“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” -Malcolm X

255  2012-05-22 by Orangutan


Every day that goes by they lose their power. Now the powers that be are targeting the internet- because they know that we are taking their power away every single day.

The internet has provided the biggest weapon against them yet and quite frankly I think they're genuinely fearful (presuming they feel emotions) ...or maybe just a little peeved

They are scared.

They can't live without their god-money.

We need to speed it up though. I don't think we're going fast enough or doing enough work against the 1%.

I see it as a race, one contender are those who seek to control and regulate human behaviour and another is the emergent behaviour of masses. I believe the process we are currently going through is the slow realisation that the internet provided a jetpack to the latter, the first party is trying to disable it before the people have accelerated to a pace fast enough where they will have to forfeit the race. In all honesty, I believe we are moving fast enough, they can't quite grab the jet pack because sometime in the last decade we overtook them and we are still accelerating. Things will get worse as they attempt anything they can to get back in the lead, but one day soon there will be forfeiture.

I see it as a race, one contender are those who seek to control and regulate human behaviour and another is the emergent behaviour of masses. I believe the process we are currently going through is the slow realisation that the internet provided a jetpack to the latter, the first party is trying to disable it before the people have accelerated to a pace fast enough where they will have to forfeit the race.

I very much agree with this.

In all honesty, I believe we are moving fast enough, they can't quite grab the jet pack because sometime in the last decade we overtook them and we are still accelerating.

This I do not agree with, however. Do not underestimate the ability, control, and power of the 1%. The 99% have not by ANY means loosened themselves sufficiently from the constricting grasp of that ignorance imposed by the elite. Heck, just look at Reddit. There are a lot of progressive thinkers on here, but there are a LOT of people still very much lost in the muck and very ignorant of the truth. Granted the truth is a very complicated thing at this point, but the point I'm making is that the 99% still have a LONG way to go before the 1% give up the race. The elite are still very much in control. We're catching up to them very fast indeed, but they are also fighting very hard to KEEP that control, and if we don't don't push back even harder and make sure that we don't stay indolent and ignorant, then we will loose.

We cannot even think for a second that this battle is already won by the masses. It is not by a long shot.

Things will get worse as they attempt anything they can to get back in the lead, but one day soon there will be forfeiture.

I would hope so, but it will not happen without our continued and conscious movement forward. We simply CANNOT let up, or we will not come out of it okay.

Indeed. What do you propose?

I would propose to agitate people use internet and better use it beyond walled garden of facebook and such. Help those who are technically impaired and spread the word. Help people to use computer because the more literate population is the harder it is to fool.

Also internet itself is becoming a propaganda tool (as I clearly see this in Russia, the only thing is it is used by opposition, not the Putin, but lies are still bad whoever uses it) you also should teach people to think about information they are given. Teach people to doubt and to question.

It's by no means easy - there's a ton of counter influence and multi-generation-spanning indoctrination that has to be broken down - but the 99% need to simply throw away all their differences; all the things that they cite as making them "better" and others not as good. We need to throw away, discard, and reject every religious, political, and social message that deals with alienating and aggressively ostracising groups that are different.

Granted this shouldn't be taken to an extreme that undermines lawfulness, but all the things that we pride ourselves in setting us apart from others, the 1% easily use against us.

The moment we throw away all indoctrination that teaches us to take undue pride in any advantage or difference that we might have over another is the moment that our eyes will open up and see just how much we have been taken advantage of by the elites.

This, of course, is not the only answer, but it is a huge component responsible for allowing us to keep being manipulated.

Indeed. So you've shed your bias/indoctrination then? Have you been able to convince others to do so?

So you've shed your bias/indoctrination then?

All of them? Absolutely not, sir. This is a very, very difficult thing to do, and I am not here nor have I anywhere ever intentionally even implied that I have reached this level of mastery.

