50,000 Strong and growing

87  2012-03-08 by [deleted]

Conspiracy theory has always been a subject of much controversy, strange possibilities and stranger theories have often served to marginalize those who would question government. This subreddit sees many readers come and go, some subscribe, some simply stop by. On our individual sojourns through life many souls find themselves questioning the establishment, knowing that something is terribly wrong. From Kennedy, Watergate, to UFOs and 9/11. These questions remain legitimate, it is only through ignorance that we are held back on our journey towards ultimate truth. Whatever that may be and wherever it may lead us.

This message is a thank you to all who have contributed, commented and also criticized. We all have our own beliefs regarding the events effecting and directing our current civilization. It is healthy to question, especially when offered flawed intelligence and arguments used to take us to the direction our governments choose. The ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are a testament to this, of course there are many more examples, many of them discussed here, many more are simply and conveniently forgotten. it is up to us to decide what we pass down to the next generation and what will become our collective legacy. The yearning for truth holds strong in many of us, maybe now so more than ever, 2012 is shaping up to be quite the year already.

We are 50,000 strong, our numbers are growing, we question, we think. Here's to the future conspirators, further and further down the rabbit hole, we don't have time to blink.


Or, according to subscribers, "me and 49,999 disinfo agents".

There have been 38 more disinfo agents created by the shills since you last posted this...

I apologize in advance fo breaking my own rule.


Thank you all so much for making r/conspiracy so great. If it weren't for all of you there would be nothing here. In a perfect world we wouldn't need to be vigilant and aware at all times about the constant threats to our freedom and sovereignty. But this is the world we have. You are all information warriors. This is a war we must not lose. Win their hearts and their minds will follow. We are humanity's last defense. Never surrender who you are, and never let them get you down. Let this be our cause. We are literally going to save the world.

And a special shout out to illuminatedwax, Mr. Dong, soccer, Username_Tokin( now HomegrownTerran), Sarah_Conner, sunshine-x, and sakebomb69. Thank you guys for being the coolest group of mods ever. We rule!

You are my favorite /r/conspiracy moderator. Keep up the good work!

Now, now. We don't pick favorites here. (pssst, you're my favorite user. Don't tell the others.). =)

^ offended

Don't be. There's plenty of sins to go around!

I'll let you be my conspirapet ;-)

Karma train, anyone?

So what's the "prophecy"? ಠ_ಠ

He better deliver.


ಠ_ಠ why not share?

There is nothing to share dude, i retracted my statement and removed that post. I wasn't thinking straight.

Wait, you posted saying you'd submit your personal prophecy at 50K subs -- now your're saying you "already" said you would not?


I thought better of it all, i stated on that post that there would be no announcement shortly after i posted it. Sorry bro

PM it to me?


Theory. :)

Ahhh, the old 'I will say no more' get-out clause.


So It was you who made that thread? what's all In the mind?Our world?Because that's a lousy revelation.

It's yet to come. I was privy to a sneak peek.


have a feeling the kony nonsense will give us a huge bump. good stuff indeed.

Can we get a graph of new users over time?

Are you the kid that said you'll drop a secret when we hit 50k? If this is it I am disappoint

Yes but i retracted my original statement. It's something i had thought for a while but it isn't important now. sorry to disappoint.

I like the idea of following the truth no matter where it leads us. Many people around me when hearing this ask why? What if it's something so mind bending and shocking that it destabilizes the entire framework of society we live in? I suppose I feel like I'm not living at all unless the truth be told.

Because deep down you know that something just isn't right?

I would like to think so.

For all the people who are new subscribers I bet there just as many that don't bother unsubscribing when they stop coming here. I wouldn't count a number game as any sort of victory or some such. A better thing is to focus on good information. If you reach one or two people who deeply 'get it' that's worth much more than a thousand people who glaze over it without comprehension.

That's not how it works. Things you subscribe to show up when browsing reddit. Are you saying these are new accounts of old subscribers perhaps?


I'm saying that people stop being interested in things and stop viewing. I'm very sure that there are things that you've been interested in that you've stopped paying attention to. Now apply this to the rest of humanity. If there really were 50,000 people viewing and participating in this sub then there would be a shit load more article submissions and comments. As is I only see a few hundred.

Not that numbers matter.

Quality > quantity

If they stop viewing and don't unsubscribe they still see the headlines. 90% of reddit traffic is from people without accounts, probably 90% of accounts are just lurkers that want to customize their subreddits.

So we agree that the 50,000 subscriber thing is nonsense.

It's not a big deal.

I'm happy that this place exists at all.

The number isn't important but the rate of change might be.

Now that you mention it, that's a good point.

very well said, glad i'm part of this community

Still shames me to think only 50k redditers care enough about corruption to have this on their feed.

Some of us subscribed with an open mind and found most of the articles/discourse on here to be too out-there and unsupported.

An unfortunate side effect of allowing controversial content.

For what it's worth I've been lurking here daily for some time now but don't subscribe because I rarely go to reddit "proper". With reddit I just visit the subs that I'm directly interested in as the front page turns me off. I'm sure that there are others out there that do the same.

where dem Jews at?

You said it way better that me... thanks :)

I don't know about strong. I only subscribe so I can see what asinine theories you guys actually believe.

UFO's.. Ugh. Sucks how with all the legitimate conspiracies happening we have to take the alien folks under our wing as some sort of non-consensus reality tax. Is there a conspiracy subreddit that doesn't do aliens?

Don't be so quick to dismiss, UFOs are a fascinating topic. Unless you believe all of the witnesses, including astronauts, pilots, military personal and government insiders are lying.

Have a look at the RAF bentwaters case from 1980.

There have been 38 more disinfo agents created by the shills since you last posted this...