Obama Supporters.....why?

94  2012-05-22 by w4gn0r

Oh boy here we go.... another guy saying Obama is a Kenyan Socialist who wants to redistribute wealth and turk err jerrbs right?

Wrong. I am worried about much worse things. Factual things. My question to you is:

Why would you willingly support a President that:

  • Says he is pulling troops out the 3.5 trillion dollar Iraq war but only replaces them with Blackwater mercenaries, Haliburton and 20,000 US troops declared "Technical Experts" ? Source Source2

  • Unconstitutionally forces us to buy a health care plan from monopolized insurance corporations Source

  • Continues Bush's bank and auto bailouts, boasts and lies by saying they have turned an 8% profit but really the "profit" was paid in Federal money. Source

  • Continues to detain and torture "military combatants" in Gitmo after promising to shut it down. Source

  • Says he supports Medical Marijuana Source yet continues to raid hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries Source

  • Has not repealed the unconstitutional PATRIOT Act which invades our privacy and even considers peaceful protesting "Low-level Terrorism" Source

  • Signed the NDAA bill into law that authorizes unconstitutional detainment or assassination of American citizens without trial or due process. All of which has been FINALLY determined unconstitutional by a federal judge. Source

  • Admits that Al Qaeda is no longer a threat to the US in Afghanistan Source (One could argue that it never was) but continues the 3.7 trillion dollar Afghanistan war Source

  • Is merely a corporate puppet with Goldman Sachs as the 2nd top contributor donating $1,013,091 to his presidential campaign. Source Also appoints former Goldman Sachs chairmen to "regulate" commerce and trade or other cabinet positions. Source (Kinda funny how he says he "supports" the Occupy movement, isnt it?)

  • Says he doesnt support SOPA/PIPA but is expressing his support to bring back a SOPA 2.0. Source

  • Declares an unconstitutional covert ops war on Libya. Source

  • Insults homosexuals with pitiful and well calculated "support" for gay marriage exactly 6 months before a presidential election after carefully reviewing polls that show Americans would be, as a majority, receptive to said "support" Source

  • Claims he has captured and killed Osama Bin Laden but refuses to release any pictures of the body or give any compelling evidence to the raid or all too convenient sea burial. Source

  • Is expected to sign a bill authorizing over 30,000 spy drones to patrol domestic skies by the year 2020.

  • And much much more.....

So why? Why on earth do you support this traitor? He is worse than Bush. Why do you not vote with the most essential liberties in mind when you go to the polls? Why do you support someone that pisses on our Constitution, invades our privacy, warmongers the globe and is so heavily supported by major corporations?

You might be surprised that a significant amount of my supporting sources come from a liberal-leaning news organization, the Huffington Post.

Just remember that Romney is not the only other alternative and if you are intelligent enough to care about the fighting the issues I have brought forth. You do not have to vote Obamaney this year.

This year.... end corporate tyranny... choose liberty. Lets quit being fooled and stop this bullshit.


Because they aren't paying attention and cognitive dissonance takes over when you tell them these things.

No. It's an illusion. The mental retards on the left thought the "right" still supported Bush when was being booed at Nascar events. In reality, only Fox pundits and such supported him. The "right" thinks people on the "left" support Obama. In reality, only MSNBC pundits support him.

90% of people don't post content to the net, 9% post infrequently, and 99% of content comes from 1% of people. Most of this 1% are paid by the government to spam the left-right paradigm while normal people work and take care of kids knowing that all politicians are fucking them over.

Stop believing the spam. Buy yourself guns and support revolutionaries. Nothing else will work.

Where do you get your statistics?

his ass

Popular place, must be something to it.

I believe he was referring to this.

I live in a really liberal city. I see people with Obama 2012 shirts, pins, stickers, yard signs all over the damn place. They are completely fooled.

Try living in Chicago. I wouldn't say shit about him if I had any sense, but I dont.

Oh, sure, there are Obama supporters. I even see people with Bush stickers still on their car. American society is structured in a way that makes life relatively easy for the mentally retarded. We have lots of jobs that require no thinking whatsoever. Mindless repetitive task, then go get McDonald's to feed you, then go turn on the TV and veg out until time for mindless repetitive task to be repeated.

