"Strange Earth sounds" coming from the sky just might be something more terrestrial.

12  2012-05-12 by no1113

Hello, all. I originally posted this on r/UFO, but I feel it is certainly pertinent enough in this subreddit as well.



Folks, a lot of videos, of course, have come up regarding this admittedly fascinating droning, trumpeting sound that has been emanating from the skies above literally all around the planet.

I saw one video in particular that directly links and associates the sounds with the UFO activity that I personally and many others suspected for some time that the sounds may be coming from.

However, there are various things that I have come across on separate occasions that connect in such a manner that I thought important enough to at least make mention of here.

Here are a few bits of information regarding this issue:

  • The word is finally out, and has been out for some years now, with regard to the government and the 1%'s nefarious machinations where it regards false flag attacks on the public for the purposes of manipulation and control. The public is a LOT more distrustful of TPTB now than ever before, and a good portion of the 99% understand at this point that the 1% are actively working to keep the masses servile and subservient.

  • It has been said that after so many FF attacks have happened - and now that the public is finally starting to actually wake up to the fact that they are indeed false, manipulated, and contrived, as well as the fact that the government/the 1% are actually starting to run out of fake scenarios to concoct and fool the masses with - the elite are saving "the best for last" so to speak, and are going to plan their biggest false flag attack ever; the false flag attack to end all false flag attacks, if you will. Many of you who have seen the original UFO Disclosure project presented by Steven Greer might remember that there was a female presenter w/silver hair that mentioned her knowledge that the final FF attack might be made to look not like a terrestrial attack, but an extraterrestrial one.

  • Many videos have, of course, come out with regard to what are being called these "Earth Sounds". Here's one in particular that is indicative enough.

  • I will admit that I was (and am) very fascinated by this "Earth Sound" phenomena that is occurring all around the planet. However . . . what was one of the main things that I have to admit that I thought of when I saw and heard the clips? This. Click on around the 11 second mark and listen.

Tell me the two sounds you just heard don't sound almost identical.

While I might be entirely wrong in what I'm about to say, I feel that 1) I actually very much hope I'm wrong, but 2) it's absolutely better to be very aware about things than not so. So here's what might actually be going on:

I am not so super sure, ladies and gentlemen, that these Earth Sounds that are being transmitted around the globe, and that are slowly being disseminated and attributed to an ET presence above in the sky (coinciding coincidentally enough with the 2012 paranoia that much of the MSM is slowly drumming into the public), is not actually a result of a technology that is in fact very terrestrial and quite possibly might present the ingredients for the next, last, and major false flag attack on the 99% by the 1%. There is, after all - and like Ronald Reagan himself said in his address to the people - nothing that will bring the entire planet together like an attack from an extraterrestrial invader right?

The problem is that this attack from an extraterrestrial invader, ladies and gentlemen, may actually come not from any ET, but from forces working right here on this planet.

Again, I would hope that I am wrong, and that, if these sounds do emanate from an ET source, it's an ET source that is as benevolent as I and many feel it very likely would in fact be if it were an ET source it was emanating from. All this is ultimately to say that I strongly feel that the public - the 99% - must be very, very diligent with regard to not only all the manipulation and the FF attacks that the 1% have already perpetrated upon the 99, but also very mindful of ANYTHING that comes across as some sort of huge, global, terrorist threat or attack.

The "ET attack" may ultimately be one from our very own elite only - masked to scare us into allowing them to control us even more than they already do (that or, worse, an elaborate and massive culling of the 99% to a much smaller and more easily-manageable size as per the dictates of the Georgia Guidestones).


A few people claimed a false alien invasion would be one of the last pegs to put a world government into place; Bill Cooper is one that comes to mind. Would people buy it? It might not be totally necessary for them to believe it 100% if a military state swings into action too quickly for everyone to get their heads around anyhow.

I'm not real worried though; it seems most people I know have opinions that 1) governments are not worthy of any faith or trust anymore, and 2) alien contact would be an awesome thing to be alive for and some crazy interstellar war pretty much doesn't make sense. If something can traverse space, any weapons that might be at our disposal would be like sharpened sticks vs. atomic bombs.

I'm not sure about the "Earth sounds" people keep reporting. I thought it was pretty well debunked as vibrations through the ground caused by nearby construction projects. But then, If you put stock in theories about DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), having a whole bunch of countries ramping up the speed of their construction might be another cause for concern. I figure that preparation for a solar flare or just plain old government pork would be the big motivating factors there.

