Want to improve the content of the front page? How about contributing in the /new queue by voting in the early, influential stages of this content stream? Even if you're just a casual reader, you should read this post.

31  2012-05-13 by [deleted]

Anyone who votes on one page of [default] 25 submissions in the /new queue has influenced the next six hours (on average) of frontpage content by at least 2 or 3 submissions. I'm confident that statistics will support this (if not substantially more), just based on my familiarity with reddit. The more people participate, the lower that influence will be, but the more likely it will be [in the long run] to reflect the interests of the community accordingly.

So, when you come to see what's on our frontpage... before you leave, spend a minute or two in the new queue.

Improving the content of the front page really can be that simple.


ADDENDUM (~9hrs)

It's preferred that you simply upvote that which you want to see, and reserve your downvote for only those things that you feel should truly be buried or otherwise excluded from this reddit's field of view. As near as I can tell, this is actually quite effective, because it enhances the power of the downvote by focusing it. You can further focus the power of the dowvote by not wasting it on posts already buried into the negatives.


I will do that more. And I also suggest following reddiquette and downvoting comments that don't add to the conversation. You know how in the big subreddits, or one that's growing quickly, where a thread starts off with an informative comment, and then someone says something cheeky or jokey, and then someone responds with something stupid, and then someone else responds with something stupid, and so on and so on, people just jumping on the karma train, and before long the whole subreddit is taking on puns at an alarming rate, and you have to jump ship to save yourself, and you think, "Damn, just when we were getting somewhere..."?

That is starting to happen here, so can we all please agree to nip it in the bud by not doing that, and downvoting the shit out of people who do?

I'm with you, it's my new home.

Ditto; Karma has hijacked our front page from us :/

I recall reading that the reddit algorithm puts more weight on the first hours voting. It may have changed however.

This would be silly if it were true.