How Jews use double standards to confuse sheep

0  2012-04-06 by [deleted]

The latest example I saw of this was how a jew made a movie about how protocols of zion is bullshit. He meets up with some black dudes and the jew was trying to say something along the lines that races should work together and that they can be better when teaming up and etc etc.....holy shit why isnt this applied to your homeland Israel which seems like the most racist place on earth. You think a jew will ever tolerate a daughter dating a chinese guy or a black guy? Jewish people are very traditional and strict when it comes to this as it reflects off the Talmud. Jewish people are behind many of the laws and programs here in USA....yet they wont do it back home...I think most of the "truth-seekers" will not agree with this as they see its logical to wake people up who ridicule them and already look down on people who are interested in @ thinking of waking up such people is a good idea.


It's all going to be ok, did you forgot to take your pills?

I bet you have no friends, sir.

how a jew made a movie about how protocols of zion is bullshit.

The protocols of the elders of zion is bullshit It was a fucking forgery, and parts were even plagiarized from an earlier work about Napoleon. This has been common knowledge for a significant amount of time, and the only people who believe otherwise are Hamas and random white Neo-Nazis sitting at their computers suffering from severe confirmation bias.

You think a jew will ever tolerate a daughter dating a chinese guy or a black guy?

If I had a daughter and she dated someone from either of these ethnic groups, I wouldn't give a shit if he were otherwise a good individual. You know absolutely nothing about Jews besides what you read in anti-semitic propaganda, no wonder you spout this stupid, generalizing bullshit.


I love when people give themselves this moniker as the spout propaganda from biased, disreputable sources while at the same time bragging about how much bullshit is in the media.

You're a waste of oxygen.

You are a poet/scholar, STFU

He's got a point. "No Place For Hate" is a program that was forced on American public schools by Jewish groups like the ADL and the SPLC. But apparently very different standards apply to Palestine.

Actually, he does not have a point.

So...your point is that it's unjust for American Jews to promote tolerance programs while Israelis are engaged in immoral behavior?

The only kind of person who thinks this logic makes sense is someone who already believes Jews are a cohesive group with a single hive mind. I imagine this bullshit sounds like a legitimate point...if you think every Jew is responsible for the actions of every other Jew.

Imagine if you said that anti-racism campaigns in schools were complete bullshit because somewhere in Africa, there are black people behaving badly. There is no place in America where this logic would fly for even a second, because it's racist to the core, just like your implication that there is any connection between Jews trying to end Anti-semitism in schools and Israelis treatment of Palestinians.

I mean, really, I'm a Jew, but I don't support Israel; do I deserve to be hated for the actions of other Jews 10,000 miles away? If you answer yes, heads up - you're a bigot! If you answer no, then you shouldn't have a fucking problem with the ADL trying to end anti-semitism in schools. Which is it?

The "Jews" that decide what goes on in israel are anything but jewish at heart. They're evil fucking bastards. They've discriminated and made thousands of north african jews suffer poverty, and weren't even supposed to be allowed entry but they realized every arab country wants them gone, so they brought the rest of them to be in the army as soldiers...

People need to know the hole story from every single angle to get the rite idea. Blaming people that have no control over any of this(Jews, blacks, whites, asians etc) does nothing and just creates more conflicts, that's not what we need but it's what they want.

And even if they were Jewish, how does that make all Jews oppressive?

You think a jew will ever tolerate a daughter dating a chinese guy or a black guy? Jewish people are very traditional and strict when it comes to this as it reflects off the Talmud.

Jews don't mind their sons and daughters "dating" the goyim. It's considered a recreation amusement among Jews. They have zero intention of ever marrying one of the goyim -- that would be beneath them and would defile their blood -- but they have no problem fucking goyim for fun.

Just being blatantly anti-semetic now, huh? Apparently, all Jews act the same because of what their religious book says, right? Just like how all Christians act like those Westboro assholes because the of the Bible. Or how all the Muslims are all extremists because of the Koran. Yeah, that isn't stereotyping at all.

He's going far beyond the Jewish religion. He is attacking Jews for things they have no control over - their genetic background. He's a disgusting racist. In past threads he has literally called for genocide. Racists seem to be all too common in this subreddit; I can't say i'm surprised.

Actually, his post reflects current Israeli law governing marriages. You should do some research before you speak because you're coming off as a stooge.

You are coming off as unwilling to acknowledge the obvious racism in his post.