The most recent polls put belief in the 9/11 fairytale at 45% or so. The polls are always biased towards the left-right paradigm and combined with personal experience talking to people, I'd guess it is closer to 35%. That means about 1/3 of the population should be considered clinically retarded, because the only way you can believe the 9/11 fairytale is if you're not smart enough to do 10th grade algebra / Physics 101 with respect to Building 7.

Source? On the math/physics portion about the building. I'd like to know more about this.

Newton's law. Free fall acceleration. Acceleration is the derivative of velocity is the derivative of position as a function of time. Building 7's roof fits a position curve with a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2, or free fall acceleration due to gravity. Proof of controlled demolition. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have covered this extensively.

The symmetrical collapse is also proof of controlled demolition. Structurally damaged buildings topple over, not fall into their footprint, unless they are collapsing in controlled demolition.

You've been downvoted for sharing mathematical facts! My hat is off to you sir. Folks, believe it or not, derivatives are much older than you think - conventional wisdom thinks them to be ways to get rich on the stock market, but they have a basis in physics / calculus. C'mon ppl, Issac Newton knew this like 400 years ago lol. And who would actually post a comment in this sub asking as if it's the first time he's heard something about building 7? I mean, I know the MSM doesn't cover it at all but jeez! heh /rant off

PS: The only thing that is not a "pure mathematical fact" is "proof of controlled demolition". Although that is slightly more debatable and complicated than a F=ma problem, it's not rocket science either! However I don't know if I fully agree with your "clinically retarded" statistics either :) but have a good day!

He's completely right. On top of that. Presidents are bought and paid to sign legislation that's written by corporations. Oh and smooth talk people on the tube. They say nothing of real worth. Unless that worth is fucking society. And most people know this, but yet to concerned with there day to day lives. I'm even a little guilty of that. I believe we all are in a way. My word of advice to everyone is to stay aware of everything. Pull all your money out of the banks, and protect yourselves. Tough times are coming. And we need to be mentally prepared.

I recommend supporting Ron Paul for President. Look into his ideals. Do research.

Power to the people.

What a unique position you have

No kidding. I've never heard of this Ron Paul character. He sounds like a real straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

What... would you say... he does here?

Really? Well if you want to completely destroy the US, then go for it, by all means.

On what basis?

I hate when people make that argument. I'd much rather take a risk on Ron Paul "completely destroying the US" than voting these other puppets in KNOWING what the result will be.

At least Ron Paul has a consistent record. That's worth voting for him more than anything else.

Religious nutjob who wants to apply an economic plan designed for a village onto an entire nation.

And that's just the surface. He's too scared to make any actual decisions himself so he wants to let the states decide, but mostly because he knows this will largely align with he wants anyway, but this way he can't be blamed.

That's the most falsified statement about Ron Paul I've ever heard.

A religious nutjob that wants to allow people to believe what they want to believe?

Ohh old man Ron Paul. He's so crazy...

He doesn't believe in seperation of church and state, seems pretty nutty.

"He rejects the notion of "separation of Church and state", instead seeing the issue as "free exercise of religion" and "no establishment of religion"."

It's similar to how he rejects the Civil Rights Act. It's not because he's racist. It's because ALL people should innately have basic rights without having a law grant permission to certain groups of people.

Careful now, people don't like when you point out that Ron Paul is far from perfect.

Most Obama supporters would open up a thread like this and see all the evidence and be like, "Oh shit, look at all that. I better get the fuck out of here before I start realizing Obama is just another oligarch."

this is the exact reaction when i show friends who love obama these kind of facts. its always a nervous avoidance followed by a tin foil hat/conspiracy theory/youre racist type comment slapped on the end and they drop the conversation. If i continue to press the subject, they will either fall back on the "lesser of two evils" spiel or (this pisses me off the most) start quoting msnbc talking heads. (i hate fox news/all MSM outlets too/get rid of your tv, etc.)

Democrat and Republican are glorified sports teams to the masses. Both sides think they are better than the other but in reality, they both suck.

agree 100% but i also think a good chunk of both parties are just the same party pretending that they think they are better than the other to get the american people distracted.

I don't know any Obama supporters who think he's perfect; the "lesser of two evils" seems like a pretty accurate response.

yes the lesser of two evils that keeps fighting evil wars

That's pretty much what it comes down too.

