lulzsec and anonymous have been feds from the start

35  2012-03-13 by [deleted]

Seems to me these were feds from the start instead of how the media is portraying it...


I said this a year ago. Along with Wikileaks...

Controlled opposition. I'd bet the tactic go's back farther than Rome...

It really is the hallmark of the Illuminati, dualism, and it's fucking perfect. It's what has allowed them to dominate the world we live in long before the name Illuminati even existed.

For every shitty stick in the world, they have their hands on both ends: vice/justice, terrorism/altruism, cooperation/opposition. Control both yin and yang, it's literally fucking perfect, BUT, evil....

It all just made too much sense.

goes way back. before ancient sumer.

Spot on.

For those that need a primer on the illuminati, Grand Druid Council, the Black Nobility, etc, please check out John Todd, former Council of 13 member. The tapes were made in the mid 70s and one in the mid 80s. Pretty explosive material. I believe most of what he says is factual.

He says these mystery religions colluded about 8,000 years ago.

Also, lulzsec was a dead giveaway to be a part of the occult as the logo is wearing a Top Hat and showing one eye. This is a clear masonic symbol.

I suspect if they'd had a lolcat as a symbol you'd have claimed it was a reference to the Egyptian God Bast, and spun some different tenuous links out of it.

I'd recommend this book for you.

masonic symbols are everywhere. its just hidden in plain sight.

"caught in the act as they perform occult magic."

Since magic is a load of bunk, I don't really care if people want to play make-believe and think they can get super powers from it.

to each their own. i'm nowhere near pompous enough to say 'such and such' does not exist in this world.

Ha ha. Downvoters believe magic is real! :p

Seriously. Every meme must now have occult and/or conspiratorial significance if this is the case.


Do you not know the meaning of anonymous? ಠ_ಠ

"anonymous" is "anonymous" - members are both government employees doing "false flags" and normal people working in the name of justice. anyone who calls him/herself "anonymous". this should be obvious.

"lulzsec", on the other hand, is complete disinfo garbage. the so-called "leader" was an FBI agent:

the so-called "leader" was an FBI agent

That doesn't mean he was an FBI agent at all, it's far more likely that he was caught by the FBI and turned informant.

An informant can be an 'agent' of the FBI while not necessarily being an 'FBI agent.'

Yes, but a lot of people in here are claiming he was an agent all along, which is the much less likely scenario.

Unverifiable conjecture is our bread and butter partly because we've seen the tactics time and time again, and so far things are going their way.

back in the day when I ran an adult entertainment website, when 4chan's /b/ was basically exploding into popularity out of nowhere, I used to suspect, very strongly, that much of its user activity, though seeming to be organic, was, in fact, cam girls; amateur models; being paid in secret to post their tits and artificially inflate the allure of the site's userbase. I hung out in circles of adult webmasters at the time. This same suspicion was fairly common among many of my peers. This is because, in addition to the viability of the tactic being widely known in itself, it was likewise, by our standards, known as impossible for that popularity and user activity to spring up so quickly without such tactics.

knowing what I know today, it is unmistakably obvious that Anonymous has literally been an op for even longer than it has been on the world stage. Am I the only one who remembers its origin as Project Chanology? Am I the only one who recognizes Scientology as a mystery school, which, similarly to all other mystery schools, specifically intends to externalize its hierarchy by transmitting the occult knowledge of its inner circles unto the profane, just as they have accomplished in the attacks of Anonymous? Do you think this stuff is all coincidence? Do you think it's a coincidence they don Guy Fawkes masks while our government proceeds to mimic V for Vendetta's? Was it coincidence how they just happened to first demonstrate their hacking strength on Hal Turner, whose blog was the prototypical FBI asset?

all I'm wondering now is whether the camwhores and the artificial popularity were part of their scheme from day one.


(In a way it would make so much sense, after all, the lure of sex as always been used for recrutiment and indoctrination, all the way back to those lusty sacred prostitutes...)