Seriously, relax. There are still things to be concerned about, but the state of the world is getting better as a whole if you take a more encompassing view, outside the realms of paranoid conspiracy news.

A few people claimed a false alien invasion would be one of the last pegs to put a world government into place; Bill Cooper is one that comes to mind.

Yep. David Icke has talked about similar things as well.

Would people buy it?

Would people buy what? An ET FF attack? You bet your ass they would. Not only are the masses, for the most part, stupid and kept choc full on a nutritionless diet of MSM garbage like Jersey Shore, Sunday Night Football, etc, etc, but it's been said that TPTB's black projects have technology that is so ahead of the current technology in the public sector as to seem like veritable magic in comparison.

It might not be totally necessary for them to believe it 100% if a military state swings into action too quickly for everyone to get their heads around anyhow.

And yet, this is where the people are supposed to have the final power, is it not? This is where WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to have the final say in whether that military goes into action or not. Heck, it is we the people that MAKE UP that military, after all. We must remember that.

But yes. You do make a good point all the same, however, as TPTB can indeed contrive things in such a manner that the masses vote in an action the real consequences of which they themselves are ignorant of. This is unfortunately all too common.

I'm not real worried though; it seems most people I know have opinions that 1) governments are not worthy of any faith or trust anymore, and 2) alien contact would be an awesome thing to be alive for and some crazy interstellar war pretty much doesn't make sense.

While I very much second your overall opinion, I also feel that the depth of the evil of the 1% seems to go as far as the depth of the ignorance of the 99% - and both seem to know no end, unfortunately.

I would like to feel that many are waking up - and part of me really does feel this is the case - but I wonder if it's too little too late at this point.

If something can traverse space, any weapons that might be at our disposal would be like sharpened sticks vs. atomic bombs.

Yes. Absolutely. However, I wonder how aware will most people be of this if indeed there is an ET FF attack and people start getting machine gunned or lasered down by the "ET ship".

I'm not sure about the "Earth sounds" people keep reporting. I thought it was pretty well debunked as vibrations through the ground caused by nearby construction projects.

Nope. It's most certainly not that. There are simply too many videos showing it coming from too many different locations. Additionally, and as someone pointed out somewhere here, there is one clip in particular where the very same sounds that are heard and recorded everywhere all around the globe are actually shown taking place and being heard in a baseball game with a stadium filled with thousands of people. The game announcers actually comment upon the sound as well, so it's definitely something that's occurring IN the clip/while the game's going on and nothing that has been faked or contrived. That's not to say that there are "no" clips that are faked. Of course there are. Such is the world we live in. This is, instead, to say that the phenomenon is indeed a real one. Whether terrestrial or ET, it is real.

I figure that preparation for a solar flare or just plain old government pork would be the big motivating factors there.

Perhaps, but I wouldn't put it beneath TPTB to be a bit more nefarious than this.

Seriously, relax. There are still things to be concerned about, but the state of the world is getting better as a whole if you take a more encompassing view, outside the realms of paranoid conspiracy news.

Don't think for a moment that I'm to any extent amped up or worried about too many of these things. I'm not actually. I posted what I did as valid food for thought and something for people to consider - not to run their lives by. Also, don't do yourself a disservice by discrediting things as "paranoid conspiracy news". The world we live in is much more vast and wonderful than any of us can likely imagine. That wonder, however, while it most certainly includes ineffable beauty, also seems to encompass a darkness whose existence one would simply be extremely ill-advised to deny exists and is very active a part of this civilization.

You make good points, and this is a very multifaceted topic.

Sorry if my term "paranoid conspiracy news" seemed overly disparaging. That was an unfair judgement on my part. If it weren't for my time in this r/ and I never bothered to watch stuff put out by people like Icke/Jones/Wilcock/Cooper/etc., which then lead me to do my own research in certain topics related, and hold conversations myself with people I've judged as credible, I would be completely clueless about a lot of the creepiness and evil in this world perpetrated by our leaders.

Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, MK Ultra, JFK/RFK assassinations, a potentially parallel deep-black technological development, remote viewing research, esoteric societies and some kind of NWO agenda... If it's been in a crazy sci-fi movie, chances are it's been considered as a viable area of study, tangible results or not.

I believe there's something to alien/otherworldly intelligence, and I believe there's something to spirituality, but what I don't believe is that the version there on the surface for the public to digest through government and churches has much of anything to do with anything other than social control and pyramidal power structures. The only cosmic boogeymen I've seen evidence of are all here on this rock with us, and they're all entirely human.

