Waffled Carrots (or, How redditors took control of reddit, and can do it again!)

12  2012-03-12 by [deleted]

A couple years back, reddit was part of instigating "The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear". While half of reddit was gone to the rally, some wisecracker came up with a practical joke to play on them when they returned. It was meaningless, there was no "source" for this joke (other than this "idea"). The joke is basically: Any time someone says the word "waffle", everyone (who didn't go to the rally) would respond "waffle? don't you mean carrot? Hahahaha!" (or waffles/carrots)

For the first day or two after the rally, it was a riot watching the rallygoers try to figure out what the hell was going on. It was stupid, but in a glorious way. Almost like spontaneous, uncoordinated, impromptu Anonymous DDoS attacks.

So, my suggestion for how to take back control of reddit is:

Waffled Carrots

It can take any form you want, but here's an example.

I've caught both davidreiss666 and maxwellhill (mods of large mainstream reddits) posting stuff here - stuff they could easily post and approve to their own reddits. The only purpose I can see for posting those things here would be to simultaneously karmawhore and bury (i.e., characterize as "wacky conspiracy theory") the post.

So, any time we see those scumbags doing this. Just make a comment "Waffled Carrots".

And then anytime we see a "Waffled Carrots" comment, we assess the situation (to confirm our own individual behavior - i.e., don't get suckered into someone trying to game our plan), and if it is truly part of media censorship, then we downvote the shit out of those posts, burying them in the negative thousands, and destroying the karma of those whores.

If you have a better plan than this, let me know. But we (the readers) have to start doing something to take reddit away from those scumbags who are censoring.


Do you think that "Rally" was developed organically?

You're joking, right? It was, afterall, the Rally to Restore Complacency, Lethargy, and The Status Quo. Everyone went, had a big party with some comedians telling jokes and shit, and then came home all smug like they had participated in something important. (And I won't even get started on the Jon Stewart/Oprah Winfrey hijacking of it.)

Waffled Carrots (i.e., feel free to bury this post if you don't think it's a good idea - very few people have deleted as many accounts as I have, so I'm not afraid of that if it happens)


Is that what Alex Jones is going to sell to his listeners this week?

Is there anyone else covering the issues he covers with an audience and access to broadcast markets? Do you contribute anything to the cause or do you just make unoriginal jokes and feel as though you've accomplished something?

Also, re: your post to r/Denver, I'd suggest you do move to Evergreen. Perhaps we can cure you of your smug attitude.

I used to contribute, but my reddit account was deleted after nearly 5 years.

Did you delete it? What was the name of reddit's gold fish? Who did we send flowers to for asking relevant questions? Are you moving to Evergreen, and if so, will you be complaining about the sound of gun fire ringing through the forests? Seriously though, Evergreen is awesome. Assuming you have an income that doesn't rely on the local economy.

No. If it's a good point I'm going to vote it up.

And it might fit better on /r/conspiracy than on their reddits.

Do you have a better idea for how to get them to stop censoring non-MSM content? Or is "letting them walk all over us" the best we can expect?

I don't know. This is something for the admins to deal with. They have a better chance at finding out who is paid, who is just a bot or part of a bot system. But question is, do they want to deal with it. Do their bosses want them to deal with it?

The problems I see here are:

1) Not everyone is going to read this post, remember it, or give a fuck about it. So while you may influence some people to do it, not everyone will know about it and the "Waffled Carrots" will probably be downvoted by people that think it is random - or even by people that don't agree with it. This won't hold long at all, sorry to say. Good idea, but won't happen IMO.

2) People are stupid and hive-minded. It is almost too easy to sucker in somebody, trolling or not. Granted, those that read this subreddit are a little more open-minded... but we have all seen the reddit hivemind bring out the full-retard users. Not everyone can even recognize to check their own feelings and emotions to determine if something is 'media censorship'. People interpret posts in many different ways, even some ways that sound ridiculous to another user. When bad interpretations catch onto the hivemind... well we all know what happens and it just makes Reddit look like the ugly beast the media calls us. Unfortunately there is almost nothing you can do about it.

3) People have different opinions. While you may think a certain post is 'media censorship' - another may not. You may have seen a story already or heard a different version, and thus may think that the new post (or re-post) is just more media censorship.... while another person could be hearing it for the first time and think it is legit conspiracy news (not that it is actually 'legit' or 'news' in many cases.... people just think it is).

I like the idea, I just don't think it will catch on. People need to be thinking about these kind of things when they read anything on Reddit (or other media outlets for that matter). But they don't- probably either because they don't care, they are blinded by outside influences, or they are blinded by their own personal influences. I don't think an obscure reference posted in comments (and probably downvoted) is going to make them think any harder about media censorship.

edit wouldn't just posting a comment calling out the person for media censorship be more effective? I mean, if you say "You are just posting this to censor [X] post. The reasons I believe this to be true are........" and then give actual reasons for why you think this is media censorship. At least people will have some objective information, rather than the obscure "Waffled Carrots" which most people don't understand, remember, or give a fuck about. I feel like posting "Waffled Carrots" you are just making the thinking even harder for people to do. Post the reasons why you think a post is media censorship, and if Reddit agrees with you.... it will be upvoted (in theory).

wouldn't just posting a comment calling out the person for media censorship be more effective? I mean, if you say "You are just posting this to censor [X] post. The reasons I believe this to be true are........" and then give actual reasons for why you think this is media censorship.