You might have a point. If he is a racist, than so is Israel. I can see the slant in the way he phrased the post, and I can understand how it could be offensive. The problem is that his post is so close to the truth that it's impossible to play the race card without looking like an idiot.

if he is racist, than so is Israel

This is exactly what I'm talking about; Justifying anti-semitism towards non-Israeli Jews based on the actions of Israelis is textbook racism, like beating up a black guy on the street because another black person halfway across the world comitted a crime. It's racist, and you fucking know it's racist, and as long as you're putting forth the same argument, you're a racist too. How can you not see this?

Listen, Israel is founded by extremists. That extremism is a perversion of Judaism and resulted in a racist, violent country. I know that not all Jewish people support this because you can't get everyone on the same page every time, I get it. But when we start to talk about this racism, people like you come in here and call us racists. Seriously?

What little racism the OP presented is nothing compared to the grotesque racism and oppression displayed by Israel. If you care that much about racism, you should be finding a way to change Israels ways. And I know my country, the U.S., is also party responsible because we block U.N. resolutions condemning Israel for racism and violence.

Believe it or not, we might be on the same side. Israels actions are casting your race in a bad light, and I am sympathetic to that. If we got U.N. weapons inspectors and peacekeepers in Israel, removed their foreign aid, and pressed them to un-fuck themselves, this debate would be over.

Israel is more of an enemy to you than any would-be racist on Reddit.

Israels actions are casting your race in a bad light, and I am sympathetic to that.

This is so cute...but it's also racist.

Here's why: the only people who see Israel's actions as casting a bad light on Jews are those who already think Jews are responsible for the actions of other Jews across the world.

This is what you don't get; every point you've tried to make has begun with a presupposition based on racist logic. It's so deeply ingrained in your mind that you don't even question the most basic premises of your argument. Israel's actions should only cast my 'race' in a bad light if you believe that the actions of individuals can cast a race in a bad light, and the only people who don't question this assumption are racists themselves.

I'm sorry, while I don't love Israel any more than you do, even the most basic points you're trying to make are wrapped in racism; it's like you think you're trying to help the Jews by convincing us to redeem ourselves through condemnation of Israel. What you don't get is that the only people who see us as 'needing redemption' in this manner are people like you who build their logic on these racist assumptions.

We are not on the same side.

the only people who see Israel's actions as casting a bad light on Jews are those who already think Jews are responsible for the actions of other Jews across the world.

Yes, those racist people exist. I am not one of them. I can see the distinction, and at the same time I can see the problem.

it's like you think you're trying to help the Jews by convincing us to redeem ourselves through condemnation of Israel. What you don't get is that the only people who see us as 'needing redemption' in this manner are people like you who build their logic on these racist assumptions.

No no no. Normally, you would be correct, and the actions of some nation would not affect how people view you.

However, when you come out of nowhere throwing the racist smear on anyone who criticizes Israel, or their extreme Zionist ideology, then you are going to be compared to just that, Israel and Zionism.

current Israeli law

NOT ALL JEWS ARE FUCKING ISRAELIS. Why is this concept so fucking hard to get across on this subreddit? This is the fall back that all of you anti-semites use; you say X about Israel, and then apply it to Non-Israeli Jews. Every single time I come to r/conspiracy, I'm asked to provide a defense for some Israeli action, as if I'm genetically bound to explain the actions of others in another fucking country who may share my genetic heritage.

That's called racism. It's a generalization. It would be like saying all blonde, blue-eyed people were Nazis, regardless of what country they lived in during WW II, and regardless of their own personal beliefs. That would be fucking stupid - just like this objection you've raised.

This kind of logic - "Israel does X, so all Jews believe X" only makes sense to the bigoted mind. To the rest of us, generalizing about an ethnic group based on the laws of a nation is clearly idiotic.

As long as we can agree that Israel is a racist apartheid state. That's the first step.

Except for you, it's the first step towards proving that Jews are an ethnic group worthy of hate because of their heritage.

I won't agree to that. That's just your racist bullshit.

The more you throw around the racist smear, the less it means. I have nothing against Jewish people or the Jewish religion. I have a problem is Jewish extremism which has resulted in a number of problems for the world. Just like Muslim extremism makes the Muslims look bad, and the Black Panther Party makes Black people look bad.

If you can't see the distinction, I think you are the real racist.

The more you throw around the racist smear, the less it means.

You're so deep in it you don't even realize it. That's what's so sad about all this.

I have a problem is Jewish extremism which has resulted in a number of problems for the world. Just like Muslim extremism makes the Muslims look bad, and the Black Panther Party makes Black people look bad.