These "Earth sounds" are a legit concern. They do happen. But there's scant evidence regarding an explanation aside from theory and conjecture though, unfortunately, and that's where it gets tricky for those of us who are interested in digging for explanations. The official line in the scientific community is that it's sound vibrations caused by regular tectonic and tidal movement carried long ways through the crust and surface water on the Earth, but if that's the case I think people would have been talking about it before just recently. And anyway, they just SOUND odd; like machinery or musical horns, rather than a rumbling. I doubt one solid explanation can fit all of it. It could be a variety of sources people are lumping into one phenomena.

I like to entertain a lot of conflicting theories when exploring some of the weird topics I get interested in, but I'm really at a loss on this one. Natural tectonic/tidal forces, underground machinery, directed sounds aimed at stirring up fear and tenseness, or hey maybe it is some kind of alien welcome wagon; the result of a inter-dimensional "sonic boom" or just sort of like playing "la cucaracha" from ET's interstellar El Camino.

I go about these things by listing any mundane or wild theory I can come up with, and then start checking them off process-of-elimination style.

If it weren't for my time in this r/ and I never bothered to watch stuff put out by people like Icke/Jones/Wilcock/Cooper/etc...I would be completely clueless about a lot of the creepiness and evil in this world perpetrated by our leaders.

Yep. And this, of course, was my point. You see, what has to be understood is that the words "conspiracy theory" have been given a purposefully fabricated stigma by the MSM so that whenever there is actual TRUTH to any subject that TPTB wish to keep from the idiot sheeple, all they have to do is label the information a "conspiracy theory" - or anyone digging deeper into the subject TPTB wish to keep hidden a "conspiracy theorist" - and the sheeple will at that point immediately discard the information as not worthy of any further investigation. This allows TPTB to get back to their nefarious machinations without having to worry about the prying eye of "the idiot sheep".

One DEFINITELY has to fight hard against pining into and falling into this association, because - again - it is purposefully set up to carry an immediate and negative stigma designed to make prying eyes turn away and not investigate information that very likely holds clearer keys to the truth of what in fact is really going on in this planet as far as manipulation and control go.

I believe there's something to alien/otherworldly intelligence, and I believe there's something to spirituality, but what I don't believe is that the version there on the surface for the public to digest through government and churches has much of anything to do with anything other than social control and pyramidal power structures.

I think that there is much, much truth in what you have just stated here. There is a decent amount of truth from which things like church and dogma spring. However, by the time that the original, truthful information filters down to the avenues of dogma, church, and doctrinal inculcation, the very real truth of the original message is all but entirely lost, and what you get in these institutions is a twisted permutation that hardly resembles anything of validity.

These "Earth sounds" are a legit concern. They do happen. But there's scant evidence regarding an explanation aside from theory and conjecture though

Agreed. Considering, furthermore, the fact that TPTB have such a long standing penchant for withholding factual and pertinent information from the 99%, it is important for the people to not only diligently investigate as much as possible, but also leave as many avenues open and available as they can - i.e. don't discard much info outright regardless of how "out there" it might seem - because who knows which avenue the actual truth might come from and lie in.

The official line in the scientific community is that it's sound vibrations caused by regular tectonic and tidal movement carried long ways through the crust and surface water on the Earth, but if that's the case I think people would have been talking about it before just recently.

Absolutely. Additionally, it must definitely be remembered that much of the scientific community is actually in the service of TPTB. The case of Virginia Steen-Mcintyre (starts at the 7:10 mark) often comes to mind whenever I think of how ignorant and closeminded this scientific community is/can be; this community whose opinions and proclamations are so blindly and dogmatically believed by most people. Science has become the new religion, and is often indistinguishable from old dogma when it comes to uncritical adherence to the "norm of the accepted truth". Therefore the information that the "venerable scientific community" gives really has to be taken with it's own grain of salt, and further investigation (often time, personal and independent of any mainstream scientific channel) must be gone through if one wants to really get at the actual truth of a matter.

I doubt one solid explanation can fit all of it.

It would seem at this point that you might be right about that.

I go about these things by listing any mundane or wild theory I can come up with, and then start checking them off process-of-elimination style.

This seems like a great, great way to go about it. I often do the same myself. :)

Have you read Watchmen?

No. Never have. Saw the movie - and actually liked it very much - but I also read that the film was not really all that much like the book.

Why? Is there some mentioned made in it that is significant to the subject here?