It doesn't make sense to criticize Obama so harshly when there's no better alternative available.

yea for real, why would anyone criticize Obama so harshly, its not like we are still in multiple battle engagements that the american people want nothing to do with and a war here at home with private prisons making bank off the drug war, THEN it would make sense to criticize Obama little dog....oh wait

Reading comprehension is such a difficult thing to master apparently.

lol internet, this guy mad^

well said!

Same reason why people supported Bush - they think the president matters. Wall Street runs the government. There was too much money to make by going to war than not for the people at the top.

They knew that it was bad for the economy but probably thought the recovery would be fairly quick like in the past.

All Obama is is a spokesman, a face to blame. He's a man to be mad at when things aren't the way people like.

Politics has become a dog and pony show to distract people away from what bankers, wall street and the top 500 corporations are doing.

Don't think for a minute that Ron Paul is going to be your savior either.

The President has the power of veto. He has made no effort to veto all the things I have mentioned. Matter of fact he supports carrying out these things. I am sick of this bullshit that he is powerless and so on. HE CAN START BY --------->NOT SUPPORTING<-------- THESE FUCKING THINGS!

You don't understand - sure he has the power to do it but he probably wants to live and or guarantee the safety of his family, bank account, career, whatever. He has to play ball with wall street, banks, and top corporations or he's out. They know Biden will surely play ball.

Oh no...I understand THAT. That's the problem and by you accepting this cognitive dissonance YOU are continuing THAT demand out of a politician. THAT is why NOTHING gets done.

Then he should not be the president if he is that scared. We need a president that will not put himself before the nation.

They didn't let him be president for nothing. Don't be surprised if Ron Paul gives more power to the Fed instead of ending it if they let him be president.

I think we can all agree on that. Who will be the next president that stamps out corruption and saves America?

A president has to decide whether he will work for commoners or the super rich. Is he going to heavily regulate finance and industry catering to most people's interests of well being or is he going to de-regulate and help the rich get richer while lowering the common man to serfdom? Libertarians, Republicans and even Ron Paul will do the latter. Every back woods hick and Ayn Rand fan thinks they're going to be a tycoon one day especially if they cut social programs.

If you have no understanding of how politics work, you should really consider to think a bit longer before you start criticizing.

Do you think he could get anything done that he wants to get done if he keeps veteoing everything the Repubs want to get done? They would all unite and vote against him every single time.

Politics is making compromises and once you realize that, you'll realize that president means very little, congress and senate is where the real power is, but everyone keeps voting the same assholes in.

Do you think he could get anything done that he wants to get done if he keeps veteoing everything the Repubs want to get done?

YES. The president vetoing every single thing the Repubs want to get done would get everyday people to start caring about politics and wondering what the fuck is going on. There's no way the mainstream media would be able to avoid covering a story that big for long. That's why I'm hoping Ron Paul gets elected and just tries to veto everything he possibly can. When constituents realize they are no longer being represented at all, we might finally be able to reduce the corruption in our government.

How would this get anything done? The only possible change this could bring is a shakeup at the next votes, which is obviously not in any leader's interest.

I will vote ron paul if he makes the ballot or gary johnson.

I am sick and tired of people constantly bickering over fictitious differences between two parties.

He also said he would investigate the Bush Administration for things like torture

see- bamboozle

I'm not debating any of your points, and I'm as far from a conspiracy theorist as they come, the the lack of ANY evidence in the OBL killing is laughable (burial at sea, my sweet dick.)

It's two shades of grey (or a baby shit green.) My "support" for Obama is more implicit than explicit. He's the shade of baby shit green that I like a bit more. I guess I have a glimmer of hope that he gets some shit done without having to worry about being reelected. I also kind of want to see what happens to the GOP if he wins (kind of like a gory car crash.) More and more I wish we had a coalition type government where minority views CAN get a voice. But any thought that there's any real choice is kinda silly. But it's just as silly as voting for a third party in a system that doesn't acknowledge them.

There's a part of me that thinks a lot of what Paul says is just plain out-of-touch (in that Randian glorified selfishness way), but then again, I'd love to see what his flavor of conservative would do to this country (in a good way.)

Romney being elected would be more of a disaster for the GOP than Obama winning. I think Romney would be that bad.

But Romney is THEIR GUY no matter how crappy, he'll be whitewashed into positivity. But with Obama, the amount of caustic misplaced vitriol combined with the realization that the fringe right essentially taking over the party will just be too fun to miss.

