IAmAnAnonymousCoward now in complete control of r/worldpolitics after removing myself and another mod this morning. It will now be 100% up to him to determine whether an article is "spam" in a sub with +50,000 subscribers.

56  2012-04-04 by [deleted]


  • He's been a Redditor for a mere 9 months
  • He took over /r/worldpolitics a few months ago and stated that "no submissions will be removed"
  • His new rule is that "spam" will be removed, and it is now completely up to him to determine what meets his definition of spam

If anyone wants to know what really happened, please head over to /r/SubredditDrama.

I can't be everywhere at once.

Literally couldn't care less.

You're seriously implying that the length of time someone's been a redditor is proportional to how good they'll be as a mod?

If he'd know how long I've really been here...

I don't want to know myself.

If he'd know how long I've really been here...

It is depressing. Believe me.

I'm saying that it's certainly one factor among many to consider.

It's really not. 9 months is more than enough time for someone to become accustomed to the rules and expectations of Reddit and the Reddit community.

go outside.

get some fresh air and eat some cranberry jelly.

Sorry, my boss usually doesn't let me do that at work.

Make another subreddit. Call it /r/superworldpolitics or something.

who created the subreddit?

message the admins. they'll help.


That's not been my experience at all. Quite the opposite actually.

Me, sorta - it was while subreddits were in beta, so one of the admins created it.


Actually r/worldpolitics is one the better places IMO. It does not block submissions and is not censor crazy. I am not sure what this is about yet.

It does not block submissions and is not censor crazy.

I'll keep it this way.

So why did you make yourself the sole mod?


And to be completely honest YouthInRevolt often acted as if it was his subreddit and I had to call him back several times. It was getting on my nerves.

Seems fair enough, I guess, as long as the moderation stays the way it is.

As long as the moderation stays the way it is.

Of course it will. It's my policy after all.

Well it certainly pisses 'basementdad' off. ;)

It will continue to piss him off and he's free to continue his rants.

I think the zionist overlords and the black crusaders are behind this!

They can take away my biscuits but they can't take MY FRIIIIIEEEEEED CHICKEN !!!!


This is really not a successful bot, is it.

It's really not. 9 months is more than enough time for someone to become accustomed to the rules and expectations of Reddit and the Reddit community.