I try, however. I try. I know and understand and realize that I am - like all of us - erred, and a mass of seething less than positive emotions often enough. Many of these emotions have to be checked, and must give way to a consistent push on my part toward intelligence, dialogue, helping, and mutual benefit.

Have you been able to convince others to do so?

I cannot say that I have been able to convince others to do so because I cannot say that I have made any great effort to attempt to convince others of this. I cannot say that anyone should really try to convince anyone else to do this. I feel that this is something that we need to do on our own - of our own desire and volition - and not because we are listening to someone telling us we should do this.

This in mind, what I personally DO try to do is simply BE at least some of the change that I wish to see in the world, as it is said. I try to be as honorable and respectful and loving to everyone I meet and come across as possible. I also, however, speak my mind, and am not opposed to standing up for someone I see who is being mistreated - whether I know the parties involved or am just walking by and don't know anyone.

Again, I work toward a level of self mastery first - i.e. not trying to tell anybody what they should or should not do, but, instead, simply doing the best that I can possibly do, and perhaps that might inspire others to attempt to do the best that they can do as well.

This energy catches on as people begin to see your own growing level of self mastery and wish to experience the same energy that you're experiencing. If they ask me, then I freely impart what little I know and help where I can. I also try to keep my ears, eyes, and heart open if someone comes to me and asks me something, as it may ultimately be I who do the most learning in the scenario and is the one taught.

The 0.00000001%


The 0.65 People?

Agreed. I think they are losing some of their grip judging from the tone of the MSM which seem to continually redefine downward the "lowest common denominator". I suspect this is by design.

That lowest common denominator happens to be easily swayed by MSM message pounding but statistically large enough to keep any given issue from reaching a tipping point. Public opinion monitoring and control has become science. That's their handle to keep a lid on things - keeping the average couch potato voting block on the sidelines with a steady diet of irrelevant issues and populist fodder. They don't want everyone else getting together and agreeing on something important. Divide & conquer.

So it's a symptom of their method but also of their fear as it's becoming more & more shrill and ignorant. It seems to most thinking people (and to a good bit of the rest of the world) that our national political discourse has collectively lost its mind becoming more and more banal and dumbed down to sound bites and ridiculously transparent spin - but it's by design.

please take this "power" back; we're tired of having to wipe your ass for ya.

as for the internet, seems to be working fine here...


People need to ask themselves, who do they want controling that power? Do they want the people to control their own news, information and entertainment? Or do they want that power to be held in the hands of a small, insular tribe with its own predatory goals that are not in harmoney with the needs and desires of the general population?

and which small insular tribe would that be?

Malcolm X post-1963.

Google that.

And watch as your mind is blown.

The Internet is a part of the matrix. You can say what you want and they box you and you will never know.

Malcolm was a prophet - a truth-seeker and speaker.

That's why they had him killed.

He also believed that white people were inherently inferior and evil compared to black people, and created by an evil scientist named Yakub 6000 years ago.

But yeah, besides that he was pretty much a truth-seeker.

Although he sided with this early on in his speeches, he actually discarded the core of these thoughts later on.

Perhaps you yourself should still be held literally accountable now for the things that you thought were right - when you were a child, or a decade ago, or even last year - that actually ended up not being correct? That way anything you might say now or in the future that might actually be true or have worth will get thoroughly undermined by whatever mistaken thought you had years ago.

All this is to say that while it is not a bad idea to look at the possible contradictions or controversies in anyone's ideas and proclamations, it is actually much wiser to balance the entirety of an individual's statements and holistically assess the general direction of their energy.

Anyone looking at what you said here as being indicative of who and what Malcolm X stood for - or, for that matter, looking at your methodology as the way to assess any individual's worth - will be entirely missing the point of proper, critical assessment, and how to truly judge one's overall personhood.

Malcolm abandoned the core of his beliefs only a few months before he died. It's interesting how you say he only sided with this "early on in his speeches." Cool rhetoric bro. Notice how that implies that it's something he only did for two or three years at most and that the vast majority of his adult life wasn't dedicated to that? Because it was. It's not like, say, Che, who used to be a racist aristocratic youth but changed well before he started doing the shit he was remembered for.

