I am a 17yo from greece. Does anyone else know that greece is an experiment to be carried on the whole world? to see how far can they push the extremes

129  2012-06-03 by [deleted]


Read up on Iceland. Just tell the EU to fuck off.

Unfortunately eurocrats are creeping back into Iceland.

Greece needs to leave the EU and officially go bankrupt on its debt. A few years of hurt will be worth it so the country can rebuild and have its national sovereignty back. Otherwise Greece will remain debt enslaved and controlled by EU technocrats.

Like Brussels will allow this. It's far too sensible and the likes of Germany will flog the Euro dead horse until there is nothing left and to hell with the consequences.

Hopeless vanity project which has gone very, very badly wrong.

As in exactly as planned you mean?

We've been slow creeping to system meltdown for years. The global depression that started in 2007 never lifted much and is taking a more severe downturn now. All western nations have unemployment substantially over 10%, many in the low 20s, with the 30s depression era being only high 20s.

Really this whole process started with the assassination of JFK and the decision by global elites to renege on the post-WW2 allied agreement that in return for the dollar being made reserve currency the USA would back global investments in infrastructure, industry, and education. It started and stopped in spurts for the first 10-15 years after WW2, but JFK's death ushered in the end of all of that and the 50 year slow creep to an economy that produces only plastic trinkets and paper.

All western nations have unemployment substantially over 10%, many in the low 20s, with the 30s depression era being only high 20s.

No, not all. Australia's unemployment rate is sitting at around 5.2%

  1. Greece does not have to leave EU to abandon euro. That said, they should leave EU anyway.
  2. Greece does not have to go bankrupt. Greece should issue its own currency (i.e., not via a private central bank) and then peg it to the dollar.

You have it backwards, Germany needs to leave and let the eu exist as the peripherys currency union. More painful but ultimately more sustainable.


For the sake of integrity, can you site your reasoning for these claims? Mainly the "July Olympics when they ring the..." comment.


This is the video he's talking about. I don't really trust it all to much, since it's basically fear tactics in throughout the entire thing but whatever.

I'll keep an open mind and reserve my judgments for tomorrow.

Georgia attacked on two disputed territories along the Gegogia/Russia border on 08/08/08. Olympic games conspiracy FTW!


Chea bruh.

Olympics are massive. This year is massive. The Olympics are in Britain this year for a reason. Power resides in Britain.

That opening ceremony's going to be bat shit crazy.

Not going to happen. You think someone wants to put their faith in anything less than the only player.

Get out of gold while you have a chance.

North Korea is the most pushed experiment

yes... next is Iran, then Cuba.

Iran is not an extreme at all.

Actually I am going to disagree with you (with respect). Greece was not a test at all, that began in Argentina. People forget about Argentina...

They already know just how far to go and are doing it... and the Greeks are acting pretty well like they thought you would. A bit of riots, starvation, pensions gone, suicides... etc.. but nothing that was really unexpected. They got exactly what they wanted.

The bonus was that Greece was an easy target. The politicians were easy to buy off, Greeks were labelled as tax-evading , lazy so and so's and so they "deserve" what happens when you don't work to age 85, at least 16 hours a day...

You should look up odious debt if you have some time and see if any of the concepts of that might (they will) apply to Greece today...

Funny, the US used that to clear out Iraqs debt, why not the Greeks, and the Spanish, and the rest of the world.

I feel damn bad for anyone caught up in this, whats happening in Greece is a first step for the rest of us.... just watch and see.

You're objection is kind of silly. The cycle of fiat-gold-fiat with asset stripping and consolidation of wealth goes to the beginnings of recorded history. Greece is just another act in an old play, as was the Argentina crisis. The banking industry is a persistent virus that has been around so long few people can imagine life working much differently - none of us have ever lived under rational governmental monetary policy.

I wasn't actually objecting, I just feel that the Argentina Crisis was the forerunner to all this today... :)

And your observation is quite correct also.

Banksters will pull the same scam as long as people fall for it.

Blahahah work 16 hours a day in Greece at 85? what was the norm?

