Through years of study of conspiracy, I have developed my own working theory of everything. Please read and tell me your thoughts.

18  2012-03-12 by [deleted]

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If someone had time travel and this is the best reality they could create, fuck them and fuck the human race.

They could only give us the knowledge to do it right. It is up to all of humanity to create our own destiny.


Time is an illusion, but only at higher planes of existence. (Ask anyone who has taken DMT and they will attempt to explain). The only time is now; however, we experience it as an arrow in one direction so that we may have free will (and also reflective abilities). The introduction of free will folds into 'the future' nicely. The possibility of a particular outcome at any time is the summation of a 'bell curve' of probabilities and conscious intent & will.

So, the likelihood of you winning the lottery is generally predicted by a bell curve (with faint odds) but the addition of your intent, produces better odds. Why are 'lucky' people 'lucky'? They decide to be lucky.


you don't need a wall of text when this is the obvious answer

lol this made me laugh.

we might be stuck in a multidimensional time loop

We're stuck in a time loop, all right, but it has nothing to do with time machines. The time loop is caused by those who stubbornly cling to Abrahamite religions, and believe everthing they need to know about the world can be found in the Bible and/or its tangential religious doctrine.

This causes mass social arrested development and evolutionary failure, and a replay of the same sorts of events (merely with a new cast of characters) over and over.

enough EMPs to kill off the static and we will naturally divide the world by simply aligning with one another. they might call it a rapture on their end...but a world suddenly freed from religious idiots driven by fear would be heaven enough.

religious idiots

I understand your frustration, but I don't agree with demonizing the religious, which is what both the Commies and the Nazis did. I think all of the great religions have pearls of wisdom, but then on an organized level get cought up in singlemindedness (which ironically was exactly what happened with the Nazis and Commies).

To me, religion should be approached as one would approach music...take what you enjoy, but don't declare that one band or musician is so great that they're all that should ever be listened to, or on the other hand declare that some music is so bad it should be outawed.

yet almost all major religions promote dominance over outsiders (judaism), relegate nonbelievers to hell (christianity) or wish to kill all who do not convert (islam).

the pearls of wisdom are called secular humanism when removed from religious context. Christ's philosophies hold up perfectly well without believing that he was the only son of an invisible sky deity

religion is maladaptive. it is a shared mental illness that is killing our world. it must be stopped if we're to evolve.

The present is the dividing line between that which is (or has been manifest, i.e., the past) and that which can be (the unknown of the future).

When one lives in the present... awake, aware of one's state of being and circumstance... one can see these things. There is a race, I've forgotten which one, that does not have "present tense" verbs in their language, because "now" is just always assumed. Everything worth discussing is either "manifest" (the past) or "unknown" (the future).

This is an accurate description of the human condition.

Taking this a step further, however, those who contemplate existence in this perspective (i.e., that the "present" is assumed, and the past and future are the perspectives of what is and what can be) ... soon realize that, the "infinite potential" of the future can only have one possible outcome -- specifically, that which manifests as the past.

There are many "wise" ways of saying this same thing (proverbs and shit like that), but one of the clearest I've heard is this...

Evidently, what is happening must happen. And all of the things that must happen, must happen.

As difficult as it is to swallow, this implies that the human race must, if it is to survive, learn to learn from the past...

Furthermore, it must learn not only from the distant past, but also from the immediate past... the things that we otherwise refer to as "the present"... the things that are in the process of manifesting. <-- and this... this is where you find people shouting "wake up, sheeple!".

Feel free to go back to surfing cat pictures now.

Does it really exist, this destroyer, time?

If it doesn't, then this illusion that I'm aging and will eventually die is pretty damn convincing.

Write a young adult novel about this and make millions.

This was my thought as well. I should be a writer.

My 2 cents: Humans are stupid.

What you present is fantastic. The possibilities of a group time traveling back does make sense, but humans in our reptilian brains can't comprehend that. Physically I don't understand how TT would be possible, let alone function will all this space moving around the universe. Hence comes the stupidity. I think humans are "glitches" in the nature of things and have developed a sophisticated self conscious to advance primitively but not their universal intelligence. Unless you add a special ingredient to our cake batter. We've been "helped" or "assisted" in this advancement. Aliens per say have constantly visited this planet (or/and are still here). They knew we were here, and they have technology to visit random planets in the universe quite easily. To us, space travel or TT for that matter seem impossible, but as Adidas says impossible is nothing. Come in your "Gods." These visitors must have been treated like gods. No doubt. Now, how these visits have shaped our history of man, I have no clue. I'm just a piece of flesh walking around who needs to eat. I'm stupid, relative to these aliens. Maybe these aliens have given some men abilities to control all (gold, fiat money, war) or they can be the ones whom still rule this earth today. Have we reverse engineered some alien tech, absolutely (see computing age during WW2). Are we getting the full story from world leaders or history books, absolutely not.

