Prometheus - Ridley Scott's new movie

6  2012-04-29 by archonemis

The title "Prometheus" should be enough to let you know the film makers / producers are paying special attention to this project. They're hyping the hell out of it. They even made a nice teaser in the form of a faux TED talk with Weyland (this is significant within the context of the fiction / franchise). Listen to Weyland's speech, you'll note that he's discussing - very specifically - Luciferian doctrine.

Obviously it's hard to tell exactly what the intentions of the film are given that I haven't seen it. Still, this is the first time in a while that I've such overt discussion of these themes in an intended block-buster film. There's a touch of Mary Shelley in here in that her rendering of Frankenstein's monster didn't sound like a ringing endorsement of Luciferianism to me (then again, I've never met her). Mary Shelley calls Dr. Frankenstein 'Prometheus' by the way - just so you know that I'm not making any of this up. Ridley Scott's Prometheus film may also have a complex opinion about this sort of stuff. It is, after all, a sci-fi horror film.

Also note the oblique reference to Graham Hancock's work.

Do watch the pretend TED talk with Weyland and then listen to some Bill Cooper.

The similarities are striking to say the least.



Fox certainly has my attention.

[EDIT] I can't help but note that the Weyland logo has three triangles and is in the shape of an eagle. It's a modified version of another logo seen on an Alien script which showed a less refined version that has, in place of the three triangles, a sun disk. This is an egyptian motif. For some reason I doubt the Alien script logo was made with a full understanding of the symbolism. But the new Weyland logo, when paired with the Luciferian TED talk, seems like it must've been created with full understanding of its implicit meaning. Curious.


I try to keep up with predictive programming etc. and enjoy speculating on it and such, I appreciate this post and will be checking into it. Please don't mind the haters, some people have different ideas of what is relevant it seems.

edit: P.S., the title Prometheus was enough for me and that's why I opened this thread.

Generally I don't mind. Though it is amazing to me that r/conspiracy, of all places, should be a place where one would expect open discussion of the Illuminati [whether they exist or not] and their propaganda campaigns. I guess I'm only incredulous because it seems odd is all.

You're right, though. When I realized that I was getting upset at internet trolls I laughed at myself.

If you find a copy of the shooting script I'd be very interested in reading it. I find going through the permutations and checking the changes (the "why" part is the most exciting) to see the general path of thought. What is deleted is, at times, more revealing than what was allowed. And, yes, I've read Spaiht's unrevised script (pre-Lindelof).


It makes me uncomfortable when this subreddit focuses on entertainment, especially when paid marketers are attempting to have the rest of reddit do the very same thing.

I wonder how long it will be before this sub becomes popular enough to warrant the promotion of pop artists here. An audience of 55K is a hard thing to ignore.

Fox certainly has our attention, indeed.

The movie "They Live" casts focus on the role of entertainment.

Century of the Self focuses on the role of media and how it affects minds.

Any cursory look at the C.F.R. will show you the value of controlling information.

Communication - in any form - is transimission of ideas. Prometheus is nothing more or less than the transmission of ideas. Yes, it's in the form of entertainment. Which is why so many media outlets have control over their products (Columbia Pictures and their bearer of light logo anyone? Tristar? Orion? Phoenix? The Time Warner logo? How much more blatant can one get?) It oly goes to follow that one would examine a particular message rather than the net flow of general messages. In this case this is a message that has yet to be delivered. Which, to me, makes it interesting given that it allows one to make predictions based on one's model of "reality." If the predicted phenomena manifest then your model would seem fairly solid. If the predictions do not come to pass then your model seems flawed.

I can't help but think this should be normal for anyone to contemplate in this sub. I am obviously grossly mistaken.

I would also say that, for some reason, I doubt marketers would come to this sub. I have seen attempts at spam and trolling, but most of it centers on Zionism and Jews. It's always very obvious that the person has a subversive or distasteful mindset and they're generally ignored. 50k is not big and this community is known for being skeptical of mainstream stuff. If I were a marketer I wouldn't spend more than half a second before dismissing it in favor of a larger and more mentally docile group. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Alex Jones, after all, does get a lot of time in here.

