An Army friend of mine told me something about their job that they weren't supposed to. Heads up R/Conspiracy.

103  2012-04-01 by [deleted]

They are working in "terrorist intelligence" which is pretty much spying for key words on the internet, and listening to phone calls. What I wasn't supposed to know is that these "terrorist intelligence" programs specifically spy on social networking sites. They told me they, and their team create false profiles, and even update fabricated information to see who runs to correct them, or who seems to have more info than they should. I asked if which social networking sites were targeted and I got the "That's classified". I asked about and I got a smile. I'm sure you've already suspected this, but I am confirming it. When I asked what happens to people that have been flagged their response was "Their information gets collected into a large data base.". That was that.



you aren't supposed to know he's flagged.


doesn't even look like a real word anymore.

Fuck it, I am flagging all of you. And myself. Just to be sure.

Take off and flag it from orbit, THAT is the only way to be sure.


Vhermp, Vhermp, Vhermp...'where do you want it?'

It boggles my fucking mind that someone would actually volunteer to spy on innocent people and assist in their detainment.


Absolute scum, these lowest of the low, truly unworthy of belonging to humanity, crawling, miserable, wretched, fevered little filth with no purpose for existence other than the monitoring and subjugation of others. There must be something truly wrong with a person who behaves in this way; something foul must exist in the core of their being, whether they understand it or not. Like maggots feeding on the corpse of freedom, breeding and hatching into pestilent little flies that buzz around with compound CCTV eyes.

You were made for such better and more loving things than this.


It's scary to think that there are actually people in the military that think the constitution means nothing.

You could be right. But for every reaction there exists an equal and opposite reaction, so if there are loving and nurturing people who want to help humanity reach a higher level of consciousness and awareness - there also exist somewhere people who embody the polar opposite. Its them I addressed. They have my pity more than my hatred. If I am to relax then I must acknowledge that they are a part of nature and life, but that leaves me with a conundrum: to accept what they're doing to other humans. This is the hard part.

Have you seen their pay and benefits package? Incredible!

lol, trust me on this one, the pay is terrible. the benefits are great, but they're only good for military hospitals

It's because the drive and passion of their own lives has dissipated. Siphoned by the capitalistic machine that devours communities and morals. I see it all the time, people with nothing to do in their life so they gossip about other people's lives. They lack their own will and must parasitically bind their attention/focus on what you're doing because their life has lost meaning.

Or they're sociopathic scum.

I vote for your interpretation.

It boggles my fucking mind that someone would actually volunteer to spy on innocent people and assist in their detainment.

Huh? Who said anything about detaining innocent people?

It is an inevitability in these kinds of matters.

Thanks man.

Nice to have a bit of confirmation, I think we all knew it...

A lot of the personalities I've come across on this subreddit have fit the bill perfectly. People whom seem obsessed to an unhealthy degree with smearing this community. I don't think it matters how much resources they pour into smearing alternative media, they are losing the war of information, as they could never, ever, compete with the billions of rational, loving, compassionate, human minds on the internet. And while it may be hard to see the love these days, it's still there, in the heart of man, and it can never be extinguished. It just takes a bit more to bring it out of people these days, but, I have faith, that when things are as bad as they can get, people are as good as they get.

We are inherently good, and ready to defend one another...


Funny, when I was growing up, the media always made a big deal out of the Russian Government spying on it's own people. That was a major distinction between our freedom in the US and their lack. Now spying on their own citizens is commonplace for the American Government. I really wonder where this is all heading?

Well, actually, the Russians won. We just weren't informed.


Surprised that I got downvoted for that comment in this subreddit. It's a valid conspiracy theory... Check out this episode of Stuff They Don't Want You to Know (a really fun video podcast worth following).

Your subconscious is very eloquent and subtle, some call it your inner voice, other call it intuition. Whatever we label this as, it happens in an instant, and most of us never listen to it. I propose that our subconscious makes that determination instantly, and we just ignore it. Discuss.



Them who call themselves they Edit: nice username


Reddit is expressly complicit in this.

Take a look at this user:

17400 link karma in 90 days? (Give me a break)

It's been 16 days since he has posted something not about Ron Paul?

You're a nut kid. Any post about the Republicans may contain a reference to Paul. But they are not all about Paul. Submissions about Gold are not about Paul. In short, the whole world is not about Paul.

correction: the whole world is about Paul. You're just too sheepled to see the Truth.

