Why would you follow a subreddit like R/Conspiracy and jump to the conclusion that if someone does something odd, it's because they're on drugs. Dismiss all further evidence. I'll tell you why. They're being paid to.

46  2012-05-30 by [deleted]

A lot of the stuff we read in here sounds absolutely insane. The whole point of researching conspiracy's is to have our mind blown. I'm noticing with the Tila Tequila, and the Zombie craze tons of people in here are quick to jump to the drug conclusion and absolutely dismiss all other evidence. I do not think these people are who we think they are. If you give people a faux explanation they stop searching for the truth. Strength in numbers. If you get a bunch of "people" to agree with you, then it MUST be the truth [sarcasm].


If people actully think zombies are a reasonable conclusion then this zombie fad has gone too far and there are too many idiots are going to take it seriously. It was all fun, but maybe certain people should be putting down the zombie movies, zombie games, and zombie survival guides if they cant tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Nothing discredits a conspiracy theorist more than when they buy into obviously laughable bullshit. If you want to go on some tangent where you think its the government trying to scare you away from it, then maybe you should be looking at the person who is suggesting that it may be true

If conspiracy's have taught me anything it's that "reality" is not what you think it is. Quite the opposite.

What proven conspiracies have actually taught you that? Or are you just going off the many many unproven and often unscientific/unrealistic fantasies people post here?

Well the whole working 9-5 for the rest of your life as a slave is absolutely a false reality. The relief we all feel when receiving a large sum of cash, fake. It's just paper.

You can withhold your consent, even in today's society. The global aristocracy's members have not worked a day of human labor in their lives. You can do the same, you just can't buy as much stuff with which to enjoy your leisure.

The concept of a "job" appears to me to be obsolete. It seems likely to me that the unemployment rate will never go down again unless workers are enslaved for war purposes. Mechanization will see to that. Human labor appears to me soon-to-be largely obsolete, and in a world worth living in this would be cause for celebration, freedom, unparalleled leisure, an abundance of the arts, an extreme focus on and easy funding for top-notch education (lots of free time for lots of people), peace, and asymptotic acceleration of technological innovation.

Instead, we live here, where lightbulbs are intentionally designed to be less efficient than when first invented centuries ago (we have the internet and conflict mineral-mined palm supercomputers, yet are still enslaved by an internal combustion engine technology unimproved upon in a significant way since 1838), and the same miracle of mechanization dooms millions (billions?) to destitution, debt, homelessness, and ultimately early death on account of extreme, lifelong, perpetual trauma. All of these concepts should be as obsolete as human labor, because they are all equally optional.

If you can't learn to withhold your consent in today's society, you'll never be part of building the one we deserve.

Well said. How do you, specifically, withhold your consent?

Join the counter-economy.

Google: Agorism and Voluntaryism.

Those who do not let us withdraw our consent shall die the death of one thousand paper cuts.

You could buy a couple acres of land, raise all the food and animals you need, and get by on free gubberment money. Free health care too.

Remember, aid is given out to people with low INCOMES, not no ASSETS.

That paper at the time we receive it has real value though and can be used to acquire goods and services.

You don't have to work 9-5 for the rest of your life "as a slave" if you choose not to. You couldn't be talking to me on here if you made that choice though and you'd probably working a lot longer trying to maintain a life as a subsistence farmer though.

The gulf of Tonkin, the lie of wmd's in Iraq, and the cause of '08 recession (sure it doesn't deal with the government or aliens but there were people who knew what the cost of their actions would be) come to mind. But it's important to note that a proven conspiracy is no more than history. Especially since that's all it is once it's "proven".

Then a lot of the conspiracies that you would likely label "fantasy" do have some shady parts to the accepted story. 9/11 and Roswell are two good examples of this. Certainly enough to make you think twice about the world you live in.

Operation Northwoods, Vietnam, Lack of WMDs, Iran 1953 coup detat etc. All of these are documented and true so you're full of shit. Lots of conspiracies have happened.

Read what I said again. I never said no conspiracies have happened. I asked him which taught him that reality isn't what he thought it was.

Ok but I think operation northwoods is a good example of that. It made me realize to not trust my govt.

