We have the results of the "NATO False Flag Challenge"...

58  2012-05-31 by [deleted]

The predicted window for a false flag attack, 20-30 May, has ended.

There was no attack on Chicago. Not with a nuke or a car bomb. Not via an airplane or a missile. Nothing biological or chemical. Not on the Sears/Willis tower. Not on the G20 or NATO conferences. Not launched from a stolen German sub in Lake Michigan. There was no need for tens of thousands of "FEMA/CDC" coffin liners from Georgia. Half of the last few months of /r/falseflagwatch submissions now stand completely disproven. The illogical fearmongers who were literally trying to persuade whole families to leave Chicago were proven wrong (though they will now try to act as heroes who prevented the attack).

There was, as I and many others predicted, merely small-scale unrest: scuffles with police, vandalism, and yet another tiny "cell" of FBI-provoked anarchists taken in as terrorists with less than a 6-pack of Molotov cocktails.

I don't know if this post will get much traction here. But in a world of real conspiracies and real danger (and on this subreddit which should be more fact-based and reality-based than most), when people are so wrong, about so much, over a period of MONTHS -- I believe it deserves notice. The subreddit deserves some acknowledgement of such firm and prolonged predictions when they turn out right or wrong.

Remember the Alex Jones wannabes on this subreddit the next time they promulgate their eschatological fan fiction without substantial evidence and with numerous internal inconsistencies, and then call you stupid for not believing it's real.

Keep your eyes on the real conspiracies.


Speculation about future false flags is an important tool for keeping our government honest. So I disagree with you partially.

And that's fine. But the idea that the government would commit murder on a city-wide scale (hundreds of thousands or millions) and then worry about proper procedures regarding coffin liners for individual burials was ridiculous. The idea that NATO would need to steal a German sub to gain access to nuclear weapons was ridiculous. The idea that NATO or the G20 would attack themselves and their own meetings with a WMD was ridiculous. The supposed plan to evacuate everyone across the lake to Canada was either fabricated or ridiculous. The supposed involvement of Russians (based on their involvement with some training exercise) as post-attack peacekeepers in this NATO plot was ridiculous. Even if you're "for" speculation, you shouldn't be for the promotion of patently ridiculous theories that debase the process of speculation itself. That serves no one. It's just an upscale version of lizard people theories.

Perhaps the sub, russian, coffin liner, lake plan theory etc was ridiculous. However I don't believe the fear that something was going to happen was ridiculous. After all, there was plenty of real info leaking out about the Secret Service warning the red cross to prepare, the reactivation of the prison, and the militarized police being used there.

I don't think the fear of a wmd attack on the summit was ridiculous either - it would be a great excuse to go to war with Iran or something. Also thanks for posting this topic, it surely needs to be discussed.

The Red Cross, along with state and local EMAs, are alerted for all large gatherings with a potential for violence, as well as ahead of potential national natural disasters. These people have little to do but anticipate and prepare for disasters, and so they do. Militarized police are, unfortunately, increasingly everywhere at all times. Their presence in Chicago is the new normal, not a sign of an impending false flag attack. I don't know about the reactivation of the prison, but I don't really view that as especially connected to any potential mass murder false flag.

I respect your opinion, but I think all the preparation was weird. I was in nyc for the Republican convention a few years ago and the security/disaster preparedness meters were nowhere as high, and this was only a few years after 9/11. In fact, I don't ever remember such extensive security precautions in this country during my, rather short, life.

On the other hand there was some guy who posted an account of another big international conference and said the security was pretty similar so I dunno.

That's because it was before Occupy and general civil unrest became the norm in America cities for over 9 months now...


explain more please :)

GLP effect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpgX3bAux1Y&t=0m17s

NOTHING, I repeat nothing in the way of prophetic/predictive statement can come true IF it was advocated, pointed out, mentioned or otherwise discussed as a possibility here at Godlike Productions forum.

I call it the GLP effect.