The politicians were easy to buy off, Greeks were labelled as tax-evading , lazy so and so's and so they "deserve" what happens when you don't work to age 85, at least 16 hours a day...

I was actually mentioning the fact that the Greek people had been mislabeled as lazy and self-indulgent. And that many people here in the West felt that since the Greek people did not work so hard and so long as people in the west... they deserve this "austerity" fate.

How bad is it over there, in terms of daily life?

this article should help you out

The people of Greece have balls. Your thoughts may be correct.

I live in Atlantic Canada ... land of the indoctrinated and the tithers. The compliant, supplicant brain dead fuckers in my region would never complain about shit.

I suspect Greeks are one of the least pliable of groups. If they can get bullshit policies passed in Greece, it will be a joke to have the rest of the dominos fall.

Yes. But it didn't start with Greece. They have been pulling the same thing on other countries for decades. They get the same response down to riots. They expect them. But they don't care. Until we rise up and kill these bastards it will not stop.

Each nation's economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz, the Bank hands every minister the same exact four-step program.

Step One is Privatization

After briberization, Step Two of the IMF/World Bank one-size-fits-all rescue-your-economy plan is 'Capital Market Liberalization.' In theory, capital market deregulation allows investment capital to flow in and out. Unfortunately, as in Indonesia and Brazil, the money simply flowed out and out. Stiglitz calls this the "Hot Money" cycle. Cash comes in for speculation in real estate and currency, then flees at the first whiff of trouble. A nation's reserves can drain in days, hours. And when that happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation's own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30%, 50% and 80%.

At this point, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three: Market-Based Pricing, a fancy term for raising prices on food, water and cooking gas. This leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half: what Stiglitz calls, "The IMF riot."

The IMF riot is painfully predictable. When a nation is, "down and out, [the IMF] takes advantage and squeezes the last pound of blood out of them. They turn up the heat until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up," as when the IMF eliminated food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. Indonesia exploded into riots, but there are other examples - the Bolivian riots over water prices last year and this February, the riots in Ecuador over the rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank. You'd almost get the impression that the riot is written into the plan.

Now we arrive at Step Four of what the IMF and World Bank call their "poverty reduction strategy": Free Trade. This is free trade by the rules of the World Trade Organization and World Bank, Stiglitz the insider likens free trade WTO-style to the Opium Wars. "That too was about opening markets," he said. As in the 19th century, Europeans and Americans today are kicking down the barriers to sales in Asia, Latin American and Africa, while barricading our own markets against Third World agriculture. http://www.gregpalast.com/the-globalizer-who-came-in-from-the-cold/

All this is deliberate. Now it is in Europe it will be in the US soon. Old Americans will be starving in the street. And until we kill the plutocracy we cannot stop their evil actions.




Yeah I agree, but who exactly are "they"? The puppet masters of the NWO?

The people atop every significant political and financial institution.

Zionist Jews. e.i. Rothchilds, Duponts, Morgan.... And so on.

The plutocracy, what Marx called the bourgeoisie, the superrich. Always the people's greatest enemy.

The leaders of financial institutions such as central banks. Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, etc.


lol you know.. its the people everyone in here lose their sanity over.


For extra credit, google for: New World Order declared to the Jews.

Also the TSA, warrantless wiretapping, Fox News, political polarization, the mainstream media...

Who knows? We shall soon find out, the evidence will be evident. Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Im not being a dick. Going to a wedding in Helkonadiki at the end of this month so I guess I will see firsthand. Worries me, Greece is a fantasic country.

You meant Halkidiki mate! Chances are that you will see a wedding that is more lavish than the families can even afford just because it is a "special occasion"!

Enjoy your time and visit local beaches. Halkidiki is amazing!


it should but tptb want them to stay. if greece goes it will create a domino effect and then collapse the euro - which isn't as bad as you are led to believe.

Given Greece has historically taken more from the EU than they've ever given back, I can hardly see that being the case.

50-60% devaluation of the drachma- it will double prices overnight. fuel being the main driver of the price rises. however, exports will flourish and this will create jobs.

If Greece goes you can be sure that tptb will make it look like a shitty opt out - but just look at iceland for the eventual outcome.