What actual evidence?

Shit, the drug argument makes sense, the zombie argument doesn't make sense.

Critical thinking works both ways.

big deal

In 2010, 48 states and Puerto Rico reported 6,153 cases of rabies in animals and 2 human cases to CDC

I have yet to see any compelling evidence that there are actually "zombies" (which itself is a blanket term which could refer to so many things and itself has no scientific measurement to prove anything). I think everyone should simply keep a cool head and be aware that people in power would LOVE for everyone to start freaking out about zombies. You think the PATRIOT ACT or the NDAA are bad? Wait until we have the ZOMBIE ACT to "keep us safe".

Just be careful about who's hands you play into.

Well put.

I thought about this too. A "Zombie Act" to "keep us safe".

Drugs tend to be the easy way to explain any situation and discredit anyone from Charlie sheen to Michael Jackson to Whitney Houston. The media hints that drugs were a factor then everyone accepts this and makes jokes about it rather than questioning the source.

no shit mainstream media's motto. lol. I personally think this is more like the crazies type deal and its going to cause martial law. Perfectly Valid explanation..not only that but it delves into the war on drugs...imagine if the war on drugs was the reason for the martial law crackdown because everyone who has taken drugs(laced with "bath salts") is going to go nuts.

The drugs you want to really watch out for are the legal ones. Meth is bad I've heard but I know a lot more people who are on legal drugs. Those are silent killers. Killing you softly.

yes I agree...but it could be a much worse situation if lets say a certain profitable drug line was laced with something that would push people over the edge for the purpose of bringing in the military or overwhelming force. Not only that but as you can see people are literally foaming at the mouth for an apocalypse of some kind or just a good reason to shoot people.. One of the biggest facebook meme's right now is "god let there be a zombie apocalypse already so I can blow some of these idiots heads off". If this keeps up then shit will hit the fan in the next couple weeks..just because people WANT it to.

Interesting insights I wasn't aware of the meme. Pretty dark stuff. Many of the medications people use now cause withdrawal symptoms when discontinued so if the supply was stopped I think you would have some pretty messed up people jonesing for their drug of choice. The street drug people are just rookies in comparison to the syndicated pushers. Their system is full spectrum. Of course, you are correct if their pills were adulterated then you could end up with mighty weird behaviours.


I think people are underestimating exactly what SHIT HITTING THE FAN looks like..

Meth isn't just bad, it's an epidemic and it's homemade (USA!). Breaking bad sure did a good job of desensitizing it.

I've heard this is true but thankfully have no personal experience with it. Pharmaceuticals are another matter I have seen what they do to people. By the way I thought describing meth as bad was adequate, thanks for your input on the matter all the same. Do you know anyone close to you or otherwise who has had a problem with it? I take it very seriously but, I just have never seen anyone on it nor known anyone on it.

You've seen people on it, long term use is common among the homeless and it can be hard to tell a meth head from a crack head. Both can lead to psychosis, disassociation, and a general loss of self respect.

Pharmy's are a major problem and way over prescribed. Meth, crack, and heroin are not seen in the daylight but are still a big problem either way.

I don't doubt that Meth, crack and heroin are present but like you say we don't see it at least I don't. I may have seen it on the internet which is like seeing an event on tv as opposed to seeing it in real life, unreal. I have to admit I don't look for it either.

with his hand.

Anyone know what happend to that FBI guy that went missing? Who approached the Russian diplomat and tried to warn him about some big insane event that will happen?

A bizarre Foreign Ministry report circulating in the Kremlin today states that this Friday past (11 May) Russian Envoy Vladimir Vinokurov, the Consulate General of San Francisco, was approached near his hotel room during a visit to Los Angles by an agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation indentifying himself as Stephen Ivens who warned that he and a former FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben had uncovered evidence of an impending terror attack on US soil stating that those behind the attack were “all insane.”