Did that to maxwellhill. Got 2 instant downvotes. Then, when I started getting upvotes, maxwellhill deleted his post.

Please keep in mind that I didn't think the post wasn't important. It was the tactic which infuriated me: maxwellhill, a moderator of several larger subreddits who could have easily brought the post to the attention of 1 million users (you know they have clout and can do that if they want), posted it over here where a few thousand people (worldwide) might see it... and then when he got called out, he slithered away like a snake.

That's why I suggested the "code word" approach.

Right, I understand. But let's say instead of you posting what you did (and eventually got some upvotes) - you had simply posted "Waffled Carrots". I'm willing to bet a large amount of money that you would have been downvoted more or at least got less upvotes because people didn't understand what you were getting at.

Now, if we could have a big advertisement on the side that explained what "Waffled Carrots" meant (so that more users were aware of such a practice)..... it might work a little better. But then again, that might undermine the whole thing.... since everyone will know about it.

Damn Catch-22!

Or, we could keep discussing this... maybe get some people to x-post it... make it a viral thing (that's all it took for the Waffles/Carrots joke in the first place -- and that happened in a single day, while the rally-goers were at the rally).

You know... I wasn't expecting this to start actually happening before sundown today. ;)

And then anytime we see a "Waffled Carrots" comment, we assess the situation (to confirm our own individual behavior - i.e., don't get suckered into someone trying to game our plan), and if it is truly part of media censorship, then we downvote the shit out of those posts, burying them in the negative thousands, and destroying the karma of those whores.

So basically it's a codeword to start censoring a post? stay classy.

Considering the post in question is already an act of censorship, class has already been thrown out the window. This is protest activity to expose censorship.

Thanks for twisting it around to something it never was. Stay classy, Darrelc.

Hey, I'm just going on what you've put:

and if it is truly part of media censorship, then we downvote the shit out of those posts, burying them in the negative thousands, and destroying the karma of those whores.

I'm sure 'part of media censorship' isn't an unbiased criteria here.

I'm sure 'part of media censorship' isn't an unbiased criteria here.

Yeah, sorta like defending these vermin who have been repeatedly caught doing this crap. Whatever, man. Twist it however you want. You want them telling you what to think and how to think about topics? Fine. Have it your way... oh, wait... that's the way it already is. Nevermind, go back to sleep... I didn't mean to disturb your snoring.

Nevermind, go back to sleep... I didn't mean to disturb your snoring.



I'm not mature, but xkcd references are?

Are you sure you're not appealing to populist karmawhore tactics there, Darrelc?

Nope, just your response hardly elicited anything more comprehensive.

Me, Karmawhoring in /r/conspiracy? Please do tell me more as it seems you're the one who is using the usual conspiracy sheeple catchphrase.

Cling to that catchphrase condemnation for all it's worth. Do your best to make it the issue here. But,

Me, Karmawhoring in /r/conspiracy? Please do tell me more as it seems you're the one who is using the usual conspiracy sheeple catchphrase.

you just outed yourself, all by yourself, troll. In fact, I didn't even realize I was field dressing you until you used the oldest troll tactic in the book (labeling me as "the usual conspiracy" thing? that was truly stupid, bro)... ... I guess it's become such a habit now that I do it without thinking.

Mmmm... delicious.

You got any friends you want to recruit to help you cover up this mistake? I'm craving an after-breakfast snack.

So let me get this straight, you're not a typical conspiracy theorist, yet you implied I was 'asleep' and have just invented an elaborate conspiracy about me?

Don't exactly know what you mean by 'cover up this mistake', I've never deleted a post on here. My point being was I often post in /conspiracy with a contrarian view so it's hardly like I'm karmawhoring now is it?

I often post in /conspiracy with a contrarian view

self-confessed troll, even. Cool. I wasn't expecting an outright confession.

The big problem here, dude... is that you're out of the loop about what's going on in this subreddit.

I'll leave you to ponder exactly what that might mean. I'd hate to spoil your surprise. ;)

'Self confessed troll'? you do realise you've just made it clear you can't handle an opposing voice, and you instantly assume it's invalid by attributing it to 'trolling'. Remember up there when I said:

I'm sure 'part of media censorship' isn't an unbiased criteria here.

well, you've just reinforced that conclusion. Well done.

You're like that knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail saying "Come back here! I'll bite your kneecaps off!"

Taunt me all you want...

I'm still not going to spoil your surprise. :)