Body in closet 9/11 WTC?

37  2012-03-23 by [deleted]

I was brainstorming sort of a fictional short story the other day. The premise of the story being that a low level member of an intelligence service working in WTC 7 stumbles upon the 9/11 plot/conspiracy. He attempts to stop the events from happening, but is shot dead in wtc building 1 in the early morning before the attack after getting too close to finding out the truth.... Now i was looking into all the events of 9/11 during and after the writing of this story and i found this clip, where a fireman talks about finding a body in a closet in the wtc during the attack. In my opinion this really works for my story but i have to ask the question how and why was this guy found dead in a closet on 9/11. Heres the link id love to get some theories or info if any one has info on this

EDIT(holy shit, i just scrolled down in the description and speculates the name of the person in the closet John O'Neil FBI)'Neill

this got a whole lot more interesting


Fuck me. I thought in my head "it's John O'Neill" and was going to post as much. Then I found the Edit.

Also, if you haven't already, go to Google Video and search for "Who Killed John O'Neill?" Entertaining and Informative who-done-it big picture piece. Everyone I've shown it too is blown away.

drives me nuts that I cant prove it but what are the odds given that guys history

Everyone should go watch the PBS Frontline special on John O'Neill called "The Man Who Knew".

i gotta check that out. does it make any reference to the closet theory?

No, it's not really all that conspiratorial. It shows how he was a rock star at the FBI and became sort of obsessed with tracking Bin Laden. I think he got too close to the truth and many of his investigations were shut down and eventually he was pushed out of the FBI. In August 2001 he left the FBI and went to work as head of security for the WTC. Pretty wild coincidence if you ask me.

Here's the link:

Few things are simply a "coincidence". And why would the FBI, rather than the CIA, be involved in tracking Bin Laden. I just looked at your comment history and found that all you ever talk about "just happens" to co-align with everything the U.S. would prefer us think. Do you have any non-CIA preferred idea or opinion about 9/11 or anything else that can help me put these worries to rest, as a supposed member of /r/conspiracy? Because otherwise, I'll consider you part of the proof that the powers-that-be have understood reddit, and are now an integrated part of it.

Good day sir.

What the hell are you talking about?

watching it as we speak thanks!

It's possible, is there any info from this source about cause of death, ie visible bullet/stab wounds? If not could be someone who had heart trouble and ran to hide in closet...As someone who is personally on the side of the people who believe all the events that went down on that day weren't what they seemed I'm inclined to believe in the possibility of foul play with a noble intelligence personal getting taken care of.

Agreed, but There was no mention of them extracting the body from the closet. I assume that this is the case because as firemen themselves were searching for a way out. I could be jumping to conclusions, but i was freaked to find the story i was writing actually may have some plausibility to it.


if it turned out to be him yeah i think it does especially if you read up on him it makes for an interesting case


John Schroder is the fireman who allegedly found the body


i understand what you mean now now, i don't know there doesn't seem to be any mention of him. Though I think i'm missing the point Why is that significant?

there is one mention of an L.T. from ladder 10 the same company that schroder is from i cant be sure if this is the guy but his name is greg atlas "Paul Mallery, Ladder 10:–r "I hear Lieutenant Gregg Atlas of Engine 10 over the radio that is in the console in the house watch. He said [to dispatch] give me a 1060 and give me every ambulance you got. Those are his exact words. [10-60 is the FDNY code for a Major Emergency such as a building collapse, train wreck, plane crash"

EDIT: I've deleted my speculation... until you find out if the person in question has made a public statement on this matter. This looks very interesting.

EDIT2: I'm reminded of The Cuckoo's Egg by Clifford Stoll.

Ive been doing some looking into of this fireman he seems that he was dismissed with a substance abuse problem after the fact. None the less that hurts his cred in my book. i need to do some independent fact checking on his story. If you could indulge me what was your speculation? Pm me if you dont feel comfortable posting it

If you could indulge me what was your speculation?

Professor Plum, Candlestick, Conservatory

confirmed Greg Atlas was the L.t. however he was killed on duty on 9/11

turns out they recovered his body some time after the collapse but it doesn't say much more than that not that i was expecting it to

This would be awesome!