days.

But, it's apparent (in the aftermath of all of this) that there are some creepy stalker people on reddit, deliberately stalking and harassing people (see "I tried to crucify him just like I tried to crucify you" in this comment).

While I won't comment on each individual numbered item in your comment, above, I'll just say (for the record)... patience is a virtue.

Unless one of you wants to pick up the stalker baton and continue this marathon, I'd like to put this behind me.

I bet you'd enjoy shit in your water, Autocoprophage. (Those who don't know what that is, an autocoprophage is something that eats its own shit)

I picked up on that too. Small world. I clicked on this link just to see if there was an explanation for the parallel between the name & the subject of the post.

Haha. Yeah I don't even know why I picked this name, I just like the word and I like the covert fucked up-ness.

Typical scatological Zionist.

Woops, I did it again!

Hey Auto Poop Eater, don't knock my friend texmex.

I'm pretty sure you're BOTH schizos.

Trying again (screw FOX). Memes are fair use.


First off. Calm down. Start a new account. The karma means nothing. I have been on reddit for 5 years. I start a new account every other month or so. You don't get to spend your karma, and there is no reason why you should be held responsible for anything but your latest statement or submission. Why anyone would want years worth of comments about the government and politics held in an account somewhere is beyond me.

Second. People are crazy. That isn't going to change anytime soon.

I'm pretty calm, I'm not worried about karma, not even worried about the account really, if I lost it it's no big deal at the end of the day. I just wanted to address this jackass going around trying to say I'm unstable and likely to go around committing murders, and also bring this issue to light for the public, because people should really be aware of this information when they talk to this guy and try to understand his actions, or worse, possibly believe anything he says. Also I thought the material was entertaining enough to share with the class.

I did find it entertaining, I only commented because you seemed to actually be worried about this person, and you shouldn't be. We are surrounded by people who are paid to be here. People who spy on us, people who post mis-info, or outright bullshit. Most of these people are organized, they track users looking for any personal info you post in comments and then use that to intimidate and curb open discussion. Be careful what you post on here. If you are going to engage in political discussion it is best to do so with an account in which you never post anything personal. Not the city you live in, not the job you perform or even your hobbies. I wish that wasn't the world we live in, but it is. Knowing this keeps you safe.

Stay Calm Carry On

nah, not worried. Hope these replies clears that up. I was pretty shocked to come upon this post with the accusations though and made this thread right afterward in a reactionary sort of way, but oh well, such is life.

Wonder who's downvoting us? You were at 0 before I put you back to 1 ;)

stalkers probably.

I'm also wondering where the downvotes are coming from. I upvoted MrDong's comments to get them back to 1, too.

What's Hasbara?

Propagandists shoot themselves in the foot as they shoot off their mouths

gregfelton.com- September 30, 2009

If you have ever visited a blog or on-line discussion group on the Middle East you have doubtless had the misfortune to run into them.

They are known by the language they use: depraved sexual insults, bile, bigotry, threats, disinformation and character assassination. That’s right: I’m talking about “SRS,” feminist trolls who infect the Internet with anti-male propaganda.


Much obliged.

The only times I've even heard the word are when people accuse others of being shills. I inferred it's some Israeli intelligence agency like Mossad or at least something similar but it's just a guess and I don't even care to google it.

EDIT: I learned after making this post, relax.

"Hasbara" means "explaining" in Hebrew. It is what they call pro-Israel propaganda.

Hasbara basically are media propagandists. There is actually a publication called The Hasbara Handbook that is provided to guide anyone attacking critics of Israel.

I was also Username_Tokin, former moderator, and I sabotaged the subreddit.

lol. I'm going to take a guess and say this is just you joking around trying to make my claims sound more ridiculous than they are. But don't blow a gasket there little buddy, I didn't hack your mind for this information, I'm only guessing. Besides, if I can "claim" I'm stalking you without really doing it, it's only fair to give you that same privilege when you make silly claims about extra accounts. I think it would be pretty funny if your claim was true just for the record, but if it was it's kind of disappointing because you wasted the opportunity before doing any serious damage.

edit: ok maybe it's just true? I don't even know the Username_Tokin story so who cares, but good job, I guess.

Ready for the punchline?

Since it isn't available in those screen captures, tell me how I know this URL?

Oh, yeah... I was also Spam_I_Am, IamLordSidious, and IamLukeSkywalker.