The GLP Effect - It is a legitamately perceived LAW of the UNIVERSE which seems to work as an opposite to mass concience theroy in that whatever is said or thought by GLP visitors guarantees that the prediction made will NOT come true. The very strands of the matrix are directly influenced by predictions made at GLP - things that would have happened otherwise - will not.

This makes GLP predictions the greatest safety net in the universe.


Well met.

I've had this theory before. Glad to know others are on the same page.

Our minds are incredibly more powerful than we perceive.

As a NATO/cSIS alumnus and a member of the JWIC, I thank you for pointing out the logistics side of the argument. The training with the Russians is part of JSOC/JWIC's counterterrorism training which takes place in several different parts of the world. The lads have to be adept in any terrain, you see. Watch Vice Travel's special on SOFEX. They train in Jordan as well. The truth is out there.
Most of the posters in this sub reddit seem to base their assumptions on leaked contingency plans for critical events as well as the leaked chatter of think tank employees. stratFor aren't exactly our best source. Less than ten percent of intelligence is actionable so most of what you are reading is useless drivel by men with big ideas and loose lips. The real TS info is rarely transmitted over the www. And the majority of that is also not actionable and rarely turns into anything. Even the truthers are sheeple when you consider this. The lambs of Alex Jones and that pesky fellow from Australia.

zombies in florida! runawayyyyyyy

It's strange because when a prediction here is ~1% right, claim it for all that it's worth, but when numerous threads were coming up and claiming that it was a sure-fire thing, people either say they didn't think it was going to happen, or due to the 'exposure' to the potential attack, the government had to back down!!!

I agree many posts here serve as little more than ammo to discredit the people with any diverging opinion. To cement the tinfoiler wacko caricature mainstream media is so fond of. And that many jump at any rumor and augment it, via unverified info. I'll admit to being guilty of this, too.

Guess it's fun playing Cassandra. But still, r/conspiracy should be taken as a place for anal¡sis and awareness, where one should learn to separate the chaff from the wheat, and learn to question the twisted truths from MSM. Doesn't hurt to be wary and prepared, to see the signs for possible events tomorrow based on past oddities that years later turn out to be truths.

Should everyone jump and hide in a cave everytime someone posts here about false flags and asteroids? No, but the info here should help one keep an informed, analytical, less gullible view on events. To make us learn to tell the lies and be wary of the desired reactions those in power want to effect on the population. To think at least a second before spewing hateful cries and offering the blood of our loved ones so they can go kill the others, based on the first doctored picture, false testimony, out-of-context video. That should be the goal of this and similar places: to make the masses more inquisitive and less easy to fool.


"without the need to be distracted by the "what if's" that crop up so often"

Makes you wonder if so many of the nutty-ass conspiracies are put out by the government/whoever the fuck runs the show for the purpose of: A) Throwing inquisitive people off the scent of the real shite going on. B) Using them as a means to lump all conspiracy theorists into the "nut-job" category (i.e. the same people who believe the U.S. planned 9/11 are the same dipshits who think Hilary Clinton in really a lizard king)

BTW, Jim Morrison is a native american reincarnation of Elvis. EDIT: typo

I agree, anytime someone like Jones makes a false prediction, we should call him on it. It's the habit of these people to slink away and change their stories after the fact. Jones does it all the time. He never admits to being flat-out wrong, which is he frequently.

While I have serious and nearly all-encompassing problems with your viewpoints re: society as expressed here on Reddit, I really do appreciate your agreement here. No one is served by sensationalist false prophets of doom. There's enough to fear in reality without making shit up.

Does anyone have any information on the story of the missing FBI agent whose spoke to the Russian Envoy?

Quite an interesting comment on another thread, regarding Steven Ivens. Long so link HERE

Personally, I didn't think anything was going to happen either, but how do we know that it wasn't public awareness alone that stopped such an event from taking place. IMHO, they would have to call off plans for a FF with so many people expecting it. There's no way they could prove all of those people right. So, perhaps we should always, publicly be expecting a false flag attack. I think all the fear mongering with people expecting a government FF is a good thing. I think it has the potential to ruin such plans (they can't risk proving these people right).