Gary Johnson.

gets some shit done without having to worry about being reelected

The issue of reelection is the only thing keeping public officers in check and on task. Bush was popular enough in '04 to get reelected, but by the end of his second and last term, even republicans were jumping ship.

You know what might actually get answers? If you posted this somewhere other than Conspiracy.

Fuck yes man, that's what I'm saying.

So you want Ron Paul. Well that's great. However until he drops out as Republican and runs as Independent. Then you got no alternatives that have a remote chance of winning.

Speaking of which. Just by some remote far fetched fantasy Ron Paul runs and wins as an independent. Just how long do you think he would last in office before they set him up and assassinate him?

Before he would be sworn in. I fear for his life everyday.

I find it amazing that on one hand there's a huge interconnected system of power and authority that manipulate us every day through lies and misdeeds causing wars and strife around the world, manipulating the discussion points of the electoral system through the corporate run media, but Ron Paul just walked RIGHT THROUGH that system to your front door.

Seriously, how naive are you people to not realize he's part of the same system? He's an outlier meant to capture and maintain the far right and 'fed up' vote to deliver it back to the center parties when the election comes. He's a useful tool and you guys are getting suckered in by the same system.

If he was really someone from the outside he wouldn't be trying to run under the banner of a corrupted party system, he would have always been an independent, not someone sucking on the teet of the system that he so claims to want to change.

Well I have to say that I could agree with you 100% and did for a long time. I guess it was my apathy for politics. I Remember Ron Paul from back in the 80's talking about the things that I agreed with which is the same stuff today. He has been very consistent in my opinion. To say he just walked right to our front door one day is a stretch. He has been at it for decades. It was the internet that delivered him to our doors. It's not the main stream media that's pushing his agenda, they are ignoring everything he does keeping him out of the news. They're doing that for a reason. As a independent he never got any coverage so he had to take his message through as a republican, being able to participate in the debates. We all know he is more of an independent running as a republican. He is not part of the establishment he will never be president he is spreading a message of liberty and people are starting to wake up to the corruption because of him. If he is part of the EST. then they are causing a huge problem for themselves, but maybe you're right could be exactly what they want to happen. Time will tell.

He is worse than Bush.

How so? Most of the things you listed are just continuations of policies started by Bush. Plus he's not a bible thumper.

Chomsky said it well enough, the Bush Administration captured and tortured people.

The Obama administration blows up American citizens without due process using drones. I don't think I needed another example, personally, to decide which one was actually worse.

Please provide even one example of American citizens being blown up by drones. Otherwise I'm going to have to assume you're making things up.


All it takes for this administration to kill a US citizen without due process is to label you as a terrorist. If that doesn't give you chills I don't know what will.

Edit: Honestly this was talked about so much in here I didn't think it needed a citation, hence I didn't bother.

All it takes for this administration to kill a US citizen without due process is to label you as a terrorist.

And you're making it sound like it's just this administration, when the Bush administration was basically the pioneer for things like this.

Also, that guy is far from some average American citizen that was labelled a terrorist and killed by Obama.

When did the Bush administration blow up an American citizen without due process? They just imprisoned people without due process, which was heinous enough.

And mitigating the facts of this by saying he was really a terrorist doesn't change a goddamn thing. The US government blew up a citizen who was not actively in the process of committing a crime against American citizens. The precedent here is terrifying. Maybe the guy had blood on his hands but what if he didn't? That's the part that should make you take pause.

I still cannot believe that most americans are not outraged by this.

/sarcasm on

It's because he doesn't look like a "real" American. Nor does his name sound like a "real" American name.

/sarcasm off

it might not be tomorrow or next week, but eventually it will be some poor bastard like randy weaver.

It's because 'brown skin' = terrorist to a lot of people sadly.

Nobody will care until the precedent gets abused. When kids running protests get called 'terrorists' and drone strikes are used against them. And people won't care at first, either, because they'll believe that these kids are really domestic terrorists. 40somethings in Topeka will feel safer, until it becomes more and more apparent that the reductions in our rights we've allowed in the name of the War on Drugs and the War on Terror represent nothing more than excuses for our government to exert more control over the populace and protect itself from the long overdue revolution.

It's not that I like Obama, It's that everyone else seems even more scary and sketchy. I do not believe in the government. That pretty much sums it up.

