I just realized that I have a lot to say but am too afraid to say it on the internet, sometimes even to my friends and family.

26  2012-05-25 by [deleted]

I find it really disheartening actually as I always thought of America as a place where I was free to share my opinion without fear of retribution. Even if my opinion is totally baseless and idiotic I shouldn't be afraid to share it. I feel that a lot of people do not comment on this subreddit on really interesting posts due to the same fear. Am I wrong?



You are today's reddit hero. Very insightful and well written. Bravo!


You did just that, this day. Thank you.

Fuck yea mate! The other post you "laid out" was fucking spot on too. Unfortunately the world's situation will land here in America soon enough and when it does, well, that will be the most horrifying reality television I have never seen. Please take my upboat and keep posting brother.

Yes, never fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear keeps you away from the cheese. And that cat standing behind the cheese. Walk without fear towards the cheese brave mice!

Have an upvote ... shawnplep, you are fighting the good fight.

Never forget that the people around you are much more like you than you have ever imagined.

Talk to people, even if you don't know them. You will find that people like it when someone who is sincere and non-threatening talks to them.

I was at Costco recently and was sitting in the area with tables for eating things and there was a woman there in her late 80's, sitting there by herself eating one of those incredible $1.50 ice cream bars. Well, those things are worth $10. You can't buy one anywhere else that I even know of. So I asked her if it was a good deal. Well, yes, it is, she said. Within 5 minutes she had disclosed to me that not only did she visit Costco every month to enjoy one of those but that she was the widow of a General in the US Army and had lived in about 8 different countries over the past 60 years. She had an incredible pension, children & grandchildren all over the place, and until recently spent 2 months of every year going anywhere in the world she damn well wanted to visit. I could have sat there and listened to her until sunrise the next day. I may never see her again but she very much enjoyed telling me just a few highlights of her life, sharing them with me.

I am 63 and have quite an interesting life myself, but I didn't even try to interrupt her in our 'discussion'. I want you to know this - if you talk to people, especially people you don't know - once in a while you will be very pleasantly surprised what they will share with you. A side of life you never imagine existing awaits you, and you will be the better for it.

This is extremely uplifting, thanks!

Anything else I can do, let me know. I'm a talker and a listener. I'm a bit famous, too.


Yes. How did you know?

Because I'm in your closet.....

Would have been better if I was quicker noticing your reply.

What kind of retribution are you afraid of? Downvote retribution? Or oh no someone wil track me down and murder me retribution?

The "this man is not part of 'the system' and thus should not be allowed to advance in life" type.

Look unless you're posting how you're going to attack X you're sound. Do you not think if 'alternative opinions' were illegal the likes of Alex Jones et al would be dead?

Look at the things that Alex Jones won't talk about. There's your taboo subjects.

Yeah, its those topics that I fear speaking of...

Like what?

I frequently have people look into my comment history and attempt to use comments I've made in /r/conspiracy to "win the debate" we are having about totally unrelated subjects.

For example, one bloke I was debating with about the zimmerman/martin case busted out with calling me a "birther" because of some stuff I had posted about obama's birth debate.

Another fellow called me a quack because I post in /r/conspiracy, regardless of what the posts were about.

It makes for a nice ad hominem attack generator.

There are lots of people here eager to label and dismiss other posters merely because they have, in the past, posted in a particular subreddit. Even though those posts have nothing to do with the subject under discussion.

Grow some balls and speak up. They count on us being pussies. You think Thomas Paine would be scared to write on a internet comment board?

Just share it? My opinions and stances often run counter to the standard here but with the exception of mass downvotes on a few touchy subjects I've found the rest of the /r/conspiracy crowd at least willing to hear me out/offer polite, interesting discussion/debate.

Fear of what?

Do you read the shit people type on the internet?

You have to say some pretty extreme shit to get 'retribution' and it has to be incredibly specific.

Read through the conspiracy/collapse subs, or even just other backwater alternative news forums, and you'll see people saying some crazy crazy shit.

disclaimer: not everyone, just there are people who say crazy shit, not everyone says crazy shit.

I think it is presumptuous to assume TPTB will put you on a list and do something sinister to you for thinking outside the box.

There is a growing minority of us who have studied a million conspiracy theories, know something is up, but also know enough to know what happens to those who try to fight it. We are here to study, and to spread information to those who are open to listen, but nothing more.

To play devil's advocate a bit, perhaps it is the "sheeple" who will be culled first in some sort of event; after all, perhaps there is much less use for the ignorant plebs in a more utopian society, and the "elites" wouldn't mind keeping around a subset of "awake" people; as long as they don't act out in ignorant, fear based ways.

I think it is presumptuous to assume TPTB will put you on a list and do something sinister to you for thinking outside the box.

You think it's presumptuous, do you? Better ask Germar Rudolf about that, or David Irving.

Or MLK....

I'm not trying to say it is impossible to cross the line and seriously piss off TPTB but that one will know when they have taken a battle-position.... I don't see it happening simply by research and sharing ideas...

In the case of the two dudes you referenced, I don't know anything about them so please fill me in. Sounds like one of them was doing history revisionism in Germany, which is an obvious no-no and I'm sure he knew he was going to be a target...

Sorry, but your not awake if you would willingly walk back into the open arms of a group that just "culled" the sheeple.

Not interested in walking right into their arms, but not interested in fighting them either.

This is as much a psychological battle as it is anything else, as a matter a fact for 99% of us armchair conspiracy theory researchers, the closest we will have to get to the "Illuminati" is the specter of paranoia we have to fight in our own minds.

