Is it time yet America? (questions needing answers)

22  2012-04-28 by [deleted]

If I don't word myself correctly I will be considered a terrorist even though I was born and raised in America. Lately I have been doing alot of research on conspiracies. The interesting thing is no matter how deep I go, it seems that it's not just a bunch of conspiracies but more like one. Now I have began to realize in America we are seriously getting screwed. (this is happening all over the world, the media just refuses to portray the truth) So I ask you this my fellow Americans.. What happened to our country? Why are we being fed lies and expected to be treated like dogs? If someone mentions the word revolution we are considered terrorists. Isn't that what this country was founded on? We didn't like what was being given to us so we pretty much stuck it to the man and left. Can we fight back against these conspiracies? It seems like everyone who takes a stand ends up in prison, missing or dead. What can we as a people do to take back control of what is ours? Freedom. We have lost our freedom. Now Im not here saying that we have it worse than other countries because God knows other countries have it bad. Im not really complaining (or trying not to, I am but a young man) All I am saying is when are we the people going to start waking up? It's almost like everyone is turning a blind eye on the inevitable because of fear. Im not saying we need to blow up the whitehouse or thwart our government, but I am saying we need to do something. We have posts on FB saying if you share this with friends and get 1000 likes you will save this child so he/she can get surgery blaw blaw blaw. Why aren't we trying to wake up people to more important subjects at hand on FB? (FB is just an example) I apologize for being so random but I have so many things running through my head and I am also tired. I leave you with this. I fought for my country only to be treated like this. I would have died for my country if given the situation. When will this stop? Is it time yet America? -don't be an asshole with your comments please, I am asking these questions with an open mind-



Agreed. Also agreed with we the people of earth. Glad you got what I was kinda trying to say. where are you from?


Sounds like America. I don't know to much about what other countries are really going through but I agree. We need to stand up on a global level. Don't get me wrong Im not talking about a New World Order but actions must be made.


You are correct. I have been reading up on the camps they are erecting in America. They already exist but they are making more. Bigger camps to place the people in. This isn't just for terrorism, it even goes as far as homeless people, people who have lost homes in natural disasters & people without jobs. Those are camps but we see the bigger picture. Put the words prison in front of it and quit sugar coating shit. We need to do something but what? What can we do? Drones are going to be put up in the skies soon here and the military technology they have right now is frightful. Guns will only do so much. I had a friend in intelligence who worked down in NV and came home talking about some of the weird things going on down there. Things that the media can't talk about. The type of shit where people go missing if they search to hard for the truth. It's real. It's happening.


Yes the drones plan is pretty fucked up. It is no good. Where is the freedom that goes with this? After all the drones have some crazy technology just by itself. They can see what your doing inside a home. Now I am not only paranoid that god (if you believe in that) is getting his rocks off when Im in bed with a woman, now I have to worry about the military? Where do we go from here? I am more than willing to stand up for my beliefs. After all that is all we have left. I will live for my beliefs but I will die for them as well. I just want to play it smart. Where do we draw a line with terrorism? That has turned int

o dictatorship!

Thank you all for the wonderful feedback and the strength you share. Each of you have wise words and I appreciate what you are saying. If you are reading this then please comment and share your opinion with the rest of us. After all this is more than just about America as you can see. I would love to hear what you u have to say. We are not crazy. We have simply opened our eyes and our hearts to these troublesome times.

People are too comfortable the way it is now.

I have been a bad kid most of my life. Being bad is comfortable. It does not mean that it is right. I am trying to change my life to be a good person. In doing so I am out of my comfort zone. We need to break open the shell that binds and tortures us daily. Good word sir/ma'am.

Consumerist culture TV isolation lack of positive reinforcement from others about conspiracy theories

all this together means that you just aren't gonna wake people up no matter how hard you try

Let's talk straight now: the America that you idealise is never coming back. You're looking in the rear-view mirror. At some point in the future shit's gonna get fucked up. In those situations military training may come in useful. Don't cry for America, its gone, but the American people may have a chance (some of them).

If you want a detailed explanation on WHY america has no future as a country and WHAT role the average person has to play in the future then you might want to read this book -- -- it's all on one html page for easy reading -- glenn beck's review lol

edited for length

Also thank you for taking your time to comment I appreciate it immensely. You are a good person!