Still, I'm interested in the themes of the film. I've only just seen that little fake TED talk. When I first see something that I find interesting I can't help but examine it. I'm sorry if it comes off as marketing, but I can't talk about it without talking about it. If I don't talk about it then I'm not talking about it. But, since I'm interested I'm going to talk about it. Whether you spend your money on it or not is your choice. If you don't want to spend your money on it then don't. Downoad it for free somewhere. Copies will be available within hours of its release I'm sure. Personally I don't give a shit.

I am, however, very interested in open locutions of Luciferianism in movie theater with lots of alpha-state minds waiting to have thoughts, images and symbols imprinted on their soft minds. The theater is a ritual experience. What experience are they trying to imprint? Yes, mind control is something I contemplate.

I am amazed that a naked and bold discussion of Luciferianism isn't seen as significant.

Particularly in the context of a major motion picture that thousands will see. I read Dan Brown's [aweful] Da Vinci Code from a quasi-academic standpoint so that I'd know what tripe they're feeding the masses. So that I'd know what misdirection they're giving people. Prometheus seems like it could go in that direction very easily. Ridley Scott might be a dupe. In which case it would be well worth the effort to know how they're fucking with the public. You may not believe what they're saying, but you better be damned sure that they want to public to believe certain things. If you don't know what they're up to then you're subject to their whims. I, for one, wish to see them coming a mile away.

I heed smoke signals.

Thank goodness for open dialogue. You've made me more receptive to your arguments.

As far as the Prometheus motif, I feel its been done to death. Shelley's Frankenstein, as you've already mentioned, pulled it off masterfully.

But it's important to mention that the myth of Prometheus is distinct from the tale of Faust, for instance. Whereas Faust gains wisdom and eventual redemption while Mephistopheles loses a bet, Prometheus inspires all of humanity with a divine spark and is condemned for all eternity as punishment (sounds more like Christianity to me; If I could ask Milton, he'd probably say that Lucifer wouldn't sacrifice himself for the betterment of anyone, himself included). I would argue that Goethe's take employs greater doses of luciferianism than the Prometheus myth. IMO, the Prometheus myth seems to celebrates humanism at the cost (destruction) of gods.

The mock TED talk probably serves to illustrate the hubris of Weyland. The ship's crew will probably provide the indigenous beings with a spark that will eventually condemn mankind, perhaps. Who knows?

I am intrigued though, and if you're a savvy marketer, you've done well as I'm now more interested in this movie.

There's no way that I can say definitivly that I'm not a marketer through text alone. From your point of view I could be lying. Even if you met me, I could still be lying. Even if you were to follow me around, I could still be secretly getting money from Pepsico or Newscorps. With that in mind I'll tell you what I think about myself: I am an unemployed retard with nothing to do all day but drink coffee, pet my kitty cat and look up obscure ideologies. I hold Bill Hicks' view of marketing and the price I pay is abject poverty (I live in Los Angeles - this place is crawling with such people).

As for the themes, I'm still not convinced that this is an initiate driven script just yet. It might be a critique from a cowan. In which case what you'd described might be well out of the realm of their knowledge base. I like where you're going with it, but do note that the craft itself is called 'Prometheus.' Weyland said 'we are the new gods.' This suggests a strict modern Luciferian interpretation in which we are [always have been] gods. Naturally, I'm not saying this is what I believe. I'm saying that this is what I think they believe (it fits). I only brought in Mary Shelley as a way of describing that this whole film might be a cock-eyed slam on Luciferianism from the standpoint of one who knows about such things.

The idea I have in my mind, at present, is that the Prometheus [promethean] crew goes to get a thing that modifies humans to bring it back to Earth. This would be a little 2001-star-child-ish.

I just realized an alternate interpretation which goes right along with my idea that this might be made by total dupes. Bear with me; imagine that the plot is that they [Prometheus] go to find the origins of life. They get infected [imbued] and rather than bring it back they do not bring it back. This would be normal hollywood and would deviate wildly from conventional Luciferianism.

This is why I want to find a copy of the shooting script. They'll have all sorts of scenes cut that will tell you a lot more about what's "going on." Unless, of course, this ends up like Cloverfield or Star Trek or some other nonsense.

In a strange way, I'm actually hoping that it's legitimate Luciferian and not a lot of profane tripe.

It would be much more interesting.