Before Ivens was able to finish his “message,” this report says, the three American Diplomatic Security agents, who trail all Russian diplomats in the US, began to “surge” towards Ivens causing him to flee. According to US news sources, Special Agent Ivens, after leaving downtown Los Angeles, returned to his home in Burbank whereupon he then fled into the rugged Verdugo Mountains after which a massive manhunt for him ensued involving 100 FBI agents, 40 sheriff’s department rescuers and a dozen local police officers. FBI officials stated to the local media that Ivens was “distraught” and “might be suicidal” adding that they believed he had in his possession his service weapon. At no time, however, did anyone ever state as to why Ivens would be in such a state.

According to other US news sources, Special Agent Ivens graduated from Braintree High School in Massachusetts 18 years ago and was selected by his fellow students as “shyest” in his class. He was further described by FBI colleagues as well liked, a devoted agent with no history of disciplinary action on the job, and according to FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller “Married with a one-year-old child, he has been working for the FBI for the past three years in the national security area. Prior to that, he worked as a Los Angeles police officer for eight years.” Late yesterday, after the massive manhunt failed to find any trace of Ivens, his wife Thea Ivens issued an urgent public appeal stating: “Steve, if you are out there listening right now, your wife wants to let you know, ‘Babe, we are in this together for better or for worse. I love you, no matter what happens.’ Your child wants you to know, ‘Daddy’s work? Daddy home?’”

Even more bizarre about this case, this report continues, is that the retired FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben mentioned by Ivens, who also knew about this impending “plot,” was arrested within hours of Ivens disappearing and charged with trading child pornography. Most important to note about Sachtleben was, aside from his being an over 25-year veteran of the FBI, he was a special agent bomb technician before retiring in 2008 who specialized in counterterrorism and bombing investigations and whose most important case was the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York City.

According to US news reports about Sachtleben’s arrest, this most knowledgeable of FBI agents openly traded child porn using the e-mail address ‘pedodave69@yahoo.com’ in an act so stupid for one of the United States most highly trained intelligence agents it defies belief. The practice of US intelligence services charging their most feared dissidents with child pornography and/or sex charges is well known, with the most celebrated case being against the former UN weapons inspector William Scott Ritter, Jr. who warned about the lies being told to the American people in the run-up to the Iraq War only to find himself sent to prison on trumped up charges involving a minor girl.

To exactly what kind of false flag plot Agents Ivens and Sachtleben had uncovered this report doesn’t say, other than to note that the credibility of this information should not be dismissed due to how fast and hard US intelligence agencies are acting to cover their tracks should any additional information come forth. Grimly to be noted is the use of false flag operations by the United States and their political elite classes are well known and well documented, the most famous of them being Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated in 1962 within the United States government, and which the Kennedy administration rejected. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro. One part of Operation Northwoods was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.” Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated: “The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.”

Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the U.S. government’s Cuban Project anti-communist initiative, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. As the events of Oklahoma City and 9/11 prove, however, the appetite for false flag operations against the American people by their own government is far from sated, with the next one, undoubtedly, being the worst of them all.

Sourced from one of the best truth websites out there, that very few people have heard of


I forgot about this story I'd be quite interested to know if any one has heard anything.

probably black bagged and in Guantanamo

That never happened. It was a tale from Sorcha Faal a known disinfo artists named david booth or whatever. Jesus christ people, use your fucking heads!

You must be joking. Right? Either that or the C.I.A.

what am I joking about? do you know anything about sorcha faal? he takes stories in the news and spices them up like the weekly world news, targeted at people who are not very good at critical thinking.

All we know is hes missing, the tale about the russians is total horse shit.

fyi sorcha faal is a chick

I'm pretty sure David booth is a dude......

yes but when referring to the character that is sorcha faal

Who cares? It's david booth.

sooo.... can i meet your cat now?

Get your own pussy

i murdered it

wow you are so clever. stalk much?

thank you

ya that story seemed kinda BS and was obvious disinfo, but Stephen Ivens was a real dude, and you know, he "fled" even though he was "suicidal"

fleeing is a survival instinct, a bit curious as to why you would flee on foot if you were suicidal. or why a 9 year LAPD vet and 3 year FBI agent with a toddler would suddenly become suicidal.


the FBI guy missing or the story of him trying to speak with the russian diplomat?

the russian bullshit. sorcha faal is a character of someone who has "sources deep inside the kremlin" and they constantly refer to events regarding russian diplomats or russian heroes. Its always some secret angle from russian intelligence. Yet nothing sorcha faal has reported has ever been true. At one point he had bush jr fleeing to saudi arabia so he wouldnt get arrested, and I think he even had obama running for his life and hiding out from arrest or some bullshit. Its just a mountain of total bullshit.