You mean their traps were really a trap?

Guy Fawkes was an agent for the Jesuits.


Howard Beale is a much more appropriate self post icon; hated it being the lulzsec logo. Thank you mod.

I'm mad, too, Eddie.

I felt this was a false flag attack from the beginning. What better way to usher in draconian internet laws than to inject the cyber boogey-man into everyone's lives.

oh now we're not getting downvoted for saying this? i feel like an "anonymous is feds" hipster.

No comment, I'm just really digging the new self text icon.

agreed, its a lot better than the one we stole from lulzsecs twitter

The more you try and keep pressure under control the more it builds. It builds and builds and builds and sooner or later unless something is done to relieve the pressure it explodes and destroys whatever was holding it.

The ultimate lesson of the universe that is taught over and over again is that control is an illusion.

Many moons ago a relative of mine in Cuba was recruited into an "Anti-Castro" group. After some time he discovered the hard way that the leader of the of this group was working for the Castro government and paid by the head for recruiting counter-revolutionaries.

I subscribe to this subreddit because I agree with much of the content here. But seriously, Anonymous? I've been an activist for a little less than two years. If any of you connected to the Anon IRC networks, the means of planning and communication for Anonymous, you'd see that there's no way in hell the feds are controlling it. There are too many people, no one person to make decisions, and most of the time it's just utter chaos and bullshit. Nobody knows what's going on, and the only times Anon takes an action is when, luckily, the overwhelming populus of the IRC network agree.

Sure, you'll have insiders like Sabu. And all they can do is hack and misrepresent Anonymous. But if you think any one person, feds included, can make decisions for the whole of Anonymous, you have no idea how the "group" works.

I'm so mildly not surprised!




What is your opinion on OWS?

I called lulzsec a false flag last June. The politicians need them if they want to censor the internet.

Been saying this for a year+. The internet NEEDS to be locked down. People across the world are coming together like never before because of it and in a controlled global gov't this can't happen. What better way to lock it down than agent provocateurs and internet false flags???

Anonymous is made up of feds? So every teenager on 4chan that tried to act like a hacker is a fed? Well shit, maybe the OP is a fed too, maybe everyone in the world is a fed!

oldfed here. sick of all these newfeds.

Incredible. Who would call himself anonymous and not be ridiculed for pulling it straight out of a Clancy novel.

The origin of Anonymous's name came from 4chan, where all posters are just identified as Anonymous.

Or plain old ftp. The point is this kiddie is not bright or is intentionally named that way because the larger public should be programmed to accept restricted internet access and make it easier for SOPA like laws.


Anonymous definitely not and I thought about that on lulzsec but especially after I read the logs of sabu's case I don't consider that to be possible anymore. Lulzsec tried to do good and anonymous is not a group.

This thread may have actually convinced me to stop subscribing to /r/conspiracy.

4chan is not ran by the feds and the slutty semi-obese low self esteem cam whores that post their pictures aren't on the govt's payroll. They are simply whores.

Paranoid fucks all of you.


Have fun with your dementia themed circlejerks!

Ok ShamanisticRastabro.

This is the fun part about the conspiracy community, no matter how good or how evil a group or person is, someone will be there to say "NUUHHHH, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!!"

And likewise, there will always be guys like yourself trying to pee in the pool. Where do you suppose the government money went towards astro-turfing and such? It's well documented they spend money on it...

and your evidence? (**SILENCE in the WIND)


When a journalist comes up with a news story, they start by investigating leads, not with a pile of evidence. A forum on the web is not a place where evidence is necessary to discuss anything either. The discussion can have value other than DIRECTLY EXPOSING EVERYONE OMG

But they're not "investigating leads" here - they already have their conclusions and now they're piecing together whatever evidence they would need to support those conclusions and discarding anything that doesn't.

Or plain old ftp. The point is this kiddie is not bright or is intentionally named that way because the larger public should be programmed to accept restricted internet access and make it easier for SOPA like laws.