I'm SICK of reading the Thiel - Bilderberg - Ron Paul COINTELPRO mockingbird garbage -- READ THIS

56  2012-06-05 by OWNtheNWO

Let me put this into context that Tarpley [or any other idiot] never will and Alex can't articulate because he doesn't spend enough time in the specifics.

Ron Paul has received well over 30 MILLION in donations directly to the campaign 97% of which are individual donors. These are indisputable numbers from opensecrets.

And yet.. Tarpley paints Paul as shill for Bilderberg because Thiel set up his OWN Super PAC "Endorse Liberty PAC" and gave himself 2.4 million to spend how he choses. But, according to Tarpley, Thiel is Ron's "largest donor". You see how that works?

This goes for every other person that falls for this simple minded disinformation perpetuated by the MSM and repeated by those who allow their philosophical differences to cloud their judgment, Itchy ears.

Think about who perpetuated this story to begin with. MSM.. ... reporting on BILDERBERG? That Ron Paul's "top donor" is a BB member?? This is in defiance of all logic, the decades old corporate media blackout on Bilderberg and to point out RON PAUL; the other fucking thing they live to blackout; at the same time is somehow connected to this shadowy group?

What are the odds that they would break their blackouts to report on both of them at the same time? It's like Optimus Prime riding Pegasus down Lollipop Lane.

Ron's not perfect, but he's the only shot (Politically) in the short term, you've got at pulling this out of the fire. Aside from may be Johnson who is worlds better than Obmaney, but has about as good as if not less of a shot than Dr. Paul.

Thiel & Bilderberg: 1

You: 0


Ron's not perfect, but he's the only shot you've got at pulling this out of the fire.

That's where you're wrong, that's where you fail, and that's where ALL of us will absolutely fail if we believe this crap, because RP is not the "only shot".

YOU are the only shot. I am the only shot. The PEOPLE are the only shot. Not some representative in a faux democracy that's in reality nothing but a not-very-representative-republic.

Ron Paul is the only short term "shot" politically. On everything else I thought I was among others who knew that it was self-evident that the power resides in us.

This isn't some fucking exercise in learned helplessness and hero worship.

This is instinctual pragmatism and self-preservation.

But that's not what I was addressing in this thread was it? It was dispelling thinly veiled attempts at getting individuals energy focused on destroying the most prominent people fighting TPTB, you ever notice that pattern?

Ron Paul is the only short term "shot" politically.

Regardless of whether this is correct or not, a "short term 'shot' politically" is absolutely NOT what the United States or the world needs. That's not in any way what's really going to make things better.

On everything else I thought I was among others who knew that it was self-evident that the power resides in us.

When you're aware that the power does indeed reside in us, then you'll know that someone like Ron Paul, as attractive as he might seem on one level, is NOT the answer to any extent.

This is instinctual pragmatism and self-preservation.

No it's not. Instinctual pragmatism and self-preservation lashes out when its back is against the wall. We are not yet, unfortunately, at the point where we understand just how dire things really are that we actually engage in instinctual pragmatism. The cats in countries and places like Bahrain? Those people are engaging in instinctual pragmatism and self-preservation. We stupid Americans are still under the entirely deluded impression that doing anything within the completely corrupt system and voting for puppet shills is going to work or answer anything.

No. We are not yet at the point of instinctual pragmatism.

It was dispelling thinly veiled attempts at getting individuals energy focused on destroying the most prominent people fighting TPTB, you ever notice that pattern?

Fair enough. I would even say it is/was a noble attempt.

Shit gets complicated though. Often one doesn't know who's right and who's wrong. I feel that if there is any politician that stands a chance at being "fair", it's RP . . . but, being that the whole of politics as it is practiced in this country seems putrid and rotten to the core, I have to say that I trust RP about as far as I can throw him.

Ballot Box

Jury Box

Ammo Box

Lets not get ahead of ourselves, all are steps of pragmatism and self-preservation.

The first two on that list have proven themselves to be pretty ultimately vestigial in this country, however.

You are idiots if you think that worrying about the presidency of the united states is going to do you any good, the game this subreddit is dedicated to covering is way, way beyond any public office in any nation.

You could get elected President YOURSELF and it would do NO GOOD. We'd all like to think "oh well, maybe if we just got the right guy in there, it wouldn't be perfect, but he could try to do something", what has happened to every single president who has ever tried to 'do something', about the currency/central bank specifically?

You make it to that office without being an employee of the barons of the financial sector and the legal merchants, you don't get very far. Your family doesn't get very far. Your pets don't get very far. Your descendants don't get very far - it's just part of the game that they play, the president is someone who waves to you and reads speeches off of the teleprompter.

Apparently platitudes are popular in /r/Conspiracy

I don't think you understand what's being said; When they say Thiel is Ron Paul's largest donor they mean so in a physical sense, I'm pretty sure Thiel is 8 and a half feet tall at a cool 355lbs.