Because he isn't Mitt Romney and there are no other "choices".

Ron Paul...

If this guy doesn't like Obama he will get a real kick outta Mitt.

I guess him telling his publicist for 16 years to tell everyone she talked to, that he was born in Kenya isn't "factual". WHOOPS! #16yrMistake

Seriously though I totally agree with everything you said here, but the birth certificate didn't get on my radar until the phony long form last April. When I opened that thing up in Ps and was able to see the layers myself and the source was whitehouse.gov I knew it was all bad.

Edit: Every down vote of this thread is a pathetic Obamanoid

Yeah, that's a bit of a bad break for all those people claiming the 'birthers' were retards when his publicist has been printing his place of birth, long before his place of birth was an issue.

On the issue of Romney, this guy has also been picked for favourable relations with a certain country in the Middle East.


Best of pals. "Hey Mitt, can you attack Iran for us and step up the military aid?" "Sure Bibi, sure!"

"The dislike bar is the size of Justin Bieber's penis!!!"

It's sad when comments on here are actually just as hilarious as youtube, if not worse.

I made this mistake too once. The layers could be seen through opening the document in Illustrator not Photoshop. There was an argument that OCR technology produces a document like it. Don't know how true that is.

Any official pdf document would have no layers because it would be a single scan and it would be locked so that it couldn't be doctored.

You can see them in photoshop or illustrator, they have the same layerin capabilities for PDF's gif's etc etc.

My PS CS3 edition just opens a PDF flat. Illustrator is where I see the layers and objects. So unless they added that feature in newer editions...

Find a pdf with layers on it or desin your own and save it as a pdf and re-open it.

All I know is I opened Obama's birthcert.pdf in both illustrator and photoshop CS3. In PS it's a flat document. In AI, you can see the layers and objects.

If one - just one example could be given using software / hardware that was available at the time of release could be provided - the whole debate would be settled for good. A "repeatable experiment". However, optimization artifacts are almost certainly not to blame and if there were OCR data in there you would expect for the search feature to work (no words are searchable if you try). I have seen the layers in Illustrator for myself from the file off of the whitehouse.gov site not that long ago - AFAIK it is likely still up there untouched (changing it would probably cause even more controversy so they leave it alone).

Right.....You wouldn't possibly be down voted by anyone else

I said this thread, not my comment. Someone has good reading skills.

Still works

This year.... end corporate tyranny... choose liberty

Who do I vote for to get this?

You can't. That's the irony.

Sorry. Evidently I didn't lather on enough sarcasm, my bad.

Oh, I thought you were just baiting out an answer so you could laugh at him. :3


that is why we as citizens should vote these motherfuckers out until they get the message.

i'm sure every single homosexual who has been fighting for equality and the right to get married has been horribly insulted by his "support". get real man.

Because Mitt is worse.

Lesser of 2 evils... the GOP has become the christian extremist party. I'll pay the higher taxes of the Dems, just retain what little freedoms we have left. edit: Just so it's known I had a Ron Paul yard sign in 2008 and most of this year.

It is pretty easy; both sides play on issues that are emotional to the left and right. If you bring up abortion and gay rights, you will get emotional responses. Once the individuals on each side are polarized, it becomes a team or gang mentality where it is about we are more moral or right than the opposition. The whole process then disheartens people like me who fell like if I vote, it is a complete waste of time.

It is an unfortunate divergence we come to, those that are unafraid to see things as they truly are, and those that will not be dragged out of the burning barn by the bridle. This will end badly, ignorance is no excuse. By that i mean, turning your brain off, while browsing facebook, one of the most narcisistic practices i can think of, or having your face stuffed full of this weeks episode of 'American guns, Swamp gator wrasslers or american idol". For this apathy, and self instutued ignorance, of the very pot of water you are in, we are all in, you will be remembered and found wanting.

I Supported Obama, doesn't mean I agree with even half the shit he does now, but I won't vote for Romney (not because he is republican) You ever heard about where you mock something so much you become that thing? (not you OP) Yeah......Came here expecting a good debate read the first few comments and thought Da Fuq? relized I was in /r/conspiracy. You should put this in /r/PoliticalDiscussion.

I'm the same boat as you. Voted for him, fairly disappointed with how things have turned out, but still going to vote for him over Romney. Having any kind of rational discourse with the smug "I've got it all figured out, everyone else is sheep" crowd in here is a pointless endeavour.

