Obvious changes to Reddit

67  2012-04-12 by ConspiracyMomma

Have you noticed that Mods of subreddits have started to post new rules that state "Moderators may remove your posts at their discretion, despite the popularity of the post"???

RIP Reddit


Anyone remember when digg started censoring stories? Wonder what happened to them...

RIP Reddit.

I go back on Digg every few months for a look, and it's really weird. It's like stepping into a Sun Yung Moon ralley.

Just went there out of curiosity. It reads like a shitty magazine.

Except this time there isn't another ship to jump to. I'm sure some bright web entrepreneur will give us a better community driven platform sooner or later. I really don't want to go back to forums where post count is king and newbies are shunned.

Reddit is an open source project.

I'm seeing tons of advertising. There can't be that many stupid kids posting images of their favorite junk food, games, products on reddit. It's all controlled information and ads now.

Yes, this is my sense as well. Lots and lots of advertising pretending to be comment. One post will present the product, and then five or six others will enthusiastically praise the product. It's pretty obvious.

Cuz, you know, all products suck and nothing is actually good or worth recommending to others.

Seriously, there are some good products out there. Some are even free, like Reddit Enhancement Suite. RES makes your reddit reading experience so much more pleasant, by correcting certain deficiencies in the reddit UI.

Reddit Enhancement Suite. For a better reddit.


my theory is some of the mods are law enforcement. (smart) not only can they keep tabs on suspicious persons but they can manipulate the mob mentality. that is what the medium is for, not to inform or entertain humans but to program them.

Exactly and to elaborate [deleted]

That's pretty funny, but there is no way that [deleted] [please contact your local Homeland Security Office at Walmart]

I have a rifle, and I'm going to [USER ACCOUNT SUSPENDED]

Remember when we used to be able to talk about stuff?

Maybe it's time to start a new reddit. It's open source code after all.

The Next Big ThingTM will have aspects of:

  • reddit/digg/4chan/fark - link-sharing and commentary

  • Omegle/ICQ/IRC/text-based socials (MUSH/MUSE/MOO) - realtime interactivity

  • Chatroulette/Skype/YouTube - optional audio/video

Especially after Facebook buys it for 45 trillion dollars and turns it into a mobile games site.

It's actually time for the next big thingTM

My theory: It's not just the mods, the administrators must be aware of this kind of comportment. Why aren't they looking for the spam box by mod to check if they are greedy or just want more power and just de-mod them ? It's really simple for them.

Why are there mods in the first place ?

Why can't an admin explain this to us directly ? That's what i'd like to see !

My first instinct was just mods being egotistical and enjoying power over the masses, but I have reached a different conclusion. Reddit is now one of the largest websites on the planet, these changes must be driven by money. Reddit probably can't afford another r/jailbait debacle (and now the lawsuit about the suicide), and this looks like proactive steps to me. I also wonder if is paying the mods for the popular subreddits for their services, leading to them controlling the mods.

suicide lawsuit was phony.

havent heard anything about it. care to inform

The details appear to match up with this incident, and this police report. But the Tukwila Police Department spokesman Mike Murphy tells Daily Intel, "The case detective and the victim's family confirm that the victim in the Tukwila Doubletree suicide was not named Jerry. He did not have a sister, an ex-wife, or a daughter. We are not going to release his name until after the case is closed, probably in a few months."



In other news Conde Nast just purchased a huge section of One World Trade Center to have offices in.


Holy shit! Massive companies need office space!? And they are are getting that space in a office block that was destoryed ten years ago? And they own reddit? MEGA conspiracy!

I dont know how you people live without constantly shooting your own reflection in the mirrior.

Slow down home skillet. No one said all that. I just casually mentioned they did. I don't beat around the bush. I've said all that I care to say about the Newhouse media empire.

that probably explains why my post the other day about stephen hawking and mind reading being possible didnt make it anywhere. even though th e article came from yahoo. rip reddit. too bad i joined too late :/

They say its open source.

Remember Digg? Reddit one day will meet the same fate. Its just the way the internet works.

Not to mention the degraded quality of comments. I'd say Reddit's popularity is it's worst enemy. I have noticed a huge increase in circlejerkness in the comment sections, as of late.

Well as mod of /r/insurance and a couple other ones, I only remove posts if they are trying to spam "CHEAP AUTO RATES HERE OMG"

I have had some people rip a tribe that I am close with, but I still kept the comment up. Sure I downvoted them, but didn't remove them :)

We can still be strong!

The Tribe of Money and Media Masters now controls the reddit matrix.


Some spam over there.

I took a look. I'm going to bookmark the site. The format seems a little confusing and cluttered after Reddit, but there is some good content there.

Yeah its all stolen from really good sites ( mostly). We ran a news site with real news. This site is one of the reasons we decided to stop. No use taking hours to write stuff and spam sites like this comes and just steals your content. Support those that actually do the research, not the thieves.

What a load of trash. The biggest leech on the internet. Pathetic.

I am open for suggestions! If you show me a better reddit, I will join.
