What is up with Reddit's love affair with Bush?

42  2012-05-18 by workworkwort


A few weeks ago, somebody on here pointed out an obvious conspiracy here about how there are people on this site trying to portray George W. Bush as a good guy, today another new user (hours old account) posts this brocolli shit about his dad and everybody is eating it up.

Something smells bad, and it isn't the brocolli.


I posted this a few minutes after you:


A list from the ongoing shadow campaign.

I think I've posted 2 times asking about this. Nobody really has any answers other than it's because they are gonna ease Jeb into the main stage pretty soon, which isn't, by a long shot, the craziest notion I've ever heard.

He was originally supposed to be president from what I've heard.

I grew up in FL, a lot of the time that he was there. Weird shit happened all the time. I can't remember anything specifically, but I do remember thinking, "Huh...that's fucking odd." I was young and not invested in politics that much

Doesn't weird shit happen in FL as a matter of course?

That was hyper-general. What exactly are you talking about?

Really I don't know what the point was...It was one of those things that I just said with no real objective.

That shit will fly in r/politics, but this is r/conspiracy. We have standards here :)

I was thinking the same thing as well. The way I see it, as a Poli Sci major (in a simplified and somewhat hyperbolic manner):

GOP: "Well, Romney got most of the delegates, but he really isn't that electable. The people see him as the rich and out-of-touch douche he is and let's be honest, he won't be able to defeat Obama. Now, people saw W. as the kind of guy they'd like to have a beer with--he was much more relate-able to the masses. Therefore let's get another Bush in the Whitehouse. Jeb could portray himself as distancing from his brother's ideals, but we'll know the truth."

I dunno if that's exactly what's going to happen, but that's JMHO.

I didn't notice shit. I thought the love affair was with Obama. If he appeals the federal judge's decision to block the NDAA, I wonder what the liberals who think he had to sign it will say then?

Well, the Obama circlejerk is pretty obvious.

If he appeals the federal judge's decision to block the NDAA, I wonder what the liberals who think he had to sign it will say then?

I'll eat my words with a fork and spoon then. But I doubt it's going to happen... Crossing fingers...

I think it will, but I sincerely hope it doesn't.

Well... at least we're hoping for the same outcome... right?

Finally two people with opposing political views can agree on something. =)

Warm and fuzzy feelings all-around!

You have to wonder if they are trying to boost the bush family image. I read an article recently based on a Russian foreign ministry paper about kissenger and Jeb bush's visit to china where kissenger apparently told the Chinese president that Jeb bush was to be the next us president.

I recommend a "counterstrike" campaign reminding people of Dumbya's catastrophes.

I posted this over at r/TodayILearned yesterday. It is getting downvoted:


Check the ages on the accounts that are getting upvoted for their shillery.

Wow...I just went through looking for a comment to upvote. I couldn't find any that were remotely serious so here was mine. I wasn't even harsh.

That's because in a 800 comment thread, over 75% of the comments aren't serious. I don't even understand the OP's position here, basing that thread off of anything..

It is a concerted effort to portray the family as a force of good, when in fact, the Bush family is responsible for the enactments of illegal wars and theft.

It is subtle conditioning, massaging the mind to accept these corrupt and evil people as "one of us".

Wow thanks for the tips on how to get votes, off to lick Bush

But on a serious note here are the figures at midday (GMT) Friday on the thread

9,143 up votes 7,622 down votes

So most people opposing the thread have saved their time by simply clicking downvote and walking away. Probably to do something more constructive, rather than write in the comments. But by looking at those figures you can tell just under the majority of people do not like stories about Bush and broccoli

I couldn't stand the man while he was in office, but having worked in the humanitarian sector, I appreciated his strong convictions and line on AIDS in Africa. Believe it or not, he and his wife are probably personally responsible for breaking the back of the disease.

/That and the emergence of less virulent strains.

//Not a shill.

I don't know for sure, but my guess is that Romney has issues and may become unelectable and/or withdraw from the running. They need a replacement and they don't want Paul.

Misdirection, Stan.

Yeah I know right? It's so weird ho- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOBUSH...

I have heard that the comedy community shed a collective tear when his reign of hilarity and stupidity ended. The man was an endless source for their comedy routines. I had hoped BHO was going to change the country's direction; however, things are worse in many ways.

Okay seriously, is there a sub that discusses real conspiracies? This one almost seems like almost some run-on joke about who can make the craziest story about some of the most non-conspiracy related story.

