Seriously guys, don't upvote inaccurate stories!

36  2012-05-10 by [deleted]

I keep running into these completely inaccurate stories on here, and the top comment always points out all of the flaws, and that is that. But the upvotes! So many upvotes for completely wrong, paranoid rubbish with conclusions drawn from carefully picked and manipulated information. No wonder no one takes this subreddit seriously.

Get it together, Tyrone.


If we can accept that there are "bots" and "shills" which downvote, naysay, and detract from an intellectual dialogue, it must also follow that there is a possibility that intentionally inaccurate stories are posted and upvoted in order to destroy hard earned and well fought credibility.

Never thought of it in that way. Nice thinking batman

Did you ever consider that some comments claiming to point out alleged flaws are "drawn from carefully picked and manipulated" misinformation?

that would be disinformation.


What is so ridiculous about chemtrails? Never?


So 9/11 being questionable is fine, but mass poisoning is insane?

It defies conventional logic: the idea of such a widespread and easily identifiable conspiracy puts most people in an uproar. Not justifying totally blowing the theory off, also not buying it completely.

Manipulation of the masses is more easily achieved through corporate media and early education systems. Teach the sheep to stick with the flock while they're young and, no matter where that flock heads, they're sure to come tumbling behind.

And yes, I realize that lemmings would've made a better analogy.

I think 9/11 qualifies pretty well for the first part of your comment. Why not poison us too, who's going to stop it? The sheep and/or lemmings? As if they would believe it..... A section of Maxwell Igar's film Trance-Formation presented evidence of it in a way that finally made it seem reasonable to me. I don't know.

Yes, I'm watching them form right now. I don't know anything about Hitler's atomic bomb but I do know the story on him is greatly distorted. Not a fan of his by any means but I'm pretty sure Uncle Joe was much worse.

Much of the time the issues with terribad /r/conspiracy posts are just total lapses in logic, not any real factual issue. It's not an issue of providing "misinformation", it's an issue of pointing out that the theory/story makes no fucking sense even on its own terms.

Ooooh spooky.

Too bad he's referring to shit like this, which is overabundant in this sub.

But yeah, properly reading a paragraph versus taking out the part that makes it look evil is certainly "manipulated misinformation."

There are so many articles in this sub that are bullshit and it's why people make fun of this sub so much, which is disheartening.. But you've got people like t0tttt who just spew racism and get upvoted for it, it's sad.

This place is unable to read more than a paragraph and if it doesn't scare them or give them a new reason to buy a new gun they can't pay attention to it.

Then don't go here?

If it's a first run of a submission (i.e., not a repost) and it is a link to an article that is in error, the discussion debunking it is as important as any article in my opinion. So, these inaccurate stories where the top comment is pointing out the flaws... If they're a first run submission, there's a chance that I upvoted them so that people would see the comments and be prepared to bury that shit next time someone submits it. (prime examples are the links to the FBI vault. Has it been vetted? If not, let's vet it and get it done - and the vetting is what is getting the upvotes, not the garbage content in the link.)

reddit is as much about the user input/commentary as it is about the articles being linked. Links to shit articles which have great conversation explaining precisely why it's shit are, in my opinion, as important as good articles.

The fact that this subreddit actively attempts to sort out the contradictions from the truisms makes it all the more valuable. The posts disseminate hearsay(or factoids) of corruption/fraud, covert acts, and coercive manipulations. Such information needs to be thoroughly researched collaboratively by the community itself so that information can be rinsed of its contradictions, and true integrity can shine.....This should happen, in theory.

tldr: this community is awesome. thanks HT.

Yeah, this. Taking the air out of bogus junk, and pointing out why it's ridiculous is a good service to people who care about conspiracies. I think debunking lies and unfounded speculation is important for people to see.

But if I see one more "NSA reveals existence of aliens!" headline that links to that stupid cryptography exercise in here or r/ufos, I'm going on a murder spree.

I don't see the point of this rant.

If someone post an article that isn't accurate, and the community post information that refutes the claims of the OP, it seems to me everything is functioning perfectly.

Otherwise, who exactly gets to decide what the truth is?

As someone that often finds flaws in the stories posted and posts replies its pretty common to just be downvoted to the point of being hidden within an hour. Too many people here aren't interested in the truth but only in supporting their own warped views of the world.

Sounds just like the MSM echo chamber.

It is an echo chamber often. I've seen a lot more people commenting on it opening in the past week though so who knows maybe change is coming.

SauerJosh "Tyrone" is saying he doesn't like the stories that r/conspiracy upvotes. Maybe SauerJosh"Tyrone" just doesn't like alternatives to the Zionist-owned MSM narrative, period, and is more comfortable with the propaganda regurgitated for the lemmings day after day by elite media (as if that is somehow accurate).

So now SauerJosh "Tyrone" is telling r/conspiracy what and what not to vote for.

They chutzpah of these people!

You are one of the biggest offenders

I saw your Ron Paul loves cock thread. Shameful, I guess you are a hypocrite aren't you? Back under rock now scurry in a hurry fore someone steps on you.

You mean the test thread to see if I was affected by the bot that downvotes all anti-Ron Paul comments? Yeah I'm such the hypocrite. Nice try buddy. Try harder next time.

Friend, was that the best way to accomplish this task? I think I will stick with my original assessment. Have a great day.

Yes it was. The bot supposedly looks for negative comments and threads about Paul. I made a negative thread about him (which, if you read my comment in that thread, you will see it's a play on words) in a subreddit designed for that.

No wonder no one takes this subreddit seriously.

Why do you visit here if you hold r/conspiracy in such low regard? It seems that r/politics would be a great destination to continue your brain washing.

The 1% of signal is still interesting enough to outweigh the 99% noise. Better to stay and try to improve quality then just jump ship when the cost of staying is so low.

Who is this Tyrone guy and why does he need to get it together?

Why not upvote? Why be a downer?

It seems like if the headline reinforces already held beliefs, it's upvoted. I doubt the stories and comments are even being read.

Why don't you list all the accurate stuff, then I'll know what to upvote.

I would like to see some examples of what you are speaking of. Because, I suspect you are saying anything which is not mainstream is illogical, irrational or unproven. Furthermore, upon a close inspection much that is mainstream does not hold water. Of course, if someone is caught making these kinds of inspections we can brand them with various buzzwords which cause conditioned discounting of them. That is how we do it. Not true discernment by any means. I would like to see where you stand.