This Sunday I will be interviewing Neil Keenan (the trillion-dollar lawsuit guy), "Drake," Winston Shrout, (maybe David Wilcock) and Keith Francis Scott -- let's brainstorm some tough questions!

10  2012-04-21 by MRuppert

For those who don't have any idea who these people are:

Yes, these guys seem to be connected to Benjamin Fulford in one way or another, so my skeptic senses are tingling big time.

I want to throw some tough questions at them and I'd also like to hear what you guys want to learn from these folks.

Please suggest questions, or if you'd like to have your voice on the radio, you can send me an MP3 file of your question and I will play it live on air for them to answer!


as much as you would like to bash fulford, he was bang on the money when he predicted the GFC in 2008

A broken clock is correct twice a day.

I'd accept this if he predicted a definitive financial crisis to a 10 day window every year.

"Will we ever be 100% sure you're not bullshitting?"


No one should get their hopes up.

Some people are still waiting for NESARA to be announced.

NESARA is a similar scam from 9 years ago under which all of the top criminals were about to be arrested and everyone was to become debt free because of their banking crimes.

The MO was to say it was about to happen in the very near future, any day now, Next week, soon, but

every kind of technical delay kept cropping up somehow,

The MO was to say it was about to happen in the very near future, any day now, Next week, soon, but every kind of technical delay kept cropping up somehow...

This is how Fulfords blog reads now.


Hey, Duke Nukem Forever actually got released I heard. :)

First, who do they get their secret information from? What is Drake's background? What specific pieces of information did Drake tell to Wilcock that led Wilcock to believe what he was saying? When will the Pope resign? Will the arrests happen before June? What is going to happen as far as the current US presidential campaigns? How does Fukushima relate to what is currently happening? Why is the government collecting our private communications in massive amounts? Why did the DHS buy millions of hollow point bullets? I know that some people believe extra terrestrials (dimensionals) are going to have a part to play in this - how do people know this? Are they being "channeled" by "higher beings"? Or is there a more concrete way of showing that this is true? What is Drake's real name? Why isn't this news mainstream?

Who are the "Pentagon insiders" that warned of a new treasury currency and told people to have enough food and water for 72 hours? When will this happen? Is this in response to the "basket currency" planned by the BRICS nations? What crime is the Pope being accused of?

Supposing that the things said so far are true, if such good things are on the way why does it seem that the government is increasing its own power? With Obama's recent executive order giving total control over all resources and the NSA's creation of a new data center, there is not much hope for anything "good" to happen. Is there going to be some kind of backlash from those currently in power? It would make sense of course if that were going to happen. Are they trying to build up some defense against the coming take down of the cabal? What is being done by the "good guys" about underground bunkers that will protect the most powerful people?

So many questions, but in short simply " When will the arrests commence" along with asking whether or not the 12 Federal Reserve banks being issued liens recently has anything to do with the coming events.

Will be an interesting interview, I can't think of any great questions. I guess I am curious what their best hopes are and what they would expect in the very least from all of this.



It would be interesting to hear some specifics of the lawsuit from Keenan.


Yeah, that had crossed my mind. Perhaps something along the lines of background on the families they represent and maybe a more concrete idea of why the lawsuit has been filed now and not sometime in the past (from what it sounds like these groups have been butting heads for centuries. I'll try and think up something more, but as you said, the suit is ongoing, so it's hard to think of specifics...

Question for David Wilcock:

In your book you said that the meditation effect of seven thousand people was scientifically proven to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent.

To what extent do you think that the events happening now with the mass arrests of the cabal are a direct reflection of peoples current intention, conscious or otherwise?

be sure to post a link to the interview when done!

How did the interview go? Been watching the site like a hawk waiting for the write up but nothing yet :P

Please let them speak and don't interrupt them and interject your own views like Kerry Cassidy does. She drives me nuts sometimes. David Wilcock tends to be bad about doing that too.


Kerry Cassidy was the lady interviewing Wilcock when he said that he got a death threat and cried on the show. I think she's affiliated with Project Camelot?


MRuppert sent me a PM, and I told him I could dig up the link. I may as well post it here and send him (another) reply message with the link:

I found it by googling "trillion dollar lawsuit wilcock death threat kassidy" FYI

I'm sorry. I thought she was well known in these circles. You can watch the interviews of Drake and David Wilcock on

Yeah, that had crossed my mind. Perhaps something along the lines of background on the families they represent and maybe a more concrete idea of why the lawsuit has been filed now and not sometime in the past (from what it sounds like these groups have been butting heads for centuries. I'll try and think up something more, but as you said, the suit is ongoing, so it's hard to think of specifics...

No one should get their hopes up.

Some people are still waiting for NESARA to be announced.

NESARA is a similar scam from 9 years ago under which all of the top criminals were about to be arrested and everyone was to become debt free because of their banking crimes.

The MO was to say it was about to happen in the very near future, any day now, Next week, soon, but

every kind of technical delay kept cropping up somehow,

The MO was to say it was about to happen in the very near future, any day now, Next week, soon, but every kind of technical delay kept cropping up somehow...

This is how Fulfords blog reads now.