I'm going to have to vote for him also. I just really don't think the country should be run in the same way you run a corporation, and I mean, Paul has no chance. At-least all the numbers have been trending upwards. I would have liked this to have been posted else-where though, OP makes some valid points but........

Because believing the lies is far easier than fighting for the truth. (Not an Obama supporter.)

This is so true. Like how 69% Americans responded with support for the Iraq war in 2003. So tragic and sad.

if you want to be a follower, someone will probably be willing to do the leading...


Would there really be any difference with McAin? I gurantee we would be in the exact same situation if he were in office...let me tell you a little secret...there is no two party system, there is only one. Everyone is on the same team, they just want you to think they aren't...but had someone else gotten elected (McAin, Clinton, anyone) we would still be in the exact same situation we are in now.

republicans = democrats. a mouse can starve on the actual differences between the two parties.

Until third party candidates start receiving traction in an election on a consistent basis, we are fucked.

Which will never happen as those candidates will end up killed...so it's too late...

What's the precedent for this?

Maybe I'm an optimist but I like to imagine that out of McCain, Clinton, etc, there would be someone electable who wouldn't lead to a situation where we have drones blowing up American citizens let alone cruising over our own airspace now.

You are an optimist...

Please for fucks sakes can everyone and the mainstream media stop slamming Obama with the socialist label as if socialism is a bad thing. People who keep saying that obviously don't have the faintest idea of what socialism is all about. As a socialist, I can tell you hands down Obama is not a socialist. He is a capitalist. Until a politician decides to do away with all corporations and have everything a direct-democracy and all modes of productions are worker controlled and self-managed...they are not socialist. Cuz that's what real socialism is, the democratic ownership of the modes of productions for the people and by the people. Obama is a capitalist still support big banks and big governments. Thank you...

Black folk support him because... duh!

Most others support him because they see the alternative as being much worse... or at least a little bit worse.

Not true. Most people vote along party lines no matter what. It's a sad truth.

Dems give handouts, reps wanna take them away.

That's the perception, and hence the voting.

Interesting way of putting it...

EVERYTHING about American politics is about race. EVERYTHING.

Libertarians - mostly Whites who don't want to support Section 8 housing, WIC and LINK free food programmes, which mostly go to blacks. But they don't want to say that, hence - libertarians.

In MSM, polite company those topics are taboo and couched in "code" language...

Hey, I just read my other unread message. To be a gentleman to this redditor (w4gn0r), I'll post what he said...

I may very well be throwing my vote away by voting for liberty and am very aware that it may not win. But I am sick of the Republicrats. With them, I feel like a kindergartener and my ball has been stolen from me by 6th graders. Right now they are tossing this ball back and forth, playing keep-away from me. Both of them want me to beg for that ball back and I have before but always ends up that I am on my knees just begging for one more chance with my own fucking ball. I am tired of it. They can keep that fucking ball, I am not playing with it anymore... I want my dignity, god damn it. All that ball represents now is some perverted version of my freedom, a small glimpse of what it should be. My dignity is worth more than that and I'll be damned if I grovel to get that piece of shit ball back again. I want the ability to say that I didnt vote for someone who continued this tired same agenda we have been playing since Vietnam and possibly as far back as WWII. I am walking away from this fucked up game of keep away.

I posted a reply to this random redditor and said...

This should be on the front page of Reddit. Just sayin'... :)

And he said...

Spread the message but say it better than man me my friend!

Well anyway, have a nice day! Even if you see yourself as merely a goyim/gentile/whatever with a blog :)

I dont even have a blog lol.

He was talkin' to me...

Hint: look at the name, then google it ;)

That's one way of characterizing "Libertarians". I'm sure many people can agree with some ideologies of the various isms. Bob Marley talked about "isms and schisms" in his music (here's a link to a song where he uses the phrase if you feel like listening to some random music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2W3aG8uizA). Though I think many people can identify with some values touted by various multitudes of other people. Even those associated with "libertarian". Or "liberal" (a Fox News' boogyman). I wouldn't know even know where to begin in this context on "race". Many people just see the governments of the world acting in a wasteful and unnecessary manner and look to potential solutions.

Obama, because health care.