Downvote away, but this is crazy.. I'd really like a sub that talks about real conspiracies, and real potential theories, some of this shit just makes me facepalm so hard.

I've also noticed the pro George Bush articles lately. Its a bit strange when he was close to universally loathed and then he is suddenly cool because of simple anecdotal commentary. We had years to form our opinions that he is a mother fucker. Now there are these clever little things about him that we didn't know that are being brought to our attention in quick succession. Sounds bullshit to me.

Agreed. There is definitely right-wing subversion afoot. The Bush make-over is to try and soften the peoples memories of a war-crime committing goofball in hopes they forget what his party caused (Bush was an electable face - his cronies are the ones with real decision making power - and when they're not in power they mosey over to Fox News to try and scare people into voting for their guy again). I'm personally of the opinion that illumanati "the left and right are all the same paradigm" conspiracies are conservative voter suppression/radicalization propaganda funded by the military industrial complex, big banks and certain elements of the religious right to suppress change to the system and continue milk every dollar possible out of the peons.

Beware of people preaching the value of God, Guns and Gold. These are people that profit off of fears of the apocalypse...

As far as I'm concerned, this is the last real place people can exercise free speech, so when anyone whines about topics you kill it just a little bit.

I don't care how cooky the ideas are, please let people exercise this freedom. I don't just want to see conspiracies approved by X people, I want them ALL.

I'm not trying to "censor" people, I'm asking if there's a reddit where there are more real conspiracies and not so much...crazy?

There are real stories that pop up here, but they are a drastic minority.

I don't go into /whiterights telling them they can't say w/e, it's free speech, I get that, but this is the largest (to my knowledge) conspiracy sub and it happens to be flooded with sensationalist nonsense, and the "real" conspiracies are extremely rare :\

So who decides what conspiracies are "real"? I think this is a totally legitimate conspiracy, since I have 'un-programmed' myself from the traditional (loaded with bias) meaning and adopted the actual definition.

Sending you a PM rather than having a full discussion with you in a thread, don't want to trend too far off-topic.

So true. The stuff on here reads like r/shittyaskscience

Bush is an asshat. Always will be.

Thing that should scare everybody, these "manipulative" posts are not done by fools. They are well engineered. There is no chance we can catch them all, as many will be much more subtle. I'm not so worried about conspiracy being infiltrated (due to constant questioning) but most of the other sub's are saturated.

Are you people serious?

I'm not sure I understand. The post you linked to makes Bush look like a dumb spoiled brat. How exactly is that good PR for the idiot?

Makes him sound as innocent as a child.

I have figured out the secret.

Reddit, has love affairs with thousands of people, animals and inanimate objects. There are Romney lovers, Obama lovers, Ron Paul, kittens, video games, and any other random shit you can think of.

It's almost like Reddit is made up of all kinds of people all with different feelings on different topics... Strange...

I am pretty sure Jeb Bush and his team doesn't care about reddit and I doubt they would spend time trying to court your vote. Conspiracy's paranoid self-importance is comical. There is no conspiracy and even if there was they wouldn't care about nobodies like everyone posting here including myself.

You must be one of them, with your quasi-intellectual, seemingly objective, obviously ultra right wing propaganda agenda! Why do you question our suspicions? What have you got to hide?

Just kiddin' ;-)

I don't understand why you're just kidding. A conservative propaganda campaign is much more plausible than half of the crackpot shit on this board.


"uniformsquare + friends 1 link karma 1 comment karma buy uniformsquare a month of reddit gold send message redditor for 7 hours"

You're freaking me out now :-|

You're freaking me out now ಠ_ಠ

EVERYTHING! I work for the lizard people freemason shadow government so I have a lot to hide

I like turtles!

If you want to take the Internet by storm then reddit is ground zero for the assault. I don't know if you have noticed but there have been many articles written about the power of reddit. Many people (not just on reddit) attribute the defeat of SOPA in large part due to the reddit community.

Agreed. There is definitely right-wing subversion afoot. The Bush make-over is to try and soften the peoples memories of a war-crime committing goofball in hopes they forget what his party caused (Bush was an electable face - his cronies are the ones with real decision making power - and when they're not in power they mosey over to Fox News to try and scare people into voting for their guy again). I'm personally of the opinion that illumanati "the left and right are all the same paradigm" conspiracies are conservative voter suppression/radicalization propaganda funded by the military industrial complex, big banks and certain elements of the religious right to suppress change to the system and continue milk every dollar possible out of the peons.

Beware of people preaching the value of God, Guns and Gold. These are people that profit off of fears of the apocalypse...