Thank you :) I am currently watching Aaron Russo but as soon as I am finished with the video I will check that out. I can't sleep.

I'm a former Marine, 0331 for those who know the MOS and was also a PIG in a STA platoon. I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. To make things clear we weren't fighting for our country, we were fighting for global elites who are trying to control the world. Forget about borders and countries, they don't exist. We are all on this space rock together we all came from the same singularity before the big bang. It is the divide and conquer tactic at the highest level. Some people will tell me I'm a bad person for smoking a weed or some black goo that comes from a pod but will turn around and tell me 'thank you' for killing people on the other side of the world. They have no clue as to why they think like this either they refuse to examine their lives. We have been programed since we were born according to the will of these elites. Aldous Huxley wasn't writing about the distant future he was writing about NOW. Rednecks with guns? Well they have UAVs with brainwashed kids thinking they are playing a fucking video game. I remember being in afganland and out of no where a hellfire shoots out of the black sky, I was scared and they weren't even after me. Remember the movie TOYS with Robin Williams? It came out 20 years ago and it is a very crazy real reality now. The amount of brain washed people I worked with in the Corps was insane, these people somehow had no empathy. Those same people go on and work as contractors making crazy money working for the elites so they can buy shit the elites programmed them to want since childhood.

I don't know what to do really, I tell people my rant and some just call me crazy or PTSDed out. How do you fight a life time worth of programming and the elites with all the resources on this earth? How do you fight a predator with hellfire missiles being flown by some kid following orders?

This is my passion now, my real fight. I fight for the people of the world now, I am a Global Guerrilla.

Powerful words sir. I salute you for your service and even so more respect you for the beliefs you now share even after being in the military. I couldn't agree more. You are intelligent and a special person. I understand the addiction. I do. Alot of people call me crazy for my rants from either being in the military or my drug usage. Im not crazy, I just hurt. You are not crazy either. After all there is there even a line to separate crazy from genius? If there is a line it is nothing but a shadow. Stay strong! We will overcome.

I hope you're right. I think the same way and people around me think I'm the one that's nuts. It doesn't help to live in a rural setting with this way of thinking.

I believe this is very pertinent to what we're discussing

The 13 Rules of Rule

  1. Keep them weak.

  2. Keep them dumb.

  3. Keep them scared.

  4. Control all their resources.

  5. Divide them, conquer them.

  6. Control their rhythm and pace.

  7. Control their chemistry.

  8. Control their sex.

  9. Jack them around.

  10. Use coercion routinely, brute force when necessary.

  11. Use deception routinely.

  12. None of this can show.

  13. This is The System; there shall be no other.

Please explain more about Occupy. I have only heard bits & pieces about it.

This post sounds familiar to me, because its exactly how i feel. I also served this country and its angers me to realize it was for nothing. Noone cares, noone wants to stand up. And like hist-pol said, youre looking in the rear-view mirror....i am too. I want to beleive "we the people" will get their heads outta their rears and do something. Anything. But my favorite saying right now is that everyone is cozy in thier rose colored glasses, if they taken them off, they realize things are burning, so they just slip them back on and enjoy the warmth. Not how it should be, but im also not sure how to rip them off their faces. Ugh

I also agree with you. It's sad to fight for our country and end up tossed away like garbage. These people in America are mindless idiots with fancy cars, ipods & everything else that they don't want to give all that up. They would rather be controlled like robots and be treated this way. Almost like if they pretend it's not happening then it won't.

Fighting for your country is an honorable commitment, however, I question the motives of our government when invading foreign countries under the banner of protecting our freedom here.

Of course. I knew/know many people in the military that disagreed with what we were doing. I think 50% of the people in the military disagree. 25% agree & 25% know what's going on but don't want to believe it. The people that do disagree came from all different types of rank even a one star general who I got to sit down and talk with when she came to my location. It's horrible how people's children can go out willingly and get killed for something so evil. I am for the people who are in the military because they just follow orders but very against the decisions of out government.

The indoctrinated and the tithers have taken over Canada too. Mindless, compliant supplicants are everywhere. It's the new normal.

Wow. Some of my friends are moving to Canada and they want me to come with them. Is this happening all over the world? So far we have America, Ireland & Canada to hear from. What is going on with Canada?