Seriously, Obama doing something with health care was the only thing I knew about him for years, and I didn't even really know much about the health care thing. "I like health care. I wonder whatever happened to that thing he got passed. What do I need to know about it? When do I get some?"

Well, over the past however many months, I found out about other stuff he was up to, and I'm not too happy about it. :P

Great list. I don't know if I would consider Obama worse than Bush, but they are equally bad.

Because people are fuckin' stupid that's why. Too many people in this country have their heads up their asses and therefor can't see what is really happening. Then there are the others who see reality and are in denial because they are scared. And finally the worst category of people in the US, those who profit off our current situation and support it because of that fact.

I don't support anyone but...Because he's not Romney or Paul.

Bin laden is dead thats why

Cognitive dissonance. Also, the big lie theory. The lie is so big and runs so deep, it would shatter the average American zombie's world view. Morpheus said it best,

"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. "

uh. That is Morpheus's explanation of why they can kill people in the matrix. Doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Americans are being misled. Even if they are misled, they aren't going to turn into agent Smith and shoot people...


How's choosing evil working out for you?

Why not post this to a subreddit where everyone doesn't already agree with you? Or do you prefer a circle jerk?

Do you think I am not doing that?

Probably because posting it to /r/politics would get it downvoted into oblivion by the people who still believe Obama represents something other than the 'different shades of grey' we see from the Dems and Repubs.

You have to look past the man and analyze his cabinet and advisors. Presidents will only ever do what their handlers will allow them to do. In this case, the path leads to Soros.

Unlike many power brokers, Soros actually seems to enjoy the spotlight, having made headlines for his involvement in the Euro mess. Axelrod, Gibbs, Carney, Clinton et al are having their strings pulled by this man and they in turn pull Obama's. Just like it has been done since Kennedy.

1) because fuck you

2) because theres no one really significantly better. Go ahead, you try it.

3) Because TV.

People like that (you maybe?) would be ignorant enough to participate in an election between Hitler and Bin Laden instead of walking away from it and saying this is bullshit.

What would walking away accomplish?

The way I see it, by NOT voting for Obama (and I wont be voting for Romney either), I am voting for real change. I'm hoping more will adopt that same strategy, because when the polls come back with the lowest turn out ever, the next candidates in line MAY live up to their word that time around, rather than making empty promises to win a second election.

Is this a slam on me?

No, really, the reason Obama is in power is literally because 'fuck you'. You feel it. Its why you made this thread.

I think politics at this point is broken, so I do what I can despite it.

Wrong sub. Xfer to r/enoughobamaspam.

Edit: Downvotes? Am I not correct? Where's the conspiracy, here?

if I honestly thought that a third party candidate had a snowballs chance in hell to be elected . . . AND to be effective in governing with a congress still controlled by the current two parties I might consider voting for them. But the reality is we aren't there yet. And I believe Romney would be FAR FAR worse than Obama. In order for effective change to happen we need non-DEM/REP representation in Congress - a lot of it. And on the state levels as well. Until then we're still stuck chosing the lesser of two evils.

and this.... this right here.... is the most common, ignorant, defeatist, thoughtless, balless, sack of shit propagandist excuse that I have ever heard and it SICKENS me that so many people continue to believe that way. This right here is EXACTLY why it all stays the same. This right here is EXACTLY what they want you to believe. They are BANKING ON IT that you do! You DO NOT have to choose from the lesser of the two evils. You DO NOT have to sacrifice your dignity and perpetuate the very system that is fucking you in the ass with that bullshit GARBAGE of an excuse. Get that the FUCK out of your head and grow a pair!

Edit: No offense.

I agree with both of you. Human psychology tells you to not vote for somebody who historically gets less than 10% of the vote which is why its so easy for the 2 party system to flourish. Its fucked up and not right and even though ron paul has won a couple states. I doubt we'll see a 3rd party win soon if ever.

That "human psychology" is perpetuating the problem. Also elites not wanting a 3rd party and blacking them out in the MSM doesnt help either.

I'm starting to wonder if human greed will forever limit the possibility of any type of Utopian society.

Of course it will. Thats why we need to learn to make it work in our favor instead of trying to determine which greed is good and which is bad.

A learned soul. Say it, say it to everyone you meet.

The alternative to the status quo you speak of is...unthinkable to many. They would rather keep the feed bag of security on today, even with the sure knowledge that it will be replaced with an ankle shackle in the future.