If you create a situation where you're either a prophet (who predicted something) or a hero (who stopped something by predicting it), and don't have any actual evidence besides speculation, that should arouse suspicion.

Sure: we don't "know". But please remember that it's deliberately set up as a non-falsifiable situation. If it happens, they're right. If it doesn't happen, they're right. No one can prove a negative, and (barring evidence that the predictions did stop an attack) there will never be any proof one way or another.

But that's no more persuasive to the critical thinker than the proposition that there's a herd of unicorns on the far side of Pluto that we can't see. I can't prove there isn't such a herd, but that doesn't mean they probably exist. There are numerous reasons why they probably don't. And, in the case of the predicted attacks, there were enough internal inconsistencies and idiocies that argue against the prediction's accuracy.

"If you create a situation where you're either a prophet (who predicted something) or a hero (who stopped something by predicting it), and don't have any actual evidence besides speculation, that should arouse suspicion."

What kind of "suspicion" and from who?

No, we can't prove it, but that certainly doesn't mean that public awareness doesn't make such an event less likely. As you pointed out, we don't have proof one way, or the other. Never the less, it's still my opinion that it is safer (for us) to expect such things to happen, and to make it known to one another.

Imagine if a FF did happen. With all of predictions and people expecting it, people would go ape shit. They'd be totally enraged, and convinced it was our very own government that made it happen. That's just too risky...

EDIT: fixed error.

Suspicion that the people setting up totally self-serving situations (in which even if they're wrong, they still get to pretend to be right) aren't worth listening to as trustworthy sources on these topics. Suspicion from who? From people with critical thinking skills who care more about getting things right than about who can create the best "scary story".

Do you mind giving me a quick background on some of your beliefs. I'm just really curious at this point.

What are your beliefs on 9/11?

I figured this sort of thing was coming. No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to expand on my "conspiracy theory of everything" or my views on the September 11th attacks here. If my facts are wrong on this issue, or my reasoning is wrong on this issue, fine. Argue against that. You may agree with me on many things, you may disagree with me on many things, none of that has anything to do with whether or not my points here are valid.

Character assessments are one of the most important tools a conspiracy researcher has.

I have absolutely no problem answering such questions.

I knew you knew this was coming, you're a critical thinker.

I think the suspicion lies with you at this point. Like it or not, it's the yard stick I use to measure people on conspiracy forums. You do know you've now lost loads of credibility. Sorry bout that :)

I'm okay with that. Like I said in my post:

I don't know if this post will get much traction here. But in a world of real conspiracies and real danger (and on this subreddit which should be more fact-based and reality-based than most), when people are so wrong, about so much, over a period of MONTHS -- I believe it deserves notice. The subreddit deserves some acknowledgement of such firm and prolonged predictions when they turn out right or wrong.

...this sort of "post-prediction result" is a healthy thing for this subreddit, regardless of its reception. If it gets 100 suspicious comments/downvotes or 100 appreciative comments/upvotes it's all the same to me.

I bet it is.

So by your logic the TSA is preventing terrorist attacks?

I don't see how you deduced that from that paragraph. What does the TSA have to do with "public awareness"?

you asked how does he know public awareness didn't stop a false flag, so if there is knowledge of something its a possible deterrent, the TSA acts as a deterrent to terrorism so therefore by the same logic would dictate the TSA has prevented terrorism

That is a retarded assumption that the TSA is responsible for deterring terrorism, but its the same logical assumption as spreading "knowledge" of supposed false flag attacks will stop a false flag attack

That's ridiculous. Public awareness is not what the TSA act's on. They are a government institution, and act on government information. Government information includes lies and propaganda. There is absolutely no correlation.

I'm not saying correlation

I'm saying the logic of;

public awareness + lack of events = success for preventing a false flag

Is the same as

TSA + no terrorist attacks = TSA works

I think its pretty obvious that we both know that's very bad and harmful logic to use

Devil's Advocate here: do you not believe in deterrents?