I think it refers to his manliness in inches, if you know what I mean.

Damn i wish i'd gotten up earlier because this was my point to make. Enjoy your cake, lololol.

Ron Paul is allied with Romney.

In addition, his son Rand has been meeting with Romney and there's talk that he'll be his running mate.

Ron Paul is a tax cuts for the wealthy kind of guy and he won't be doing the 99% a favor by cutting social services.

Libertarianism and union busting will not make America economically competitive again. All it will do is make the rich richer.

Paul never attacking Romeny is more establishment spin to try and discredit Paul, to try and make him look like he is secretly an establishment ally.

Go to youtube and watch some of Paul's ad, and some debate clips, Paul has gone after Romney a lot.

look at your sources bro, Huffington Post and Think Progress. 2 liberal shill sites brah. They spin everything. I just had to own this EPS idiot about using shill sites owned by the oligarchy, I obviously was lambasted by them for saying such things but its blatantly obvious and they are in denial.

This is /r/Conspiracy, not /r/Establishmentliberal.

Ron Paul supports private sector unions. Public sector unions are just another form of corporatism where they can vote themselves largess. But I guess that's all establishment liberals and conservatives are into these day, corporatism.

Ron Paul has only ever defended himself verbally when already under attack and there have been attack ads against Romney early on.

Why didn't he vote against the NDAA? Why did he vote for the invasion of Afghanistan? How would a 62% cut in food stamps in such a short time not result in disaster? Are you one of the people who actually thinks that all people who use food stamps, even if just for a short time, are abusing entitlements and whatnot?

Why didn't he vote against the NDAA?

He was campaigning at the time.

Why did he vote for the invasion of Afghanistan?

Can you imagine any politician, right after 9/11, voting against Afghanistan and being able to retain their position? In addition to that fact, when the vote was held there was very little evidence that the official story was a lie.

How would a 62% cut in food stamps in such a short time not result in disaster?

The only source I've seen for this are the claims made by Tarpley. You'll have to show me in black and white. I've read RP's plan and I didn't see that anywhere.

You basically covered it, but I'd also add that WIC and EBT are owned by Golman/JP and the approved products for purchase are disgusting poison, especially the baby "formula"

It's pretty easy to do your own research: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-14/usda-budget-would-rise-11-with-number-of-people-on-food-stamps-at-records.html and http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/ron-paul-plan-to-restore-america/ Doesn't seem Tarpley's numbers are accurate but it's still a major cut.

For the record I don't agree with Tarpley on probably 95% of the issues I just respect his coverage of Libya and Syria.

I've done my own research, which is how I know the claim of 62% is total BS. Cutting the operating budget of a department is not the same as cutting assistance to people actually receiving the benefits. I've seen both of the links you provided before, and it looks like the operating budget will be cut and current spending will frozen. That is not even in the same ballpark as saying that the benefits people will receive will be cut by 62%.

For what it's worth, I agree with you about Tarpley and his coverage of Libya and Syria, but the stuff he say's about Ron Paul is inaccurate at best and purposefully deceiving at worst.

Well THAT sure was constructive, thanks for the well articulated and thought out input.

"Think about who perpetuated this story to begin with. MSM.. ... reporting on BILDERBERG? That Ron Paul's "top donor" is a BB member??"

Uhhh.... what? Since when did the MSM start perpetuating this story? Why can't you substantiate this claim?

Furthermore, this claim, "And yet.. Tarpley paints Paul as shill for Bilderberg" is blatantly untrue and fallacious.

Personally, I think "guilty by association" is fallacious, so in principle I can agree with your contentions but please don't just make stuff up to make your point it does you a disservice.

Regardless, the OP has my attention on this...

Thiel set up his OWN Super PAC "Endorse Liberty PAC" and gave himself 2.4 million to spend how he choses.

does not necessarily mean that Thiel is Pauls "biggest donor" unless you're measuring donors and not donations.

And, on a related note, I enjoy the implied understanding that the conspiracy community has ... its a sort of wink-and-nudge circlejerk meta-language, just like any other in group. (Globalists = Reptilian Overlords = Illuminati -- we, on the inside, know who you're talking about because we speak the language.) But, that doesn't give "our side" the right to sensationalize to our own benefit, while criticising "their side" for doing it. That just makes us hypocrites. Sticking to the facts is more important than defending the in-group, in my opinion. But, like everyone, I'm guilty (from time to time) of allowing my passionate patriotism to urge me to scoff "how dare you?!" ... which I later must resolve internally.

Ron Paul's "biggest donor" should be (and should be measured as) the single donor who made the single largest contribution to Ron Paul's campaign. If this is the fact about Thiel, then he is that. But, if it isn't the fact (e.g., if those moneys are not Thiel's, but someone else's being managed by Thiel) , then it is irresponsible for the media to report it as though it were.

