The answer is "NO". I repeat; the answer is "NO".

23  2012-04-29 by [deleted]

The Illuminati does not recruit membership from the entertainment sector.

So, no. Jay-Z is not a member of the Illuminati. Nor is Madonna or whoever else you want to include in these absolutely ludicrous suggestions.

Even in its broadest definition, "The Illuminati" simply refers to the ruling elite (not the polticians, elected officials, etc. - No. I'm talking about the real rulers... the ones who give their stamp/nod of approval to their puppets - the owners of everything).

At best (or worst?) entertainers are puppet idiots who have sold out and are allowing the illuminati to script their fame (no different than most politicians - sellouts to the highest bidder) - property of the Illuminati, maybe... but not members.

The only possible reason I can imagine for suggesting that "Illuminati = Pop Culture" is that of further discrediting conspiracy theorists.

And, I find it truly disappointing that this subreddit doesn't bury that shit mercilessly and make examples of anyone who posts it.. The fact that any such post even receives one upvote in this subreddit sickens me.

Looking a bit deeper,...

I also realize that a great many of these posts are made by extremely new accounts (less than 30 days old). However, these new accounts are not new reddit users. They aren't fumbling their way around wondering where to post. No... they're coming directly here to this subreddit to deposit these shit bombs in our midst to make us look that stupid.

That's my opinion of these "Is <pop icon loser of the week> a member of the Illuminati?" questions.


i agree, just because the Illuminati uses the entertainment industry doesn't mean they are privy to what is going on in the organization.

Useful idiot

In political jargon, useful idiot is a pejorative term used to describe people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they do not understand, who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

sounds about right. that might include a few of our elected officials too.

Just a few?

i was being generous. are a generous person :D

I would agree with you.

Pop icons are agents of, but not members of..Ok Seems a little nit-picky though.

Maybe we should apply the three-fifths compromise? Still property, though.

Perhaps, but couldn't all of them, from bottom to top be considered property? Property of whatever occult power (real or imagined) they all seem to serve?

Sure. They're all owned (possessed?) by their lusts (for money, power, fame, etc.), but they're not all part of the decision making processes. (e.g., Who will the US invade this week in the name of democracy and freedom?)

I understand what you are saying, and agree to a point. Overlords and minions. I suppose I see them as appendages of the one body.

Maybe the people posting those things are illuminati shills paid to post those things here to make us look crazy, when it fact it's not us who are crazy, but the crazy people are the ones paying other crazy people to post crazy things here to make us all look crazy...


Shills, sure... for whom, though, remains a question unanswered. Could be anyone from CIA/FBI/NSA to MI6 to Mossad to KGB - or, during election season, even the Republican Party of the USA. Who knows? I'm guessing it all depends on how close r/conspiracy is getting to whose interests.

But, it's clear (to me) that it's about discrediting us, not about contributing to mapping the rabbit hole.

Just relax. Anger impairs one's judgment. Just continue to point out the crudity of such people who would look to obfuscate the truth.

Now, if YOU were a disinformation agent, attempting to influence people to react angrily, and reinforcing your credibility by voraciously attacking what in essence is your actual cause, that would be believable to me. Why would the most well-funded and intelligent of people who wanted to exert influence attempt things in such a clumsy manner as the actions you've pointed out? I would much more readily believe that people who know psychology and how to game crowds would be well equipped to employ a dualistic and therefore more subtle approach.

Personally I try to live in good faith, as naive and childlike as that might make me, to avoid being a monster I have to act as if you are who you say you are, in which case I reiterate my counsel to you to use your intellect and not anger to pursue truth. You speak of being discredited, this will happen fastest to people who do not appear cogent and well-thought. Library up, lawyer up, and gym up.

Useful idiots, man.

Unfortunetly the video I wanted to link that articulated this well has been taken down by youtube. But basically yeah, like others are saying in comments. Useful idiots.