This is exactly what I mean; the only people who think "the Black Panther Party makes Black people look bad" are people who think that individual actions can cast a shadow over an entire race. This is the foundation of racist thinking, and if you want anyone to take you seriously, this is the presupposition you need to lose. Unfortunately, it seems so deeply ingrained that you don't even realize how fallacious it is.

I think you genuinely don't know how bigoted this is, and I believe you when you say you don't hate Jewish people.

That said, I, on the other hand, do hate the Jewish religion, as well as the Christian and Muslim ones. I've read these books, and they're absolutely useless as moral guides, teaching nothing that can't be learned from a secular morality, and adding on levels of crazy bullshit. I mean, not one of these religions has a problem with slavery; we had to get that from a secular worldview, since it was biblically permitted.

Perhaps this is the problem; you fail to distinguish between dangerous ideologies and the people associated with them. I mean, really, do you think the behaviors of Israelis aren't based on outdated religious principles like some vague 'ownership' of 'the holy land?' If the Jewish religion didn't factor into this, Jews wouldn't have settled in a place that was already inhabited. The only reason why Israel is in Palestine in the first place is that religious Jews felt they already owned the land.

So there it is; you shouldn't have a problem with the Jewish people, but the Jewish religion, in any form that takes it as anything other than quaint traditions' (i.e. anything but Reform Judaism) IS a problem. The same goes for Islam, and Christianity, and can even be said of Buddhist and Hindu extremists.

Well, then, I guess I need to find a word that describes the racist Jewish people who work day and night to bring Jewish supremacy, and make them distinct from normal, happy, peaceful Jewish people

I will call them... Zionists. Happy now?

If you're actually using Zionists to refer to those people who support the Jewish state in Israel at any cost - and these are not just Jews, but evangelical Christians as well - then yes, that's SIGNIFICANT progress.

Happy now?

Why is this so snarky? Yes, I am happy, because you're finally making a distinction between a racist ideology and the idea that an entire race is responsible for the existence of that ideology. That's real progress.

Every time someone uses the word Zionist, you crawl up their ass and scream racism. I was not expecting that response.

Every time someone uses the word Zionist, you crawl up their ass and scream racism

Because you haven't been reading what they've been writing.

Sometimes, the word is used simply to describe 'Jews.' For example, when hydro calls me a Zionist in direct response to a post where I state that I don't support Israel, he's doing it because I am Jewish. He's not the only one, and in every instance, it's very clear from the context that to the real dyed in the wool antisemites, 'Zionist' is just a word they use to mean 'Jew' so they don't look like racists...except, to anyone with half a brain, the context clues make it quite clear that they don't mean 'Zionist', they mean 'Jew', and in every case, the comment history of the person in question supports this fact.

I have never, not once, taken issue with the word Zionist when used as I've described it - to refer to those who support the state of Israel's actions, and support the need for a Jewish state in the ancestral homeland of Palestine.

That's what the word means. That's what actual Zionists support. And when they cheapen the word to refer to all Jews, that's just an attempt to make their fringe racism mainstream.

If you're reading my exchanges and expecting me to answer in a way that isn't consistent with something else I've said in the same thread, you're not paying attention, friend; I'm not playing 'gotcha' with the word Zionist, I'm trying to make an actual point whenever I take issue with it, because in every such case, the word is being redefined to mean something other than Zionism.

Trying to control the discussion that tightly is a waste of time. There will always be racists hating on some other group. By going out and fighting for just one of them, you look like a racist yourself.

Most people on /r/conspiracy would not give two shits about Israel or Zionism if they didn't have a hand in 9/11. The motivation is truth not racism.

Most people on [1] /r/conspiracy would not give two shits about Israel or Zionism if they didn't have a hand in 9/11.

Ah, so you're one of these guys. "Jews did WTC", and whatnot.

Thank you, and goodnight, we've nothing further to discuss.

And you finally show your true colors. Zionists have no interest in the truth.


And here you are, misusing the word again; you refer to me as a Zionist, even though I have zero support for Israel.

I was wrong, you're just a racist like the others.

If you do not support Israel, why do you deny the mountains of evidence that they were involved in 9/11? You are ignoring truth because of race. Your race, as you said, is Jewish. That makes you an extremist Jew, or a Zionist. It's the nicest way I could phrase it.

Are you seriously talking about this as if all Jews have a single hive-mind where they all behave a certain way, with no exceptions? No Jews marry 'goyim?'

Heads up: saying an entire ethnic group is not only homogeneous, but homogeneously racist is, in fact, racist.

You're a fucking disgrace.

As long as we can agree that Israel is a racist apartheid state. That's the first step.