My guess: The alien version of Columbus has already arrived and infiltrated without being known to the general public. Possibly thousands of years ago, possibly last week.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sins, you're seriously THE BEST. MOD. EVER. Almost as nuts as I myself am at times, almost. I sure hope you're not my second personality though – that would be plain crazy and awkward. Get aboard the crazy train and hold on for your hat, for I shall share my two cents on this matter.

When thinking the structure of the universe one does inevitably come to questions such as when and how will the time end or where will all matter disappear once the universe will collapse into a black hole. I too, have considered the possibility of the never ending time, which would merely begin anew and repeat itself in an infinite loop surrounded by infinite possibilities. Perhaps an event as big as the collapse of our universe would be big enough to turn all time and space inside out resulting in another Big Bang and beginning a new era of time and space with infinite possibilities, including the possibilities of exact same events, which have already happened before, to repeat themselves.

From scientific point of view it is very unlikely that man, as we are today, can master the time travel. The estimated energy for time travel requires a maintenance of two stable black holes. Time travel, if possible, would not mean reversing the molecular flow of the universe, but it would be matter shifting in space between other dimensions located in a different moments of alternative molecular flows. These dimensions would be identical alternative worlds, seemingly identical to the one we are currently living in, for perhaps the exceptions of the smallest details. It is quite probable that this kind of time travel would be permanent, which means that it would be a one way ticket. Once a person would shift into another dimension of an alternative flow of universes molecules, there would be no going back due to the unstable nature of these dimensions. Say, if you had a space ship capable of time travel and if you were to travel into another dimension with the molecular events nearly identical to the ones which our current dimensional universe was having 65 million years ago and if you would destroy the meteor that should have killed the dinosaurs with a lazer cannon in your space ship - you could probably never come back to the exact same world you left because you would have changed the dimensional shifts and close the available possibility of dinosaurs dying away. You wouldn't disappear yourself since the original dimension from which you would have come would still exist somewhere in the realm of possibilities and would still be going through its regular molecular motions, ageing no faster than you would be.

It is also interesting to consider weather we are actually shifting through different dimensions of 'time' on a daily basis. For example, how do you know that your coffee mug is the exact same coffee mug, by every atom and molecule, as the one you had yesterday? Is it possible that our world shifts between nearly identical dimensions all the time and that we simply cannot tell the difference? Is it possible that sometimes these dimensional shifts are significant enough to affect street names or, for example, the colour of your socks? It is crazy idea and yet, the modern physics and quantum mechanics do not deny such possibility.

Another fascinating idea regarding this “Convergence” you speak of, has more to do with existence and beingness. In the centre of a black hole is an area in which all physical functions collapse into so-called gravitational singularity. I sometimes speculate on what happens in the gravitational singularity, and one fascinating idea is the existence of singularity and this convergence leads to a place where everything exists in a single moment of time and in a single one dimensional point of space. This is from where our universe began with a Big Bang and to which all matter will one day collapse. This always and never existing singularity is what created us and the universe we live in. A really scary and overwhelming, perhaps even haunting, though is that singularity is where we will inevitably end up once we die and disintegrate into molecules and atoms until the end of times. Just consider how this pattern dominates all life: Before we were born we were part of the singularity, then the universe was born, we were a bunch of star stuff and then after complex material existence inside centres of many suns we winded up here slowly forming into RNA, DNA, cells and then into individuals without identity and then we were born and formed ourselves and our identities simultaneously separating ourselves from the universe with these thoughts. The biggest tragedy of self awareness is recognition of own separation from everything and recognizing the inevitable demise which every single one of us has and will have to face; to lose the only thing we really ever had - our identities. Now we live our lonely lives separated from all existence only to multiply and to die, once again, becoming part of the cosmos and eventually ending up into the singularity. Ironic how all life strives for unity while fearing death most of all. It is not the death which should be feared, it is life which is the frightning part, for everything that separates us from one another is the main cause of suffering. I guess we will all be a part of one another, the cosmos and the singularity, once our time in this world shall run out. I am saying this while we are still holding our individualities and thoughts: it is really nice to share this brief, unlikely and lonely separate existence with you who can, hopefully at least partly, understand the significance of this thought in all its complexity. Cheers!