So then, a power elite capable of funding a mission to the stars, is a god... or, more appropriately, he's a titan of commerce. He sends the wise astronomer titan, Prometheus, to reclaim the past glory of the human species. Instead, the wise Prometheus only finds ruin or Pandora's Box as it were (if this really is a prequel to the Alien movies). Perhaps one of the Prometheus' crew is somehow made immortal and left tethered to the ship for eternity as a sort of punishment. But then that smashes the luciferianism. Concepts like punishment, atonement, sacrifice, etc don't fit with luciferian teachings.

Past glory of the human species.

Yeah, there is that suggestion, isn't there. The golden time.

Oh well - this is, so far, speculation between two nerds who know very little about the project. I mean absolutely no offense at all, but I was hoping that someone might chime in with some information that would elucidate a touch more than we have. That said, I like your ideas. They make a lot of sense. I hope to hear from you when this is released as I expect you'll have a take worth hearing / reading. Even your speculation is nice to read.

If I find anything worth relaying I'll surely post it in the hopes that you have an interesting view / take / idea. I hope you'll humor me and respond.

Sure thing. The next five weeks will likely be a blur.

I hadn't considered the commerce aspect. That's very clever.

I've had this idea in my head for a couple months now that the Luciferian organizations have recently [particularly over the past hundred or two years] been infiltrated by a combination psychopathic / proto-psychopathic people. And that this influx, ramping up over the past several decades, would account for a lot of the more modern manifestations of the Luciferian organizations: grandiosity, suspicion, callousness, lack of empathy, concern with territory, control, domination and so on. The commerce angle would fit into the control / domination [of physical goods] aspect of this idea of mine. Weyland seems like a prime example. There's an almost Randroid quality to his speech. But that's just a tangent thought chain on my part.

The Pandora thing sounds like it might be the direction. It would seem to go along with the suggested climax of them having to escape or halt an escape due to [planet Earth?] being destroyed if [it] gets back [to Earth?]. This is why I brought up Mary Shelley. The idea is that the creation gets out-of-hand or becomes bad in some way (Fransenstein's monster is actually more human than his creator, I know, but just go with this for a moment). So the people of Prometheus go to the LV-whatever planet and [it] gets out of hand. An alternative would be that humanity itself is the creation and we're the ones getting out-of-hand. We're the ones who should be destroyed like the Frankenstein monster. We decide to not be destroyed and, instead destroy the creator (we slay God). This would be a double entendre of sorts. And, I think rather in line with proper Luciferian themes: taking control, disobeying authority, using the power of the mind, having the power of God and so on.

I actually like the above speculation.

I just found out that they're still keeping the shooting script under wraps. I heard that, as of this typing, the only way one can read the script is under physical supervision. Bastards. How dare they not let me burrow into their brains for my own pleasure! Alas, I'll have to wait a while longer. Hopefully I'll be able to get into one of those pre-screening things. I never go to them, but I suddenly have a vague and ill-formed desire to lurk the local theaters just in case. I don't want to have to spend any money on this if I can help it.

You got it right bro.

Obviously it's hard to tell exactly what the intentions of the film are given that I haven't seen it.

Make money and entertain.

All things have surface. This implies sub-surface.

You're right.

But there's more to it than just the surface value.

There are entire departments at universities devoted to analysis of art.

Just saying.

There are entire departments at universities devoted to analysis of art.

I doubt that they do what you think they do.

My point is that they don't say, "It's just a painting; let's get some Doritos."

No, I mean that art departments do not exist to analyze art.

Art departments also don't exist to house people who get Doritos.

People can get Doritos without art departments.

What on earth are you trying to say?

Now I'm just fucking with you. (very base on my part)

I don't take universities very seriously and so it's sort of ridiculous on my part to tell you that you should take art departments seriously given that I myself laugh at them. The only reason I brought them up is because it's a collection of people who do more than just stare at things and say, "Golly, that's art, huh?"

While Prometheus is certainly not high art it is, in the classic Greek sense, still art. It is something wrought by human hands by use of the human mind. That piece [of "art"] is going to be shown to a lot of people and those people will likely take it more seriously than is warranted (Lord of the Rings / Avatar anyone?).

You may think what you wish. I agree that it is a money making machine. But even a money making machine can have things layered and embedded in it. What am I trying to say? The skin of this thing is translucent. You're happy to look at the skin. I'm curious about the muscle and bone underneath.

That is all.