Hell, just read the account, its like some stupid B flick.

It got some mainstream(ish) media coverage? It appears an FBI agent at least went rogue or whatever.

Ah i see, thank you for writing this out I appreciate it, yea most of r/conspiracy I take as entertainment. Though was still curious about the FBI agent missing while partner was racked up on child porn charges.

I suspect child porn is how they blackmail and burry people. Like when they found the hundreds of people in the pentagon who were using pentagon computers to look at child porn. Its like, do what we say, or you go down for child porn.

I dont know. But this story is definitely strange. I figure the guy has already been erased.

Because PCP and other drugs have resulted in similar symptoms before. Now whether they purposely took it or were illegally experimented on as in MKULTRA would be more interesting to figure out.

It's not always paid "shills".

I left a comment in a zombie thread saying it was drugs. So, I feel like this message is somewhat directed towards people like me.

I just use my logical mind. What are the chances of a zombie outbreak? Very small.

Now, many conspiracy theories are true, and that would be why I follow this subreddit.

thing about it being drugs is that when you get shot or stabbed you pass out because of the sudden drop in blood pressure the miami guy and the nj guy both kept going after they were opened up.

PCP and some other drugs don't have that downside. you just keep going until death.

One dude apparently carved his own face off and fed it to his dogs.

i smell an askscience post

I thought they already aired that episode. Ya know, the one with the student forgotten in the holding cell for days?

Wasn't that a Hannibal movie?

I use my logical mind, too. And, while I am right there with you dismissing "zombie outbreak", I also understand that any other explanations at this point are, at minimum, speculation... and at worst, deliberate propaganda (When the war on terror loses popularity, the war on drugs rears its head.).

What facts do you have, that the rest of us do not, which suggests that this was drug-related? I'm not saying it's impossible or even unlikely (in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it were drug-related), but... I've seen no evidence presented to indicate that it was drug-related.

What was it? The honest, logical answer is: At present, we do not know.

Like most everything in life, things are too complicated for broad all-encompassing answers. Sometimes it's drugs, sometimes it's not... in my opinion.

We're not on here to have our mind "blown". At least I'm not.

I subscribe to this subreddit because it can provide a (sometimes valuable) piece to that puzzle that helps me get to the truth of what the crap is going on in this f&%$d up world.

Granted, my mind might indeed get blown in the process, but I'm not here to get my mind "blown". I'm here to get to the truth - mind blown or not.

What about Occam's razor?

Occam's razor: a principle urging one to select among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect.wikipedia

On reddit, however, Occam's razor is applied as "which story seems more ridiculous when I describe things this way" - which is just rhetorical BS.

The ridiculous labeling of "excited delirium" as "zombieism" is one of the side-effects of social media (e.g., "If we give it this headline, everyone will notice it!"). But, Occam's razor has no credibility on reddit. Here's why...

Two different arguments about 9/11 truth, using Occam's razor.

Version one:

Which is more likely?

  • That thousands of government and corporate agents all conspired together to orchestrate this grand scheme to kill a few thousand US citizens so that some oil barons (yet another tier of this grand plan) could steal Iraq's oil. And all of those thousands of people have successfully remained silent about this all of this time.


  • some terrorists hijacked some airplanes and flew them into buildings.

Version two:

Which is more likely?

  • Some evil Muslim terrorists, led by Osama bin Laden (a Saudi), orchestrated the most aggressive attack on American soil in the last 50 years, penetrating the world's most sophisticated defense system. And they coordinated all of this from a cave in Afghanistan using a cellphone and a laptop.... and they managed to convince the US government to blame Saddam Hussein and to invade Iraq.


  • the people with the technology to do this did it.

Occam's razor, on reddit, is a cop-out for not having sufficient information to defend yourself. Don't use it. EVER. And, if you see someone else use it, analyze the shit out of what they're saying, because odds are that they're bullshitting someone.