I'm sorry, now you're just getting into schizophrenic territory, apophenia, perceiving significance where there is none. In reality this URL!!!! has no bearing on those screen captures or this subject matter, it's meaningless.

So, you acknowledge the screen captures, but you don't acknowledge that the URL was one of the links I sent you when I was IamDavidIcke? Awww... I think you're being deceptive, not only to yourself, but to your readership.

I am exactly as I say I am. I have not lied. And while I find your description of my IamDavidIcke impersonation flattering, it's also somewhat self-delusional (one comment I used "alien reptilians" and this guy thinks I'm impersonating Icke in a believable way).

It's also nice to know that you haven't given up your obsession with me. A little creepy, but what the heck. I've never had a groupie stalker before, so it may take me a while to fully appreciate it.

oh, yeah, you're right, you did send me this URL in a PM. I forgot about it I guess. But it still doesn't really mean anything to me, obviously I already know you and "contheory_spiracist" as well as "IamDavidIcke" are all the same guy, hence the entire fucking message of this post. So I'm not sure what you're getting at, it makes no sense.

Speaking of deception though, you definitely claimed to be David Icke and answered questions in threads posing as David Icke, and at least one of these answers mentioned you were planning to do an AMA and went into details. Am I dumb for considering you might actually be David Icke, probably. But who cares, my message to you was partially just me testing the waters anyway. If I believed every dumb thing people said on the internet, I'd be you.

P.S. I'm not sure if you understand this part or not, but I'm not stalking you and never did. I've lurked here and had different accounts, so I have personal experience with your other usernames and know some things about them, like the ways they sounded in posts. You sounded the same in our PM exchange: schizophrenic, believing things had meanings they didn't actually have, believing your drivel was significant somehow. You have a clear signature. When I saw this I made the educated guess that you were "IMPerfection" and obviously I was right. I then claimed I was "the guy" who stalks you (who I doubt even exists) and you believed me. Now this is part of your delusional beliefs.

I'm not stalking you and never did.

You're the one keeping track of my usernames and making this post about it. Do you not see the irony here, dude?

Until you let go of it, you are doing it. Yes, you.

"Keeping track", it's called a fucking memory bro. I don't have a list. I'll "let go" when this thread is no longer active and I stop getting reply notifications, I just discovered all of this and decided to make a thread about it within the past HOUR and I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Sadly I fear I'm just pissing into the wind replying to this dumb crap you keep bringing up. Obviously your only goal here is to "temporarily control my mind" by wasting my energy, probably to convince yourself you're some kind of consciousness magician in your delusional worldview, to avoid your utter failure at interacting with other humans on sensible terms. So hey, have fun with that, guess I lost The Game.

Seriously, dude. I really am flattered by the attention I'm getting over a novelty account. At the time, I thought it was just plain silly. Little did I know it would become this. I never would have imagined it in a million years. No need to respond to this. I wish you the best in moving on from this.

When you reveal you're really Autocoprophage it's gonna be hilarious.

Oh, that would be funny, wouldn't it.

Obviously your only goal here is to "temporarily control my mind" by wasting my energy

This is gold.

I hope everyone realizes that this refers to this comment by HGTerran. Look at the "URL".

yes, and it's still really really funny. =)

He was indeed Username_Token. I can testify to that.

i dont get what is going on in this thread

I was the one who made the butterfly table display for related subreddits, which is now malfunctioning. And I maintained the movie of the week link.

But, you know... that was all just secret code that I installed so I could hack into reddit later.


well, at the very least i trust your posts. i wonder if there's only 3-4 people here circlejerking sometimes, and this is just some proof. ಠ_ಠ

I'm expecting all of us to claim ownership of IamDavidIcke any moment now


^ This comment and the one above it are the most flattering things I've ever read in my 3 years on reddit.

I think if there was any functionality that was accessible to mods that allowed the site to be compromised we would have heard about it a long time ago and fixed it. There are so many people on reddit, programmers, hackers....

Who was also a big help to the moderators, didn't flame on anyone, suggest bans or remove posts.

and movie night, he helped with that idea too I believe. Nice guy, whoever he is.