That's funny coming from a guy who made a subreddit about Paul and posts only about Paul himself.ಠ_ಠ

Change your usernames often.

Do not visit the same reddit submission from multiple usernames.

Request your FBI profile under the Freedom of Information Act.


Not necessarily. Some countries require for you (if a US citizen) to turn over your fbi records in order to apply for a citizenship.

Yeah, when they realize you're not the flag goes up like a giant government erection.

I have classified information on the Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Nonsense. In order to monitor on this scale, they'd need a new and Colossus data center like the..... one...... being........ built...... outside...... Salt Lake........oh.

They do more than that.


Hi Ho, hi ho, its off to the FEMA Reeducation Camp we go!


I make prisons more lively with shanks, drugs, and illegal pizza ovens...

edit: sorry, bad joke.


It's not new.

It was fully deployed on reddit during aftermath of the wikileaks release of those videos of that photographer's death. That first two weeks or so, all of the threads on this topic were crawling with "proud American servicemen defending everybody from child-eating Islamic terrorists" and shit.

And the US government isn't the only one doing it. Israel's made the news on this topic, as well.


So True. When your enemies tell you you're wrong, that's normal. When your own people tell you you're wrong, It's time to change your ways.

Thanks for sharing this, but it's not a revelation. This is pretty much common knowledge.

All paid for with your tax dollars - or more likely just added to the national debt.

So, your grand kids tax dollars will begin paying off interest on the money that was used to spy on you. Neat.

You got a problem with that, terrorist?


I for one salute these brave military workers and think they're doing a fine job. God bless America! We cannot keep liberty safe without breaking a few eggs! If you have nothing to hide, then you should not fear being watched!

--- running off to blow chunks.

Well we should all be good and do what the motherland wants us to do, drink the cool aid, vote repbulicrat and by no means should we ever say anything bad about our supreme leaders who know all... I...I... Can't do it any more with out laughing... But I'm really crying on the inside.

Wouldn't spying on reddit, as a US based company, specifically be DHS or FBI territory? Like demostic survallience has specifically been laid out in NDAAs since 9/11 as being the responsibility and under the authority of the FBI.

I think your friend was messing with you.


so what do they do with this intelligence, stare at it? Unless you're looking at "subversive" websites from an IP in yemen, no channels exists for the Army to act against you on US soil, you'd be free as soon as someone tells the DoJ you're missing, if there is one thing you should know about federal baeurocracy is that they don't like having their toes stepped on (=less funding next FY).

I'm not saying this doesn't happen under the FBI or DHS (it does, usually on obvious targets) but the narrative you're painting doesn't make much sense.

Can you provide any proof at all for any of the things you just said?


Then Why should I believe you? Like, honestly, if all reason in based on evidence, and the only evidence presented to me is unconfirmable, why should I believe you?

April fools?

If only!

Nice try, "terrorist intelligence" specialist.

Barrack Obama is going to be murdered. Anyone want a W.M.D.? I've got a few spare.

Now I wait.

Side note:

They do this in online games as well... particularly ones with heavy userbases or built in voip systems.

Don't ask.

I can also attest that this is true, but don't voluntarily give up your voice for fear of surveillance! Speak out when you want about what you want, and say what you mean. Don't make references to violence, and stick to the facts as much as you can. Most of all, if you find out that they're spying on you... Laugh in their face and do your best to explain to them just how silly and pointless their job is.

Eventually there is a person watching. It's not always automated sock puppet bots. When you do encounter the person, their job is to figure out whether your dangerous and move on to the next subject as quickly as possible. Don't be overly hostile, but please do mention the bill of rights and ask which laws you have broken. They're evasive, don't expect them to answer any of your questions.

They'll eventually draw back a little bit and let you "alone". I had a stint where I was being investigated for merely emailing the whitehouse and speaking frankly about the disastrous war, privacy and trade policies these fools are clinging to. I gave them my full name, telephone number, address, where I work, email... They opted for the surveillance, instead of replying to my pleas and insults (I was an asshole about it, but I never hinted at violence).

So yes, free speech can apparently cost you your 4th amendment under the PATRIOT Act. (that's my best guess at what happened, anyway). I knew that I was being watched for months before the confrontation with the agent, whoever he was, happened.