This has been happening at every turn since Orangut-an showed up to argue the validity of all our ideas and arguments all in one fell swoop: we have been smashed with ridiculous posts, insultingly old news, and dominiering conversations that are two people who have nearly identical u/d votes, but still manage to drown out the larger conversation at work. I have completely lost interest in posting and commenting since this overtake...

A puppet is only done what it is made to do. it knows nothing about the bigger picture of the performance.

I think you work for the government. Maybe you're just a spybot trying to form public opinion by speaking in curse words, so that reactive people will identify with your coarseness.

What if.

Yeah. The government gives me this fine equipment to work with... this 1999 Dell PC running Win98, and pays me $173/mo in foodstamps.


This is all speculation...

This is what this board is. Amy winehouse was a sacrifice to the satan-lizard Jew lord, and everyone is in on the Jew's scheme other than us. I'm all for conspiracies but sometimes these people on here are fucking battY

sometimes these people on here are fucking battY.

The name is Batty, the logic is erratic...

HAHA! You...I like you.

Only when they allow hate and anger to run their lives.

Yeah, like that zenmoon dude keeps saying... the real battle is within, not without.

Personally I think things are more sophisticated than that. I believe that there are battles to fight within AND without, but you surely cannot improve external conditions past the level that you have sorted them within yourself.

There are intercranial and intracranial memetics. There are your beliefs and inner processes, and there are also political and other views in books, and other non-human containers that can impress upon your inner workings. So there is sorting to do in ourselves and in the world. But I think it's clear that if a person is dysfunctional with anger or any other condition, they're not going to improve too many things outside of themselves until they get their own problems sorted.

This is the strength of a subtle class-warfare or dualistic psychological attack on a person or a populace. If you can provoke the poor or politically unrepresented into appearing or behaving crazy or uncivilized, then it becomes much easier to justify having to control or eradicate them.

I really like that guy. I am a Taoist/Buddhist myself so I really subscribe to that stuff. We have to remember at all times that they want us to hate each other. It allows them to control us.

We have to remember at all times that they want us to hate each other. It allows them to control us.

It deserved repeating.

A face for every place. Duplicity and strategy.

If I understand the essence of your position rightly, I agree. I believe that there are probably ways to subtly psychologically demoralize persons and to make them prone to aggitation, perhaps even disease. For all that I disagree with their claims regarding knowledge of the supernatural in traditional religions, they got one thing right: we ought to guard the "gates" of our senses against what I would call disruptive, contrary forms (this does not mean contrary opinions, necessarily, but something more subtle).

Stay calm, stay clear headed, and keep the "sword" of thy discernment sharp and clean.

The "ayak" segment of your name reminds me of the low-key method I hear Klansmen use to identify each other. A.Y.A.K. (Are You A Klansmen?)

I don't presume that you are, you're probably some guy named Kirk who likes to Kayak or something...

I do hear a lot about discernment of late, though. I believe the most effective actions are deliberate ones, as are the most destructive ones.

Can you comment at all on the KKK? I try to judge people individually, myself.

I am not a member of the KKK.

Some research might uncover what "Kirkayak" means.

You're right, I should have looked it up first. I didn't mean to be offensive or accusing, I was just speaking on what I noticed and wondered.

In return for my lack of research, allow me to now tell a joke related to the word.

Q: What lies on the ground, 1000 feet in the air?

A: A dead millipede.

I wouldn't hate someone just because they are a part of a particular group (political or genetic)... I try to see what people are like one at a time. We are all born into situations that we had no control over, it's what we do with our own choices that show what we really are.

People are individuals, but groupmind is a very real phenomenon, and groups sometimes have specific philosophies and goals contrary to what I think to be just or benevolent.

So while, like you, I will not condemn someone merely for belonging to a group I happen to be averse to, because I am also a mere human, I may sometimes be, justly or unjustly, wary of them, or dismissive towards them, or frightened by them, or sometime, even hateful towards them, depending on their associations.

Also, thank you for the joke.

If I replace the punch line with "a millipede that's playing dead", I do not think that the joke will suffer too much, and it would better suit me like that, seeing as I like centipedes and millipedes. 乂◠‿◠乂

Just a few?