Is Alex Jones a Zionist Shill?

11  2012-05-24 by [deleted]


It's not a case of Alex actively shilling for Zionism. It's more a case of him carefully avoiding any criticism of Jews or Zionism.

Look at it from his point of view. He's built a nice little business. He's making decent money and his income is growing every year. He gets to do what he loves to do -- shoot off his mouth and have a large number of people pay attention to him.

Why would he jeopardize this sweet set-up by criticizing Jews? He knows that if he criticizes them, they are going to use the standard anti-Semite response. Anyone with a brain knows how empty and meaningless this attack is, but a large portion of Americans still buy into it. The sponsors would leave Jones, and he would lose affliates.

Jews really know how to put pressure on we goyim. They would hurt Jones where he lives -- in his radio business. That's his whole life. I don't know how he justifies in his own mind not criticizing Zionism, but the reality is, he avoids criticizing Zionism because Jews can hurt him professionally, and he knows it.

I believe Jones knows full well the harm Zionist Jews have done to America, and are currently doing to it. When he talks about the bankers, sometimes you can listen between the lines and you realize he's really talking about Jews. He doesn't use code words, but he knows what Zionist Jews have done. He knows they are responsible for the economic mess we are in, and that they control the mass media and use it for their own propaganda purposes. He knows they are gaining control over the courts and justice system as a whole, that they control most of the universities and think tanks.

As I've said before, Alex Jones is not stupid. He knows Zionism is a problem for America, but he won't say it on air because he is protecting his radio business.

Great explanation. Thanks for this.

"Damn Globalists!" :)

It is also important to see that Alex's base are US Christians, many who have been brain washed into believing that the Jews are Gods chosen. If AJ were to slam Israel/Jews, He would scare 40 million Americans away before he could wake them up.....Brilliant strategy Alex.

I think that Alex Jones has said that the arabs own Hollywood. Oddly, enough they all have jewish names. Heck of a note wouldn't you say.

No. If Alex was a Zionist shill, David Icke would not be on his show.

Yes because everyone knows David Icke (who seriously believes in reptilians) is legitimate and a threat to the powers that be. Give me a fucking break

That's like, your opinion man. Please give us a fucking break.

He is definitely controlled opposition.

right you are...I thought this was old news in r/conspiracy..

I've had that feeling lately. As if some sort of deal was made to keep his integrity intact.

I don't trust anything man says until I've throughly contemplated it myself.

Nah he's a crazy conspiratard. He makes you other conspiratards look bad with his insane ramblings, so you attempt to distance yourselves from him by calling him a "shill", even though many of you agree with the majority of what he says.

Yes, he's also a fat mouth dick head texan. I have a theory that most of his listeners are chain smokers who drink cola and watch porn all day while thinking they know better then everyone else.

His wife and children are citizens of Israel. Why wouldn't he shill for his families bloodline?

Is that true?

He has confirmed it many times.


look it up.

I don't understand how TPTB would benefit from having someone like Jones inform the masses.

Well one could argue that it would only be a matter of time before someone started informing the masses, so it might be a worthwhile investment to control the outlet that does.

Not only can you discredit the information by mixing in falsehoods, you can effectively mislead and track those who do buy into it.

Most people in /r/Conspiracy have come to the concusion (rightfully so, imo) that either Alex Jones is mentally unbalanced, in it for the money (he needs to keep delivering to keep making money... and breaking news isnt happening all the time), or he is controlled opposition. Myself, I have trouble pinning down which one. As time goes on, my opinion changes.

Regardless of which one it is, I still listen to him daily in the car because there is more truth in what he does talk about than what I can get from the MSM, and he is far more entertaining than more level-headed hosts like Michael Rivero.

Plus jones gives a face to conspiracy theorists as extreme nut jobs who are borderline mentally unstable. Thus when anyone makes a conspiracy reference they can be grouped with him and then their credibility is marginalized by association.

what's the "fruit"; a bunch of people that constantly complain and blame someone/something else for the situation they're facing?

No, Alex Jones is a moron.

zionist shill? no idea...

i do think his intentions are good, but he seems to play the victim quite often...

He was exposed by William cooper as disinformation/CIA/Jesuit. Too bad this isn't common knowledge especially around these parts. I've seen coopers hour of the times posted quite frequently only to get down voted and slandered. Such a shame

Proof that he is an Israeli supporter

Proof that Alex Jones is a fear-monger and doesn't fact check (A little longer but proof)

NYE 1999/2000 - Alex Jones reported that "more wars were going on right now then ever in history" - He literally said that.

He also claimed that nuclear plants in the states were being shut down.

He basically just gets a WHIFF of something and runs with it.

ANYTHING by Bill Cooper will show you how a TRUE patriot and Truth Broadcaster should handle themselves. He does this by Sourcing Credible Sources.

I don't think so.

Just a shill. The truth is never that bombastic.