They aren't sneaky about it at all. They try a more blunt intimidation-style approach. Unmarked cars passing by your house while your smoking on the front porch.... They slow down to a crawl in front of your house, then slam on the gas when they get past. Hah!

A pair of agents always parked down the street... Not hidden in any way. Staring right at you. Many times they'll get out of the car and go get something from the trunk if you stare back at them for too long... Then they get back in the car. They're not going anywhere! (I just look up at the sky and smile, then look back at them and smile)

Multiple people walking up to you out of seemingly nowhere, asking if you want to buy illegal drugs, or hook up with a prostitute. This had never happened to me in my life until I said what I wanted to say to the whitehouse, now, I've got this shit coming out of the woodwork! (haha!)

The problem is that I don't know the severity of the damage they can do in my life. Nobody does. I said my piece, emailing the whitehouse several times per week for nearly 5 months. I tore apart every policy which I view as a detriment to the wellbeing of humanity. Everything from him caving to the Military Industrial Complex and launching a full-scale occupation of Afghanistan, to allowing children in Indonesia to assemble our shoes for less less than $2.00/day.

My argument was that he should launch an offensive against these senseless wars and hold the corporations who are enslaving and extorting the rest of the world, and outsourcing our jobs ACCOUNTABLE!

Nope. You get spied on.

Hopefully I can still fly? I'm hoping to go see my dad this summer. We'll find out.


I wouldn't doubt it, but what I am talking about is classic HUMINT collection done through non-traditional means. Think more along the lines of FBI setups.

R/trees has them too, I think they are everywhere in reddit

Yes, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE., seriously, they are.


getting paid to browse /r/trees all day doesn't sound too bad though does it?

yeah, makes you wonder what they are so worried about huh?

some kids posting on reddit pose a national security threat? you'd have to be doing something really heinous to justify monitoring 14 year olds.

I thought this was already common knowledge?

This is nothing new. It's been going on for years. They run programs that collect info regarding certain words typed or said over the phone, and record the entire conversation or thread.

This technology has been around since the 90's, folks.

This thread is just me and like 80 terrorist intelligence analysts posting in it, isn't it?

so the army knows i hate other people and i have a problem with authority--they knew that back in the 80's when i was in there

I got put on r/panichistory for talking about this exactly.

Protip: don't post to Internet that you know classified information that the government is monitoring the Internet


Spines are what separate men from tools.

Awkward, isn't it?

what a surprise

Freedom = Slavery


The game is life.

I'd be flattered if I got put into a database for knowing something I wasn't supposed to. I'm sure I've had a few entries put in there

i would expect this at the minimum

oh shot you caught they catch on. JK

Sounds like a boring job just putting probably hundreds of people daily into a database. While the tax payer's pay for all this the security companies are making a killing off our info.


Oh, sorry then. I guess I took this too to seriously since I got tricked a few times already. Well I'm glad you responded so people will know that this isn't a joke.

Do you just stalk JCM et al around reddit, is it a coincidence that you are always posting in their comment threads; I don't trust you at all, friend.

is it a coincidence that you are always posting in their comment threads

Always? Do you have proof of this or are you just talking out of your ass again friend.

P.S. I tend to spend most of my time posting news in my subreddit than anything else.

Are you implying you do not comment in reply to JCM, facehammer, etc. quite frequently?

Are you implying you do not comment in reply to JCM, facehammer, etc. quite frequently?


Not really...I use to get messages from them constantly but they stopped after an admin started paying attention to me. They do however harass other users like krugmanisapuppet calling him "dusty". Even though the original "dusty" stopped using reddit a long time ago. :(

Can you see why I'm suspicious? I'm not attacking you, just voicing a concern in a relevant thread.

If you even did your research on JCM then you would know that he has a history of trolling people. Ive also looked into the guys name which has citations from social media books which means he makes money off of doing this. I even asked him myself how he got such a job and he told me through a University Job Fair. He deleted the comment quickly after posting it...

I have done my research. I have seen you be antagonized by him, and his...what would you call them? I know of the subreddit created in your honor, or dishonor, if you will. I also have seen them accuse other people of being you. It doesn't diminish my suspicions much.

Info on jcm267 and the Nolibs Crew: /r/NolibsWatch

6 day old account and defending jcm....Hmmm. You think it's another sockpuppet?