The plot was a bit different. I do suggest you read it, but here's a spoliery wiki paste for you.

"Veidt explains his underlying plan is to save humanity from impending Atomic war between the United States and Soviet Union by faking an alien invasion in New York City, which will annihilate half the city's population. He hopes this will unite the nations against a perceived common enemy."

Very interesting. You know what I think of this idea? I think it's actually not a bad one IF that entity or ruling class that initiates this global FF attack actually institutes a GOOD global government afterward. Problem is that the very need for such an atrocity comes from those differences caused by the lies and deceit that the ruling elite have instilled in the 99% from day one. Therefore, the same manipulation that would be responsible for the initial atrocity of a FF attack on such a global scale would also be the same power ruling and running things after the dust settles.

It would essentially be the replacing of one level of manipulative bullshit with another.

yeah I hope this doesn't happen and they all give into their fear.

Apologies, but I'm not quite understanding exactly what you're referring to. You hope what exactly doesn't happen? and you hope who gives in to their fear?

Excuse the obtuseness, but I guess I need a bit more clarification on this.


I really hope an invasion scenario is not used as a FF? and the 99% doesn't give into their fear!

Okay. Yes. I agree. I certainly hope it doesn't happen either. It is very important, however, for the 99% to arm themselves with at least KNOWLEDGE of the possibilities that exist in terms of the FFs that can happen. I think that simply understanding alone that this right here is even a possibly will hopefully help the 99% to not overreact and go crazy if something like this does happen - which I hope it doesn't, of course . . . but we must be ready and not simply have a "Help me TPTB!!!" knee jerk reaction to this . . . because if it is a FF attack? that type of reaction is exactly what TPTB would want and what would help them get even more control over the masses.

Maybe it's a lab experiment on us little mice in a cage? Maybe it's a practice run for Project Blue Beam using UFO's as disinformation?

Maybe it's a lab experiment on us little mice in a cage?

Maybe indeed.

Maybe it's a practice run for Project Blue Beam using UFO's as disinformation?

Quite possibly. Who knows? Heck, it might be real ETs. The thing is, however, that it is, I feel, very important for us to be extremely mindful of the very possibility that it actually might very well be a FF project or operation similar to what you intimated here.

Much better to be safe than sorry at this point. Unfortunately, it would seem that it might very well be our own government more than any supposed "ET invader" that we must actually keep safe from. This is a very unfortunate realization, and one that many people would simply rather not think about. However, it is more important now than ever before to guard against this possibility.

My brother-in-law attends Buffalo University in New York... he heard the sounds last night at around 3am. He woke us up freaking out like crazy. That day, he saw military helicopters (really long ones to hold infantry) all throughout that day, and a good portion of some land was blocked off and everyone had to turn around. He said the guy telling them to turn around said "just a few things we have to do here".

What in all hells is going on?

I'm sure it's all very related to the other post I put up. Things are coming to a head and - although the 911 attacks were pretty fucking bad - it seems the time will soon be upon us for the real shit to start hitting the fan.

Ultimately, and as I've said before, I think it is very important for us to work as hard as we possibly can to be strong, be disciplined, keep our wits about us, and not loose our heads and let fear keep you from working diligently and in a focused manner.

I'm not gonna say "don't be scared", cuz I know that I myself will likely feel fear as well as the next person. However, we need to work hard to make sure that that fear doesn't control you. Make sure you acknowledge it, but then think critically about what you might need to do to fight and combat (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc) the situation...and then - fear or no fear - get to it.

Should put this in askscience, but take out all the false flag crap and just ask the question.

Might add you really (like numerous people I see in this sub) stop saying things like;

"The public is a LOT more distrustful of TPTB now than ever before, and a good portion of the 99% understand at this point that the 1% are actively working to keep the masses servile and subservient."

Speaking like this really doesn't help anyone's case.

Should put this in askscience, but take out all the false flag crap and just ask the question.

First of all, if you think askscience is "the" definitive hub of valid information, then you're really starting off on a mistaken foot.

Secondly, your reference to the words false flag as "crap" implies that there is something invalid or false in what I said or in the information, dates, or facts that I provided in the links included. If you can show that anything in the dates I gave or in the data given referencing those dates wasn't a false flag, then please do so. Until that time, it is actually you who are doing a great, great disservice to that truth you so mistakenly believe askscience might have the best handle on.

Additionally, the blatant misunderstanding (if not downright denial) that you seem to exhibit with regard to the things that have gone on in this country again misses the point that was made in the quote you decided to include.