Here is a post I made earlier today ...

As a libertarian in Canada (oxymoron?), my views are often met with outright hostility. Many in Canada seem to have a very strong, emotional connection to the institution of government. It's almost "parental" in respect and esteem. It is not surprising to discover that many of these same people feel that this "quasi-parental unit" will always be there to provide for them in sickness, in retirement, during natural or man-made disasters, etc.

Freedom from indoctrination and tithing makes one appear dangerous to those who are compliant to these "traditions". BTW, the word tradition is political code for "we are not going to change a damned thing, fuckers!"

Favouring maximum personal freedom and absolute minimal government flies in the face of the survival of these social institutions. It should surprise no one that I have little regard for religion either. Kings and popes have been conspiring against the masses for a long time. Literacy and the internet have taken these "traditions" down a few pegs in a short time frame.

I think this is a new hybrid of fascism and defiance ... it's like sticking to your beliefs when new information proves your beliefs are dated & wrong. This same sort of mental compliance allowed the Nazis to rise to power in a sophisticated democracy 7 or 8 decades ago.

So you are from Canada as well. Welcome. It discourages me to hear about but we still have hope. I agree with the traditions. I spent some time in a very religious city and saw that first hand. I am careful with religion just because I was raised Protestant & Catholic. I don't practice it anymore after watching my parents. Ha. It's true though, the same government we believe will help us is the same one destroying us.

I know this is going to sound like ego but its not America will be the final battleground for the human race. Every other industrialized nation is farther along in the NWO agenda then we are and we will be the most difficult population to subdue and control

there may be men and women around the world who see whats going on and wish to fight but they are too few and to weak to stand against this monolithic enemy

only us crazy gun toting 'murricans have any chance of fighting back so if you wish to pledge your fortunes, your lives and your sacred honor in the cause of liberty you should all be preparing for a massive exodus to the North American continent Like the international brigades during the Spanish civil war.

this is where the fight is gonna be and if we win here we can move into every other continent to win back the species country by country

but first you have to topple the largest domino the one with all the nukes, all the ships, all the tanks, all the fighters/bombers and all the guns.

I agree about standing together as one. You have good words sir. Have you heard about these tests for nukes going on soon? In May... I believe. It's like 9/11 all over again.

Where are they suppose to take place?

Thank you all for answering keep it coming. I love talking to the reddit community on a serious level!

Nice to see so many military people here. I am not in the military but I want to tell you that you did not waste your life in the service. The journey you went through gave you the knowledge you need to come out more aware than you were before. You are more conscious individuals now and you can share that knowledge with others. This makes you more dangerous than your weapon ever did. This power structure kills people all the time for the things that they know. I've never heard of the power structure killing someone in the military for the weapon they hold in their hand. So yes, you are more dangerous than ever. And you are more valuable to this movement than you realize. I, for one, am glad to have you on board. :)


Shoot me a msg with your email. I would like to add you on there and spread the good word. Thank you for what you are doing!!!

I started to think people were starting to wake up but then came Kony 2012, and the mass amount of interest people had in that showed me no, not at all.

I believe sooner or later people will start to listen again. The people won't let our government get away with another 9/11 incident. Let us hope & pray it won't be to late when it happens again.

It's all society's fault. Conforming, confinement, social customs...

I follow but could you go more into depth?

I follow but could you go more into depth?

People will never be happy because people live for other people. They live to get each other's approval, sacrificing their own hopes and dreams, and then in the end they realize it wasn't worth it because they were never happy.

And then people follow society's rules to fit themselves in the mold of "normal" like dressing a certain way, acting a certain way, conforming to peer pressure, and doing things society's way. They act how society thinks they should act, and do things society wants them to do. Totally stifling individual thought and freedom.

But remember this has all been self-imposed. People are not physically held back from doing things, but keep themselves from doing what they want. And why? To look good to other people.

So many people are unfree and say "I can't do _____" so yes, it definitely is time to wake up everyone and tell them they can do whatever they want and be whoever they want to be.

I think its to point where he only wake up call people will understand isn't the kind any of us are brave enough to perform.

Thank you :) I am currently watching Aaron Russo but as soon as I am finished with the video I will check that out. I can't sleep.

Also thank you for taking your time to comment I appreciate it immensely. You are a good person!