Hmm, seeing a lot of new accounts recently. This user seems legit though.

I guess you're right. I already did a background check and this guy seems legit.

Jesus Christ, you guys sound like stalkers.

They are stalkers and they are participants in a witch hunt that has been on-going for years. This, for the most part, is politically motivated. They are Ron Paul supporters and everyone on their "shill" list is opposed to Ron Paul. That's really what this is all about.

So, pointing out peoples bullshit makes you stalkers somehow? gtfo troll.

I prefer the term "Mossad special agent", actually.

I prefer the term "fuck off troll" actually.

Ooh, the FOT department is actually run by the NSA. Sorry!

Hmm, I guess people like you lack the intelligence to debate smart individuals like myself. So, you like to "troll" others to make yourself feel better and enjoy the attention. So, tell us TI-994A, were you ignored a lot by your parents? Is this why you seek attention in reddit? :(

I actually killed my own parents after they learned too much about what goes on in my job.

Nah, I think you did it because your parents ignored you all the time. I feel sorry for you now.

Pff, you should know that we have our emotions surgically removed after joining.

I have done my research

Liar. If this is true then you would already know that JCM makes money off of trolling people.

I know of the subreddit created in your honor, or dishonor, if you will.

The fuck are you talking about?

I also have seen them accuse other people of being you. It doesn't diminish my suspicions much.

Good. That just proves how mentally incapable these people are at having a rational discussion.

The subreddit in question is owned by JCM, but I forget it's actual spelling and don't feel like wading into the cesspool of his comments to dig it up. There is a cow, a cartoon cow, black&white. That's was it's most remarkable feature and all that I remember.

I'm not sure how realizing the monetary aspects of JCM's activity equates to this conversation. I asked a simple question, all I wanted to know was how you end up in conversation with these people, or become the topic of theirs without your presence. You have nothing to prove, I'm just wondering.

I'm not sure how realizing the monetary aspects of JCM's activity equates to this conversation.

Are you really that naive on how people make money off of social media sites?

or become the topic of theirs without your presence.

Because they fear people like me.

Are you really that naive on how people make money off of social media sites?

I'm not sure why you keep pushing this part of the discussion. It is interesting, and perhaps other people would like to know about it. I haven't brought it up, and keep ignoring it when you do. This isn't what I was asking about.

If this wasn't what you were talking about then why did you say this?

I'm not sure how realizing the monetary aspects of JCM's activity equates to this conversation.


I already answered your simple question and you sided with these people even after you "did your research" on them. Seems like baloney if you ask me.

Is english your second language?

Were you born retarded or dropped as a baby?

If so then I forgive you for all the retarded shit I just read.

snitches get stitches








Well that would make sense given that it is the Air Force that conducts most of these psyops..

My only question would be "why the Army?"

r4ygun is right in that it seems an odd branch of national defence to use, but at the same time I've got to question his "the Army are incompetent goofs" rhetoric. Sure, your average Government library may be outdated, but if you seriously believe that the defence industry is struggling for technology, I doubt you know as much as you're saying you do.

because the air force has an entire Command dedicated to cyberwarfare - Cyber Command. it's right up there with USAFE, PACAF, or any other.

It's really annoying when this happens, but he responded to my comment with:

"I did not mean that they are incompetent, but let's be honest, the Army is by and large populated with grunts (by design). They exist mostly for their ground assault value, not intelligence services. If someone told me that one of our actual intelligence agencies, I would find this more plausible."

I don't know who deleted the comments by him, so it makes sense to paste what I have for completion

I deleted them. My comments were getting downvoted to negative numbers for no apparent reason other than me using logic and my past experience in the military to have a conversation. A friend and I had a laugh when I told him "don't ever refute a conspiracy in r/conspiracy. You will get downvoted no matter how much sense you make."

Why do you care about negative downvotes? Are you banking your karma for a rainy day?

Awkward, isn't it?

I guess you're right. I already did a background check and this guy seems legit.

Well, actually, the Russians won. We just weren't informed.

Your subconscious is very eloquent and subtle, some call it your inner voice, other call it intuition. Whatever we label this as, it happens in an instant, and most of us never listen to it. I propose that our subconscious makes that determination instantly, and we just ignore it. Discuss.

Ooh, the FOT department is actually run by the NSA. Sorry!