Wow. I am touched. I really am. I get called insane everyday irl by everyone, so it's nice to see so much support from my online friends. Sorry it took so long to respond, I've just been working a lot lately and my Internet is off at home. So I have to jump on when I can.

Glad to know you're okay. I was wondering where you disappeared to.

Yeah sorry. I just got a new job and my boss is a freakin slave driver so I can't get online at all at work, even though I work at a computer repair store. Plus my home Internet in turned off and my 3G on my phone ran out for the month. This really sucks. I need to pay my cable bill.

Sorry it took so long to respond, I've just been working a lot lately and my Internet is off at home. So I have to jump on when I can.

As I have pointed out in this post, it is perfectly understandable to be busy. ;)

The thing is, I get well along with crazy. With most people: not so well. They seem to live in a different world than I do. Although whenever I meet a think-alike I truly enjoy these rare encounters and take the best out of it, usually sharing as much knowledge as the other person is capable of accepting and comprehending. On some unusual occasion I have the honour to learn a few things myself. It is actually kind of strange how people like that recognize one another without any significant clues and end up having amazingly much in common. It is one of these things when you feel as if you are an outsider in a foreign world and then suddenly meet your own kind. Quite often between such encounters a great deal of information is shared. Think of it as natures own internet where human brains are like servers exchanging data with an unusual intensity. This is one of the reasons which got me interested in symbology and has also led me on the tracks of secret societies and the Illuminati. Since then I have learned plenty but I have come to conclusion that my journey is merely beginning.

Let me explain few things that I have come to understand about us and this world...and the other world. I hope it will make sense to you as much as it does for me. So, perhaps as a part of human evolution there are now individuals who are no longer imprisoned by basic instincts and are therefore not bound to material world alone. There are people with an ability to tap into higher consciousness and explore the vast invisible world of thoughts and ideas. Most scientists, artists and writers are this way. The majority that does not possess this ability cannot understand it, nor do many people who have this ability really know of it or understand how or why it works. This invisible world of ideas is a factor that both separates and unifies us. Some parts of it builds and destroys nations, creates wars and peace. We are currently living in a society that denies existence of such a thing all together and yet uses it to control the masses, causing confusion and mass hysteria.

As I mentioned before, the things that separate us are the ones that cause us pain and suffering, while things that connect and unify us are those which fill our souls/minds (no matter how you understand the term) with meaning and happiness. I have named these Universal forces ”Unity” ( O ) and ”Separation” ( | ). Of course there are many other names for these forces such as God and Devil, Light and Darkness, Ying and Yang, Positive and Negative energy etc. Although each of these two stands on its own, without light there would be no darkness and vice versa. It is interesting to consider that those of us who know suffering better than happiness are kind, wise and know not to wish it upon others. On other hand those who know happiness better than suffering turn out to be selfish, ignorant and sadistic (such as the ruling elites). Since at the moment there are more people suffering than those who are happy, we are probably heading towards a shift towards Unity.

I like the race of lizard people better.

we appreciate your support.

Hey I never said there weren't any lizard people.

Is it so far fetched to think that humans have an interesting perception on time? Maybe humans can time travel one day without machines just by focusing hard enough? After all time is absolutely relative. When your with a woman time flies by but when you have your hand on a hot plate, a second feels like forever. I think its hard to tell now days whats real and whats not, which is why I try and keep a completely open mind. No one has all the answers, and anyone who says they do is probably full of shit. Is time travel possible? who knows? maybe you can't travel backwards or forwards necessarily but maybe you can travel diagonal or sideways. Who in their right minds actually knows what the future will hold pertaining to scientific discoveries? I will say that this year will either be very interesting or it will be the biggest bluff. In which case something HUGE will happen over the next couples years.

Maybe the lizards invented time travel?


"Convergence. It's a place where many or all multidimensional outcomes meet together in one specific point in time."

I've thought is this is a great definition for consciousness itself. Being that every moment we experience as a conscious being is the sum total of the multiple/possible infinite pass possibilities and the same for the future. Are we not the product of not only the choices we have made, or was made for us, but also the choices we rejected. Or indeed the choice that were rejected for us. As for the future, there are many people that can "see" the future in the sense of some probable outcomes for different choices that are made. Intuition if you will. I remember being exposed to the ideal that the "voices" of the schizophrenic mind, may in fact be echos of persons in these "close" divergence realities. Anywho some trippy shit to ponder, makes me wish I could explore further with the aid of some choice molecular chains.