He is a nice guy, helped me out a lot over the last few months, clued up as well. Have you seen the subscribers numbers? Nearly at 50,000!

r/conspiracy is growing fast :D

indeed, we will hit 50k today in the next hour or two.

didn't flame on anyone,

Well, except that one time just as I was resigning and deleting that account. In retrospect, I may owe an apology to the troll I was flaming, but... eh.. I think he's over it;, so, I am too.

Well that was with reason, we all have gripes with other users from time to time, such is the nature of this website. I was trying to be honest with the fact that as a moderator, you did not have a hidden agenda, you were straight up. Personally this is my third account to date, i'm sure many redditors have had multiple accounts as well. I never got the impression you were delusional, maybe a bit pissed off with things but hey, aren't we all? (those who are paying attention anyway)

You have proved to be an asset on many occasions. You have never been anything but supportive to the moderators here and the subreddit in general.

The only thing i would add is that as a Protoss, i would kick your Terran ass into oblivion X

Trolls? On my reddit?

I was thinking the same. Troll, or crazy? I guess you can be a crazy who is trolling.

Conspiracy theorists? On r/conspiracy? Outrageous! Something must be done about this! Mainstream media provides all the acceptable viewpoints we need! Anyone too far outside the spoon-fed, mainstream narrative is clearly CRAZY and probably conspiring against r/conspiracy!


I will back texmex up on this. He is tuff as nails and does not take shit from you tools. Buncha namby pamby cry babies who refuse to look into the moral midgets who own our media and governments. Wussies.

Ok tough guy...

Well, i do have chainsaws in my fists.

Whatever tool at this point I have no idea what you're even talking about.

do you think i'm a sucker?

No I'm not. My inference is close enough. I still don't care to google it. You can educate me if you want to, or you can just talk shit, who cares. By the way, I wasn't accusing you of being like contheory_spiracist. All I accused you of doing was dismissing people who disagree with you and calling them Zionist shills. Which you do, everyone knows you do it, no point bullshitting about it. That's why you called me a ZioShill before you edited your post.

Hasbara is "the Jewish art of explaining". (it literally means "the explaining", I think), like the 9/11 Commission Report. Just FYI.

that's cool, I didn't know that because I only made a cursory glance over the google results. This also doesn't tell me what a "Hasbara operative" actually is (though I did learn it was basically Israeli PR when I googled it)

gotta admit, it's getting pretty funny over here.


Dude, pay the fuck attention, will you? Me knowing the exact definition of a Hasbara operative has no bearing on anything. This is because I don't use the term, the term plays no role in my life, I don't talk about it. What I do talk about is ill-tempered, irate people like you and Ijob911 who get in disagreements with people (like me for example) and automatically accuse them of being Hasbara operatives because of the disagreements. I don't need to know the definition of a Hasbara operative to say this, I'm just stating facts, I make an observation and then I transmit that information, I don't need to be a fucking Israeli Zionism expert, I'm just a witness. By the way I googled Hasbara after your last post, so now I know what it is, and I still stand behind everything I said because it's totally irrelevant. But of course I'm just wasting my time typing this because you're irate, so who cares.

P.S. on the subject of your Dunning-Kruger you may be interested to know you are projecting, there's another fun wiki article to go with your first year psychology terminology since you apparently have a thing for them. Dickhead.


LOL. You are an idiot! Shut the fuck up! I never made ANY claims about Zionism or Hasbara. None. Not a single one. I never dismissed anything, I never made any accusations about Hasbara, I did nothing like this whatsoever. You just keep going on and on about it for no fucking reason, probably because you're Zionism crazy, and an asshole. Which turns out to be the only thing I said about you in the first place! Meaning I was right. So I'm NOT clueless.

Unfortunately I am suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect and my insight into these subjects is meaningless!

Who was also a big help to the moderators, didn't flame on anyone, suggest bans or remove posts.

lol. I'm going to take a guess and say this is just you joking around trying to make my claims sound more ridiculous than they are. But don't blow a gasket there little buddy, I didn't hack your mind for this information, I'm only guessing. Besides, if I can "claim" I'm stalking you without really doing it, it's only fair to give you that same privilege when you make silly claims about extra accounts. I think it would be pretty funny if your claim was true just for the record, but if it was it's kind of disappointing because you wasted the opportunity before doing any serious damage.

edit: ok maybe it's just true? I don't even know the Username_Tokin story so who cares, but good job, I guess.

I hope everyone realizes that this refers to this comment by HGTerran. Look at the "URL".