I personally think Occam's razor points to a conspiracy on 911. If you look at all the facts, the "terrorist" argument just doesn't hold up.

Well said.

Occam's razor is useless for almost all kinds of social interactions. This principle cannot be used to explain history. If you don't know the relevant facts, you have to research more. If you are unable to collect additionel information, countless unverifiable explanations remain. You cannot assume that the simplest scenario is the most accurate explanation.

so... you dont know anything about drugs, do you?

god damn this place is insane.

omg zombie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lurch

Back atcha! It's rude to call people insane because you don't understand them.

Well, given the fact that you believe anyone who thinks this obvious drug crazed lunatic was on drugs is a paid shill.... yeah how could anyone suggest you might be nuts?

Why because someone like me disagrees I'm not who you think I am? Gee I wish I was getting a chunk of money to troll as a subversive agent to plunder on here.

Many of us on r/conspiracy likes a good mystery to solve. Some of us come up with our own conclusions. You have 57,658 readers subscribed. Unless you have overwhelming evidence to convince the subreddit readers. Don't complain when a percentage come on and disagree. It's part of the way the world works to disagree among ourselves. The world would be dull if we all just merrily went about agreeing with everything.

although i agree that some individuals are paid for a service, that service being to sway public opinion by attempting to control online conversations, i think it can be difficult to weed out the real people asking legit questions vs sock puppets.

What is this who tila tequila thing about?

She started spouting off about about nibiru and things like that if I recall correctly, I wasn't paying much attention when I read her post.

What was the zombie craze thing?

Personally I hope that these people Are on drugs and it's not a zombie apocalypse. I would prefer it to be pcp or bath salts causing hysteria and not the rage virus ala 28 days later.

Mad human disease from ingesting our own unwillingly and unknowingly? Frequency rays would explain why the inside organs are almost cooked. These targets seem specific because the ED is so acute. We could be completely over thinking this, and it's just a desperate attempt to scare Americans into defending the "war on drugs".

Also, Spontaneous Human Combustion.

Ah christ I just had another idea. So we've got undetectable needle guns now. Can't even feel them hitting you and they can be shot from feet away. I can see psychopaths just having kicks with this and shooting people up to see what happens.

CIA has been using them for decades, though directed energy weapons seem to have pretty much supplanted that sort of thing.

The CIA has been using these types of guns since the 70's. That was confirmed with the "heart attack gun" video. There's a new video out now where they've upgraded the gun to shoot faster, further, larger quantities, and cannot be felt. It's a "technological breakthrough" for people who are scared of needles, or need to be injected from a distance. Sheep were used for these experiments.

I think it's personally more likely to be aliens. Zombie aliens.

thats plausible, im leaning more towards zombie reptillian aliens though. makes more sense.

zombie reptillian vampire aliens is even more accurate

Also plausible, I think the vampires only work exclusively with Bigfoot and the chupacabra though.

I agree. Even in here people get sketchy about alien/reptillian shit and now the zombie thing is being too easily dismissed. Anyhow, as awful as it sounds I want something to go down...zombies would be awesome.

Well where's my check, then?

Probably something closer to "ghosts of Mars"

Their new consciousness is rejecting their body

When I'm on drugs I come here for the awesome story-telling...also for the small nuggets of truth scattered about...I'm on "drugs".


How does that have anything to do with this? Seems like some misapplied copypasta.

Look at his post history.

You must be joking. Right? Either that or the C.I.A.

the FBI guy missing or the story of him trying to speak with the russian diplomat?


I think people are underestimating exactly what SHIT HITTING THE FAN looks like..

ya that story seemed kinda BS and was obvious disinfo, but Stephen Ivens was a real dude, and you know, he "fled" even though he was "suicidal"

fleeing is a survival instinct, a bit curious as to why you would flee on foot if you were suicidal. or why a 9 year LAPD vet and 3 year FBI agent with a toddler would suddenly become suicidal.


I don't doubt that Meth, crack and heroin are present but like you say we don't see it at least I don't. I may have seen it on the internet which is like seeing an event on tv as opposed to seeing it in real life, unreal. I have to admit I don't look for it either.