See also: Ecclesiastes.

not that looney op. not as looney as a space mollusk escaping the sun. (or whatever that strange object is at the 7oclock)


it is called a prominence cavity but it look like a dark object either injecting or extracting more dark substance.


I liked the post, but it would have read a lot better without the first sentence.

You speak with a sense of omniscience yourself. It is fairly annoying.

Seems plausible, not the first time I heard this theory. Actually was the topic of a recent episode of Ancient Aliens.

look up whistleblower bill wood's testimony on time travel. he says our government has some sort of time travel technology given to us by ETs but it scares the shit outta everyone since no one knows how to use it correctly.

I like the idea that your brain's vibratory frequency determines the speed at which you perceive time.

I would interpret your convergence idea as "now awareness". The degree of your now awareness determines your perception of time. Mediation masters speak of the eternal present which transcends time. And from such an advantage point time would seem an illusion.

In my opinion its all about increasing your vibration. Time shouldn't be the goal. Find spirit and let the rest fall in place. "Matter is spirit at it's slowest vibration."

Check out Terence McKenna theory of fractal time, also timewave zero which maps the novelty and interconnectedness of the universe by using algorithms derived from the chinese IChing book of prophecies.

Basically his theory is that there is a transcedental object at the end of time that is pulling time towards it, faster and faster, much like a black hole but in temporal dimensions instead of spatial. Instead of a big bang pushing everything towards something, there is a 'singularity' at the end of time that can extend its influence backwards in time to pull the universe towards it and infinite complexity. He claims we are getting closer and closer to it, and thus time is speeding up (relatively)

Get this, it ends in total novelty December 2012, before terence had heard of the mayan calendar. :)

If you have to invent time travel for your working theory to work then it speaks volumes about it. Edit: That might come across as snarky, meant in the same vain as 'invoking infinity in maths', if that comparison makes any sense.

I would love nothing more than for time 'travel' to be a thing, but science says no, to sum it up shortly.

What I am implying is that we may already have that capability but it is buried in top secret projects. Like Lockheed martins skunk works or something similar.

what I'm saying is that would break every scientific law we know at the moment, and it's a bit of a cop out as once again, as per usual it's unfalsifiable.

If they had figured out a way to do it, would you or I know about it?

Oh shit, I guess it happened then. What great logic.

Great logic yourself mate

Any particular part?

If you read what I say, you will understand that I am not saying this is for sure what I think happened. I am asking what is within the realm of the probable. Sorry if this topic offends you, but it is intended for those with open minds in regard to things like multidimensional beings and time travel. I obviously crossed one of your logical possibility barriers and you are resisting the idea of this being acceptable because science tells us time travel is impossible. That is the science we know and understand. There are lots of things science has yet to explain, or better yet lots of changes applied here and there as we learn more about the world around us. Your mind should work more like a notepad and a pencil with an eraser rather than a chisel and a slab of stone. Stupid analogy, but you get the drift. Just have an open mind and accept others no matter how stupid you think we are.

I don't think you're stupid, just gullible as it's an unfalsifiable claim. I love time travel and I know shitloads about it, more than the average person on /r/conspiracy I feel confident saying. To say that it's been discovered and even entertaining the idea people have covered it up is an insult to physics and anyone who's spent the time learning why it didn't happen.

Telling me to have an open mind when I keep an open mind constantly (Hey, I'm on /r/cons) seems a bit insulting, as I mentioned I know a lot about spacial and general relativity and the spacetime continuum and have tackled some weird thoughts that require an open mind ("time" is simply an arbitrary name we give to 'before' and 'after', events which have no bearing without a way of differentiating when they happened etc).

It's like me insinuating matter transportation happens as 'we wouldn't know about it if 'they' did' - completely baseless.

Edit didn't mean to sound so condescending, it's late and I'm having trouble getting my point across - my bad.

At least you have some modicum of self awareness.

People assume I'm some clown who's swallowed the mighty bell of propaganda, seemingly impossible to conclude your own opinion here.

People never seem to question my position or ask for elaboration, it's just 'you're a shill' or 'downvote'.

Downvote for you.... Shill

Thus proving the ever-present fear of a dissenting voice.

If this is dissent, we are in a world of problems. (and a downvote)

Time travel cannot occur because time is not a place you can go to. That and all the paradoxes that arise

what I'm saying is that would break every scientific law we know at the moment, and it's a bit of a cop out as once again, as per usual it's unfalsifiable.

Time travel cannot occur because time is not a place you can go to. That and all the paradoxes that arise