Well, Prometheus is basically Lucifer. They both are the bearers of light and they give humanity the light and knowledge to move forward. I don't see how Lucifer is bad, he is the reason we left the dictatorship of God. I know it is all just stories but he symbolizes rebellion, free thought and new thought.

I mean nothing by this; but I know all that.

After much consideration I believe the film-makers are dunces.

If I stumble on new information I'll revise my opinion.

It's way too early to be discussing the movie and this does sound too much like a marketing buzz attempt.

Fair enough.

When I was a little kid I liked the Alien movie a lot. As such I was naturally curious about this when it was announced. Now that I know more about things outside of acceptable societal norms [what one might call "woo-woo"] the topic of discussion within the context of the film "Prometheus" has a meaning that I would not have had otherwise. If I'm more than a little interested, and you find fault in this, I offer what regrets I can.

Still, I do find it interesting.

I don't really know the level of sophistication / depth of understanding that the film makers have, but it pushes a lot of buttons in my head. I've looking into this general sphere of knowledge for about four or five years now. To see a film made by a childhood hero of mine involving the very mythology I've spent the last four years on is - well, it's a hell of a thing.

Like I say - I'm sorry for being more enthusiastic than you about wanting to discuss this.

I'm currently trying to find a shooting script for the film. I've read the Shadow 19 script and it has zero reference to anything at all Luciferian. The Luciferian stuff all came after Damon Lindelof came on board. I know very little about Damon and very little about Ridley Scott. Having only just seen the faux TED talk today this is spanking new in my mind and I thought I'd throw it out there for others to discuss. Feed back. What do other people think. Rumsfeld's infamous "unknown unknowns." I don't know what I don't know and I thought perhaps someone might know something and share it with me. Open up avenues of thought that I didn't know existed. You know. The shit the internet is supposed to be about.

So, I'm still looking ito the backgropunds of the people involved in production and funding because I want to know whether or not these are armchair philosophers like myself or full fledged initiates (I lean toward the former as of this typing).

You may be jaded and uninterested, but I still have the enthousiasmos.


Ha ha ha! "Luciferian doctrine". You sad wanker!

Get this viral marketing bullshit out of here. Alex Jones is already doing enough of it on his own we don't need more here.

I'm not interested in their marketing.

I'm interested in what they're saying through their media outlets.

If you wish to be deaf, dumb and blind to what they're doing that's fine.

I thought a little discourse might be in order.

Obviously you feel otherwise.

P.S. I'm not an Alex Jones fan and neither was Bill Cooper - for essentially the same reasons.

The intentions of the film are to make money. Get this shit out of /r/conspiracy

Are you fucking joking me?

Do you not know the role of media?

Do you know what culture is? Do you know how its disseminated?

Do you know what Luciferianism is? Do you know their belief-sets? Symbol systems?

Have you heard of the Illuminati?

Do you read?

. . . I'm at a loss, really.

Are YOU fucking joking ME?

Have you ever heard of Hollywood? They made a movie to make money.

So, you actually are ignorant.



Do you know what Hollywood is derived from?

Hollywood is the tree Musicians wands would be made out of for conducting.

Hollywood is the conductor. I hope you catch my drift.

Educate yourself before you speak fool.

Negatory. You are a horrible truth seeker that is your true mindset.

I wasted two whole replies on that guy.

Don't make my mistake. You're better than that.


Thank goodness for open dialogue. You've made me more receptive to your arguments.

As far as the Prometheus motif, I feel its been done to death. Shelley's Frankenstein, as you've already mentioned, pulled it off masterfully.

But it's important to mention that the myth of Prometheus is distinct from the tale of Faust, for instance. Whereas Faust gains wisdom and eventual redemption while Mephistopheles loses a bet, Prometheus inspires all of humanity with a divine spark and is condemned for all eternity as punishment (sounds more like Christianity to me; If I could ask Milton, he'd probably say that Lucifer wouldn't sacrifice himself for the betterment of anyone, himself included). I would argue that Goethe's take employs greater doses of luciferianism than the Prometheus myth. IMO, the Prometheus myth seems to celebrates humanism at the cost (destruction) of gods.

The mock TED talk probably serves to illustrate the hubris of Weyland. The ship's crew will probably provide the indigenous beings with a spark that will eventually condemn mankind, perhaps. Who knows?

I am intrigued though, and if you're a savvy marketer, you've done well as I'm now more interested in this movie.

You got it right bro.