"Additionally, the blatant misunderstanding (if not downright denial) that you seem to exhibit with regard to the things that have gone on in this country again misses the the point that was made in the quote you decided to include."

No, your blatant misunderstanding of the general public is ignorant. Think about the raw numbers, okay? What to you, is a good portion of the population? Think about that number, with how many people are IN the United States. Do you think that number actually believes what you just said?

If so, what leads you to believe that? Do you hear people in the general population discussing important matters? Do you see pressing world issues discussed on many outlets on TV and the internet?

Just so you know, that's not a ploy, that's marketing. They aren't going to air news stories that won't catch their audiences interests, because they won't bring in the money. Is that selfish? Of course, but it's damn well not a secret.

"First of all, if you think askscience is "the" definitive hub of valid information, then you're really starting off on a mistaken foot."

I'm not saying it is. But I think you're better off asking ASKSCIENCE if you're going to ask a science related question, then ask a question to CONSPIRACY.

You asked a question based off of noises in the sky, unless you're not really asking a question but more of starting a fear-ridden discussion based on something that you won't be able to explain outside of conspiracy sites agreeing with you, why not ask that question to at least a more logical sub?

The "strange humming" can be any number of things, and you linking a youtube video to me is the opposite of "research" because one of the more popular videos in that subject was made by a college student using her laptop for the noise.

What confuses me most is you're saying you heard a sound in a movie, and then you heard a sound recorded from what looks like a cheap camera, and you think because those two sound similar, it means that the real life footage must be concerning?

You're comparing gigantic apples, with enormously small unicorns here, so as I said, if you're going to draw a conspiracy out of noise in the sky, go crazy, fits this sub perfect. If you want to ACTUALLY figure out what it is, and you want to ask REDDIT, you're better off asking people with at least a fraction of an idea what they're talking about on the subject.

No, your blatant misunderstanding of the general public is ignorant.

Yeah. You mean that public that still thinks a group of radical Muslims on some big ass planes they didn't know how to fly brought down three towers physically impervious to such attacks? That public?

That same public that went to war in Iraq because it bought being told that Saadam was an evil madman as he got filmed bombing people with chemical weapons that WE sold him for the very purpose?

That public that went to war in Vietnam over a Gulf Of Tonken Incident that the very Secretary of Defense literally said "DID NOT HAPPEN."??

That public?

Yeah. Gtfo, man. Seriously.

Think about that number, with how many people are IN the United States. Do you think that number actually believes what you just said?

Dude, part of what makes the damn lie so damn strong is that MOST DON'T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT'S TRUE. Duh. Face palm.

Can't read any more of your drivel, man. Sorry. Too much stupid to digest here.

Wait, so because I disagree with you, it's stupid?

All I said was, look at the way you're wording your statements.

I don't give a fuck how dense you think the general population is, the fact stands that "a good portion" of the population, I'm saying, you said "a good portion of the population believes x" and all I said was, you couldn't possibly know that.

But awesome deflection, don't actually respond to anything I say and instead attack me for simply bringing up something I find inaccurate about your post, the (main stream) conspiracy way!

Wait, so because I disagree with you, it's stupid?

No. It's not the disagreeing alone that is stupid. It's the ignorance that you use to back your arguments up with.

I'm saying, you said "a good portion of the population believes x" and all I said was, you couldn't possibly know that.

Well, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, then what is it? A lot of how we the public can and should be assessed is based upon the manifestations of the society and the civilization that we live in.

And well, many of those manifestations don't look too good - whether on the macrocosmic scale, or on the individual level.

Just look at what passes for entertainment. Look at what passes for "higher learning" and education in this country and on this planet. Look at what laws get passed, what slips under the table, what wars take place, what atrocities occur. Look at the economic standing of the nation and the world in general.

It seems you're trying to argue for some sort of positivity existing in this society, and - while there is indeed much potential here, and there are indeed wonderful examples of genius, etc - overall . . . the state of this society is sorely lacking in the type of development I feel it should have in fact surpassed long ago. Therefore, if you think that things are as good as you perhaps think they are, or that people aren't as misled as I think they are, then good. Great. Good enough. If that's how you feel . . . then okay.

What ignorance?

That you basically used a sweeping generalization in your post, I said don't do that, and then you counter with "oh, the general population is just stupid."

"Therefore, if you think that things are as good as you perhaps think they are"

Never said this, I said, "don't say, a good portion of people." because it's too broad of a generalization and you couldn't possibly know that.