The last few months of Malcolm's life do not represent his entire life.

Malcolm abandoned the core of his beliefs only a few months before he died.

No he didn't. The core of his belief was "The African population in the United States is being absolutely fucking destroyed and undermined. This shit has to stop."

He never let go of this truth.

I'm seeing now that you are more of a troll by proxy of your ignorance than anyone actually attempting to offer anything of worth in this conversation.

No more troll feeding.

Typical conspiritard.

I came here to basically assert the same conclusion TC stated. The internet has changed the game, massively. Now we have to maintain its freedom. Its a little staggering to consider how powerful those are who know how to manipulate all those 1 and 0's

With every hour that passes, the same cocksuckers who control television and radio and movies and magazines and newspapers and book publishing are gaining control over the Internet. We have a degree of freedom, yes, a degree ... but only for a short while, and our freedom is steadily shrinking.

I personally don't think its has bad as you do (although all you said is true, just missing context). The way I see it, we live in a prime time in history to make big moves. The consent of a nation has been disrupted thanks to the internet and freer and freer exchange of information. Who'd want to live in a Utopia anyways? Ask not for the problem to be easier, but that you'll become stronger.

Hey, I'm all for a bloodless revolution that will throw those out of power who have been lording it over the rest of us for so many decades. However I bear in mind that they are good at holding onto power, particularly because they are completely ruthless, and don't really regard us as human beings equal in importance to themselves. They see us as a commodity to be exploited. I hope we can cast them all down to the dust.

Who owns Hollywood? I remember Alex Jones said it was Arabs...

Jerry stiller owns Hollywood. And his ilk.


His father. Im not even joking.

This assumes that all of the media works in unison.

Ninety percent of US media is controlled by six corporations. To me that seems small enough to coordinate an agenda. (source)

He was killed because he was a plantation dweller who wanted both the top down humanity of the plantation and to have an excuse for uncontrolled hate gripes and accusation of crimes being made against the world's bottom up humanity. "Didn do nuthin'"

They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent

when will the blame end?


Denzel Washington was quite a wise man

They are scared.

They can't live without their god-money.

and which small insular tribe would that be?

The 0.65 People?

So you've shed your bias/indoctrination then?

All of them? Absolutely not, sir. This is a very, very difficult thing to do, and I am not here nor have I anywhere ever intentionally even implied that I have reached this level of mastery.

I try, however. I try. I know and understand and realize that I am - like all of us - erred, and a mass of seething less than positive emotions often enough. Many of these emotions have to be checked, and must give way to a consistent push on my part toward intelligence, dialogue, helping, and mutual benefit.

Have you been able to convince others to do so?

I cannot say that I have been able to convince others to do so because I cannot say that I have made any great effort to attempt to convince others of this. I cannot say that anyone should really try to convince anyone else to do this. I feel that this is something that we need to do on our own - of our own desire and volition - and not because we are listening to someone telling us we should do this.

This in mind, what I personally DO try to do is simply BE at least some of the change that I wish to see in the world, as it is said. I try to be as honorable and respectful and loving to everyone I meet and come across as possible. I also, however, speak my mind, and am not opposed to standing up for someone I see who is being mistreated - whether I know the parties involved or am just walking by and don't know anyone.

Again, I work toward a level of self mastery first - i.e. not trying to tell anybody what they should or should not do, but, instead, simply doing the best that I can possibly do, and perhaps that might inspire others to attempt to do the best that they can do as well.

This energy catches on as people begin to see your own growing level of self mastery and wish to experience the same energy that you're experiencing. If they ask me, then I freely impart what little I know and help where I can. I also try to keep my ears, eyes, and heart open if someone comes to me and asks me something, as it may ultimately be I who do the most learning in the scenario and is the one taught.