It's called Stockholm Syndrome.

"They are BANKING ON IT that you do! You DO NOT have to choose from the lesser of the two evils"

The odds are stacked heavily against those who would vote outside the box, most people understand this, but with the amount of people who actually exercise their right to vote, and those who vote ignorantly based on party instead of research, really make it nearly impossible for the odds to be overcome.

I may very well be throwing my vote away by voting for liberty and am very aware that it may not win. But I am sick of the Republicrats. With them, I feel like a kindergartener and my ball has been stolen from me by 6th graders. Right now they are tossing this ball back and forth, playing keep-away from me. Both of them want me to beg for that ball back and I have before but always ends up that I am on my knees just begging for one more chance with my own fucking ball. I am tired of it. They can keep that fucking ball, I am not playing with it anymore... I want my dignity, god damn it. All that ball represents now is some perverted version of my freedom, a small glimpse of what it should be. My dignity is worth more than that and I'll be damned if I grovel to get that piece of shit ball back again. I want the ability to say that I didnt vote for someone who continued this tired same agenda we have been playing since Vietnam and possibly as far back as WWII. I am walking away from this fucked up game of keep away.

This should be on the front page of Reddit. Just sayin'... :)

Spread the message but say it better than man me my friend!

no offense taken

even though you just called me ignorant, thoughtless and a sack of shit. Oh and check out my name...it would be kinda hard to fuck me if I grew a pair ;)

Grow a pair of big ass ovaries and do the right thing.

I am not calling you a sack of shit, I am calling THAT excuse a sack of shit btw.

I hope you know that you are the reason why nothing changes.

What could a third party candidate really accomplish with the Congress still controlled by the Dems/Repubs? They'd be impotent without strong third party representation in Congress as well. THAT's why nothing changes. Change has to begin on the state level as well as the federal. And you have no information whatsoever about what I may or may not be doing to affect that sort of change.

You think Obama controls the shadow government? The intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and their contractors? The CIA alone has been squashing movements of the people all over the world since it's inception, so why would they stop at America? Obama won, and he was allowed to, but they have him on a tight leash. And he wants to be able to retire someday, so he plays ball. I'd rather have him in that role than some completely soulless power glutton, like Romney, that will let them strip every last freedom, with no questions asked.

EDIT: Attention Paultards: He has great ideas for foreign policy, but his domestic is unrealistic and selfish. Besides, you think the Establishment would let him in? Dream on.

Vote No for Robomney!

Where do you get your statistics?

I live in a really liberal city. I see people with Obama 2012 shirts, pins, stickers, yard signs all over the damn place. They are completely fooled.

Chomsky said it well enough, the Bush Administration captured and tortured people.

The Obama administration blows up American citizens without due process using drones. I don't think I needed another example, personally, to decide which one was actually worse.

That's pretty much what it comes down too.

It doesn't make sense to criticize Obama so harshly when there's no better alternative available.

All it takes for this administration to kill a US citizen without due process is to label you as a terrorist.

And you're making it sound like it's just this administration, when the Bush administration was basically the pioneer for things like this.

Also, that guy is far from some average American citizen that was labelled a terrorist and killed by Obama.

yes the lesser of two evils that keeps fighting evil wars

I find it amazing that on one hand there's a huge interconnected system of power and authority that manipulate us every day through lies and misdeeds causing wars and strife around the world, manipulating the discussion points of the electoral system through the corporate run media, but Ron Paul just walked RIGHT THROUGH that system to your front door.

Seriously, how naive are you people to not realize he's part of the same system? He's an outlier meant to capture and maintain the far right and 'fed up' vote to deliver it back to the center parties when the election comes. He's a useful tool and you guys are getting suckered in by the same system.

If he was really someone from the outside he wouldn't be trying to run under the banner of a corrupted party system, he would have always been an independent, not someone sucking on the teet of the system that he so claims to want to change.

He's completely right. On top of that. Presidents are bought and paid to sign legislation that's written by corporations. Oh and smooth talk people on the tube. They say nothing of real worth. Unless that worth is fucking society. And most people know this, but yet to concerned with there day to day lives. I'm even a little guilty of that. I believe we all are in a way. My word of advice to everyone is to stay aware of everything. Pull all your money out of the banks, and protect yourselves. Tough times are coming. And we need to be mentally prepared.