I do to some extent believe in them, but deterrents based on speculation as harmful...like the TSA and even to some extents teaching kids drugs are bad because they will kill you or they will make you murder people instead of because you might become addicted or receive bad drugs or you might trip because the drug reacts with you badly

I think there's a line for deterrents that's shouldnt be crossed

No it isn't. Not even close. To say the two are the same, is to say they correlate.

cor·re·late/ˈkôrəˌlāt/ Verb:
Have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another.


I'm not saying they are related

I'm saying

Presumed solution + outcome =/= success

I am not saying the two things (TSA & "knowledge" (speculation more so but that's a different argument)) are related, I'm saying the logic in the two points are the same

What do you not understand about this? You might not agree with me for whatever reason and that's fair enough I guess....but for my point to repeatedly go over your head is baffling to me....

IMO, you're trying to sidetrack the conversation with illogical and inaccurate rhetoric, but I'll play, I'll humor you.

Let us analyze your first comment:

"So by your logic the TSA is preventing terrorist attacks?"

My logic is that public awareness prevents terrorist attacks.

Your (irrational) logic is that since "public awareness" prevents terrorist attacks (as I've stated), that it too helps the TSA to do the same. What you are failing to recognize is that once information enters the government realm, it is no longer "public information". What's more? The actions of the TSA are motivated by deep politics, government propaganda, mis and disinformation, and illegally gleaned private communications.

It's quite clear that "public information", and what the TSA acts on, are entirely different. Your point is null and void.

The point I made is still going over you're head

I'm saying you can't attribute something not happening to anything...it doesn't make sense....

I'm done, good morning, good afternoon or good evening where ever you are in the world sir

The TSA have proven over and over again that as long as a CIA agent is present, terrorists get escorted through their checkpoints. Yes, you too, have a wonderful day...

I just want to say that, in this instance, I believe that dieselphiend is right. This whole TSA subthread is a total sidetrack to the conversation. I don't know what it's all about. And I personally believe that the TSA is simply part of an inefficient "security theater", a huge waste of money, and that much of what they do and seek to do is a violation of civil rights. Airline security is important, there are people who seek to blow up planes, but the TSA has basically nothing to do with airline security. Their purpose is for show, and so civil rights should never be ceded to their authority.

It's the specifics of the FF claims that dieselphiend is attributing to the lack of events. You could rid all airports of TSA and nothing would happen because people are well aware of airports and planes being targets.

I believe what dieselphiend is trying to say for example. If people were predicting 9-11 before it happened it wouldn't have happened because it would give the "conspiracy theorists" credibility.

Does that make sense?

That's why Alex Jones is still alive.

Are the London Olympics supposed to be the "next" big thing?

Yes. But I'll say that there really is a threat there. Who knows what will happen. There needs to be both a proactive response by the government of England AND a proactive awareness on the part of skeptical anti-government activists. Don't make shit up, but pay attention.

Well done sir. Good proper analysis. Would you like a job? (not sarcasm)

Perhaps something did happen and is totally covered up?

False flag attacks aren't covered up. That would defeat their purpose entirely. However, I welcome all available evidence that there was a nuclear, chemical, biological or other such high-casualty false flag attack in Chicago during the window many people here were predicting.

20/20 hindsight: the ultimate high horse.

That's 100% baseless snark.

Why baseless? Because I said there would be no attack, only small-scale unrest, in mid-May -- well before the supposed window for the predicted false flag attack. So I had 20/20 foresight, too, apparently.

The idea that I'm only bringing this up after the fact is dead wrong. I made a prediction, too. Mine was right.

So you're WAAAY up there telling me you're right and I'm wrong (about 20/20 hindsight). I may agree with your assessment, and just not appreciate your attitude.

I was merely correcting your snarky implication with facts.

And I was complimenting your snarky facts with implications :)