I'm merely offering a different outlook to liberate oneself of paranoia; perhaps you are not interested, that is fine. Some people really identify with the struggle, the battle, and I respect that. We need people like that too.

No, I just see it as a bad idea. They just killed a bunch of people for not thinking/living like them. How could you rationally think you would be safe living there?

I guess I wouldn't feel very safe anywhere at that point. I think rationality kind of goes out the window when something that big happens. The only people who will be able to be calm and grounded during such dark times would be the "irrational", "spiritual" people.

I am niether irrational(at least in my mind ;) ) nor spiritual. Why should it scare me that the cops are corrupt? Its the same in every country. Power tends to corrupt, and corrupt people are drawn to possitions of power.

I suppose my hope lies in the regular people to succeed in the end.

whatever helps you sleep at night

You need to get behind some proxies young Padawan.

just go ahead and say it, what do you fear? Even posters on jihadist forumsi n the US aren't arrested until they say "hey, who knows where I can buy things to make explosives".

There's a lot of crazy stuff out there online, so go ahead bear us your soul!

i hear ya man. good thing we have this place to vent to.

I realized a long time ago was that to defeat all the MSM BS was to flood the internet with (what ever you decide) was the truth. Join the chorus of voices. So I started a web pages back in the nineties just linking to articles I believed needed to be seen. I never really got a lot of traffic, but if any of my relatives or old friends look me up ,now they have thousands of links I post everyday.

Now I have all these links and when I am in a thread I sometimes,lol, remember posting something relevant to the issue being discussed and it's easier for me to find the link.

Here's an example, I was reading about Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones

and I found a link from back in 2008, Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans

It's scary all this happening,, FAA: Look For 30,000 Drones To Fill American Skies By The End Of The Decade

Just think what all this means. There will be no protests in the future. We are all going to be locked down. And if they start chipping us, these drones will be able to do selective assassinations.

We are fucked.

America has changed. We used to represent a free flow of ideas, and the people that had intelligence and good ideas were respected. Now intelligence has to be accompanied by a healthy bottom line in your checking account or you are not worth listening to.

You're not wrong that you will be targeted if you express forbidden ideas on the Internet.

About the most dangerous thing you can do is criticize Jews in any way -- they've got whole organizations devoted to harassing and villifying anyone of any pominence who writes or says anything that deviates from the propaganda line they've been brainwashing us all with for decades. The people in these organizations are nasty dudes who have no pity, and they will destroy your life, as an example to others ... merely for expressing an idea that they disagree with.

There are other areas of discussion that you are forbidden to talk about in a free and open manner. You know what they are. We all do. It's called self-censorship, and we impose it upon ourselves to avoid being targeted by the self-appointed champions of political correctness, or as I prefer to call it, social correctness. No one wants to be publicly labeled, because they know that even if the labels are completely wrong, they will stick.

The sad thing is that so many people go along with this practice. Maybe they are just too stupid to realize what is happening. Or maybe they hope they themselves won't be accused of witchcraft if they point their fingers at others and scream "witch."

better to be safe then to be sorry

because you know what they mean by sorry... i.e death.

I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence Fear is such a weak emotion thats why I despise it We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you Sometimes I’m like the only person I feel safe to tell it to I’m locked inside a cell in me, I know that there’s a jail in you Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through.

Watch this, trust me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22l1sf5JZD0

You know, there's a thing called a "period" that is used at the ends of sentences.

I copied and pasted it from a lyric site. Don't be that guy.

I can not, as it is unavailable on mobile.

Damn. Well whenever you get a chance watch the music video for Words I Never Said by Lupe Fiasco.... trust me, its incredibly relevant to this post.

"First they laugh at you. Then they lose. Then you win." - Me

I just assume I'm being spied on by all these automated systems and I truly do not give a fuck. I don't live in fear of these fools.

Is this ypur version of loving the bomb?? :)

No. They want us to fear them and their "power". To do so is to give them what they want. If you refuse to be afraid they have no power over you.

I agree with you. Fear is exactly what they want. I always remember one of my favorite sayings: I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

If you are poor and believe in a few CTs, you are delusional and insane. If you are rich and believe in a few CTs, you are eccentric and an idealist.

Having any views outside of the majority flock will yield one the blow back of social retribution. I have given up on trying to pass on knowledge to friends and family through Facebook, face to face conversations, etc. I moved from urban Canada and now live in Canada's bible belt ... where entire communities are saturated with the indoctrinated and the tithers. The closed minded and the willfully ignorant dominate.

I keep a blog to document the struggle, primarily for the sake of my children. I am the proud parent of two young people who utilise logic, common sense, have a sense of integrity and can quickly detect the scent of bullshit when it is being served up to them. As I age, I treasure the real connections I make, in person and online. I surround myself with people who are smart enough to see the trends. I trust the trustworthy.

I never forget that the world is turning into a dystopia ... transparency and the truth is the only cure.

as i walk though the shadow of the valley of death i shall fear no evil........


be ready for a tirade of hate from mainstream morons. If you challenge their thinking in anyway they hate your guts. Even if you have all the evidence in the world they will find some way to say you're wrong.


Even with all the evidence, if you truly are right, they will attack the messege bearer.

This is extremely uplifting, thanks!

Anything else I can do, let me know. I'm a talker and a listener. I'm a bit famous, too.

Damn. Well whenever you get a chance watch the music video for Words I Never Said by Lupe Fiasco.... trust me, its incredibly relevant to this post.