You're going off on these rants about what you think I believe because of what I said, but all I said is one simple thing in your post is something that needs to stop happening in this sub.

We're the laughing stock of the rest of Reddit, so if we want to change that, people need to stop with the sensationalism.

Your main argument seems to hinge upon the exception you take to the words "a good portion of people". Again, I use those words because if a good portion of people weren't stupid/ignorant/indolent, etc, etc, then I can absolutely guarantee you that we wouldn't have fought in even a quarter of the wars that we've fought in. We wouldn't buy even half (fuck - even a quarter) of the "official" stories that almost any administration has given. We wouldn't still be tied to fucking fossil fuels. We wouldn't contribute vast percentages of the little money we make to help rich fucking people get even richer fighting wars that our poor people die in.

Bro, seriously. Wake the fuck up. Wake the fuck up. A GOOD PORTION OF PEOPLE ARE SIMPLY IGNORANT. I said that once, I say here. You say I "couldn't possibly know that". Well, the proof is in the pudding. Look where the fuck we are as a country and as a planet.

If a good portion of us WEREN'T ignorant, then we'd have woken up by now, gotten our lazy asses up off our computers, and would have simply said "no" to all the bullshit we've said "yes" to.

"Bro, seriously. Wake the fuck up. Wake the fuck up. A GOOD PORTION OF PEOPLE ARE SIMPLY IGNORANT. I said that once, I say here. You say I "couldn't possibly know that". Well, the proof is in the pudding. Look where the fuck we are as a country and as a planet."


"The public is a LOT more distrustful of TPTB now than ever before, and a good portion of the 99% understand at this point that the 1% are actively working to keep the masses servile and subservient."

You can't know this. It is impossible for you to know this information.

That is all that I said, that is all that I wanted to make sure you could understand, and that is the only thing I wanted you to take away from this.

It really seems to me as if you think I have some underlying message behind what I'm saying, I really don't.

That is all that I said, that is all that I wanted to make sure you could understand, and that is the only thing I wanted you to take away from this.

Ontologically, and argument can be made that it might be impossible for us to know a lot of things - this certainly not being anywhere near the least of them. The point that I was making is that the truth of the statement I made is pretty well demonstrated by the state of the planet and the countries therein.

It really seems to me as if you think I have some underlying message behind what I'm saying, I really don't.

Okay. Fair enough. I thought you did. If that's all you were trying to say, then I would say 1) Yes. It might seem that at this particular juncture, and from this particular limited, human, third dimensional perspective, you might be right. I can't possibly know how "every" person thinks or feels. However, 2) this is an exceedingly moot point and almost not even worth making, since it does not in any way work to the detriment of the ultimate point that was made. The effects of the final statement (i.e. that people are generally stupid, ignorant, and/or indolent) are readily seen and demonstrated in literally almost every direction you look around the world.

I agree with the askscience thing. I got a reasonable response some days back when I asked about a donut object next to the sun (suspected ufo).


I like ice cream and will continue to eat it until I die.

I would agree with this. I second this statement.

Maybe the sounds are connected to the Schumann resonance.


Apparently it has been increasing for the past forty or so years. I forgot where I read that. I assumed it was connected to the increasing movement of the magnetic poles, which has also been picking up speed for around 40 years as well.

I was particularly unconvinced by your post. I think the sounds are from the Earth and the Sun.

I think that's been known for about a century. (yes, 100 years). The sun's and planets gravity (torsion) pulls and pushes on planets crust, and can create sound, like in an earthquake, if the solar rays, or aurora are strong enough and the ionosphere at the right charge and humidity, you will get some wonderful sounds.

The problem here is that people making comments about things they didn't research ;) Sorry heh

I was particularly unconvinced by your post. I think the sounds are from the Earth and the Sun.

lol. Okay. Meh.

The problem here is that people making comments about things they didn't research

Interestingly enough, this is exactly what I think about this comment of yours that I just read here.

;) Sorry heh

Yeah. Me too.

its all right ;)

What ignorance?

That you basically used a sweeping generalization in your post, I said don't do that, and then you counter with "oh, the general population is just stupid."

"Therefore, if you think that things are as good as you perhaps think they are"

Never said this, I said, "don't say, a good portion of people." because it's too broad of a generalization and you couldn't possibly know that.

You're going off on these rants about what you think I believe because of what I said, but all I said is one simple thing in your post is something that needs to stop happening in this sub.

We're the laughing stock of the rest of Reddit, so if we want to change that, people need to stop with the sensationalism.