This is no conspiracy!

45  2012-04-27 by [deleted]

I just wanted to say thank you to those involved in this sub.

You see, I used to visit many parts of reddit and even take part in discussions in other places here. Now, while I am subscribed to many, I rarely peruse and even more rare is the occasion in which I actually engage in a conversation outside of /conspiracy. So thank you to all of you for being cynical, skeptical, inquisitive, and for having the critical thinking that makes us all eventually hate the rest of reddit.

While from time to time there are stories on here which do not survive a proper vetting I find myself getting the majority of my news direction from here.

Have a great day guys.


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Wow this was just what I needed to hear, thank you Moon

Pics or it didn't happen. =)




Have you ever experienced a feeling of disconnecting from reality when you raise a topic somewhere else on Reddit, and get bombarded with the stale old propaganda from the brainwashed masses? The people in this subreddit are somewhat awake, but elsewhere on Reddit they are still soundly snoring.

I was just chatting with a friend about that about 10 minutes ago. Yes, I have indeed

I rarely ever agree with your arguments, but I respect that you apparently have a developed (though often erroneous) mind all your own.

I can't say the same for the status quo subs. I hate how some of the more popular subreddits seem to think that thousands of comments all regurgitating the same inane shit is a discussion.

Be wary of subversion

Gotta make sure you stay away from opposing views, right?

There is a time for that. But if one is not interested in hearing opposition, one will dismiss it. One won't let go until they are ready.

You can beat a dead horse, but you can't make it drink.

Sure can't

I was just chatting with a friend about that about 10 minutes ago. Yes, I have indeed

I rarely ever agree with your arguments, but I respect that you apparently have a developed (though often erroneous) mind all your own.

I can't say the same for the status quo subs. I hate how some of the more popular subreddits seem to think that thousands of comments all regurgitating the same inane shit is a discussion.