That having been said, I really have no idea what exactly happened here. But, it seems to be some kind of media spin doctoring if only Ron Paul is being isolated as receiving Bilderberg-related money. I mean... seriously... the owners of the political system are, for the most part, the Bilderbergers. So, you know the two candidates from the two-in-one party system are outright owned by them.

Ron Paul's "biggest donor" by the total numbers given to the campaign are individuals with the average donation of 50$, when divided by their profession the top three are Army, Airforce, Navy.

When you give to a campaign directly you have a limit of 5k. I'm sure there are quite a few suppoters who maxed out. May be Thiel gave that much, though I seriously doubt he gave any to the campaign because this is just a tar baby campaign to soil Ron's image with his base.

Claiming Thiel is Ron's "biggest donor" as the MSM and hapless alternatives like Madison and Tarpley is disingenuous at very best.

Trace the story back, the first reports were MSM stories. Are you really that lazy? it was Buzzfeed an Politico. How can I trust "endthelie.com" to bring me proper alternative analysis when you can't take 5 seconds to substantiate my claim instead of attacking me?



I was a state delegate so I paid attention to every piece of news that came out during the campaign, especially during the large gaps where they concerted their efforts on completely ignoring Ron.

OH, and stop defending Tarpley, do you know HOW EASY it is to disprove you saying that my accusation that Tarpley has been "painting Ron Paul as a shill for Bilderberg" as...

blatantly untrue and fallacious


It's easier than proving the source of this whole story, since he spent the better part of last weekened repeating it over and over on video, on twitter and on his website.

Except that anyone who is remotely informed knew about that since Thiel got involved.

I'm not defending Tarpley, buddy. Step back and take a deep breath.

It's pretty obvious that RP is being stonewalled by tptb.

Everything from his Burno appearance, to the harassment of his supporters, to the mainstream broadcast media narrative that writes him out of the running every time it can....

...why not get a little CONINTELPRO scandal going as well if you already know he doesn't have a chance in hell of being anything other than a congress critter from his district.

Ron paul is a diversion

Ron Paul is an example to be made...

Is really funny how the change needs to arrive from inside of one of the two scam political sides, democrats (Obama) or republicans (Paul)

Is a politician? should ring a bell.

Is currently in a position of power? ಠ_ಠ

PAULBOTS: this is for you.

Ron Paul is a creationist who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old

He's a fundamental Christian who doesn't believe in the separation of Church and State

I'm not going to put the links here because they are out there and you can find them easily (the 2nd one is on his website, the first is a youtube video of him saying it out loud)

Anybody who votes for Ron Paul supports his delusional magical thinking.

I'm not saying the other guy is better. He is not. Wearing magic underwear and thinking that when you die you end up in the planet Kolub is just as fucked up as the Christian myth, just less mainstream.

You look like you get your arguments against Ron Paul from 4chan.


Thanks for the synopsis. I didn't really know the specifics. Knowing is half the battle!

There are plenty of things Ron Paul can be legitimately attacked on.

  • He's not aggressive enough in the public arena about things he should have some righteous indignation on.

  • His overly forgiving nepotism which breeds issues like Jesse Benton and the Ghostwriter responsible for the controversial newsletters

  • His refusal to personally, verbally attack his opponents rather choosing to discuss his ideas (can you really blame him?)

This issue, is definitely not one of them.

Are you kidding? Paul ran commercials basically calling Santorum, Bachman, and Perry criminal scum.

Huntsman is a fellow traveler Mormon running left cover for Romney and is pretty much the only guy besides Romney that the Paul attack machine wasn't vicious towards.

We're very obviously looking at a Scottish Rite centered conspiracy here. Paul is a known freemason, runs around making satanic hand signs, has an eastern star wife, rainbow daughters, comes from a family of freemasons, etc. It's 100% straight con Paulbots - sorry, but your hero is fake.

Here comes the nonsense, Huntsman was RESPONSIBLE for the fake racist Huntsman attack ad that he claimed Ron Paul supporters made.

There were ads calling Romney and Perry "Plastic Men" as far back as August. Ron Was trying to get rid of all the "Not Romney" clones they had thrown in as chaff to keep focus off of Paul, worked well.

Everything else you are just regurgitating word for word what Tarpley says. Most of which is circumstantial or completely baseless.

I live in Iowa, the Ron Paul ads that attacked Romney were ALL OVER THE TV, there were ads that specifically attacked Romney here. idk if any other states got those ads.

His refusal to personally, verbally attack his opponents rather choosing to discuss his ideas (can you really blame him?)

He attacks all his opponents except for Mitt Romney

He and his son Rand are obviously allied with him.

so right lol

You look like you get your arguments against Ron Paul from 4chan.