Not for the time being, unless there's another really bad external shock. If Greece leaves while Spain and Portugal are on the brink (that's another good thread topic, how Portugal's situation is the US's revenge for their drug policies) then it will trigger capital flight from those countries and make the situation 50x worse. And with the ECB and the like having mitigated many of their positions vulnerable to Greek exit, but not Spanish/Portugese/Czech exit, TPTB don't want this at the moment. Maybe in the next few months, unless it's out of their control- which could be the case.

IMO Spain is more fucked than Greece. I think that in the end, one Eurozone doesn't really have a future. Maybe multiple countries sharing currencies like an expanded NEWNEY system or something.

I though Greece was an experiment on how long an economy could run with nobody paying their taxes and everyone on the government dole.

i've actually been saying this same exact thing to people. i believe it to be the case.

You have to overthrow the goldman sachs scum banksters, you don't owe them 90+% of the debt, go back to a debt free currency.


You are they, they are nothing, all you all have to do is say no.

Some of us figure it's so.

It's also about peak oil.


Check out oil dependency and you will see all the countries suffering most atm greece, portugal, italy, spain, ireland are also those countries that import the most of their energy needs.


Well, yes and no. Greece most assuredly lied about their state of affairs to gain entrance to the EU, but the EU should have done their own research into the matter before allowing them full member status.

who the FUCK said that greece is a criminal country you moron. not because 10 people were stealing makes greece a "criminal country". Its criminal elements inside our country. CUNTS and TRAITORS of greece. also what are you doing in /r/conspiracy you obviously dont know what the hell your talking about.

also what are you doing in /r/conspiracy you obviously dont know what the hell your talking about

Mention WTC 7 in any thread and you'll see how funny this is

as in "they don't know what it is" funny or something else? never really gotten into /r/conspiracy . just posts here and there


when they were taking loans and stealing and tax evading i was 5 and 10 years old.


i wont even drop on your level and argue with you.

It's an experiment on how you can spend and not pay taxes and then force other more responsible countries to bail you out because you're in the same boat together, and still complain about it.

Added*: Being pressured by the EU doesnt make them automatically the righteous innocent victim. Remember, they used goldman-sachs to hide their debt so they could enter the euro-union. Sometimes bad things happen to a bad people.

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Sometimes I wonder if users like you are CIA agents sent here (to all public forums) to spread disinformation.

I think know there are at least ones that downvote comments like yours. Almost any anti government or law enforcement comment I make gets 2 or 3 downvotes almost immediately, like there is a team trying to hide dissent.

Instead of making baseless accusations, why don't you further the discussion by addressing his/her points? What did meh say that was so offensive to you?

Where'd you hear that, fox and fiends?

Whatever the case, you are responsible. I mean you got rid of private business and had 40% dependent on government. Your both parties were controlled and you didn't see the writings on the wall.

You must have known that at some point 60% can't sustain 40%. Whether it was done intentionally to get you to be a government slave or unintentionally it doesn't really matter.

Best you can do is allow free markets to work, have pro civil liberties government with least amount of interference in your economic or social affairs.

Ultimately no matter how good anyone's intentions are, the road the hell is paved with good intentions.

He may not have chosen the direction his society went. He easily could have been helpless to stop it even though he might have almost been ten years old when he realized his country was going in a bad direction.

may not have

could have

might have

i still remember the first time someone corrected me on that shit. blew my mind. i think we probably thought it was 'of' because of "could've"

Thanks, and well said. I'm aware of my tendency to make that mistake and in weaker moments I need to be reminded. Let me just correct that.


Yeah, because the Manhattan Project's existence was not convenient for your simple life it did not exist.

You real smart.

Thing is, you don't have to keep it secret. You just have to control the organs of information control, so people think such a theory is insane.

Which is why the internet has been such a problem.

You're saying that because your friends are untrustworthy, the government could never lie to us? Sound logic.

Its not in hiding. The plan is in plane sight. Mostly through policy. Look up the terms of the EMS as it applies to the directors and tell me otherwise.

Its no secret its all happening right in front of us... Just all under the guise of being something else.

this article should help you out